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听力原文:Thanksgiving Day is one of the biggest holidays in America. Every family comes to

听力原文: Thanksgiving Day is one of the biggest holidays in America. Every family comes together at their parents' house, and talks about their lives. They also have a big party. Usually, they cook a big turkey and many side dishes such as pumpkin pie. And they have a nice holiday with their family.

It originated in the 1600's. The Pilgrims, who were a group of people from England, arrived in America and some Indians helped them. The Indians taught them how to plant grain such as corn, vegetables and pumpkins. So, after that, the Pilgrims had a party for their Indian friends every year.

During this holiday, many shops have promotions and big sales. The day after Thanksgiving Day, which is called "Black Friday", almost every store displays their cheapest prices. Almost every American goes shopping to catch the cheapest goods before others. It should be described as a "Shopping War". If you wait and go shopping on Sunday, it will be too late! You won't be able to buy many things, because many goods will be sold out already. But, sometimes window shopping is a nice experience on Thanksgiving holiday.

In Korea, there is a very similar holiday, which is called "Chu-suk". This holiday also expresses thankfulness for ancestors. People will give thanks for the plentiful harvest that year. Almost all Koreans come together with their family, see relatives who live far away and have an ancestor-memorial service with many kinds of food. Chu-suk is almost the same as Thanksgiving Day.

Every human seems to feel thankfulness for their ancestors, and once a year, they celebrate their good harvest and health. The styles of these two holidays are a little different but the feelings and emotions are the same.






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听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.W: I am real

听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.

W: I am really grateful for your invitation. I know Thanksgiving is a very traditional family holiday and I am so glad to be with an American family on this occasion.

M: on the fourth Thursday of November every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. You know its origin (20) ?

w: Yeah, it has something to do with the first settlers and Indians (20) .

M: Right. The first settlers in Massachusetts started this custom. And large dinners with many relatives are common throughout America on this special day.

W: Do you have traditional dishes that you serve every year?

M: Yes, we do. The traditional foods of Thanksgiving meal include roast turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and bread pudding (20) . I hope you have a good appetite today.

W: What do men do while women are doing the cooking?

M: It's the same every year'--football. We watch one game after another on Thanksgiving (21) . I always think we'd better go out and get some exercise, but every year we fail. We are glued to the tube! When I was young, I always went hunting with my father on Thanksgiving Day morning.

W: What do you do after the meal?

M: After dinner we'd like to go bowling. It's a fan thing to do together as a family (22) . After a couple of games, we go back home and eat the leftovers.

W: I think that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most important holidays in the States, just like Spring Festival in China.


A.How to spend Thanksgiving Day.

B.Preparing food on Thanksgiving Day.

C.The origin of Thanksgiving Day.

D.What to do after Thanksgiving meal.

听力原文:M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer?W: She is counting the da

听力原文:M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer?

W: She is counting the days.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.Jane is looking for a summer job.

B.Jane is packing for the summer vacation.

C.Jane is on her way home.

D.Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.

听力原文:Before we get to the student centre, I'd like to show you the Brummie hall, one o

听力原文: Before we get to the student centre, I'd like to show you the Brummie hall, one of the live co education undergraduate of resident's halls at the university, just next to it is the Bmmmie dining-hall. Since there are only a few small kitchens in the dorms, most students buy meal contracts which are total in twenty meals per week to get cafeterias. It would be an exception of Sundays evenings in vacation breaks. Dining-halls like Brummie are open everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner, students simply present their meal tickets at the door and go to the line helping themselves to eat much food they wanted. While dietitians work hard to offer students nutrition at well: balanced diet, many of our young men and women claimed that Brummie's food like most dorm food leaves much to be desired. However, there are certain times, especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas, when the dining-halls staff goes all out preparing seasonal specialties together with steak or sea-food. These dinners are always exceptional and well attended. But regardless of the supplies of cooking, Brummie is a good place to get together with friends and to meet new people. And this is the students centre which is coming up on our right.


