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听力原文:Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of min

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mine to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus. and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to bow salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.

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更多“听力原文:Conversations are really …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages.M: I

听力原文:W: I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages.

M: I can carry on simple conversations, but that is really about it.

Q: What does the man say about his linguistic ability?


A.It is hard for him to evaluate.

B.It is a great advantage to him.

C.It is improved with each conversation.

D.It's actually rather limited.

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mi
ne to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to how salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.

听力原文:W: Nowadays, more and more people like to go traveling in their spare time.Do you

听力原文:W: Nowadays, more and more people like to go traveling in their spare time. Do you enjoy traveling?

M: Yes, I like it very much. If I have time, I always go traveling.

W: If the journey lasts more than 2 hours, it seems very boring to most people. What do you do to prevent boredom on a long journey?

M: If I go on a journey, I try and take a particular magazine, a novel, a newspaper and my walkman. And I try and read for fifteen minutes and listen to the walkman for fifteen minutes, then get up to go and buy a cup of tea. I try and have various things to do throughout the journey so that the journey does not seem as long and boring as it can often be.

W: What about crossword puzzles?

M: No,I don't really bother with crossword puzzles.

W: What about engaging in conversations with people?

M: Well, I think this might be another English thing. I just don't do it. Partly because ! think they might think I'm taking liberties in talking to them. But if somebody starts to talk to me and if they are interesting, then I'll talk to them. If they are boring, then the walkman goes on.

W: I see. You don't want other people to invade your space.

M: That's it.


A.a magazine.

B.a novel.

C.a walkman.

D.a guitar.

听力原文:During a 1995 roof collapse, a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain da

听力原文: During a 1995 roof collapse, a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged. For ten years, he was unable to speak. Then, one Saturday morning, he did something that shocked his family and doctors. He started speaking. "I want to talk to my wife" Donald Herbert said out of the blue. Staff members of the nursing home where he has lived for more than seven years, raced to get Linda Herbert on the telephone. "It was the first of many conversations the 44-year-old patient had with his family and friends during the 14 hours stretch," Herbert's uncle Simon Menka said. "How long have I been away?" Herbert asked. "We told him almost ten years," the uncle said, "he thought it was only three months."

Herbert was fighting a house fire December 29, 1995, when the roof collapsed, burying him underneath. After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapy ever since. News accounts in the days and years after his injury, described Herbert as blind and with little if any memory. A video shows him receiving physical therapy but apparently unable to communicate and with little awareness of his surroundings. Menka declined to discuss his nephew's current condition or whether the apparent progress is continuing. "The family was seeking privacy while doctors evaluated Herbert", he said. As word of Herbert's progress spread, visitors streamed into the nursing home. "He's resting comfortably," the uncle told them.


A.He suffered a nervous breakdown.

B.He was wrongly diagnosed.

C.He was seriously injured.

D.He developed a strange disease.

听力原文:American women are used to being independent. They are used to going places by th

听力原文: American women are used to being independent. They are used to going places by themselves, earning their own money, and often living alone. Sometimes they will ask men for help, but they usually don't want to be protected. Since the women's movement started, it's not always clear whether women expect men to open doors or help them into their coats. American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.

There are a lot of Americans who don't smoke or drink, and many who don't want people to do those things in their houses. It's always best to ask before you bring alcohol to a dinner or be fore you light up a cigarette, if you're with people you don't know very well. Nonsmokers have become more militant about smoking in public places. Many restaurants, for instance, have established special sections for smokers.

House guests may bring gifts when they come to visit, and they often offer to help in some way. As a guest, you may want to ask your host or hostess if there's anything you can do to help in the kitchen. In many cases, the gesture is more important than actual helping. You may also want to take your friends out to dinner at the end of your stay, but it's not expected for you to do so


A.They are used to earning their own money.

B.They often live alone.

C.They don't start conversation with men.

D.They may ask men for dance.

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor. My name is Alice Brown.M: Good evening, Alice. What i

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor. My name is Alice Brown.

M: Good evening, Alice. What is your question?

W: I've been studying Spanish for some years. I go to Spain on holiday sometimes. I've learnt quite a lot of grammar and vocabulary. But I find it very difficult to speak, and when I went to Spain this summer I couldn't understand the Spanish people at all. I got really disheartened.

M: Yes, it is a problem. How long have you been studying Spanish?

W: About four years.

M: Yes, how exactly? Go to an evening class, using tapes...?

W: I've been going to an evening class and I've watched quite a lot of the BBC television programs.

M: Oh, they're very good. Did you buy the BBC book?

W: No, we use a different book in the class.

M: Yes, I see, Alice. I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now, you couldn't learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.

W: That's all very well if you live in the country where they speak the language, but I don't.

M: Yes, I understand the problem. Though even if you live in the country where the language is spoken, you have to reach a certain standard before you are able to have conversations with the natives. I was thinking perhaps you might arrange with another student or students to have regular conversation practice.

W: I see what you mean. Thank you very much, Professor.

M: You are welcome, Alice.


A.She couldn't go to Spain for holiday this summer.

