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Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that ______.A.it can cause serious damage to the

Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that ______.

A.it can cause serious damage to the environment

B.it can do little to solve U.S. energy problems

C.it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region

D.it will not have much commercial value

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更多“Those against oil drilling in …”相关的问题
Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that ______.A.it will drain the oil reserves in the

Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that ______.

A.it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region

B.it can do little to solve U.S. energy problem

C.it can cause serious damage to the environment

D.it will not have much commercial value

Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that ______.A.it will drain the oil reserves in t

Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that ______.

A.it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region

B.it can do little to solve U. S. energy problems

C.it can cause serious damage to the environment

D.it will not have much commercial value

听力原文:Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fuel. As you know, our suppl

听力原文: Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fuel. As you know, our supplies of oil and gas are very limited. There is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says that's all, that's all. The only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, such as the sun.

We won't have to worry about the sun's running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Besides being an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. For example, the sun does not offer pollution as other energy sources.

Furthermore, owners of solar homes will have extra protection against rising fuel costs. They will also have some protection against fuel shortage. When utility costs go up, owners of solar homes won't have to face the burdens brought about by increased costs.

With all these good points, why don't we see more of solar power? There are many reasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy around. Solar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricity. And experts say that gas will triple in cost in the next few years. In fact, gas is in such short supply right now that, in some places, it is not sold to new customers. Some customers are even having their supplies cut back.


A.Rising fuel costs to limit the use of it.

B.Saving energy and use other sources.

C.Having protection against fuel shortage.

D.Putting in a solar unit in every house.

Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fnel. As you know, our supplies of oi
l and gas are very limited. There is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says that's all, that's all. The only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, such as the sun.

We won't have to worry about the sun's running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Beside being an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. The sun does not offer as many problems as other energy sources. For example, fossil fuel plants add to already high pollution levels. With solar energy, we will still need these sources of energy, but we won't need as much. That means that we can cut down our pollution problems.

Furthermore, owners of solar homes will have extra protection against rising fuel costs. They will also have some protection against fuel shortages. When utility(公用事业的) costs go up, as they surely will, owners of solar homes won't have to face the burdens brought about by increased costs.

With all these good points, why don't we see more of solar power? There are many reasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy around. All that has changed now. Solar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricity. And experts say that gas will triple in cost in the next few years. In fact, gas is in such short supply right now that, in some places, it is not sold to new customers. Some customers are even having their supplies cut back.

Solar energy is now in its infancy. It could soon grow to become a major part of our nation's energy supply.

What is this article about?

A.Energy from the sun.

B.Natural gas.

C.How oil is made.

D.Saving energy.

The economy started 2006 extremely strong in spite of record oil prices and rising interes
t rates. An unusually mild winter across much of the country is part of the story, but the lack of worry by consumers and business about oil prices is an even bigger part. The question remains, will we continue to glide down the economic highway or slip on oil?

Oil prices have raised overall consumer prices and cut into household purchasing power. So far the higher costs haven't deterred(阻止) buying, even buying of cars and other energy-sensitive items. The major reason for the lack of reaction is that oil is less important to the economy than it once was. Oil, which produced 45% of world energy in 1971, accounted for only 35% in 2003, with increases in nuclear and natural gas use making up the difference.

GM, Ford, and Chrysler suffered as buyers shifted to more fuel-efficient vehicles from Toyota and Honda, but the shift was hot pronounced. Admittedly, light truck sales are holding up in part because manufacturers are offering large discounts to "move the metal", but the fact that buyers are responding to those incentives shows they aren't too scared of gas prices.

Americans continue to spend more than they earn, but gasoline prices will have an effect. Although the April chain store results suggest gasoline prices aren't hurting much yet, eventually Americans will be forced to realize that they have to slow down. We expect the economy to slow in the second half of the year as the impact of higher oil prices sinks in. How much the economy slows will depend on how high oil prices remain. We expect some drop in oil prices by yearend, but I have been saying that for so long even I am starting not to believe it.

The anger against the oil companies is clearly misplaced. Exxon and friends control only a small share of world oil reserves. Most are now in the hands of state-owned oil companies. The recent move by Bolivia to nationalize its industry is only the latest in a long line of similar actions. The history of these enterprises is one of severe underinvestment and mismanagement, which tends to reduce supply and keep prices high. The risk on oil prices is primarily on the high side of our forecast.

Although I think oil prices will drop back in the medium term, to address my serious worries, I'm buying my wife a bike for Mothers' Day.

The economy at the beginning of 2006 is not affected by the high oil price mainly because ______.

A.the warm winter requires less oil to run the heaters

B.the warm winter promotes consumption, across the country

C.people believe that the oil price will drop in near future

D.people don't think the high price will make much of a difference

A.In dreams we solve those problems.B.After dreaming we forget our problems.C.After dr

A.In dreams we solve those problems.

B.After dreaming we forget our problems.

C.After dreaming we have a clear mind.

D.It gives us ways to deal with the problems.

Most people, including those who are against cloning research, owe their lives to______.

Dieting, according to an old joke, may not actually make you live longer, but it sure feel
s that way. Nevertheless, evidence has been accumulating since the 1930s that calorie restriction-reducing an animal's energy intake below its energy consumption—extends lifespan and delays the appearance of age-related diseases in rats, dogs, fish and monkeys. Such results have inspired thousands of people to put up with constant hunger in the hope of living longer, healthier lives. They have also led to a search for drugs that imitate the effects of calorie restriction without the pain of going on an actual diet.

