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Most mothers, if forced to leave home for a few days, would ________ their children





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The reason some children are backward in speaking is most probably that their mothers resp
ond ________ to their attempts to speak.





The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with
is that ______.

A.their social roles are rigidly determined

B.most boys would like to follow their fathers' professions

C.boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers

D.they like challenging activities

According to the survey by the Motherhood Project, most mothers would prefer to ______.A.l

According to the survey by the Motherhood Project, most mothers would prefer to ______.

A.leave the work if the job demands too much time

B.work if the children have gone to college

C.work if the job doesn't take away too much time from children

D.leave the work if the children demand their leaving

It has been a widespread belief that the American family is dying. But a new study rev
eals that the American family is stronger than ever. This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life.

The American family is changing, not dying. It is becoming smaller, men and women are becoming more equal, and the divorce rate is higher. But despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular. The majority of divorced people remarry, but only 2% marry more than twice. Most marriages last a long time, and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages. Depending on the specific situation, there’s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up.

There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home. So far the amount of educational or development time hasn’t varied very much, whether or not the mother works outside the home. In fact, working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children.

The study shows that television is by far the most significant new childcare arrangement of this century. The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television.

School is the second most time-consuming activity for children. They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school. A larger proportion of children go to school now than ever before, and they stay in school longer. Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in daycare centers (日托站) has almost doubled in recent years. Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity, the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small.

1.The main idea of this article is that _______.

A.he American family is dying

B.the American family is changing, but it is stronger than ever

C.young people today don’t want to get married

D.education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?()

A.The majority of marriages last long

B.Working mothers devote less time to their children

C.Marriage is more popular than before

D.Many divorced people remarry

3.The author of this article believes that ________.

A.teenage marriages should be encouraged

B.the American family is here to stay

C.mothers should not work when their children are small

D.children should not watch so much television

4.What is the most significant new childcare arrangement of this century?()

A.The daycare center


C.The school

D.Development time.

5.According to the writer, which two major factors have led to the belief that the American family is dying?()

A.Divorces are increasing and many teenage marriages break up

B.Children stay in school longer and mothers have little time to take care of them

C.The divorce rate is high and children care more about television than anything else

D.The divorce rate is high and working mothers neglect their children

According to researchers, who had the strongest desire to work on full-time basis?A.The mo

According to researchers, who had the strongest desire to work on full-time basis?

A.The most privileged woman.

B.The least-educated morns.

C.The best-educated mothers.

D.The mothers without any child.

Rising bright and early on a Saturday used to be a matter of survival in Germany.【C1】_____
_ the 1990s most shops closed for the weekend at 2 pm. Today you can【C2】______ into the wee hours every day except Sunday. In most German states shophours are, or about to be, fully【C3】______ . That should lay to rest the【C4】______ that Germany is anti-consumer. But it also【C5】______ a change in attitudes to time.

Germans have long fretted over time. Wasting it is forbidden;【C6】______ is required. The country's austere Protestantism helps to explain this, but【C7】______ may a culture of industrial might. The efficient division of labor requires a【C8】______ schedule. And the family【C9】______ of a lone male breadwinner set a broad daily framework. With few mothers working, shop opening hours could be short, schools could open for only half the day and child care assistance was【C10】______ .

Yet with the economy 【C11】______ driven by services, this time corset (紧身衣) is gradually loosening. More than half of employees now 【C12】______ their own working hours.【C13】______ two-thirds of all women work, up from half in the 1970s. Then there is digital technology:【C14】______ arriving on the dot, you can send a text message apologizing for being late.【C15】______ , many Germans seem to have trouble adjusting to their new flexibility. There are objective reasons, such as the continuing【C16】______ of child-care facilities, which makes it harder for mothers to combine jobs and children.

【C17】______ , this is all an outcome of rising wealth and ever more distractions. Yet there are also 【C18】______ barriers that keep Germans from using their time better. One is a bias【C19】______ hiring help, which many see as akin to slavery. Germans spend much time toiling at home unpaid:【C20】______ other countries have so many home-improvement stores.






Parents of wailing (哀号) babies, take comfort: You are not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss.

Parents of wailing (哀号) babies, take comfort: You are not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss. Sea gull chicks squawk. Burying beetle larvae tap their parents' legs. Throughout the animal kingdom, babies know how to get their parents' attention. Exactly why evolution has produced all this fussing, squawking and tapping is a question many biologists are trying to answer.

Someday, that answer may shed some light on the mystery of crying in human babies. "It may point researchers in the right direction to find the causes of excessive crying," said Joseph Soltis, a bioacoustics expert at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Soltis published an article on the evolution of crying in the current issue of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Young animals vary in how much they cry, squawk or otherwise communicate with their parents, and studies with mice, beetles and monkeys show that this variation is partly based on genes. Some level of crying in humans, of course, is based on gas pains and messy diapers. But as for the genetic contribution, you might expect that natural selection would favor genes for noisier children, since they would get more attention.

