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What can you define for a movement type in Customizing? There are 2 correct answers to this question.()

A.The reversal movement types for a movement type

B.The transactions in which a movement type can be used

C.The number range for material documents that are generated when postings are made with a movement type

D.The quantity and value updates for postings with a movement type

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听力原文:W: I know your company was one of the biggest American corporations to take the i
dea of customer services seriously...

M: Yes, urn, I think you can say we were among the pioneers.

W: So, with the experience of many years of trying to get it right, what would you define as the most important elements in providing successful customer services?

M: Mm... well, that's quite a difficult question, because so many factors are absolutely vital if you want to succeed, and success with the customer services, I might add, means doing everything you possibly can to please and keep customers.

W: Does that include the old idea that, for a company, the customer is always right?

M: Not exactly. The slogan that the customer is always right is rather simple, and unrealistic. I would say that, instead, the most important aim of a customer services unit is to encourage communication with customers, to actively seek feedback, including complaints, and to acknowledge all comments, good and bad, from customers because people like to be treated with respect.

W: Then what do you think are the most important factors for a company's success?

M: It seems to me that a company's success, in terms of good reputation and high profits, depends more on the relationship the company establishes with the customers. That relationship involves the company in consistently providing high-quality products and top-quality services.

W: So what you're saying is, in fact, very simply--basically, keeping customers happy depends on providing quality and encouraging communication.

M: Yes, but the essential factor is communication. A successful customer dervices unit is one that acts as a link between the company and the customer to ensure that the company can respond to the needs of the customer. After all, a company's success can only come from a satisfied customer.


A.Providing high-quality products for customers.

B.Providing good services for customers.

C.Doing everything you can to please and keep customers.

D.Establishing dialogues with the customers.

It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea S1.______music can br

It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea S1.______

music can bring cultures closer together by transporting listeners to a-

common realm seems somehow unusual. That is of course, unless you are S2.______

unfamiliar with the new genre(流派,风格)of music called "world music". S3.______

What is world music? Giving the great diversity in category and style, S4.______

it is not surprising there is little agreement on exact what constitutes this S5.______

genre. It could be traditional music such like Afro-Caribbean rhythms, Cel- S6.______

tic fiddles, and reggae.

It includes Gregorian chants, Aborigine didgeridoo, or Tajikistani pop,

Salsa, samba, or Johnny Clegg and Savuka. Some musicologists argue that

all music are world music. After all, rock-and-roll traces back to Africa. S7.______

Record store employees, on other hand, will direct you to a specific section. S8.______

And the Billboard charts seem to define world music by artists who have

put a pop spin on traditional music.

Robert Browning, artistic director of the World Music Institute in New

York, describes world-music on a spectrum of music genres. At one end of

the spectrum you have classical or traditional "roots" music. On the other

hand, you have music that is a mix of sounds and instruments, more S9.______

often composed of Western artists. S10.______


听力原文:W: Do you think you can give an exact definition of "management",Mr.Rogers?M: Man

听力原文:W: Do you think you can give an exact definition of "management",Mr.Rogers?

M: Management is the process of achieving results through other people.

W: What are the functions of management?

M: There are mainly four.The first is planning.Managers define goals,establish strategy and develop plans to co-ordinate activities.

W: That's not easy,I think.

M: No.And the second is organizing,which means managers will determine what tasks to be done,who is to do them,how the tasks are to be grouped,who reports to whom,etc.

W: That's complicated.

M: And the third is leading.It includes motivating subordinates,directing others,selecting the most effective communication channels and resolving conflicts.

W: Do you think the goal of good management is to get rid of conflicts?

M: Actually,we've made considerable progress towards overcoming the view that conflict is bad.

W: So you mean conflicts can be good fur an organization?

M: Yes.Conflicts can be used to bring about substantial changes to the existing power structure,current patterns of interaction between people at work,and attitude.

W: That surprises me.

M: The last function controlling means to monitor activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned,and correct significant deviations.

W: It is said that all managers need to realize that the more they delegate now,the less time will take to accomplish tasks later.Is that true?

M: Right.Without delegation,managers run the risk of being a "doer" rather than a "manager".

W: Can I understand this as "delegation is a ticket to fide free and have others to do your work"?

M: Not exactly.it is rather a means for managers to focus on their true functions,


A.It is getting things done through other people.

B.It is helping an organization find the right staff.

C.It is assembling people of different abilities.