A.They eat huge amounts of food.

B.They usually eat twice a day.

C.They usually eat to their hearts' content.

D.They eat much less than people assume.

听力原文:M: Next month you're going to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. When is it? I often get
confused about it.

W: It is supposed to be the fourth Thursday of November.

M: So, let's see ... it will be November 23 this year. What are you going to do that day?

W: I will be home with my family, of course.

M: To thank God for a good harvest like the earlier settlers did centuries ago?

W: Oh, that's history. True, every year we still tell our school kids the story of that famous Pilgrim feast. but for most of us, it's just time for family reunions.

M: You usually eat roast turkey and potatoes for dinner. That's what I've read.

W: Yes, and a lot of other things. It's always a huge meal. That's the tradition we still keep after so many years.

M: Sounds like our Mid-Autumn Festival. In the evening, the whole family gathers together to enjoy the bright moon while eating mooncakes.

W: Do you celebrate Christmas in China?

M: No, we don't. We have our own Chinese New Year. We call it Spring Festival. How do you celebrate Christmas?

W: Besides Christmas dinner, we attend Church service and sing Christmas carols. Children hang their stockings near their beds or in the living room so that Santa Claus can fill them with candy and toys.

M: I know you have many other holidays.

W: Yes, we have Lincoln's birthday, Valentine's Day, Easter Sunday, April Fool's Day, but let's call it quits for now. The dancing party must have already begun. We have to rush.


A.What is so-called Thanksgiving Day.

B.How to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

C.The exact time of Thanksgiving Day.

D.The history of Thanksgiving Day.

听力原文:Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons

听力原文: Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world's greatest thinkers and scientists named Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Dr Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous people who suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo Da Vinci, a celebrated Roman artist, Thomas Edison, a well-Known American inventor and a former American Vice president, Nelson Rockfeller.

Dyslexia was first recognized in Europe and then in the United States over 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that people with this disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of dyslexia persons are rather different. In brains of most people, the left side, the part that controls language, is larger than the fight side. In the people with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is much bigger. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in men than in women, and it is also found more often in people who are left-handed.


A.The left-handed women.

B.The left-handed men.

C.Excellent female scientists or artists.

D.Some celebrated female presidents.

听力原文: What is "American food"?To many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs

听力原文: What is "American food"? To many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. It's true that Americans do eat those things. But are those the only kind of food you can find in America?

Except for Thanksgiving turkey, it's hard to find a typically "American" food. The United States is a land of immigrants. When people move to America, they bring their cooking styles with them. That's why you can find almost every kind of ethnic food in America. (33) In some cases, Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites, but the American version doesn't taste quite like the original!

As with any large country, the U. S. A has several distinct regions. Each region boasts its own special style. of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style. cooking. (34) Take a trip to New England and sample delicate seafood dishes. Travel through the Midwest, "the breadbasket of the nation," for delicious baked goods.

Americans living at a fast pace often just "grab a quick bite. ' Fast food restaurants offer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap. Of course, one of the most common quick American meals is a sandwich. If it can fit between two slices of bread, (35) Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.

Americans represent a wide range of backgrounds. The variety of foods in the U.S. reflects the diversity of personal tastes.


A.They taste the same as the original.

B.They taste better than the original.

C.They're less typical than the original

D.They're great in diversity.

听力原文:M: Mary, last week in our history class, our teacher asked us if we knew anything
about Thanksgiving Day. We all looked at each other. Nobody could give the answer. So, please tell me something about it, will you?

W: Oh, it's a long story. I don't think you've got the patience.

M: Come on, I'm really interested. Is it a national holiday in the United States?

W: Yes, it's a most truly American holiday and it's closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

M: When was it first celebrated?

W: In 1621. By the English settlers or pilgrims.

M: What people Were the pilgrims?

W: They were religious people from England. At that time, they didn't have the right to worship in their own way. They sailed to America on the Mayflower to have freedom of worship.

M: What happened to them when they got to America?

