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Which description of Spartan women is incorrect?()

A.They enjoyed more political rights and domestic freedom that the rest of the Greek world.

B.They received physical training instead of literacy education.

C.They could inherit property.

D.They usually got married at 18.

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更多“Which description of Spartan w…”相关的问题
Which description about the stove is not true()?

A.It’s as white as snow

B.It has a long neck

C.It has a brass stomach

D.It eats firewood

Which of the following is the true description of the surrealist world?.A.It is the world

Which of the following is the true description of the surrealist world?.

A.It is the world of dreams experienced by Picasso.

B.It expresses the painters' good will for world peace.

C.It had never been explored by anyone before Picasso.

D.Guernica was the best illustration of the surrealist world,

Which of the following is the true description of the surrealist world?A.It is the world o

Which of the following is the true description of the surrealist world?

A.It is the world of dreams experienced by Picasso.

B.It expresses the painters' good will for world peace.

C.It had never been explored by anyone before Picasso.

D.Guernica was the best illustration of the surrealist world.

听力原文:M:Excuse me.Has anyone turned in a black leather wallet? I've lost mine.There're
my driver's license and my family picture which are really important to me.

W:Oh,yes.We had a wallet brought in this morning.Let's see whether the features you said match the wallet or not.

Q:What will the woman probably do?


A.Show the man her family picture.

B.Give the man his wallet immediately.

C.Confirm the man's description with the wallet.

D.Ask the man for his driver license.

听力原文:Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes.These jokes, i

听力原文: Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes. These jokes, intended to trick or deceive people in some harmless way, and are always popular. In the United States and a few other countries the first day of April, April Fool's Day, is a day devoted to such harmless practical jokes and an excuse for every American to fool his friends and neighbors.

When I was a college student, our daily college newspaper, which was read by most of the people who lived in the city near the college as well as by students, always had a special April Fool's Edition. One year the paper said that a beautiful park in the center of the campus was to be turned into a parking lot.

Another year the paper falsely reported that a Russian submarine had been seen in the lake which is on the campus. It was surprising that many people believed these stories. But probably the most successful practical being invaded by people from Mars. His description of this invasion from outer space was so realistic that he caused a panic and was actualy responsible for the deaths of several people.


A.A joke played on the April Fool's Day.

B.A harmless joke intended to trick people.

C.An American joke.

D.A joke in college newspapers.

Evaluating employee performance is a key area of management skills. The challenge is to gi
ve the employees an accurate picture of their accomplishments, and of the areas in which they need to improve. Both are important, accomplishments because they give the employee a sense of pride in the work and a basis on which to build future achievements, and areas for improvement, because they give the employee some goal to reach for.

Often, employees fear that the evaluation will be a negative experience, This fear alone can result in defensiveness and tension, Tile manager must take pains to lessen the employees fear and make the evaluation a participatory(参与的)event. An employee who contributes ideas to his or her evaluation will be much more likely to agree with the outcome and be willing to follow the suggestions.

The employee evaluation system is to improve employee performance. While area8 needing improvement must be reviewed, this should always be done in the spirit of discovering goals the employee can work toward. This holds true for reviewing successes as well. While praise for past achievements may be used as a reward, at the time of the evaluation, the primary reason to look at the persons success is to determine areas in which he or she can continue to excel(擅长).

Perhaps the most effective way to make the evaluation a participatory event is to ask the employee to come prepared to the meeting. The employer and employee each should carefully review the job description prior to the evaluation meeting and should make notes on areas in which the employee had difficulty or has made a contribution. It is important that these notes be specific; "Does a good job" is not nearly as meaningful as "Increased productivity(生产率)by 35%".

Both parties should also draw up a short list of goals for the employee to achieve during the next evaluation period. Ideally, these goals should build upon the known strengths and successes of the employee. However, areas needing improvement must also be addressed.

According to the passage, employees being evaluated _________.

