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To me, their visit was a __________ from loneliness





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听力原文:M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?W: I'd really lov

听力原文:M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?

W: I'd really love to, but my parents expect me at home before 9:00 and we'll leave to visit my aunt early tomorrow.

Q: Why didn't Jane accept the man's invitation?


A.She wanted to get ready for the party.

B.She was afraid of going out at night.

C.She had to be home early.

D.She wanted to get ready for the play.

听力原文:M: Cindy, would you like to go and see the newly-released film Night at the Museu
m in the Golden Theater with me tonight?

W: I'd love to, but I have an important appointment with my supervisor. Thanks for asking me, anyway.

Q: What is the woman going to do tonight?


A.She's going to see the film with the man.

B.She's going to the Golden Theatre.

C.She's going to the museum.

D.She's going to visit her supervisor.

听力原文:M: My parents will visit me next Monday. I'm looking for an apartment for them th
ese days.

W: Why not go to the overseas-students housing office to check their list of currently available apartments before seeing various landladies?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man to do?


A.To go to the overseas-students' housing office for help.

B.To check the list of the available apartment on the Internet.

C.To see different landladies so as to find a satisfying apartment.

D.To check out an apartment for his parents.

听力原文:W: Welcome to our city,Mr.Lorden.But,of course,you have been here before,haven't

M: Yes.I have.what a good memory you have!I was here for the Arts Festival last year.

W: And what will you be doing on this visit?

M: Oh,I came here primarily for a holiday and to see some friends.But I will also be giving some private cello lessons as well.

W: I believe that your cello is rather special.Is that true?

M: Oh,yes.It was made for my uncle by a very expert Italian cello maker called Mario.When I began cello lessons at the age of eight,he said that when I grew big enough to handle a full-sized cello,he would give it to me.

W: So when a child begins to play the cello,he or she starts on a smaller instrument?

M: Of course,or he would be very uncomfortable.Many children begin with a half-sized cello,but as I was big for my age,I began with a two-thirds-sized cello.

W: Are you going to other places on this trip and will you take your cello with you?

M: Yes.very definitely.

W: But.isn't it difficult taking a cello around with you?

M: Not really.I just reserve two seats when I'm traveling anywhere,one for me and one for my cello.It's such a precious instrument to me that it hardly ever leaves my side.

What is the main purpose of the man's visit this year?

A.To spend a holiday and see friends.

B.To attend the Arts Festival.

C.To visit the exhibition of cellos.

D.To give private cello lessons.

听力原文:W: I am so excited just to think about it! This is my first trip to Paris. I want
to visit all the interesting places there. But I am afraid that I can't find my way around there.

M: Don't worry about that. Just give me a call when you have trouble. I'll be glad to show you around. I am so familiar with these places.

Q: What does the man offer to do for the woman?


A.To take her to Paris.

B.To show her what the interesting places are.

C.To serve as her guide.

D.To introduce her to his families.

听力原文:W: Hi, Sam! Haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been these days?M: Hi, Lind

听力原文:W: Hi, Sam! Haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been these days?

M: Hi, Linda. I went to Paris on business and then I did some sightseeing there.

W: So you were in Paris. Tell me about it, will you?

M: Well, there's so much to say about it. I don' t know where to begin.

W: Tell me about the Eiffel Tower first.

M: Oh, it's great. It's the symbol of the city, you know. Hard to imagine how it was built over a hundred years ago.

W: Did you go to the top of the tower?

M: Sure. I dined at a restaurant on the top platform. and enjoyed the splendid view of Paris at night. The footlights on the magnificent buildings and palaces are so beautiful that the city has got a nickname of a City of Light.

W: What about the Louvre Palace? Did you go there?

M: How could I miss it! I spent a whole day inside and still couldn't finish seeing all its collections of world-famous treasures.

W: What treasures?

M: You must have heard about Mona Lisa, haven' t you?

W: Yes, of course. Did you see the original painting?

M: Yes. And I saw the Greek statue of Venus de Milo, too.

W: The Greek goddess of love? Oh, You're so lucky, Sam. I really wish I could have a chance to visit Paris.

M: You will, I'm sure. And there is the Arch of Triumph.

W: Is that the one that was built in Napoleon's time?

M: Well, it was Napoleon who started building it but the Arch was not completed until fifteen years after his death.

W: Where else did you visit in Paris?

M: I walked along the Seine River and enjoyed the views on both banks.

W: Did you take any pictures?

M: Yea. I took a great many. I'll show them to you and tell you more about the city.

W: That's great.


A.He was having a vacation in Paris.

B.He was visiting some friends in Paris.

C.He was visiting some famous sights in Paris while on a business trip there.

D.He was studying art in Paris.

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life.M

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?

M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life. My name's Rory McDonald. How do you do?

W: Hi, I'm Chris Hudson from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm an oil engineer. I'm on my way to London on business.

M: How long are you staying in Edinburgh?

W: Just a day. What can I see here in twenty-four hours?

