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Universities charge students a rather high tuition mainly because _______.A.they provide t

Universities charge students a rather high tuition mainly because _______.

A.they provide the students with very prosperous subjects to learn

B.they assume that their graduates can earn much more than they had paid

C.they don't get financial support from the government

D.they need much revenue to support the educational expenses

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更多“Universities charge students a…”相关的问题
What do we learn about European universities from the passage?A.The tuitions they charge h

What do we learn about European universities from the passage?

A.The tuitions they charge have been rising considerably.

B.Their operation is under strict government supervision.

C.They are strengthening their position by globalization.

D.Most of their revenues come from the government.

What do we learn about European universities from the passage? A. The tuitions they c

What do we learn about European universities from the passage?

A. The tuitions they charge have been rising considerably.

B. Their operation is under strict government supervision.

C. They are strengthening their position by globalization.

D. Most of their revenues come from the government.

We can learn from the passage that in Britain ________.A) the government pays dearl

We can learn from the passage that in Britain ________.

A) the government pays dearly for its financial policy

B) universities are mainly funded by businesses

C) higher education is provided free of charge

D) students are ready to accept loan schemes for tuition

How Europe fails its youngThose Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scen

How Europe fails its young

Those Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scenes in New Orleans this fortnight, to downgrade the American challenge should meditate on one word: universities. Five years ago in Lisbon European officials proclaimed their intention to become the world's premier "knowledge economy" by 2010. The thinking behind this grand declaration made sense of a sort: Europe's only chance of preserving its living standards lies in working smarter than its competitors rather than harder or cheaper. But Europe's failing higher-education system poses a lethal threat to this ambition.

Europe created the modem university. Scholars were gathering in Paris and Bologna before America was on the map. Oxford and Cambridge invented the residential university: the idea of a community of scholars, living together to pursue higher learning. Germany created the research university. A century ago European universities were a magnet for scholars and a model for academic administrators the world over.

But, as our survey of higher education explains, since the second world war Europe has progressively surrendered its lead in higher education to the United States. America boasts 17 of the world's top 20 universities, according to a widely used global ranking by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. American universities currently employ 70% of the world's Nobel prize-winners, 30% of the world's output of articles on science and engineering, and 44% of the most frequently cited articles. No wonder developing countries now look to America rather than Europe for a model for higher education.

Why have European universities declined so precipitously in recent decades? And what can be done to restore them to their former glory? The answer to the first question lies in the role of the state. American universities get their funding from a variety of different sources, not just government but also philanthropists, businesses and, of course, the students themselves. European ones are largely state-funded. The constraints on state funding mean that European governments force universities to "process" more and more students without giving the TM the necessary cash—and respond to the universities' complaints by trying to micromanage them. Inevitably, quality has eroded. Yet, as the American model shows, people are prepared to pay for good higher education, because they know they will benefit from it: that's why America spends twice as much of its GDP on higher education as Europe does.

The answer to the second question is to set universities free from the state. Free universities to run their internal affairs: how can French universities, for example, compete for talent with their American rivals when professors are civil servants? And free them to charge fees for their services—including, most importantly, student fees.

Asia's learning

The standard European retort is that if people have to pay for higher education, it will become the monopoly of the rich. But spending on higher education in Europe is highly regressive (more middle-class students go to university than working-class ones). And higher education is hardly a monopoly of the rich in America: a third of undergraduates come from racial minorities, and about a quarter come from families with incomes below the poverty line. The government certainly has a responsibility to help students to borrow against their future incomes. But student fees offer the best chance of pumping more resources into higher education. They also offer the best chance of combining equity with excellence.

Europe still boasts some of the world's best universities, and there are some signs that policy makers have realised that their system is failing. Britain, the pacemaker in university reform. in Europe, is raising fees. The Germans are trying to create a Teutonic Ivy League. European universities




Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.A breakthrough (突破) in

Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.A breakthrough (突破) in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community (EEC) could be brought forward by up to two decades, if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC’s research effort in this field, according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC’s scientific laboratories at Ispra, near Milan.

The senior West German scientist in charge of the Community’s solar energy programme, Mr. Joachim Gretz, told journalists that at present levels of research spending it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as three per cent of the Community’s energy requirements even after the year 2000. But he said that with a modest increase in the present< sums, devoted by the EEC to this work it was possible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade.

Mr. Gretz calculates that if solar energy only provided three per cent of the EEC’s needs, this could still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill for imported energy each year. And he believes that with the possibility of utilizing more advanced technology in this field it might be possible to satisfy a much bigger share of the Community’s future energy needs.

At present the EEC spends about $2.6 millions a year on solar research at Ispra, one of the EEC’s official joint research centres, and another $3 millions a year in indirect research with universities and other independent bodies.

第26题:The phrase “be brought forward” (Line 2, Para. 1) most probably means ________.

A) be expected

B) be completed

C) be advanced

D) be introduced

The Internet began in the 1960s as a small network of academic and government computers pr
imarily involved in research for the U. S. military. Originally limited to researchers at a handful of universities and government facilities, the Internet has quickly become a worldwide network providing users with information on a range of subjects and allowing them to purchase goods directly from companies via computer. By 1999, 84 mil- lion U. S. citizens had access to the Internet at home or work. More and more Americans are paying bills, shopping, ordering airline tickets, and purchasing stocks via computer over the Internet.

