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European cultures generally value inner personal experience more than non-European culture

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The author's main view in this passage was most influenced by the following assumption tha
t ______.

A.the artistic traditions of Native American peoples are similar tc those of European cultures

B.all writings produced by Native Americans express, either directly or indirectly, a political position

C.the major responsibility of Native American writers is to celebrate and preserve the cultural traditions of their people

D.literature can be a powerful tool fro asserting the cultural values and political rights of ethnic groups

听力原文:If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people, wha

听力原文: If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people, what would you say? That isn't a catchy question. The answer is simple and obvious. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words: speakers and listeners—oral communication; writers and readers—written communication. And You'd be quite right. There is, however, another form. of communication which we all use most of the time, usually without knowing it. This is sometimes called body language. It does not involve the use of words. Its more technical name is non-verbal communication, "NVC" for short.

When someone is saying something with which he agrees, the average European will smile and nod approval. On the other hand, if you disagree with what they are saying, you may frown and shake your head. In this way you signal your reactions, and communicate them to the speaker without saying a word. Incidentally, I referred a moment ago to "the average European", because body language is very much tied to culture, and in order not to misunderstand, or not to be misunderstood, you must appreciate this. A smiling Chinese, for instance, may net be approving but acutely embarrassed.

Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions. Body language, or NVC signals, is sometimes categorized into five kinds: (1) body and facial gestures; (2) eye contact; (3) body contact or proximity; (4) clothing and physical appearance: and (5) the quality of speech. I expect you understand all those, except perhaps "proximity". This simply means "closeness". In some cultures—and I am sure this is a cultural feature and not an individual one—it is quite normal for people to stand close together, or to more or less thrust their faces into yours when they are talking lo you. In other cultures this is disliked; Americans. for instance, talk about invasion of their space.


A.Words and phrases.




听音频,回答题Jazz captures the essence of America, for in jazz all of the American charact


Jazz captures the essence of America, for in jazz all of the American characteristics come together. The solos are a(26)ofindividual brilliance that can"t take place without these group efforts of the rhythm section. Beyond that, jazz has a connection to theessence of America in a much more(27)way. It is an expression of the African roots of American culture and a musicalmedium that(28)the culture of the Africans whose culture came to(29)much of what is American.

Jazz brought together elements from Africa and Europe,(30)them into a new culture and an expression unique to theAmericans. Out of this fusion came an idea that Americans believe it"s central to their identity: tolerance. Americans(31)that cultural diversity is their strength. They learn every day that other cultures and peoples may make valuable contributions to their wayof life. Jazz music is the embodiment of these ideals, combining elements from African and European cultures into a(32)American music. Jazz reflects two contradictory facets of American life. On the one hand, it is a team effort, where every musicianis completely(33)what the group does together, listening to each of the other players and building on their contributions tocreate a musical whole. On the other hand, the band features a soloist who is an individual(34), a genius like Charlie Parkerwho explores musical(35)whers no one has ever gone before. In the same sense, American life is also a combination ofteamwork and individualism and a combination of individual brilliance with the ability to work with others.



Popular ideological assumptions about society change with the decades, as well as with the
enlargement of knowledge. The analysis of the human genetic code published last week demonstrates that humans, genetically speaking, axe only twice as complicated as the fruit fly, and among them- selves share 99.9 percent of their genes.

Culture and nurture count in making us what we turn out to be, although that will perhaps come as no great surprise to those outside the close world of academic theory.

This part of the rediscovery of the wheel, since before positivism largely took over the social sciences in American universities in the 1950s, it was generally assumed by professors. As well as laymen, that culture had a great deal to do with how material civilization developed. Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children:" We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing. '

That argument, however, relied on historical evidence and reasoning, which had come to be considered "soft" knowledge--unscientific, subjective, itself culture-bound--and, even more recently, as a self-serving tale told by white male parent in order to oppress the rest.

To suggest that modern liberal civilization, science and technology emerged in Western Europe because of a particular cultural development linked to the assumptions, values and philosophies of classical Greece and Rome, the Jewish and Christian religions, and the ideas of the European Renaissance and Enlightenment, was thought to put down other civilizations where such development had not taken place.