D.It is communicating between colleagues.

听力原文:W: Do you think you can give an exact definition of "management", Mr. Rogers?M: [

听力原文:W: Do you think you can give an exact definition of "management", Mr. Rogers?

M: [19] Management is the process of achieving results through other people.

W: What are the functions of management?

M: There are mainly four. The first is planning. Managers define goals, establish strategy and develop plans to co-ordinate activities.

W: That's not easy, I think.

M: No. And the second is organizing, which means managers will determine what tasks to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, etc.

W: That's complicated.

M: And the third is leading. It includes motivating subordinates, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels and resolving conflicts.

W: Do you think the goal of good management is to get rid of conflicts?

M: Actually, we've made considerable progress towards overcoming the view that conflict is bad.

W: [20] So you mean conflicts can be good for an organization?

M: [20] Yes. Conflicts can be used to bring about substantial changes to the existing power structure, current patterns of interaction between people at work, and attitude.

W: That surprises me.

M: The last function controlling means to monitor activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned, and correct significant deviations.

W: It is said that all managers need to realize that the more they delegate now, the less time it will take to accomplish tasks later. Is that true?

M: Right. [21] Without delegation, managers run the risk of being a "doer" rather than a "manager'.

W: Can I understand this as "delegation is a ticket to ride free and have others to do your work"?

M: Not exactly. It is rather a means for managers to focus on their true functions.


A.It is getting things done through other people.

B.It is helping an organization find the right staff.

C.It is assembling people of different abilities.

D.It is communicating between colleagues.

Your vendors don't always send the exact order quantities.You, therefore, allow
tolerances for under-deliveries and over-deliveries.Where can you define defaults for these tolerances? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.Purchasing value keys

B.Plant parameters

C.User-specific settings in the goods movement transaction MIGO

D.Material type

听力原文:You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting

听力原文: You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.

Hard work alone doesn't ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet, despite the obvious rewards of engaging in office politics --a better job, a raise, praise—many people are still unable or unwilling to "play the game."

People assume that office polities involve some tactful behaviors, but politics derive from the word "polite". It can mean communication and forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.

In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior. used to pursue one's own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some form. of socializing within the office environment-- not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.

The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability, but if two or three candidates are up for a promotion, each of whom has reasonably similar ability, a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It's simple human nature. Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the concept of politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others associate politics with flattery, fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boos for favors. Experts suggest altering this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self-promotion.


A.The political views and beliefs of office workers.

B.The interpersonal relationships within a company.

C.The various qualities required for a successful career.

D.The code of behavior. for company staff.

Before deliveries arrive from certain vendors, you want to be informed of the deliver
y date and quantity.To do this, you use a confirmation control key.Which of the following settings can you define in a confirmation control key? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.Confirmations must be transmitted electronically

B.The full confirmed quantity must be entered in one posting in the system

C.The goods receipt can be posted no earlier than the confirmed delivery date

D.Only the confirmed quantity can be posted when the goods are received

听力原文:W: Morning, Mr. Park.M: Come here, Miss Li, I have something to talk to you.W: Wh

听力原文:W: Morning, Mr. Park.

M: Come here, Miss Li, I have something to talk to you.

W: What's the problem, Mr. Park?

M: We need to define a new strategy which must be flexible enough to take account of changing market conditions.

W: I agree. Our main objective must be to gain market share, and to do this we must reduce prices.

M: So you are sure that if we reduce prices, our market share will increase?

W: Yes, I'm sure.

M: That might be true. But if we reduce our prices, our margins will be lower and that will cut our profits.

W: In short term it is right. But we can slowly increase our production and as the production is increased, we may cut unit cost.

M: That's really a log-term prospect. But I believe higher profitability is our objective. The better the products, the higher the price, and the higher price will enhance higher profits.

W: The market is already very competitive. And if we raise our prices, whatever the quality, sales will drop rapidly.

M: Then shall we look at it from the other viewpoint--manufacturing. Well, if we can reduce cost in manufacturing that must put us in a strong position to adapt to the market. The only way for us is to sub-contract more of the production.

W: That will mean job losses if we do that.

M: That's true. But the jobs that remain will be more secure.

W: It sounds reasonable. Maybe we can try this way.

M: That's the best we can do, don't you agree?


