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听力原文:Each day we all make many choices; most of these choices are small—what to wear,

听力原文: Each day we all make many choices; most of these choices are small—what to wear, what to eat etc. still there are many important choices that we make in life—which university to attend, what to study, whom to marry, etc. Sometimes we may become tired of making choices, but we always know that we will continue to make them as long as we live, because that is better than having them made for us. We may sometimes ask for advice about a choice we must make, but ultimately most of the decisions as to which choices are best will be made by ourselves, both important and unimportant. We also know that we will undoubtedly have to suffer that consequences of making poor choices and that we will often rejoice in the many fortunate choices we make.

Many writers have written about choices throughout our lives such as Boris Pasternak etc. One of the most popular and beloved poems in the English language has "choice" as its subject matter. In this poem, "The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost describes walking along a path through the woods and coming to a fork in the path. He must choose which fork to take, that is, which way to go, knowing that he will probably never be able to come back and try the other way. He ends his poem by "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference". This poem is seen as a metaphor for the important choices in life which do, indeed, make "all the difference". In Frost's case, the choice is often interpreted as his choice of career, to take the risk of becoming a poet, knowing that thousands of poets never really succeed.


A.Because it is difficult to make choices.

B.Because it is necessary for us to live.

C.Because others make us to do so.

D.Because making choice is better than having choices made for us.

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更多“听力原文:Each day we all make many…”相关的问题
听力原文:Through the years of being an advisor at the university, I've often been requeste

听力原文: Through the years of being an advisor at the university, I've often been requested to give suggestions about how to handle "information anxiety". Now let me give you some advice. First of all, what is "information anxiety"? Well, as you know, we are bombarded daily by books, magazines, newspapers, television, and radio, We are hit with bills, letters, and reports. All of this can cause quite a lot of anxiety. It's because we are living in the "information age" that we get this bombardment of information everyday. So today let me give you some organizing tips that should make your life easier.

First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away. Get rid of all junk inserts, and then sort the mail into four categories: to do, to pay, to read, and to file.

Be realistic about your reading. Check the magazines you subscribe to on a regular basis. If you find yourself falling behind in your reading, let some of those subscriptions go. And if you are one of those people who like to clip out articles to road later, then do some screening first and be sure to clip only the most important articles for reading later.

You should have a filing system, but don't use your files as a dumping ground. Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year, more often if possible.

Spend five or ten minutes each day cleaning up your desk and prioritizing your work for the next day. The following day will get off to a much better start if your desk is organized and you are not faced with overwhelming piles of paper. Don't use the top of your desk as a storage area. It should be a work area, with plenty of room to work.


A.From Europe to China.

B.From Ethiopia to Europe.

C.From China to Ethiopia.

D.From Byzantium to China.

听力原文:Many days seem to bring numerous tasks and responsibilities. All of which apparen

听力原文: Many days seem to bring numerous tasks and responsibilities. All of which apparently must be tackled right away. You spend a day putting out files, but by the end of the day, you haven't accomplished any of the really important things you set out to do. In desperation, you draft a to-do list, but most days, you can make little progress with it.

When you look at the list each morning, a big fat cloud of doom is right at the top. Those difficult, complex, important tasks, that are so crucial to get done, and so easy to avoid. Plenty of us create a to-do list to address feelings of being overwhelmed, but we rarely use these tools to their best effect. They wind out being guilt-provoking reminders of the fact that we're over-committed and losing control of our priorities.

According to Timothy Pychyl, a professor of psychology at Carlton University in Ottawa, people often draw up a to-do list, and then that's it. The list itself becomes the day's achievement, allowing us to feel we've done something useful without taking on any real work. In fact, drawing up the list becomes a way of avoiding the work itself. Too often, the list is seen as the accomplishment for the day, reducing the immediate guilt of not working on the tasks at hand by investing energy in the list, says Pychyl. When a list is used like this, it's simply another way in which we-lie to ourselves.


A.They often feel insecure about their jobs.

B.They are unable to decide what to do first.

C.They are incompetent to fulfill their responsibilities.

D.They feel burdened with numerous tasks every day.

听力原文:At present, human beings have used many devices to measure time. Perhaps, the sun

听力原文: At present, human beings have used many devices to measure time. Perhaps, the sundial was, one of the earliest and simplest devices. A sundial can measure the movement of the sun across the sky each day.

The sundial worked very well only when the sun was shining. So other ways of measuring the passing of time were invented at that time. One device was the hourglass. It used a thin stream of falling sand to measure time.

By the 1700s, people had already developed mechanical clocks and watches. And today many of our clocks and watches are electronic.

So we have devices to mark the passing of time. But what time is it now? Clocks in different parts of the world do not show the same time at the same time. As international communications and travel grew, it became clear we need a way to establish a common time for all parts of the world.

In 1884, an international conference divided the world into 24 time areas or zones. Each zone represents one hour. The astronomical observation in Greenwich, England, was chosen as the starting point for the time zone.