This notion," popular early in the 20th century", according to a New York Times report on the matter, is now "unsettling scholars and policymakers", since it "challenges the assumptions of market economists and liberal thinkers". These are nearly ail, to some degree, economic determinists.

The matter is of practical concern in making policy. Take the worst case: the problem of contemporary Africa.

Until the 1950s, Africa was generally considered to be a region of pre-modern cultures, developed among a variety of peoples originally practicing simple agriculture, or hunting and gathering. Some cultures were of great artistic complexity; ail had complex codes of value and ceremony; some were quite advanced politically, resembling in many respects European feudalism(灭亡), but all were without written languages or written knowledge.

What was possibly assumed about humans and the fruit fly in the past?

A.They were equally complicated in terms of gene.

B.Humans were much more genetically complicated than the fruit fly, genetically speaking.

C.Humans were twice as complicated as the fruit fly in gene.

D.The fruit fly was less stably than humans in the structure of genes.

Testing TimesResearchers are working on ways to reduce the need for animal experiments, bu

Testing Times

Researchers are working on ways to reduce the need for animal experiments, but new laws may increase the number of experiments needed.

The current situation

In an ideal world, people would not perform. experiments on animals. For the people, they are expensive. For the animals, they are stressful and often painful.

That ideal world, sadly, is still some way away. People need new drugs and vaccines. They want protection from the toxicity of chemicals. The search for basic scientific answers goes on. Indeed, the European Commission is forging ahead with proposals that will increase the number of animal experiments carried out in the European Union, by requiring toxicity tests on every chemical approved for use within the union's borders in the past 25 years.

Already, the commission has identified 140,000 chemicals that have not yet been tested. It wants 30,000 of these to be examined right away, and plans to spend between ~ 4 billion — 8 billion ($5 billion—10 billion) doing so. The number of animals used for toxicity testing in Europe will thus, experts reckon, quintuple (翻五倍) from just over lm a year to about 5m, unless they are saved by some dramatic advances in non-animal testing technology. At the moment, roughly 10% of European animal tests are for general toxicity, 35% for basic research, 45% for drugs and vaccines, and the remaining 10% a variety of uses such as diagnosing diseases.

Animal experimentation will therefore be around for some time yet. But the search for substitutes continues, and last weekend the Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing met in Linz, Austria, to review progress.

A good place to start finding alternatives for toxicity tests is the liver--the organ responsible for breaking toxic chemicals down into safer molecules that can then be excreted. Two firms, one large and one small, told the meeting how they were using human liver cells removed incidentally during surgery to test various substances for long-term toxic effects.

One way out of the problem

PrimeCyte, the small firm, grows its cells in cultures over a few weeks and doses them regularly with the substance under investigation. The characteristics of the cells are carefully monitored, to look for changes in their microanatomy.

Pfizer, the big firm, also doses its cultures regularly, but rather than studying individual cells in detail, it counts cell numbers. If the number of cells in a culture changes after a sample is added, that suggests the chemical in question is bad for the liver.

In principle, these techniques could be applied to any chemical. In practice, drugs (and, in the case of PrimeCyte, food supplements) are top of the list. But that might change if the commission has its way: those 140,000 screenings look like a lucrative market, although nobody knows whether the new tests will be ready for use by 2009, when the commission proposes that testing should start.

Other tissues, too, can be tested independently of animals. Epithelix, a small firm in Geneva, has developed an artificial version of the lining of the lungs. According to Huang Song, one of Epithelix's researchers, the firm's cultured cells have similar microanatomy to those found in natural lung linings, and respond in the same way to various chemical messengers. Dr. Huang says that they could be used in long-term toxicity tests of airborne chemicals and could also help identify treatments for lung diseases.

The immune system can be mimicked and tested, too. ProBioGen, a company based in Berlin, is developing an artificial human lymph node (淋巴结) which, it reckons, could have prevented the neardisastrous consequences of a drag trial held in Britain three months ago, in which (despite the drag having passed animal tests) six men suffered multiple organ failure and ne




听力原文: If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people, wh
at would you say? That isn't a catchy question. The answer is simple and obvious. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words: speakers and listeners--oral communication; writers and readers--written communication. And you'd be quite right. There is, however, another form. of communication which we all use most of the time, usually without knowing it. This is sometimes called body language. It does not involve the use of words. Its more technical name is non-verbal communication, "NVC" for short.

