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“He was a bachelor all his life”()“He never married all his life”.



C.is inconsistent with

D.is synonymous with

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更多““He was a bachelor all his lif…”相关的问题
The world saw Jack as a rich and ______ bachelor, but really he was very shy.A.inferiorB.e

The world saw Jack as a rich and ______ bachelor, but really he was very shy.





听力原文:Penury was what people called a mystery man. We had known him for over seven year

听力原文: Penury was what people called a mystery man. We had known him for over seven years, ever since he became a member of our modest club, but be had a way of keeping his private lift to himself in all but the unessential details. We knew his address, though he never invited us to his home, and his age, too, but only unimportant matters of this kind. It seemed that he did not have to work for a living as we did, in our various ways. He had once hinted about an inheritance on which he managed to live comfortably. He was not, however, a man of luxurious habits: he was not especially well dressed and he did not even have a car. At the age of forty-five he was still a bachelor though. Since marriage was not a subject he ever discussed we had no means of finding out whether he regretted not having a wife.

Penury disappeared suddenly from our circle and shortly afterwards we came to learn the first really solid facts about our mystery man. From reports that appeared in the newspapers, together with photographs of the man who was without doubt, our Mr. Penury, it was revealed that he was the most accomplished burglar in the London area; and that he had practiced this profession for many years, until he was arrested and sent to prison.


A.Because nobody knew his address.

B.Because nobody knew his age.

C.Because Penury's private life was a secret.

D.Because Penury was still a bachelor at the age of forty-five.

Passage Three:Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The way people hold to
the belief that a fun-filled, pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness, if fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (承担的义务), self-improvement.

Ask a bachelor (单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three-day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.

第31题:According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because ________.

A) he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities

B) he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single

C) he finds more fun in dating than in marriage

D) he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement

听力原文:The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the waddin

听力原文: The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wadding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring? That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond represented beauty. He plecod it on the third finger d her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today, we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues.

Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and party. During the time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing.

Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party. During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would - be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger. The husband wears hi ring on the third finger of his left hand.

Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other. Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this hap pens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man; they also return any wedding gifts they have received.






Employers and career experts see a growing problem in American society--a(n)【C1】______of c

Employers and career experts see a growing problem in American society--a(n)【C1】______of college graduates, many burdened with tuition-loan(学费贷款)debt,【C2】______into the work world with a degree that doesn't mean much【C3】______The problem isn't just a soft job market--it's a(n)【C4】______of graduates. In 1973, a bachelor's degree was more of a rarity,【C5】______just 47% of high school graduates went on to college. By October 2008, that number had【C6】______to nearly 70%. For many Americans today, a trip through college is considered as【C7】______of a birthright as a driver's license.

Employers stress that a basic degree【C8】______essential, carefully tiptoeing around the idea that its【C9】______has decreased. But they admit that the degree alone is not enough; now they【C10】______work experience as a way to make yourself【C11】______. Daniel Pink, an author on motivation【C12】______the workplace, agrees that the bachelor's degree "is necessary, but it's just not【C13】______," at times doing little more than verifying "that you can more or less show up on time and【C14】______with it." The author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future says companies want【C15】______. They're looking for people who can do【C16】______that can't be outsourced(工程外包), he says, and graduates who "don't【C17】______a lot of hand-holding."

For now, graduates can steer their careers【C18】______job growth is strong--education, health care and nonprofit programs【C19】______Teach for America, says Trudy Steinfeld, a career counselor at New York University. "Every college degree is not cookie cutter. It's what you have done during that degree to【C20】______yourself."






Cambridge University closed down in the summer of 1665 when the plague broke out. New ton,
a student there, went home to Lincolnshire. He stayed home for two years while the disease ran its course in the area around London. The 23-year-old Newton spent that time studying and laying the foundations for his greatest work, the Principia. One day he sat thinking in his garden, when an apple fell. Then he realized that the direction the apple fell, along with every other object on this round earth, was always toward Earth's center. It wasn't just that the apple fell, but that it tried to go to Earth's center. That was Newton's eureka moment. He realized that Earth had drawn the apple to it. He realized that every object in the universe draws every other object— probably in proportion to its mass. Newton didn't publish his Principia until 20 years later. But he formulated the Law of Universal Gravitation (LUG) there in his Lincolnshire garden. He showed us that was true of planets and moons as well.

Now enters a surprising character. The person who popularized the apple story, was none other than the well-known French writer and philosopher Voltaire. Due to his outspoken views, in 1726 he was forcibly exiled to England where he spent the next three years. Newton died in 1727 so Voltaire would have been familiar with the many discoveries made by him. Voltaire was also acquainted with Newton's niece, Catherine Barton. Newton was a bachelor and she had a greed to manage his London home; therefore she would have been familiar with the apple story, which she related to Voltaire.

Voltaire sided with Newton in Newton's bitter fights with Leibnitz. In Candide, Voltaire ridiculed Leibnitz. The character Dr.Pangloss, who went about insisting that we live in the "best of all possible worlds", was Voltaire's version of Leibnitz.

