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Just thinking about all the ________ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and th





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听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class. I'm just not catching on.M: Hol

听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class. I'm just not catching on.

M: Hold on to it, I did and I learned how to swim eventually.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?


A.He wants to quit the class too.

B.He knows nothing about swimming.

C.He made great efforts in learning to swim.

D.He teaches swimming.

听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class, I'm just not catching on.M: Hol

听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class, I'm just not catching on.

M: Hold on to it, I did and I learned how to swim eventually.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?


A.He wants to quit the class too.

B.He knows nothing about swimming.

C.He made great efforts in learning to swim.

D.He teaches swimming.

听力原文:W:Do you know what's wrong with Peter? He has been acting very strangely lately.M

听力原文:W:Do you know what's wrong with Peter? He has been acting very strangely lately.

M:Come on,with his parents coming to visit next week-right after he's moved into a new apartment-he's just got a lot on his mind.

Q:What does the man say about Peter?


A.He is happy that his parents are coming.

B.He's thinking about a number of things.

C.He's not feeling very well.

D.He's looking for a new apartment.

听力原文:M: You know, I'm just not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even
the new position is really what I want. Besides, I like the work that I am doing now.

W: It sounds as though you've already made up your mind about what you are going to do.

Q: What is the man thinking about?


A.Whether to employ the woman.

B.Whether to take up the new job.

C.Whether to ask for a raise.

D.Whether to ask for more salary.

听力原文: Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not perform
ed in the brain alone, but that ones muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way as we listen to music with our bodies. You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but also with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or more specifically, some parts of their body. Often when one listens to a concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job. Strange as this behaviour may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself to the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body. The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. According to the passage, what do some psychologists maintain about thinking? 20. Why do people move their body while listening to familiar music? 21. What is the passage mainly about?19.

A.To exercise their muscles.

B.To show that they understand the music.

C.To fully enjoy the music.

D.To experience the feeling of being a conductor.

听力原文:W: Richard, I wonder if you can tell me something about hotels on the Costa Brava

M: Why? Sorry, Helen. I'm afraid I know little more than you do.

W: Well, it's just that we've been thinking of taking the family to Spain this summer and at this rather late stage we're trying to organize ourselves a suitable hotel. But I thought that you'd been to the Costa Brava.

M: It's absolutely late. But have you looked at the ads?

W: Yeah. As a matter of fact I was reading one ad just this morning in the Daily paper which sounded terrific..

M: For a hotel?

W: Yes. Just outside Barcelona. It said that this hotel was right on the beach, and that's essential as far as we have concerned..

M: I know just how it is.

W: And all the rooms have balconies facing the sea and overlooking the beach.

M: Expensive?

W: No. That was the amazing thing about it. But I'm not sure how much exaggeration there is in the ad.

M: The only way to find out for certain is to go and try it. And that's taking rather a risk.

W: Yes, I agree with you.





D.Costa Rica.

听力原文:M: I'm looking for some sports shoes. Can you give me some advice?W: That's what

听力原文:M: I'm looking for some sports shoes. Can you give me some advice?

W: That's what I'm here for, Sir. Could you tell me what size you take?

M: Of course, 41.

W: Ok, we have plenty of choices for you. What colour would you prefer?

M: I was thinking about red, but I am well known for fashion disasters!

W: Not at all. I think red is a very good choice. It is THE colour this season. How about these?

M: They are great. Can I try them on?

W: Certainly, just give me a moment while I get a pair in your size. Please, take a seat. I will be back in a moment.

M: They are really comfortable, and they look great. They are exactly what I was looking for. How much are they?

W: On special offer for 85 pounds. Just let me box them up for you. Please make your way over to the cash desk.

M: Do you accept credit cards?

W: Yes, we accept all major cards here.


A.Few things.

B.Not many things.

C.Plenty of choices.

D.Nothing in his size.

听力原文:W: Hey, you know, I am thinking of painting our room. What do you think?M: Do you

听力原文:W: Hey, you know, I am thinking of painting our room. What do you think?

M: Do you think we really need that?

W: Of course! Look at our room. It's so dull. I just want it to be bright and colorful.

M: Whatever.

W: So what color do you want it to be?

M: Er...I prefer light green. I heard that it's good for your eyes.