Most people have no trouble in agreeing that time moves forward. Some scientists believe there is one reason why time moves forward. It is clear we need a way to establish a common time for all parts of the world with scientific law: the second law of thermodynamics. The law says disorder increases with time.


A.It measures the length of a day and a night.

B.it measures the movement of the sun each day.

C.It measures the passing of hours, minutes and perhaps seconds.

D.It measures the shadow of the stick across the flat surface of the sundial.

听力原文: Through the years of being an advisor at the university. I've often been request
ed to give suggestions about how to handle “information anxiety”. Now let me give you some advice. First of all, what is “information anxiety”? Well, as you know, we are bombarded daily by books, magazines, newspapers. television, and radio. We are hit with bills, letters, and reports. All of this can cause quite a lot of anxiety. It's because we are living in the “information age” that we get this bombardment of information everyday. So today let me give you some organizing tips that should make your life easier.

First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away. Get rid of all junk inserts. and then sort the mail into four categories: to do, to pay, to read, and to file.

Be realistic about your reading. Cheek the magazines you subscribe to on a regular basis. If you find yourself falling behind in your reading. let some of those subscriptions go. And if you are one of those people who like to clip out articles to read later, then do some screening first and be sure to clip only the most important articles for reading later.

You should have a filing system, but don't use your files as a dumping ground. Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year, more often if possible.

Spend five or ten minutes each day cleaning up your desk and prioritizing your work for the next day. The following day will get off to a much better start if your desk is organized and you are not faced with overwhelming piles of paper. Don't use the top of your desk as a storage area. It should be a work area, with plenty of room to work.


A.Sort the mail.

B.Answer the mail.

C.Read the magazines.

D.File important information.

听力原文:Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to pene

听力原文: Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to penetrate everything and everybody. It's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as some kind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problem has progressively risen since the 1980s. Why all the disorder? After all, stress, has been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life. However, just as distress can cause disease, there are good stresses that balance this, and promote wellness. Increased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoying noise, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can create magnificent tones. Similarly, We all need to find the proper level of stress that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Good health is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relation ships. In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.


A.The consequence of stress.

B.The negative effect of stress.

C.The realities of stress.

D.The positive effect of stress.

听力原文:W: I can't get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.M: I was irrit

听力原文:W: I can't get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.

M: I was irritated at something else. I said I was sorry, Do we have to go through all that again?

Q: What happened to the woman the other day?.


A.She was hurt by the man.

B.She lost her temper.

C.She didn't speak to her husband.

D.She missed the dinner party.

听力原文:W: I don't think we should have told Jack about the surprise party for Mary.M: It

听力原文:W: I don't think we should have told Jack about the surprise party for Mary.

M: It's all right. He promised not to tell, and he doesn't make promises lightly.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Jack didn't make any promise to Mary.

B.Jack and Mary have no secrets from each other.

C.Jack will keep the surprise party a secret.

D.Jack has arranged a surprise party for Mary.

听力原文:M: Here we are. Brochures for one day excursions.W: Mm. A riverboat trip. That lo

听力原文:M: Here we are. Brochures for one day excursions.

W: Mm. A riverboat trip. That looks interesting.

M: Yeah. It does. Where does it go? And how do we get to the river?

W: It says to go by bus to the river. That costs $ 5 per person each way. Then the boat gees along the river for 4 hours. And we can get a meal on the boat.

M: How much does it cost altogether?

W: Well, the boat trip costs $ 20 and the meal is extra if we want it. I suppose it's a hit expensive -- $ 30 each altogether, and that's not counting the food and drinks.

M: Yes. It would be relaxing but it is a bit expensive.

W: You're right. What about horse riding or cycling? Can you ride a horse?

M: Not very well. I've only ridden a horse twice in my life. How much does it cost?

W: Let me see. Horse riding is a bit expensive too -- $ 30 for 2 hours. And we'd have to go there by bus. And that would be an extra cost.

M: Er, what about cycling? That shouldn't be tm expensive. Here we are, err, mountain bikes for hire. $ 30 a day. But $ 20 of that is a deposit and you can get it back when you return the bike. I wonder how far away the cycle hire place is.

W: No. It's not far at all. I'll show you...

M: That's terrific. Cycling looks the best, doesn't it? That should give us enough exercise. And we can take our own lunch and have a picnic. Now all we have to do is to decide which direction to cycle in.

W: Great. Let's go. We can talk about that while we're walking to the hire place.






听力原文:W: Do you remember the due date for our final paper on Intercultural Communicatio

M: I think it's the last day of class. But Prof. Smith said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.Prof. Smith suggested that all students attend the last class.

B.Prof. Smith suggested that all students finish the assignment before the deadline.

C.Prof. Smith suggested that' all students wait a few minutes after the last class.

D.Prof. Smith suggested that all students watch the clock carefully on the last day of class.

听力原文:M: Together we made $ 50,000 a year. where did you spend it all? How do you expec
t to save for Jack's college education?

W: Where did I spend it? Don't you eat three meals a day?

Q: What are they quarrelling about?



B.Theh' car.


D.Jack's education.

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