A study, known as CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy), was sponsored by America's National Institutes of Health. It took 48 men and women aged between 25 and 50 and assigned them randomly to either a control group or a calorie-restriction regime. Those in the second group were required to cut their calorie intake for six months to 75% of that needed to maintain their weight.

The CALERIE study is a landmark in the history of the field, because its subjects were either of normal weight or only slightly overweight. Previous projects have used individuals who were clinically obese(肥胖的), thus confusing the unquestionable benefits to health of reducing obesity with the possible advantages of calorie restriction to the otherwise healthy.

At a molecular level, CALERIE suggests these advantages are real. For example, those on restricted diets had showed drops in body temperature and blood-insulin(胰岛素) levels—both phenomena that have been seen in long-lived, calorie-restricted animals. Dr Rattan doubts whether calorie restriction will extend maximum human life expectancy. He argues that the concepts of ageing and longevity(长寿) must be separated. It may, indeed, be possible to reduce or eliminate particular age-related diseases, and that would increase average lifespan in the way that eliminating other diseases has done in the past. But this is not the same as slowing down aging itself, and thus increasing maximum lifespan. Longevity is a more complex trait than any individual disease, and, in his opinion, it will not be altered so easily.

Cynthia Kenyon, a researcher looking into anti-aging drugs, believes that some molecules are likely to be approved in the next five to ten years, for guarding against age-related diseases. People then will start taking them, and a huge natural experiment will get under way. If Dr Rattan is wrong, maximum lifespan as well as average lifespan will increase. If he is right, at least people will enjoy a healthier old age.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

A.an effective calorie restriction involves taking little food while doing much exercise

B.calorie restriction is proved to be effective in preventing illness in some animals

C.some drugs are taken by people to live longer without suffering from starvation

D.before the 1930s,people did not believe in the positive effect in extending lifespan

We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, That's life. It's a journey
. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy!

【C1】______ positive through the cold season could be your best【C2】______ against getting ill, new study findings suggest.

In an experiment that【C3】______ healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a【C4】______ sunny disposition were less likely to【C5】______ ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence【C6】______ a "positive emotional style" can help【C7】______ off the common cold and other illnesses.

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness【C8】______ immune function and subjective as in happy people being less【C9】______ by a scratchy throat or runny nose. "People with a positive emotional style. may have different immune【C10】______ to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "And when they do get a cold, they may 【C11】______ their illness as being less severe."

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a【C12】______ study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold,【C13】______ some questions remained as to【C14】______the emotional trait itself had the effect.

For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional "style". Those who【C15】______ be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged【C16】______ having a positive emotional style,【C17】______ those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style. The researchers gave them nasal drops【C18】______ either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the【C19】______ reported on any aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected【C20】______ data, like daily mucus production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.






Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.In the past, falling oil

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

In the past, falling oil prices have given a boost to the world economy, but recent forecasts for global growth have been toned down, even as oil prices sink lower and lower. Does that mean the link between lower oil prices and growth has weakened?

Some experts say there are still good reasons to believe cheap oil should heat up the world economy. Consumers have more money in their pockets when they’re paying less at the pump. They spend that money on other things, which stimulates the economy.

The biggest gains go to countries that import most of their oil like China, Japan, and India. But doesn’t the extra money in the pockets of those countries, consumers mean an equal loss in oil-producing countries, cancelling out the gains? Not necessarily, says economic researcher Sara Johnson. “Many oil producers built up huge reserve funds when prices were high, so when prices fall they will draw on their reserves to support government spending and subsidies (补贴)for their consumers.”

But not all oil producers have big reserves. In Venezuela, collapsing oil prices have sent its economy into free-fall.

Economist Carl Weinberg believes the negative effects of plunging oil prices are overwhelming the positive effects of cheaper oil. The implication is a sharp decline in global trade, which has plunged partly because oil- producing nations can’t afford to import as much as they used to.

Sara Johnson acknowledges that the global economic benefit from a fall in oil prices today is likely lower than it was in the past. One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now, so the nations suffering from the prices drop account for a larger share of the global economy.

Consumers, in the U.S. at least, are acting cautiously with the savings they’re getting at the gas pump, as the memory of the recent great recession is still fresh in their mind. And a number of oil-producing countries are trimming their gasoline subsidies and raising taxes, so the net savings for global consumers is not as big as the oil price plunge might suggest.

51.What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?

A.The reasons behind the plunge of oil prices.

B.Possible ways to stimulate the global economy.

C.The impact of cheap oil on global economic growth.

D.The effect of falling oil prices on consumer spending.

52.Why do some experts believe cheap oil will stimulate the global economy?A.Manufacturers can produce consumer goods at a much lower cost.

B.Lower oil prices have always given a big boost to the global economy.

C.Oil prices may rise or fall but economic laws are not subject to change.

D.Consumers will spend their savings from cheap oil on other commodities.

53.What happens in many oil-exporting countries when oil prices go down?A.They suspend import of necessities from overseas.

B.They reduce production drastically to boost oil prices.

C.They use their money reserves to back up consumption.

D.They try to stop their economy from going into free-fall.

54.How does Carl Weinberg view the current oil price plunge?A.It is one that has seen no parallel in economic history.

B.Its negative effects more than cancel out its positive effects.

C.It still has a chance to give rise to a boom in the global economy.

D.Its effects on the global economy go against existing economic laws.

55.Why haven’t falling oil prices boosted the global economy as they did before?A.People are not spending all the money they save on gas.

B.The global economy is likely to undergo another recession.

C.Oil importers account for a larger portion of the global economy.

D.People the world over are afraid of a further plunge in oil prices.


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