W: Ok, tomorrow we'll go shopping and buy the paint.

M: Do I have to go with you?

W: Sure, I need your help.

M: Well, that's hard work.

W: Oh, hey] What about rearranging the furniture after we paint the wall?

M: Are you kidding?

W: No, I just want to make a little change of our apartment.

M: Do you want to change your husband too?




C.Husband and wife.


听力原文:Tia Betances was concerned about taking a speech class. (33) Not having any exper

听力原文: Tia Betances was concerned about taking a speech class. (33) Not having any experience as a public speaker, she got butterflies in her stomach just thinking about talking in front of an audience. But when the time came for Tia's first speech, she was determined to make it success.

Tia chose the Special Olympics as the topic for her speech. Her younger brother suffered from Down's syndrome, and for the past five years Tia had worked as a volunteer at the local Special Olympics competition. (34) The purpose of her speech was to explain the origins, events, and philosophy of the Special Olympics.

As Tia spoke, it became clear that she cared deeply about her subject and genuinely wanted her audience to care about it too. Because she was intent on communicating with her audience, she forgot to be nervous. She established eye contact with her listeners and (35) spoke clearly, fluently and dynamically. Soon the entire class was engrossed in her speech.

She combined her enthusiasm for her topic with thorough preparation and she scored a triumph in the speech class. Afterward, Tia conceded that she had surprised even herself. "I could hardly believe it," she said. "Once I got through the introduction, I didn't think about being nervous—I just concentrated on what I wanted to say. It was even sort of fun"

33.How did Tia feel before her speech?

34.What is the purpose of Tia's speech?

35.How did Tia behave in her speech?


A.She was very worried.

B.She was confident.

C.She felt very nervous.

D.She felt calm.

听力原文:A: Hello, Michael. How are things going?B: Very well, thanks. Cathy, guess what,

听力原文:A: Hello, Michael. How are things going?

B: Very well, thanks. Cathy, guess what, Tom and I have just won this year's speech contest.

A: Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!

B: Thanks. Are you free this Saturday evening? You see, we are thinking about having a Party,.... you know ... just to celebrate.

A: Yeah, I'll be glad to come. You guys deserve to celebrate. You've been working so hard, haven't you?

B: Yes, to tell the truth, we haven't had a good night's sleep last week. We need a break.

A: Are there any other people coming to the party?

B: We've invited some of our friends to come over and we would especially like you to join us.

A: I'd be delighted to. Thank you ... Um ... Would you like me to bring some food or drinks?

B: Oh, don't bother. We've got everything ready.

A: Oh, that's very kind of you. By the way, can I bring my sister to the party? She’s coming to visit me this weekend.

B: Sure, you can. She'll be welcome.


A.They have just won the spelling contest.

B.They have just won the composition contest.

C.They have just won the speech contest.

D.They have just won the vocabulary contest.

听力原文:(Knock, knock...) M: Come in. W: Good morning, Mr Brown. M: Oh, come in, Mary.

听力原文:(Knock, knock...) M: Come in. W: Good morning, Mr Brown. M: Oh, come in, Mary. Ive been expecting you. Take a seat. W: Thanks. M: And what can I do for you? W: Well, I was thinking about taking a year off after we finish school this summer, and I wanted some advice. M: I see. You mean putting off going to university for a year? W: Thats right. Ive been offered a place at London University, but what Id really like to do is take a year out first — do something different, maybe go abroad. M: So were you thinking of getting some sort of job, or travelling around? I mean, is your main aim to earn some money, or to do something else? Or do you want to do a bit of both? W: Id really like to travel — but I dont have any money. But Ive heard of an organisation called Peterson International — and thats what I want to ask you about. Do you know anything about it? M: Sure. Its a charity and its aimed very much at young people like you, and what they do is to get teams of young people to work together on various projects all over the world—environment projects, community projects, that sort of thing. W: Mum, it sounds great. Is it just English people on the projects? M: No, theyre international teams. Youd be working with quite a variety of people. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. When does Mary want to take a year off? 14. What projects does Peterson International carry out? 15. Where do the people in the Peterson International teams come from?13.

A.International children"s projects.

B.Social and environmental projects.

C.Projects for people with no money.

D.Projects involving sports and language.

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