M: Well, most tourists want to visit the Castle. It's on Castle Rock. It's where the Scottish government used to be. From there you can walk down the Royal Mile.

W: What's the Royal Mile?

M: It's a narrow street of medieval houses. It's worth seeing. Then you really should visit Holyrood Palace.

W: Who lives in the Palace?

M: No one, except the Queen when she comes to Edinburgh, which is usually once a year. But the kings and queens of Scotland used to live there be fore Scotland was united with England.

W: When was that?

M: That was...er, let me see 2. in 1603.

W: You seem to know a lot about Scottish history.

M: Aye, well, I'm a McDonald of the McDonald clan. You know there are clans in Scotland, and we're all proud of our history.

W: I'd like to buy something as a souvenir of the trip. What should I buy?

M: Why don't you buy some sweaters? Scottish sweaters are famous for their quality. And you must buy some whiskey. Of course you know that's our national drink.

W: Yes, I've already bought the whiskey.

M: Good. But remember you mustn't put ice in it. That spoils the flavor!

W: Oh, we Americans put ice in everything!


A.She comes to visit this famous town.

B.She comes to visit her friend.

C.She comes to Edinburgh on business.

D.She is on her way to London on business.

听力原文:M: Sue, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?W: Hi, Dave, I have som

听力原文:M: Sue, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?

W: Hi, Dave, I have some excellent news. I won first prize in the computer software competition. We had a party last night. I'm sorry you didn't make it to be there.

M: Oh, yeah, I had an appointment with my supervisor. It was such a great pity. Tell me, what's the prize?

W: I've won a trip to Sydney. You know what? That's been the place of my dreams for so many years.

M: Really? Why do you like it particularly?

W: I love the sunshine on the beach, the soft wind from the sea, and I have friends there. They invite me to visit them every year. I really miss them.

M: That's great! But how will you get there?

W: Fly, of course. It's much too far to swim.

M: I hate flying. What terrifies me most is the thought of not having my feet safe on the ground. And three other things happen: my stomach turns, my face goes pale, and I break into a cold sweat.

W: But if you want to travel, you have to fly.

M: That's tree. But if I were to fly, I'd have to get some medicine from the doctor.

W: That must cause you a lot of trouble. I heard people say that more practice will make the condition better. Why don't you try it?

M: I definitely want to get rid of the problem. But...to fly more often? Oh, the idea itself will kill me.


A.They are talking about joining in a computer software competition.

B.They are talking about the woman's trip to Sydney.

C.They are talking about the man's appointment with this supervisor.

D.They are talking about the man's health.

听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I h

听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I have to check-in at the airport one and half an hour earlier.

M: Who is taking you to the airport? I'd like to see you off. You need someone to keep an eye on your luggage.

W: That would be awfully nice of you. Are you sure you want to see me off at that hour of the morning?

M: (23)Of course, as long as there is enough room for me.

W: I'll call you then. I wonder what I should wear.

M: As for me, I'd wear a sports shirt and would take a jacket or sweater or something comfortable in case it got chilly on the way. For girls, honestly, I have no clue.

W: Oh, I almost forgot. (24)They will put my checked suitcases and bags in the luggage compartment on the plane and I can't get at them until I arrive at my final destination. I'll ask my mother what I should carry with me.

M: Well, my mother suggested that I should take a clean set of underwear, socks, a shirt, and slacks to put on after I land. So girls would probably need a fresh skirt and blouse plus a change of underwear.

W: That's an awesome idea. Thanks for the advice. (25)Now I just have to say goodbye to my relatives and friends. Some I have to visit or they will be very put out.


A.2:30 a.m. tomorrow.

B.1:00 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

C.1:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

D.1:30 a.m. tomorrow.

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I
still have two more finals to take.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, so what're you doing this summer, anything special?

W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while.

M: Oh, so where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer. It's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean they never took you there yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous civil war site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.

W: We were gonna to be about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago. But I don't know. Something happened, I cannot remember what...

M: Something changed your plans.

W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class. I was to make a thorough investigation on the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, so I'm eager to see the place.


A.Their final exams and papers.

B.Plans for the coming summer.

C.A wonderful visit to Gettysburg.

D.Their parents' traveling habits.

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and test papers.W

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and test papers.

W: I still have 2 more final exams to take.

M: Really?

W: Yeah. What are you doing this summer? Anything special?

M: Well, actually yes. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States, you know, places with historical significance.

W: I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff you learned in school about history.

M: Maybe. And so even though we are older now, they still do it once in a while.

W: Oh, so where are you going this summer?

M: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

W: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous Civil War site in this country. and it's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places they've taken you to. I have been there a couple of times.

M: We were going to go there about ten… well, no, it was exactly ten years ago, but something happened. I cannot remember that.

W: Something changed your plans?

M: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year.


A.To take part in an English Summer Camp.

B.To travel around the whole Europe.

C.To teach the students in poor areas.

D.To visit the places with historical significance in America.

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