A.Market share

B.Company strategy

C.High profitability


Leadership is hardly a new area of research, of course. For years, academics have debated
whether leaders are born or made, whether a person who lacks charisma (capacity to inspire devotion and enthusiasm) can become a leader, and what makes leaders fail. Warren G. Bennis, possibly the world's foremost expert on leading, has, together with his co-author, written two bestsellers on the topic. Generally, researchers have found that you can't explain leadership by way of intelligence, birth order, family wealth or stability, level of education, race, or sex. From one leader to the next, there's enormous variance in every one of those factors.

The authors' research led to a new and telling discovery: that every leader, regardless of age, had undergone at least one intense, transformational experience -- what the authors call a "crucible" (severe test). These events can either make you or break you. For emerging leaders, they do more making than breaking, providing key lessons to help a person move ahead confidently.

If a crucible helps a person to become leader, there are four essential qualities that allow someone to remain one, according to the authors. They are: an "adaptive capacity" that lets people not only survive inevitable setbacks, heartbreaks, and difficulties but also learn from them; an ability to engage others through shared meaning or a common vision; a distinctive and compelling voice that communicates one's conviction and desire to do the right thing; and a sense of integrity that allows a leader to distinguish between good and evil.

That sounds obvious enough to be commonplace, until you look at some recent failures that show how valid these dictums (formal statements of opinion) are. The authors believe that former Coca Cola Co. Chairman M. Douglas Ivester lasted just 28 months because "his grasp of context was sorrowful". Among other things, Ivester degraded Coke's highest-ranking African-American even as the company was losing a $200 million class action brought by black employees. Procter & Gamble Co. ex-CEO Durk Jager lost his job because he failed to communicate the urgent need for the sweeping changes he was making.

It's striking, too, that the authors found their geezers (whose formative period, as the authors define them, was 1945 to 1954, and who were shaped by World Wm' Il) sharing what they believed to be a critical trait -- the sense of possibility and wonder more often associated with childhood. "Unlike those defeated by time and age, our geezers have remained much like our geeks (who came of age between 1991 and 2000, and grew up ' virtual' , ' visual' , and ' digital' ) -- open, willing to take risks, hungry for knowledge and experience, courageous, and eager to see what the new day brings", the authors write.

The passage indicates that leadership research ______.

A.has been a controversial study for years

B.predicts how a leader comes to be

C.defines the likelihood to be a leader

D.probes the mysteries of leadership

Experts in education and gerontology(老人医学) say that the number of retired Americans wh

Experts in education and gerontology(老人医学) say that the number of retired Americans who are spending time—or planning to—on educational pursuits is growing fast. The trend is driven by such factors as increased longevity, people enjoying more years of good health, and a growing realization by many that a retirement into passivity is not only boring but can lead to atrophy(萎缩) of both mind and body. The federal government estimated in 2001 that additional life expectancy for a 65-year-old was 16.4 years for men and 19.4 years for women. That's a lot of time to fill if you're not working and in good health.

Certainly, educational opportunities aimed at the 65-and-older set aren't new. The first" lifelong learning institute" targeted specifically at retirees opened in 1962 at the New School for Social Research in New York, and there are many others that have been around for two decades or more. What's new is the tremendous variety of learning opportunities and places available for those who approach retirement. The options range from one-shot lectures, discussion classes, or day trips organized by a local college or retirement home.

Educational travel is appealing because it combines the exploration of a new place with deepening your understanding of its history, geology, or literature. For those who prefer to stay close to home, many campus-based pro grams are available that offer a college-level curriculum but don't have grades or tests. Perhaps the ultimate commitment to lifelong learning is moving into a retirement community affiliated with an educational institution. For folks who like the idea of living in a campus environment, several retirement villages are built near campuses in Ohio, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. The programs give residents' access to campus activities, al low them to attend or teach classes, as well as work on joint-research projects with undergrads, graduates, or faculty.

In our shorter-lived-parents' generation, people were often satisfied to define retirement in terms of what they weren't doing—namely, working. But with the possibility of 20 or more years ahead after leaving your primary job or profession, you owe it to yourself to find a positive, enjoyable way to spend your time. Continuing education might be the answer. Not only do you not have to take tests or pull an all-nighter to struggle for a good grade, you can study any topic you want, almost anywhere in the world—and on your own schedule.

More Americans are taking up education after retirements partly because ______.

A.they want to learn what they have no time to learn before retirement

B.they retire at an earlier age with more years left to learn

C.they are more wealthy to afford to continue the education

D.they find learning is a good way to fight against the process of aging

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