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听力原文:Living things take from their environment and give back to their environment. In

听力原文: Living things take from their environment and give back to their environment. In other words, living things and their environment are interdependent. Living things take matter and energy from the environment, and return matter and energy to the environment. For instance, animals feed on plants, or on other animals. And they return materials to the environment. This interaction goes on continually.

Man also is in active give-and-take relations with his environment. However, there is one way in which man is different. Other living things do not change their environment the way man does. Man is not only adapted to the environment. He alters his environment in other complex ways.

How is it that man can alter his environment, as no other living thing can? It is because of his brain. With his brain, man learns.

Man's brain makes it possible for him to record what he learns. He puts his records in words, in pictures, in sounds. In this way man can pass on what he learns to other men,


A.They have nothing to do with each other.

B.They have something to do with each other.

C.They help each other in a way.

D.They depend on each other.

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更多“听力原文:Living things take from t…”相关的问题
听力原文:Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditio

听力原文: Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lost touch with the land and rhythm of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park(if you have the time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blot out the sun. The traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.

Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.


A.The people are not in regular communication with the rhythm of nature.

B.The people can't enjoy sunshine and fresh air.

C.Modern cities offer better schools, more chances of employment.

D.Traffic fumes pollute the air.

听力原文:M: You like living in the city, don't you?W: Oh, I love it. It's so, convenient.

听力原文:M: You like living in the city, don't you?

W: Oh, I love it. It's so, convenient. I can take the bus to work, or the subway, or the taxi. And there is so much to do.

M: I know what you mean. I'd like to live in the city, but to live in the suburbs is better for children.

W: Well, there are a lot of good things about suburban living. But, as a working woman, I think a city has all the conveniences…including the best food and fastest news.

M: But there are more trees, grass and fresh air in the suburbs.

W: Yeah, but living in a city, it's convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends.

M: Yeah, children are the right age. There are lots of things for them here.

W: You are right. They are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people, to see and do.

M: Not just for young people. What about me? I've never been to the Museum of Natural History.

W: Neither have I. When I was a child, I used to go to the Museum of Art.

M: I've been there several times. Twice with children.

W: Well, I have an idea. Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History.

M: Ok, that's really a very nice idea.


A.They are looking for an apartment to live in.

B.They are discussing living places and children's education.

C.They are complaining about their children.

D.They are planning for the next weekend.

听力原文:M: You like living in the city, don't you?W: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient, I

听力原文:M: You like living in the city, don't you?

W: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient, I can take the bus to work, or the subway, or the taxi. And there is so much to do.

M: I know what you mean. I'd like to live in the city, too, but to live in the suburbs is better for children.

W: Well, there are a lot of good things about suburban living. But, as a working woman, I think a city has all the conveniences—including the best food and fastest news.

M: But there are more trees, grass and fresh air in the suburbs.

W: Yeah, but living in a city, it's convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends.

M: Yeah, children are the right age. There are lots of things for them here.

W: You are right. They are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people to see and do.

M: Not just for young people. What about me? I've never been to the Museum of Natural History.

W: Neither have I. When I was a child, I used to go to the Museum of Art.

M: I've been there several times. Twice with children.

W: Well, I have an idea. Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History.

M: Ok, that's really a very nice idea.


A.They are looking for an apartment to live in.

B.They are discussing living places and children's education.

C.They are complaining about their children.

D.They are planning for the next weekend.

听力原文:M: Do you have anything particular to declare? Any cigarettes, liquor, living pla
nt or animals?

W: No, I've only got some clothes and things like that.

Q: What may be the relationship between the two speakers?


A.Officer and soldier.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Customs officer and traveler.

D.Policeman and thief.

听力原文:Back in those primitive times it was unnecessary to have a special form. of excha

听力原文: Back in those primitive times it was unnecessary to have a special form. of exchange value for everything, like a price. In thee times the only things that were really valuable were the skills to sat vive. But as society became more complex, people depend more on others who were living far away; then it became important for people to develop some method for exchanging value without having to ex change the actual goods.

This need to develop a method for exchanging value was what led to the use of money. Money was a means of exchanging value without having to actually exchange the specific things you wanted. Before the use of money, people had to trade things with each other, and it was usually very difficult to decide what everything was worth in relation to each other. If you had three animals skins and your friend had two pots of dried betas, how did you know how many skins were equivalent to a pet of beans if they didn't have a price? With the introduction of money, all things could begin to hate a common value that everybody could know about. This led to a standardized set of values among people. As the power of money increased, values that were different from the majority were no longer recognized. The value of something in terms of money became the ultimate value. In order for money to function, the whole society has to agree on the same values.


A.Life was easy and food was easy to find.