Before long, however, this sort of deception may be ruinous. If the signals of offspring became totally unreliable, parents would no longer benefit from paying attention. Some evolutionary biologists have proposed that natural selection should therefore favor so-called honest advertisements. Some biologists have speculated that these honest advertisements may not just tell a parent which offspring are hungry. They might also show their parent that they are healthy and vigorous and therefore worth some extra investment. The babies of monkeys cry out to their mothers and tend to cry even more around the time their mothers wean (断奶) them. The mothers, in response, begin to ignore most of their babies' distress calls, since most turn out to be false alarms. "Initially, mothers respond any time an infant cries," said Dario Maestripieri, a primatologist at the University of Chicago. "But as the cries increase, they respond less and less. They become more skeptical. So infants start crying less. So they go through these cycles, adjusting their responses."

Kim Bard, a primatologist at the University of Plymouth in England, has spent more than a decade observing chimpanzee babies. "Chimps can cry for a long time if something terrible is happening to them, but when you pick them up, they stop," Bard said. "I've never seen any chimpanzees in the first three months of life be inconsolable."

Maestripieri and other researchers say these evolutionary forces may have also shaped the cries of human babies. "All primate infants cry," Maestripieri said. "It's a very conserved behavior. It's not something humans have evolved on their own."

What can be the most probable title of this passage?

A.Parents Bothered by Babies' Cry

B.Infants Crying for Parents' Attention

C.Clues from Animals on Why Babies Cry

D.False Cry

On Mother' Day, it's customary to speak about the sacrifices our mothers made to improve o
ur lives. But mothers also deserve credit for the pivotal (关键的) role they've played in the history of human evolution. Prehistoric mothers did nothing less than seed the development of our species' remarkable intelligence.

The story begins at least two million years ago, when our brains started to grow larger, eventually making humans the most cognitively advanced species on earth. This evolution was not without its difficulties, particularly for mothers. That's because, some five million to seven million years ago, soon after the human lineage (世系) branched from the ancestors of chimpanzees (黑猩猩), another peculiarity increasingly came to mark our ancestors: walking upright on two legs, or bipedalism.

The evolution of bipedalism gradually altered our ancestors' skeletons. By the time brain size began trending upward, the shape of the human pelvis (骨盆) had changed to accommodate the muscle attachments that facilitated walking (and running) in a more vertical posture. As a result, parts of the birth canal narrowed, making the passage of big-brained infants increasingly difficult.

The combination of big brains and constricted birth canals was an obstetrical problem for early mothers and no doubt led to high rates of maternal and infant mortality. The infants who survived were the ones whose heads were small enough to squeeze through narrowed birth canals, but to thrive outside the womb, human development favored big brains. And so natural selection encouraged the early birth of human fetuses, before they had finished gestating (孕育). For that reason, our babies are born in immature, helpless states compared with those of the apes.

Had it not been for the natural selection of enlarged brains, our species would have evolved in a completely different direction. There would be no theory of relativity, no knowledge of "entangled" particles or the human genome; we'd have no great art, music or novels. The excruciating (极痛苦的) pain and trauma of childbirth are the cost our species has paid for its fancy cognition. And mothers continue to pay the debt.

But that's hardly all prehistoric mothers gave us. They also may well have touched off the evolution of language from the sounds they made to reassure their helpless infants. Baby chimpanzees, after all, can cling to their mothers' hairy chests and contentedly ride along, nursing on demand. But human infants, born immature, lack that dexterity. Before the advent of devices like baby slings, the burden of carrying helpless infants presented a dilemma for early mothers as they foraged for food and water.

The purpose of the author in wring this passage is ______.

A.to celebrate Mother's Day

B.to commend the role of the female in the history of human evolution

C.to have a general review of human evolution

D.in honor of mothers all over the world

Few people doubt the fundamental importance of mothers in child-rearing, but what do fathe
rs do? Much of what they contribute is simply the result of being a second adult in the home. Bringing up children is demanding, stressful and exhausting. Two adults can support and make up for each other's deficiencies and build on each other's strengths.

Fathers also bring an array of unique qualities. Some are familiar: protector and role model. Teenage boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. The pathway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they must still learn from their fathers, in ways they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. They learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives. Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, they learn that they are love-worthy.

Current research gives much deeper and more surprising insight into the father's role in child-rearing. One significantly overlooked dimension of fathering is play. From their children's birth through adolescence, fathers tend to emphasize play more than caretaking. The father's style. of play is likely to be both physically stimulating and exciting. With older children it involves more teamwork, requiring competitive testing of physical and mental skills. It frequently resembles a teaching relationship: come on, let me show you how. Mothers play more at the child's level. They seem willing to let the child directly play.

Kids, at least in the early years, seem to prefer to play with daddy. In one study .of 2.5-year-olds who were given a choice, more than two-thirds chose to play with their fathers.

