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Teeth CareDentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushin

Teeth Care

Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Giving Plaque the Brush-Off

To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the teeth. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Brushing also act as stimulus to the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease.

Toothpastes contain minimal abrasives(磨料), detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the most common active ingredient in toothpaste, is what prevents cavities. So you should always be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.

About one person in 10 has a tendency to accumulate tartar quickly. Tartar is plaque(硬块) in a hardened form. that is more damaging and difficult to remove. Using antitartar toothpastes and mouthwashes, as well as spending extra time brushing the teeth near the salivary glands(the inside of the lower front teeth and the outside of the upper back teeth),may slow the development of new tartar.

If you have teeth that are sensitive to heat, cold, and pressure, you may want to try a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. But you'll still need to talk to your dentist promptly about your sensitivity because it may be indicative of a more serious problem, such as a cavity or nerve irritation.

Tips on Proper Brushing

Dentists say that the minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

-Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in short (about half-a-tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.

-Use the same method to brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth.

-Place the brush against the biting surface of the teeth & use a gentle back & forth scrubbing motion. Brush the tongue from back to front to remove odor-producing bacteria.

-To clean the inside surfaces of your top and bottom front teeth and gums, tilt brush vertically behind the front teeth. Make several up & down strokes using the front half of the brush.

-Remember don't share your toothbrush with others. The exchange of body fluids that such sharing would foster places toothbrush sharers at an increased risk for infections, a particularly important consideration for persons with compromised immune systems or infectious diseases.

-Use an egg timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.

Facts on Flossing

Brushing is important but it won't remove the plaque and particles of food between your teeth, under the gumline, or under braces. Sometimes, the bacteria break down the food particles and create volatile sulfur compounds. For this reason you'll need to floss these spaces at least once a day.

With any floss, you should be careful to avoid injuring your gums. Follow these instructions:

-Carefully insert the floss between two teeth, using a back and forth motion.

-Gently bring the floss to the gumline, but don't force it under the gums. Curve the floss around the edge of your tooth in the shape of the letter "C" and slide it up and down the side of each tooth.

-Repeat this process between all your teeth, and remember to floss the back sides of your back teeth.

Tooth-Whitening Products

Some toothpastes claim to whiten teeth. There's n




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更多“Teeth CareDentists say that th…”相关的问题
It′s 9:00.It′s time to__()

A.have breakfast

B.rush teeth

C.watch TV

“笑掉大牙”的译文是laugh one's ______ off?





These sweets__________________(对孩子的牙齿有害).(to, teeth, do, children's, harm)
These sweets__________________(对孩子的牙齿有害).(to, teeth, do, children's, harm)

听力原文:W: I'm afraid Dr. Johnson won't be able to see you then. His appointment book is
filled for the next couple of days.

M: Oh, but I don't have to see him. I'll just leave my teeth in his office and he can look at them when he bad time. They are false teeth!

Q: What is Dr. Johnson?


A.He's a professor.

B.He's a surgeon.

C.He's a physician.

D.He's a dentist.

Teeth have been a part of animals almost from the beginning of animal life. The first
animals to have teeth were fish. These sea creatures lived millions of years ago. They had many finely pointed teeth for grabbing food from the water. They were distant cousins of today’s sharks.The teeth of animals help them do certain jobs or eat certain kinds of foods. Elephants have two large teeth, called tusks, which they use for digging up plants or for fighting. Lions and tigers have long, sharp teeth for tearing apart other animals. Those of horses and cows are short and flat. They are used for grinding plants.People have three main kinds of teeth. They have teeth that cut, teeth that tear, and teeth that grind. When biting into a piece of fruit, people use their cutting teeth. When pulling a piece of meat from a bone, they use their tearing teeth. When nibbling on a fresh carrot, they use their grinding teeth.Every person grows two sets of teeth. The first set often begins to appear when a baby is about six months old. It lasts until the child is about six years old. Then the baby teeth fall out and the second teeth come in. This second set must last for the rest of a person’s life.It is important for people to take care of their teeth. They must eat the right foods. They should brush their teeth properly. Teeth should be checked twice a year by a dentist.

1.Fish have many () teeth for () food.

A.noticeable, catching

B.visible, grasping

C.sharp, snatching

D.fine, catching

2.Which of the following statements about teeth is true?()

A.Elephants have three large tusks

B.Teeth of horses and cows are short and sharp

C.The first set of teeth of a person often begins to appear when he is about six years

D.Sea creatures were the first animals having teeth

3.The word “nibble” in the third paragraph bears the meaning of ().

A.eating with small repeated bits

B.showing slight interest in something

C.taking hold of with a sudden rough movement

D.crushing into small pieces or into powder

4.From this passage we can draw a conclusion that ().

A.all the teeth have the same function

B.animals don’t try to protect their teeth

C.teeth are important both for human and animals

D.we should care our teeth and often have them checked

5.It is a piece of writing about ().



C.popular science


听力原文:W: Good morning, this is Dr. Allen's office.M: Good morning, I'd like to make an

听力原文:W: Good morning, this is Dr. Allen's office.

M: Good morning, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Allen to have my teeth cleaned and checked. I'd like to have it done this week if possible.

W: I'll see whether the doctor has time to see you this week. Have you seen Dr. Allen before?

M: No, I've just moved to town and Dr. Allen was recommended by a friend of mine. My name is Edward Johnson.

W: The doctor has no free time this week, Mr. Johnson. If you are having trouble with your teeth, I'll try to work you in, otherwise I can give you an appointment on Friday, the 22nd. Will that be all right?

