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RSS(really simple syndication)是网站用来和其他站点之间共享内容的一种简易方式,使用RSS阅读器,先安装阅读器。()

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RSS的全称是Really Simple Syndication,意为建议信息聚合,是()的一种简易形式。
RSS的全称是Really Simple Syndication,意为建议信息聚合,是()的一种简易形式。

听力原文:W: I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages.M: I

听力原文:W: I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages.

M: I can carry on simple conversations, but that is really about it.

Q: What does the man say about his linguistic ability?


A.It is hard for him to evaluate.

B.It is a great advantage to him.

C.It is improved with each conversation.

D.It's actually rather limited.

听力原文:W: I can't decide what to serve for dessert tonight. We're having roast beef; bak
ed potatoes with sour cream, and a Caesar salad. Any suggestions?

M: Well, I really like your strawberry pie, but strawberries are out of season now. Why not serve something simple like lime sherbet'?

What probably will not be served tonight?



B.Strawberry pie.

C.Potatoes and sour cream.

D.Lime sherbet.

Photographers are always looking for new inspiration, at least the good ones are.Their eye
s are constantly searching for that(26)the composition or lighting that will help them snap their next masterpiece.This transfers into their everyday life, so even when they do not have their photos in

mind, they will be more than (27)point out the beauty of a particular scene they come across and change their partner"s (28)on things.A lot of people assume that photographers (29) physical beauty, but the really good ones can actually find beauty in anything and everyone ! They find beauty in the harshest places and make them look stunning! This is a(30) talent to have——to change how a person looks at the world.

Creativity (31)one artist to another, as well as from one art form. to another, but it always leaves a distinct mark on a(32)the artist develops.Photography is a good way to a distinct lifestyle, and gives you a(33) mind-set.With a few simple tips you can make your photos look great, but the originality and(34)values of the photos, are goals that you really need to be a talented and dedicated (35) to reach.It is just the general approach of documenting particular moments in time in an as beautiful way as possible.

第(26)题__________ 查看材料

Why We Are Touched By The Sound of MusicFrom simple folksongs to the complex sound of a sy

Why We Are Touched By The Sound of Music

From simple folksongs to the complex sound of a symphony orchestra, music has been created by every known society. Almost every pivotal event in life can be signposted with music, whether it's a joyful occasion like a wedding or a sad one such as a funeral. Music, which consistently merges in surveys as the most popular form. of art, can be used not only to tap into an emotion a person is already feeling, but to manipulate it in a powerful way. Yet the existence of music mystifies scientists. It's not a primary means of communication, unlike language. While human beings are the only species to make musical instruments, music does not seem to help us to live longer or pass on our genes more efficiently. So what purpose does it serve?

Participants at the American Association or the Advancement of Science recently attended a performance of the kind of music Neanderthal man might have heard. Working from fragments of musical instruments found alongside Neanderthal relics in Slovenia in 1995, Dr Jelle Atema from Boston University crafted a flute from the 50,000-year-old leg-bone of a bear. His replica showed the flute was not a sophisticated instrument in fact, it had a range of less than one octave--but it was an instrument nonetheless. Dr Atema's guess is that cavemen used the instrument to attract prospective mates. Although some psychologists feel this is somewhat feeble and doesn't really explain why a cavewoman should find a caveman flautist more appealing than a tone-deaf rival, the question remains. After all, something must explain why our ancestors were creating music 200,000 years ago.

Psychologists are united in one belief--that music speaks to the heart. What is more, the evidence that music elicits emotion is startlingly direct. A Cornell University study showed recently that certain pieces of music induce physiological changes in the body that correspond to certain emotions. "Sad" pieces caused the pulse to slacken, the blood pressure to rise and the temperature to drop, which is exactly what happens when a sense of sadness sets in. "Happy" songs did the opposite, inducing a cheery feeling. Somehow, music can tap into sensitive emotional circuits.

Geoffrey Miller, a scientist at University College, London, thinks it is clear that music has all the hallmarks of an adaptive behaviour, meaning it was a factor in selecting a mate. "It is universal across cultures, and kids are motivated spontaneously to learn how to play music around the age of puberty," says Dr Miller. He recently conducted an intriguing study of 3,000 jazz albums. The peak age of the performers was 30, and there were ten male performers for every one female. "That's the same age at which other cultural displays peak, such as painting, poetry and philosophy," Dr Miller points out.

Musical talent, he says, can indicate ninny desirable qualities in a mate: the mental competence to learn notes and lyrics; the social intelligence required to be part of an orchestra and co-operate, literally harmoniously, with other people; creativity and energy. But just because musical competence may have once signalled a good mate doesn't necessarily mean that every modern woman is searching for that quality--human beings have come to differ in their preferences.

Dr Adrian North, ,a music psychologist at I,eicester University, surveyed Staffordshire teenagers last year about what kind of music they listen to and why. "'lane findings were almost too stereotypical to be true," says Dr North. "While the girls listened to infiuence their mood, boys used music as a way of impressing their friends. Boys seem to like rock and rap because it shows how cool, trendy and macho they are. Boys use music as a badge of identity; it's a way of telling people about who you are." He also adds that an indivi




Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're
Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're

Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).

Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're working on our math homework.

Jon: I'm trying!

Rose: Well, I finished mine. I can help you.____, actually.

Jon: Maybe for you, but____

Rose: Yeah, I guess I am good at working with numbers in my head. You can use a calculator if you want.

Jon: That's a good idea. Now, I have to find it!


Jon: That would be great, Rose. I'll look in my bag. Can you look in my desk?

Rose: Sure. No problem.____

A、I'll give you a hand if you like.

B、It's really pretty simple

C、I'm not very good at things like that.

D、Let me show you.

听力原文:Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of min

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mine to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus. and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to bow salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mi
ne to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to how salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.

Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a person does.It is a task whi

Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a person does.

It is a task which can be attempted in various of ways, some of which are 【M1】 ______ more appropriate than others. When the material to be learned is 【M2】 ______

a brief and simple kind which is familiar with the person and of intense 【M3】 ______

interest to him, effective learning usually proceeds automatically.

In the first place, the person at once relates the material to other

material which has already securely learned. Subsequently, the relevance 【M4】 ______

of the newly learned material to his interests assures its being 【M5】 ______

recalled on many occasions; and one repetition minimizes 【M6】 ______

the likelihood of remembering. Furthermore, the subsequent use 【M7】 ______

of the new material is likely to take place in a variety of contexts

and, so, the material becomes related to a narrower range of other material. 【M8】 ______

Because of all this, the material is rapidly learned, long retained,

and recalled with increasingly readiness in a variety of 【M9】 ______

contexts. Without really trying, the person had fulfilled a 【M10】 ______

few important conditions of effective learning.


It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and wor

It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. All one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny ” members. Sometimes they stare at those of us who are, well, zaftig . It is easy to see the judgment behind their eyes. Who wants to put up with that? Many people are self-conscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes of while exercising, especially if they are larger than most of the others in the group. Now the fitness industry is finally paying attention. Popular gyms are catering (迎合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the “skinny ” people are not allowed. There are even gyms or programs that require members to be at least 50 pounds overweight to participate. Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块 腹肌). (79)They often use text messages to stay in touch with customers. Often at these specialized gyms, the trainers are overweight themselves, or working on their own weight goals, and this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body image. The equipment has been designed for use by larger people. Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted (有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes. (80)Hopefully these types of gyms will successfully grow in numbers in the future. The idea is a very simple and potentially popular one. If it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness level, it ’s a step in the right direction. The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.





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