B.She couldn't communicate with Spanish people very well.

C.She didn't learn enough Spanish vocabulary.

D.She had few chances to speak Spanish in Spain.

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor My name is Alice Brown.M: Good evening, Alice. What is

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor My name is Alice Brown.

M: Good evening, Alice. What is your question?

W: I've been studying Spanish for some years. I go to Spain on holiday sometimes. I've learnt quite a lot of grammar and vocabulary. But I find it very difficult to speak, and when I went to Spain this summer I couldn't understand the Spanish people at all. I got really disheartened.

M: Yes, it is a problem. How long have you been studying Spanish?

W: About four years.

M: Yes, how exactly? Go to an evening class, using tapes ... ?

W: I've been going to an evening class and I've watched quite a lot of the BBC television programs.

M: Oh, they're very good. Did you buy the BBC book?

W: No, we use a different book in the class.

M: Yes, I see, Alice. I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now, you couldn't learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.

W: That's all very well if you live in the country where they speak the language, but I don't.

M: Yes, I understand the problem. Though even if you live in the country where the language is spoken, you have to reach a certain standard before you are able to have conversations with the natives. I was thinking perhaps you might arrange with another student or students to have regular conversation practice.

W: I see what you mean. Thank you very much, Professor.

M: You are welcome, Alice.


A.She couldn't go to Spain for holiday this summer.

B.She couldn't communicate with Spanish people very well.

C.She didn't learn enough Spanish vocabulary.

D.She had few chances to speak Spanish in Spain.

听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?W: Yeah, it was good fun.

听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?

W: Yeah, it was good fun. I think it kept me in stitches right from the start.

M: You know, whenever I watch comedy, I always like to know why it is that people like to laugh. I mean, why does it feel so good to laugh?

W: Yeah, I heard from my biology professor that even after centuries of scientific research, no one knows for sure why human beings and just a few other primates laugh.

M: I read somewhere that Charles Darwin thought that laughter, which begins with small babies, was like an evolutionary "reward" to the mother and father. Baby's laughter sounded and felt so different from crying, he believed, that even prehistoric parents must have interpreted it as a sign of well-being, kind of like the purring of a kitten. The parents enjoyed the laughter, which encouraged them to continue caring for the child.

W: Yes, apparently researchers have also found that it has a positive effect on many patients and that it produces certain hormones that actually switch on the body's immune system and actually help fight off diseases. So it could be to help fight off disease.

M: I also heard that some psychology professor from the University of Maryland, studied the laughter that takes place in conversations between men and women and found that most laughter takes place when males are talking and females are listening. Men are more likely to make jokes than women are, and women are more likely to laugh at them than men are.

W: If only your jokes were funny, I might laugh more and lit that pattern.

M: Well, I've heard that apes also like laughing.

W: I heard that too. Chimpanzees, apes, orangutans and a few other primates laugh, but no other animals do. I've seen them laugh at zoos, when tickling each other, and when playing chasing games. Their laugh sounds like rapid panting, but I've been assured it's a kind of laughing.

M: Which reminds me I'd better go back before my roommates eat all the chicken I left out in the kitchen!


A.The purpose of laughter.

B.The cause of laughter and its effects.

C.Who and when people laugh.

D.The origins of laughter.

听力原文:M: Come in!W: Er, excuse me, professor Serafin, are you busy?M: No, Miss Van Pelt

听力原文:M: Come in!

W: Er, excuse me, professor Serafin, are you busy?

M: No, Miss Van Pelt, I've always got time for you. There're several things I want to talk to you about.

W: Oh, really?

M: Yes, er, it's about your class attendance for one thing, you now. You have been missing several classes.

W: Oh, well, that's kind of related to what I was going to ask you about, too.

M: Oh, what's your excuse now? This is the second time you've been around.

W: Well, it's not an excuse. But, er, a kind of get lost in the discussions in class.

M: That seems to be the idea. You're always lost out there in space somewhere. You've got problems on your mind?

W: No. It's just the way of the discussion. There are a couple of students in the class who dominate the conversation and they won't let any other ideas come in. And the topics I think are very difficult and most of the students don't understand.

M: Well, why do you have two hands?

W: Well, if I say something, especially this Janet woman, she usually interrupts me about half way through and finishes my sentence or tells me I am wrong.

M: All right. Maybe that's the way we should have our conversation and discussions, you know. If she dominates, then of course, you've got to assert yourself.

W: Well, maybe I can learn to assert myself. But there are a few students in the class who must be very bright, who will never speak up in that kind of atmosphere.

M: I see. And what is your suggestion for me then?

W: Well, I know that you can't tell her not to talk. But maybe, you could tell her the rest of us don't know as much as she does and we need to have some practice in discussion.

M: I see. I agree with you there. Domination of the conversations in the classes is not one person's privilege. But on the other hand, it's quite necessary for you to be able to take the lead sometimes, you know.

W: Well, I'll try to speak more and I hope that other students will also say something.

M: That's the point. Everyone should grasp the chance to make himself understood.

W: I see.



B.Seminar presentation.


D.Class attendance.

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