M: I'm sorry, I'1l be working on the 22nd. I'm not having any trouble with my teeth, but 1 hoped to have the appointment this week because I won't start work at my new job until next Monday.

W: How about Saturday, the 23rd, at 10' AM?

M: That will be fine. Thank you.

W: We'll see you on the 23rd then, Mr. Johnson, Goodbye.

M: Good bye.


A.He has a bad tooth.

B.He's leaving next week.

C.He will be busy next week.

D.He needs to find a job.

False teeth have been found in Italy in human heads that are over 2,500 years old

False teeth have been found in Italy in human heads that are over 2,500 years old. They were made of bone and set in gold. However,for hundreds of years afterwards,the apparent dental skill of those early people was lost. Without false teeth people looked old before their time,since so many lost their teeth at an early age.

Toward the end of the 17th century,rich people could buy false teeth made from ivory. The teeth were tied together with silk thread,but it was difficult to keep them in the mouth. That was why rich people would rather buy teeth from the poor who would often sell their teeth to buy food and clothing.

Early in the 18th century a French doctor used steel springs to hold teeth in place. However,it was difficult to close one‘s mouth! Late in the same century porcelain (瓷)teeth set in gold were often used to make false teeth.

Although the use of artificial teeth increased,human teeth continued to be used also. In the 19th century,teeth from soldiers killed in battle were made into artificial teeth. For example,teeth from the dead in the American Civil War were sent to England.

By the middle of the 19th century,an American doctor,Claudius Ash,invented a better kind of porcelain tooth made of a special kind of hard rubber.

26.When did people with the earliest false teeth live according to the passage?

[A] At the end of the 17th century.

[B] In the early 18th century.

[C] In the middle of the 19th century.

[D] Over 2,500 years ago.

27.Which material would wealthy people use to make artificial teeth in 1693?

[A] Porcelain.

[B] Hard rubber.

[C] Ivory.

[D] Bone.

28.Who first used steel springs to tie false teeth together according to the passage?

[A] An Italian doctor.

[B] A French doctor.

[C] An American doctor.

[D] An English doctor.

29.We can learn from the passage that ___________.

[A] one looked older than his real age with artificial teeth

[B] we are using the same method as ancient people in making false teeth

[C] poor people would often sell their teeth to get money in the 17th century

[D] human teeth were no longer used in making false teeth after the 18th century

30.The passage is mainly about ___________.

[A] the discovery of false teeth

[B] the material of false teeth

[C] the use of false teeth

[D] the history of false teeth Passage Three

听力原文:Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts.It gives mental and emoti

听力原文: Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts.It gives mental and emotional clarity without harmful side effects,and it contains a wealth of nutrients.Yet,when most people drink coffee,they are not thinking that the beverage is improving their health.In fact,some may even feel a little guilty,since some believe coffee isn't good for you at all.

The truth of the matter is: coffee,like anything else,can cause problems if too much is consumed.In the short-term,too much coffee will cause sleeping problems and hypertension.In the long-term,too much coffee will cause stomach problems as well as teeth staining.

As far as the benefits,moderate consumption of coffee,which means 1 to 4 cups a day,provides your body with a wealth of antioxidants.These substances are responsible for eliminating free radicals.They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something.A small number of them can help serve as a buffer against negative elements,but if they aren't kept in check,they can cause health problems.Antioxidants ensure that this doesn't happen.

Even the caffeine content within coffee can be beneficial toward your health.One way it does this is by cleaning the water of your body's cells,which keeps your weight down while cleaning out impurities.

Why do some people feel guilty when they drink coffee?

A.They are not allowed to drink coffee.

B.They think coffee does no good to them.

C.They think coffee is too expensive.

D.They should not drink coffee when working.

听力原文:When you have a dog it is necessary to care for it very carefully. In return you
will be loved by your dog.

The most important part of dog-care is cleanliness. Not only does the dog have to be kept clean, but his environment should also be clean. The bed he sleeps in can be made with anything like a rug or a dog mattress.

Proper feeding is also important for your dog's health. A dog should be fed in the same place and on a regular schedule. If your dog refuses to eat, don't force him. Remove his food and don't feed him again until his next regular feeding. Food should never be left before a dog for more than 30 minutes.

One important thing that many dog owners forget is exercise for the dog. Vigorous exercise helps build strength and keeps the dog healthy. A regular walk at a fixed time of the day is enough to help a smaller dog live a healthier end happier life. Large dogs, though, require a run in an open fid&

There are other things that are also important for a dog's health — things like bathing, care of the teeth and nails, keeping them away from insects as much as possible. But if you observe the three main points covered above, your dog will give you a great amount of pleasure.


A.Until he eats it.

B.All day.

C.At lease 30 minutes.

D.No more than 30 minutes.

Human' s Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged

Human' s Hands

Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands--indicate that humans have been predominantly right - handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for example, the fight-hand is depicted us the dominant one in about 90 per- cent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were fight - handed.

Cro - Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar. out- lines of their hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Manganese are displayed on cave wails, indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers.

Anthropological evidence pushes the record of' handedness nearly human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in toolmaking: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right -handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter- clockwise rotation (indicating a left- handed toolmaker).

Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present - day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left - to - right stroke direction (by right- handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by lefthanders).

Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which Side of the body is used to perform. specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right - or left - sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erects and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right -handed, as we are.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Human ancestors became predominantly right- handed when they began to use tools.

B.It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.

C.Human and their ancestors have been predominantly right - handed for over a million years.

D.Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.

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