When someone is saying something with which he agrees, the average European will smile and nod approval. On the other hand, if you disagree with what they are saying, you may frown and shake your head. In this way you signal your reactions, and communicate them to the speaker without saying a word. Incidentally, I referred a moment ago to "the average European", because body language is very much tied to culture, and in order not to misunderstand, or not to be misunderstood, you must appreciate this. A smiling Chinese, for instance, may not be approving but acutely embarrassed.

Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions. Body language, or NVC signals, is sometimes categorized into five kinds: (1) body and facial gestures; (2) eye contact; (3) body contact or proximity; (4) clothing and physical appearance; and (5) the quality of speech. I expect you understand all those, except perhaps "proximity" This simply means "closeness". In some cultures--and I am sure this is a cultural feature and not an individual one--it is quite normal for people to stand close together, or to more or less thrust their faces into yours when they are talking to you. In other cultures this is disliked; Americans, for instance, talk about invasion of their space.


A.Words and phrases.




The civilization(文化) of the Renaissance was the creation of prosperous cities and of rul

The civilization(文化) of the Renaissance was the creation of prosperous cities and of rulers who drew substantial income from their urban subjects in the Italian city states and the countries of England and France. The commerce that kept cities alive also provided the capital and the flow of ideas that helped build Renaissance culture. During the early Middle Ages foreign trade had virtually come to a halt. By the 11th century, however, population growth and contact with other cultures through military efforts such as the Crusades(十字军东征) helped revive commercial activity. Trade slowly increased with the exchange of luxury goods in the Mediterranean region and various commodities such as fish, furs, and metals across the North and Baltic seas. Commerce soon moved inland, bringing new opulence to the citizens of towns along major trade routes. As traffic along these routes increased, existing settlements grew and new ones were established.

The cities of Italy were located between western Europe and the area along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea known as the Levant. Italy's leadership in the Renaissance was due in part to its central location for trade. The cities became important and wealthy commercial centers, and the riches collected by the merchants of Venice, Genoa, Milan, and a host of smaller cities supported Italy's political and cultural achievements.

Important towns developed beyond Italy as well. Especially with the expansion of trade, towns grew along the Danube and Rhine rivers of Europe; around the North Sea and the Baltic Sea; and in the Low Countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands where northern and southern trade routes met. Wherever these towns were located, they became a unique element in a medieval world that up to this time was dominated by seignorialism(领主制), an agricultural system in which the primary economic and political relationship was between landowners and their tenants.

The Renaissance ______.

A.was an ideological movement throughout the world

B.took place in Italy only

C.was originated in Italy

D.was influential in most European countries

听力原文: Eager to learn about different countries and cultures and acquire global skills,
U. S. students are studying abroad in record numbers. (29)The increased numbers reflect a growing recognition by students and educators that an international experience is important to students' future careers. While recent growth has been fueled in part by programs that offer study for shorter lengths of time than the traditional academic year, there has also been an increasing interest in studying in more diverse destinations.

More than half the American students go abroad study in Europe, though fewer than in the past. Students have shown growing interest in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. (30)The top three major fields of study of Americans studying abroad are the social sciences, business and management, and humanities.

Since 2001, New York University has been sending more students abroad than any other campus in the United States. It offers classes in Argentina, China, Ghana and several countries in Europe.

(31)Ayla Schermer of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a nineteen-year-old business major entering her second year at N. Y. U. She wants to study in another country for the spring semester beginning in January, but she hasn't decided which country to go to. The classes will cost more than 18,000 dollars, but that does not include transportation or housing.

The strength of the euro against the dollar makes programs in Europe more costly than those in Argentina, for example. But Chris Nicolussi, student services director in the Office of Global Programs at N. Y. U., says the university has not seen any drop in the popularity of its European programs. He did say, however, that more students are interested in low cost activities organized by the university during their time abroad.


A.Because they intend to have a romance in foreign countries.

B.Because they desire to gain international experience.

C.Because they hope to get a chance of touring.

D.Because they thought of earning more money abroad.

Two different corporate cultures are discussed in the dialog.()
The talk with my teacher _________ my interest in cultures of English-speaking countries.A

The talk with my teacher _________ my interest in cultures of English-speaking countries.





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