A.are often those who have newly obtained the job

B.often feel fearful and anxious

C.often have the feeling of being looked down upon

D.are often proud and confident

听力原文:W: Good morning, I'm Victoria Porter. How can I help you?M: Good morning, my name

听力原文:W: Good morning, I'm Victoria Porter. How can I help you?

M: Good morning, my name is Frank. I have to complete the enrolment form, but I'm not sure about some aspects.

W: Let's refer to the handbook and see how I can help you. What's your first problem?

M:Well, I can't decide which program to take.

W: Do you want a science or arts?

M: Arts. But I can't decide a social sciences, a humanities, or an education.

W: You needn't make that decision now. You can leave it until the end of the first year.

M: I see. Then I need to select my courses carefully.

W: Yes. First, foundation course. All students must take one foundation course as part of the requirement of the first year. It's on page 21. Have you read the description?

M: Yeah, I'd like to do A109 Futures. It looks so interesting.

W: But as a foreign student, I suggest you consider A114 Australia and its People.

M: What about this, Structure, Thought, and Reality, or Life in the Universe? The description of both says they will help me to develop skills of argument and analysis.

W: Actually all the foundation courses are designed to do that. But A114 will help you gain a better understanding of the country you live in.

M: That's true. And it's worth 6 points while each of the others only 3. OK, I'll do A114.

W: It's very important to keep your points in mind when selecting courses. Normally full-time students enroll for 12 credits each semester or 24 each academic year. However, if your enrolment drops below 9 points in any one semester, you won't be considered full-time.

M: What would happen then?

W: Well, you won't be eligible for a student visa.


A.The enrolment form.

B.The handbook.

C.Australia and its People.

D.The description of the courses.

Example: Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods╱. 1. time/times/per


Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods╱. 1. time/times/period

Many of the arguments having╱used for the study of literature as 2. _______\_______

a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television. 3. ______the______

The most important starting point for improving the understanding of silence is undoubtedly an adequate scientific education at school. Public attitudes towards science owe much the way science is taught in these (S1) institutions. Today, school is what most people come into (S2) contact with a formal instruction and explanation of science for the first time, at least in a systematic way. It is at this point which the foundations are laid for an interest in science. (S3) What is taught (and how) in this first encounter will largely determine an individual’s view of the subject in adult life.

Understanding the original of the negative attitudes (S4) towards science may help us to modify them. Most education system neglect exploration, understanding and reflection. (S5) Teachers in schools tend to present science as a collection of facts, often by more detail than necessary. As a result, (S6) children memorize processes such as mathematical formulas or the periodic table, only to forget it shortly afterwards. The (S7) task of learning facts and concepts, one at a time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient. Such a purely (S8) empirical approach, which consists of observation and description, is also, in a sense, unscientific or incomplete. There is therefore a need for resources and methods of teaching that facilitates a deep understanding of science in (S9) an enjoyable way. Science should not only be “fun” in the same way as playing a video game, but ‘hard fun’—deep feeling of connection made possibly only imaginative (S10) engagement.

听力原文:During the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in the number of s

听力原文: During the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in the number of shops, stores and supermarkets which provide facilities for self-service. Their general purpose is to provide goods of every description attractively and cleanly and in perfect condition, so that the customer can serve herself, and then pay for the goods with. the minimum of delay.

The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties. They must display a great number of goods in a minimum space without covering up anything. They must deal with perishable foodstuffs requiring different ranges of temperature; and they must arrange a speedy flow of customers past the cash registers without overtaxing the operators.

For the purposes of display, many devices are used such as long lengths of adjustable shelves to take various sizes of packs, rotating circular shelves, islands of display stands, racks for tubed foods, and multi-tiered mobile stalls.

Perishable foodstuffs and quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat are kept in refrigerated self-service cabinets, which keep goods at the required temperatures. These are at zero Fahrenheit for frozen food, 28-32 degrees for meat and fish, and 40-50 degrees for dairy produce and provisions.