Internet banking is also becoming increasingly popular. With lower overhead costs in terms of staffing and office space, Internet banks are able to offer higher interest rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans than traditional banks. "Brick and mortar" banks are increasingly offering online banking services via transactional websites to complement their traditional services. At present, 14 percent of Internet households conduct their banking by means of the Internet, and the figure is expected to double or triple during the next two or three years.

Increasing commercial use of the Internet has heightened security and privacy concerns. With a credit or debit card, an Internet user can order almost anything from an Internet site and have it delivered to their home or office. Companies doing business over the

Internet need sophisticated security measures to protect credit card, hank account, and social security numbers from unauthorized access as they pass across the Internet. Any organization that connects its networks to the global Internet must carefully control the access point to ensure that outsiders cannot disrupt the organization's internal networks or gain un-authorized access to the organization's computer systems and data.

According to the text, Internet banking ______.

A.requires minimal usage fees

B.offers price advantages to users

C.is more efficient than traditional banking

D.is environmentally-conscious

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.Confirming what students and their pare

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.

Confirming what students and their parents already knew, an influential education think tank (智囊机构) says that states are passing along their budget woes (因难) to public university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in some states, while the amount of state funded student aid is dropping.

The result, says the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in San Jose, Calif., is "the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade."

Although incomes are rising by only 1% to 2% in most states, tuition at four-year public schools leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year, the center says.

State budget deficits (预算赤字) are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue on education, or about $235 billion in 2001 for kindergarten through college, says the National Governors Association. Elementary and secondary education budgets are protected in many state constitutions, which means they are generally the last expense that states will cut. But higher education is vulnerable to budget cuts--and tuition increases: After all, no one has to go to college.

Colleges and universities "have clients they can charge," says the National Center's president, Patrick M. Callan. Tuition "is the easiest money to get," he adds.

The pressure to raise tuition is particularly intense because states froze or even cut state university tuition during the 1990s. With its eye on the knowledge-driven economic boom, the University of Virginia cut tuition by 20% in 1999. This year, although per-capita income grew by less than 1% in Virginia, the state raised tuition at its four-year colleges by 9% and cut student aid by 8%, about $10 million.

The rising cost of public education, and the fear that it is financially squeezing some students out of an education, have prompted some state universities to adopt a practice long used by private schools to attract students: tuition discounting. In tuition discounting, colleges turn around a share of the tuition paid by some students, and use it to pay for scholarships for others. Private colleges typically return $35 to $45 in scholarships for every $100 they collect in tuition revenue. But until recently, states have viewed discounting as politically unpopular.

There are a few steps students and their families can take to offset rising tuitions, but not many. Because colleges are always interested in raising academic quality, talented students can pit one college against another in hopes of raising their financial-aid offer. Some colleges now invite students to call and renegotiate their aid packages if they get a better offer from another institution.

College education becomes costlier because______.

A.the state-funded student aid is increased

B.the budgets for elementary and secondary education are increased

C.colleges can no longer depend on states for fund

D.higher education budget will get cut by states

Most Americans believe that good education is quite necessary to democracy and social
progress.Even during their colonial time the settlers attached great importance to setting up schools for their children, because these puritans(清教徒) were firm believers in education.

They tried hard to establish enough schools for their children.The schools were not only to teach children how to read, write and calculate but also to train clergymen(牧师) .The first college, Harvard, was set up in Massachusetts in 1636.Soon after, the colonial government passed a law requiring every town of more than 40 families to have a school and school master.By the mid-eighteenth century several well-known colleges were founded, including Columbia in New York and Princeton in New Jersey.They were used to train young people.Education did not develop very fast in the South where big plantation(农场) owners did not want to build schools for the children of the poor workers and slaves.Children from rich families usually went to England for higher education.This was one of the reasons why the South developed more slowly than the North.

Colonial schools laid the foundation for American educational system in which all the American schools were left to the care of communities or local authority.Compulsory education has been carried out and primary and secondary education has been open to American children free of charge for many years.

21.Education in most Americans'eyes is().

A.quite necessary for social development and democracy

B.important only for the earliest settlers

C.good as they have many famous universities

D.the basis of working hard

22.Which of the following was not a task of school? ()

A.To train clergymen.

B.To teach children how to read and write.

C.To teach children maths.

D.To send children to British universities.

23.The South America developed slowly because().

A.children in the South went to England for higher education

B.there were not many rich people in the South

C.not all rich children in the South had chances to go to school in England

D.education developed quite slowly in the South

24.American educational system was built().

A.on the basis of colonial educational system

B.after some famous colleges were founded

C.by churches as they hoped to train more clergymen

D.when many children from rich families went to England

25.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ()

A.Princeton University was founded around 1750s.

B.Colombia University was built in 1636.

C.Harvard University was founded by the American government.

D.A law was passed by the American government that a school should be built in every town.

When mentioning the attitude of Prime Minister Tony Blair, some universities worry ______.

A.the future orientation of universities

B.the financial problems of universities

C.the influence of government's policy on universities

D.the purity of universities in its field of academe research

A.The Redbrick universities were supported by private efforts.B.The Redbrick universit

A.The Redbrick universities were supported by private efforts.

B.The Redbrick universities offered new subjects like modern languages.

C.The Redbrick universities had less influence from the church.

D.the Redbrick universities were able to offer a better course in a special subject.

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