W: During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. The survivors began farming, hunting and fishing and laboured hard.

M: Did they have a good harvest the first year?

W: Yes, the yield was rich beyond their expectations. That's why they decided to fix a day to give their thanks to God.

M: Oh, I see. How do people in the States celebrate it now? And when is it?

W: The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It's an occasion of family reunion. The most traditional and favourite food on the dinner table is roast turkey and pumpkin pie. Of course, with lots more to eat.

M: Ok, you've helped me out. I'd like to treat you to ice cream. Let's get going.


A.In his last week public relation class.

B.In his last week literature class.

C.In his last week history class.

D.In his last week maths class.

听力原文:During a 1995 roof collapse, a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain da

听力原文: During a 1995 roof collapse, a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged. For ten years, he was unable to speak. Then, one Saturday morning, he did something that shocked his family and doctors. He started speaking. "I want to talk to my wife" Donald Herbert said out of the blue. Staff members of the nursing home where he has lived for more than seven years, raced to get Linda Herbert on the telephone. "It was the first of many conversations the 44-year-old patient had with his family and friends during the 14 hours stretch," Herbert's uncle Simon Menka said. "How long have I been away?" Herbert asked. "We told him almost ten years," the uncle said, "he thought it was only three months."

Herbert was fighting a house fire December 29, 1995, when the roof collapsed, burying him underneath. After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapy ever since. News accounts in the days and years after his injury, described Herbert as blind and with little if any memory. A video shows him receiving physical therapy but apparently unable to communicate and with little awareness of his surroundings. Menka declined to discuss his nephew's current condition or whether the apparent progress is continuing. "The family was seeking privacy while doctors evaluated Herbert", he said. As word of Herbert's progress spread, visitors streamed into the nursing home. "He's resting comfortably," the uncle told them.


A.He suffered a nervous breakdown.

B.He was wrongly diagnosed.

C.He was seriously injured.

D.He developed a strange disease.

听力原文:M: Come on Jody, how're we going to convince everybody that my car wash idea is t
he best way to raise money for the Thanksgiving party at the student center?

W: It won't be easy.

M: Thanks a lot !

W: Oh, I'm just kidding. Actually, I think once we show how much money it could bring in, we'll be sure to convince everyone on campus to pitch-in.

M: Well... how are we going to get the message out?

W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang up handout on the bulletin boards.

M: But that's not going to attract much attention. We need to do something interesting.

W: Let me finish: I know someone who works at the campus print shop. Last week he said he could get hold of materials to make a big banner. That'll attract the attention of a lot of students if we can hang it in front of the student center.

M: Nice work !

W: I've also arranged to have an article published in the school paper next Wednesday. That way you can get the message out to the entire campus.

M: Uh-oh, that means I better come up with an article pretty quickly. How about if I write it up and I'll let you be the first to read it. How about alter English class tomorrow?

W: Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then.

M: You're the greatest. I don't think I would have known what to do without your help.


A.A car wash plan.


C.A newspaper.

D.A message service.

听力原文: Have you always wanted to invest, but didn't know where to get started? Here are
three basic guidelines to smart investing, for your future.

Number one is to have clear goals. Decide how many years you will invest for, and what your needs will be in the future.

Number two is to understand the range of possibilities. You'll want a diversified portfolio: one with a mix of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. It's a jungle out them. Each of these products has different risks associated with them and also different potential rewards. Understand them before you buy, so there won't be any big surprises later.

Finally, number three is to have realistic expectations. As our Mend Leonardo da Vinci said in the year 1500: "He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year."

Over the past several years, New York stocks have averaged 30% annual returns, but don't count on this continuing. While it's true that since the year 1900, stocks have averaged an 11% annual return. It's a roller-coaster ride with many minus years as well, so you have to stay in for the long term--you have to weather the storm--and not be too greedy.


A.To develop a savings plan.

B.To set up a bank account.

C.To set clear investing goals.

D.To work out the budget.

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