The way fathers play has effects on everything from the management of emotions to intelligence and academic achievement.It is particularly important in promoting self-control. According to one expert, "children who roughhouse with their fathers quickly learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable." They learn when to "shut it down."

At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stress competition, challenge, initiative, risktaking and independence.Mothers, as caretakers, stress emotional security and personal safety. On the playground fathers often try to get the children to swing ever higher, while mothers are cautious, worrying about an accident.

We know, too, that fathers' involvement seems to be linked to improved verbal and problem solving skills and higher academic achievement. Several studies found that along with paternal strictness, the amount of time fathers spent reading with them was a strong predictor of their daughters' verbal ability.

For sons the results have been equally striking. Studies uncovered a strong relationship between fathers' involvement and the mathematical abilities of their sons. Other studies found a relationship between paternal nurturing and boys' verbal intelligence.

The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is ______.

A.husband and wife can share housework

B.two adults are always better than one

C.the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognized

D.husband and wife can compensate for each other's shortcomings

听力原文:Many changes are taking place in the way in which men and women look at their rol

听力原文: Many changes are taking place in the way in which men and women look at their roles in society. We see these changes most dramatically in jobs and business situations. It is no longer unusual to find a male nurse or a female construction worker. Years ago,however,a man who worked as a nurse would have been looked down upon for doing a“woman's job”,and a female construction worker would have been roared off the construction site by her male co-workers. However,the most important changes that have taken place can be found in men's and women's roles in family lire.

Household work that used to be done by women is now often shared equally by men and women. Men have discovered at last that they too are capable of preparing the family dinner,rather than thinking that they are only capable of taking out the garbage. Perhaps the greatest change that has taken place in the family is in parents'new attitudes towards bringing up children。While it is true that only mothers can breastfeed their infants,nowhere is it written that fathers cannot bathe their own babies or change diapers. And more and more of them are doing just that. These days,being a full-time parent is a job that fathers and mothers both share.

As a result of these changes,we no longer insist that little boys play with trucks and grow up to be doctors,while little girls play with dolls and grow up to be housewives. Many men no longer feel that they must maintain a masculine attitude all the time,and many women no longer feel that they should be submissive and obedient. Changes like these do not occur overnight or even in a few years because they involve fundamental changes in attitudes and behavior.


A.Changes in Child Rearing.

B.Changes in American Sex Roles.

C.Changes in Men's Roles in Family Life.

D.Changes in Women's Roles in Career Pursue.

Parents of wailing (哀号) babies, take com-fort: You am not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss.

Parents of wailing (哀号) babies, take com-fort: You am not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss. Sea gull chicks squawk. Burying beetle larvae tap their parents' legs. Throughout the animal kingdom, babies know how to get their parents' attention. Exactly why evolution has produced all this fussing, squawking and tapping is a question many biologists are trying to answer.

Someday, that answer may shed some light on the mystery of crying in human babies. "It may point researchers in the right direction to find the causes of excessive crying," said Joseph Soltis, a bioacoustics expert at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Soltis published an article on the evolution of crying in the current issue of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Young animals vary in how much they cry, squawk or otherwise communicate with their parents, and studies with mice, beetles and monkeys show that this variation is partly based on genes. Some level, of crying in humans, of course, is based on gas pains and messy diapers. But as for the genetic contribution, you might expect that natural selection would favor genes for noisier children, since they would get more attention.

Before long, however, this sort of deception may be ruinous. If the signals of offspring became totally unreliable, parents would no longer benefit from paying attention. Some evolutionary biologists have proposed that natural selection should therefore favor se-called honest advertisements. Some biologists have speculated that these honest advertisements may not just tell a parent which offspring are hungry. They might also show their parent that they are healthy and vigorous and therefore worth some extra investment. The babies of monkeys cry out to their mothers and tend to cry even more around the time their mothers wean (断奶) them. The mothers, in response, begin to ignore most of their babies' distress calls, since most turn out to be false alarms. "Initially, mothers respond any time an infant cries," said Dario Maestripieri, a primatologist at the University of Chicago. "But as the cries increase, they respond less and less. They become more skeptical. So infants start crying less. So they go through these cycles, adjusting their responses."

Kim Bard, a primatolugist at the University of Plymouth in England, has spent more than a decade observing chimpanzee babies. "Chimps can cry for a long time if something terrible is happening to them, but when you pick them up, they stop," Bard said. "I've never seen any chimpanzees in the first three months of life be inconsolable."

Maestripieri and other researchers say these evolutionary forces may have also shaped the cries of human babies. "All primate infants cry," Maestripieri said. "It's a very conserved behavior. It's not something humans have evolved on their own."

What can be the most probable title of this passage?

A.Parents Bothered by Babies' Cry

B.Infants Crying for Parents' Attention

C.Clues from Animals on Why Babies Cry

D.False Cry

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