B.People care more about how to survive.

C.The people took care of each other out of love.

D.There are many developed individual monetary systems.

听力原文:I'll still be working. But things will be different. With any luck, I'll be earni

听力原文: I'll still be working. But things will be different. With any luck, I'll be earning more money. The most important thing will be the job itself, and how interesting it is. I mean, I hope I'll be able to choose the kind of job I do and 5vho I work for. Of course, I' d like to have more money and more authority than I have now. But I don' t think that' s the only thing in life. What I really want is to be more independent than I am now, to have more control over my own life. Perhaps open a small restaurant, or write a book or something like that. I' m not really sure if I'll ever have children, or even if I want to be married. It all depends. Of course, if I meet the right person, anything could happen. But I won' t feel that my life is empty and meaningless if I' m still living alone ten years, or even twenty years from now. Not at all. My mother is always saying there is nothing like a good relationship. But I am not so sure. There is nothing worse than a really bad one, either.


A.Her unique experience.

B.Her future prospects.

C.Her favourite job.

D.Her lonely life.

听力原文:A couple of months ago, I went to a department store to buy a few things for the

听力原文: A couple of months ago, I went to a department store to buy a few things for the house. I needed a set of curtains for the living room, two table lamps, a rug and several cushions. I asked them to deliver the things as soon as possible, but they said they were unable to send them out until 20 days later. After about 3 weeks, I received only the curtains and table lamps. I was a little disappointed when I didn't receive all the items I had bought. But nevertheless, I was eager to see what the curtains and lamps looked like. I first opened the package with the curtains. I had bought a lovely light blue, and instead they had sent me a horrible dark purple. Well, you can just imagine how angry I was. Then I opened the boxes with the lamps. They were exactly what I'd ordered. But one of the lampshades was damaged. The next I did was to telephone them to complain. They promised to come and pick them up immediately and also to replace them with the correct order. It has been two weeks since my complaint. They have neither picked up the wrong items nor sent me the rest of my order.


A.In about 20 years.

B.Within a week.

C.In a couple of weeks.

D.As early as possible.

听力原文:Ecology is the study of the interrelationship of living things to their environme

听力原文: Ecology is the study of the interrelationship of living things to their environment. This even includes the study of nonliving things. In recent years, ecology has become a source of great interest to many people who live in the United States and Canada. The interest has been increasing because some experts feel that we are destroying the land on which we live. They also feel that we can stop this destruction by being more careful.

Some of the environmental problems are caused by industry. Wastes pollute the waters. Gases and fumes poison the air. When air and water are polluted, then fish, birds, and other living cream die. Human life is also affected by industrial neglect. People become poisoned in many ways while working on and around unsafe plants and factories. Nuclear power plants have caused great controversy.

People also cause some of the problems. Cars that people drive pour fumes into the air we breathe. Garbage is sometimes dumped into streams that supply drinking water. Forest fires are often caused by careless campers. Beaches and city streets are littered with rubbish.


A.Living things.

B.Living things and nonliving things.

C.The environmental problems caused by industry and people.

D.The interrelationship of living things to their environment.

听力原文:W: You know, Brian, it doesn't look like you're vacuumed the living room or clean
ed the bathroom.

M: No, I haven' t. Ugh. I had the worst day. I am so fired, kook, I promise I'll do it this weekend.

W: Listen, I know the feeling. I' m tired, toe. But I came home and I did my share of the housework. I mean, that' s the agreement, right?

M: All right. We agreed. I'll do it in a minutes

W: Come on. Don't be that way. You know, I shouldn't have to ask you to do anything. I mean, we both work, we both live in the house, we agreed that housework is... is both of our responsibility. I don' t like to have to keep reminding you about it. It makes me feel like an old nag or something.

M: Sometimes you are an old nag.

W: Oh, great!

M: No, it's just that I don't notice when things get dirty like you do. Look, all you have to do is tell me, and I'll do it.

W: No, I don ' t want to be put in that position. I mean, you can see dirt as well as I can. Otherwise - I mean, that puts all the responsibility on me.

M: It' s just that cleanliness is not a high priority with me. Them are other things I would much rather do. Besides, the living room floor does not look that dirty.

W: Brian.

M: Okay, a couple crumbs.


A.A weekday afternoon.

B.A weekday evening.

C.A weekend afternoon.

D.A weekend evening.

听力原文:W: Things aren't what they used to be, are they?M: No, they aren't. Everything is

听力原文:W: Things aren't what they used to be, are they?

M: No, they aren't. Everything is upside down these days. People haven't even got good manners any more. Look at the way children act.

Q: What are the speakers complaining about?


A.Children's health.

B.Social manners.


D.Old people's health.

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