Some of the advantages of self-service seem to be that there is no waiting to be served; there is a wide variety of choice, and it is claimed that prepacked meat and vegetables are hygienic. Shopping is said to be more "streamlined" and more economical. Nevertheless many people still prefer to be served by a small shopkeeper who knows them personally and will deliver goods to their homes.


A.Supermarkets provide cheaper foods.

B.There is less delay in choosing in supermarkets.

C.Food and meat are more clean and more tasty.

D.Air-conditioning is at different temperature.

Children born into a Bushman society of SouthAfrica are completely dependently on their fa

Children born into a Bushman society of South

Africa are completely dependently on their family for

food. While they are very young, their mother's milk

will be the primary mean of nourishment (营养). Later 【S1】______

their fathers, uncles, and brothers will supply them by 【S2】______

meat, and their mothers, aunts and sisters with wild

plant foods. Not until the children are five or six,

perhaps more older, will they contribute to the group's 【S3】______


Children live in the camps of their parents until

their many. In the interim(期间) they learn the

roles which rules they must live. To survive, they must 【S4】______

listen well to the elders who have experienced nature and

their rewards and punishments. 【S5】______

Then children grow and develop. They learn that is 【S6】______

the job of the males to provide the camp with meat.

Skill in hunting is developed by children's games and by

watching and hearing to fathers and uncles. They boys 【S7】______

aslo learn that it will be their responsibility as adults

to protect their groups off the wrongdoings of other 【S8】______


The children learn that the females are the

gathers. Roots, nuts, berries, stems, and leaves are

collected and brought back for the day's meal. It is the

men who supply the camp with the majority of the food. 【S9】______

Their gathering activities account up to 80 percent of the 【S10】______

food by weight. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas gives a

vivid description of the gathering of Bushman women in

his book The harmless People.


根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 Banking is about money; and no other familiar services or com
modities arouse such excesses of passion anddislike. Nor is there any other about which more nonsense is talked. The type of thing that comes to mind is notwhat normally called economics, which is inexact rather than nonsensical, and only in the same way as all scientists are at the point where they try to predict peoples behavior. and its consequences. Indeed most socialsciences and, for example, medicine could probably be described in the same way. However, it is common to hear assertions of the kind "if you were marooned (孤立无援的. on a desertisland a few seed potatoes would be more useful to you than a million pounds" as though this proved somethingimportant about money except the undeniable fact that it would not be much used to anyone in a situation wherevery few of us are at all likely to find ourselves. Money in fact is a token, or symbolic object, exchangeable ondemand by its holders for goods and services. Its use for this purpose is universal except with in a small number ofprimitive agricultural communities. Money and the price mechanism, i.e., the changes in prices expressed in money terms of different goods andservices, are the means by which all modern societies regulate demand and supply for these things, Especiallyimportant are the relative changes in price of different goods and services compared with each other. To takerandom examples: the price of house building has over the past five years risen a good deal faster than that ofdomestic appliances like refrigerators, but slower than that of motor insurance or French Impressionist paintings.This fact has complex implications for students of the brick industry, trade unionism, town planning, insurancecompanies, fine art auctions, and politics. Unpacking these implications is what economics is about, but theirimplications for bankers are quite different. In general, in modern industrialized societies, prices of services or goods produced in a context requiring ahigh service-content (e.g., a meal in a restaurant. are likely to rise in price more rapidly than goods capable ofmass-production on a large scale. It is also a characteristic of highly developed economies that the number ofworkers employed in service industries tends to rise and that of workers employed in manufacturing to fall. Thediscomfort this truth causes the big general trade unions as they contrast their own situation with that of the rapidlygrowing white-collar unions has been an important source of tension in western political life for many years and islikely to remain so for many more. According to the author, banking __________

A.is another form. of commodities

B.arouses peoples passionate concern

C.is the same thing,as economy

D.has the same description as medicine

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