We might chalk Vohaire's apple story up to "partisan license". But it' you've ever done anything creative, you'll recognize the plausibility of the apple story. You'll remember your own moment when some small and commonplace event revealed a great troth to you. That's the way creativity works.

Which of the following is true about Newton's Principia?

A.Newton was motivated to write the Principia after he saw the apple fell.

B.The Law of Universal Gravitation was originally included in the Principia.

C.Newton began to form. the idea of the Principia when he was a college student.

D.The Law of Universal Gravitation was formulated long before the Principia.

听力原文:Most American university students study for 4 years or more to get a college degr

听力原文: Most American university students study for 4 years or more to get a college degree. During this time, they are called undergraduate students. When a student completes his courses, he earns a bachelor's degree which will help him find jobs.

Many students postpone finding jobs. They stay at the university and work for a higher degree. Other students take a job for a few years. When they quit working, they resume studying at the university. These students work to earn higher degrees, a master's or a doctorate. They are called graduate students.

Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study. They study to become experts in this field and to learn new advances in their fields while they earn an M.A. or Ph. D. Sometimes when they get an M.A. in one field, they begin studying in another field. They hope to get jobs that are interesting and high paying.

The life of a graduate student is often difficult. They are usually too busy studying to make a good living. Often they have to pay high tuition fees for their education. Some give up studying before they get their degrees. But most keep on working at their studies until they graduate. In today's world, most graduate students don't regret spending time on their studies. They are finding that things are changing very fast and study has become a necessity.


A.Three years or more.

B.Four years or more.

C.Five years or more.

D.Six years or more.

A.A technical associate degree.B.A bachelor's degree.C.A degree which is designed for

A.A technical associate degree.

B.A bachelor's degree.

C.A degree which is designed for transfer.

D.The last degree one can ever hope to attain.

The True Story of a Young ManWhen Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse C
The True Story of a Young Man

When Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, what he wanted most was a good job with a good salary. But soon he became interested in the civil rights movement. At present he has a plan which he hopes will take him to Congress as a southern representative.Now in his first year at Harvard Law School, Reg is making careful plans. After earning his degree, he expects to return to the South to practice law among the poor. "I want to help them understand what their rights are and to help them achieve them," he says. Then he hopes to run for political office at the local and state level until he is ready to try for Congress.Reg grew up in a low-income Negro section of Birmingham, Alabama. Brought up by his grandparents after his parents were divorced while he was very young, Reg has been living through a period of far-reaching progress in race relations. In the summer of 1968 Reg himself became a good example of this progress when he became the first Negro student appointed to a special new program. The program introduces bright young students to the workings of the Georgia State government and encourages them to seek employment there after finishing their education. "I've been lucky," he says. "I seem to have been in the right place at the right time."

But luck is only part of Reg's story, for he has made the most of opportunities that came his way. He learned to read in kindergarten and began visiting the public library regularly to borrow books. His grandparents encouraged him, though neither of them had much education, and they bought him a set of encyclopedias. "I loved those books," he re- members. "I used to come downstairs before breakfast and read short articles. I enjoyed reading about famous men, and then I would pretend to be one of them. I guess it was partly a childish game and partly an escape. It wasn't too much fun to be a Negro when I was a kid."

While studying for his bachelor's degree at Morehouse College, Reg worked on several political campaigns helping candidates get elected to government offices. At the same time he maintained a "B" average while majoring in political science. He worked as a student advisor to earn extra money for his college expenses, and he was granted a scholarship for a year of study at the University of Valencia in Spain.With just two more years to complete at Harvard Law School, which also gave him a scholarship, Reg has made a good start on his professional career. He says, "The good life for me is the kind of life where I can find satisfaction in public service."

1.When Mr. Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College, he wanted to ____

A、become a southern representative in Congress

B、participate in the civil rights movement

C、get a good job with good pay

D、help candidates get elected to government office

2.We learn from the passage that Lindsay ____

A、spent his childhood with his grandparents

B、loved to read history books

C、had well-educated grandparents

D、learned to read after his parents divorced

3.Lindsay felt that ____

A、reading about famous men would help him to succeed

B、pretending to be a famous person was a way to escape from the realities of life

C、reading in the public library was a good way to educate himself

D、reading widely would provide him with many opportunities in the future

4.In Lindsay's time, ____ .

A、there was a great improvement in race relations

B、black people were still looked down upon

C、the Georgia State government encouraged black students to work for it

D、it was impossible for blacks to enter famous universities

5.According to the passage, Lindsay's purpose in life was to ____

A、become a famous lawyer

B、be elected to political office at the local level

C、get another scholarship to study abroad

D、serve the public

A.He has a Bachelor's degree.B.He didn't finish the college.C.He is now a college stud

A.He has a Bachelor's degree.

B.He didn't finish the college.

C.He is now a college student.

D.He is now studying in a night school.

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