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The young man has a wife and two children to ().





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This young man isn’t________, he has turned over a new leaf.

A.the man he used to

B.what he used to be

C.that he used to be

D.how he used to be

It can be inferred from the passage that electric response audiometry would be especially
recommended for ______.

A.a three-year-old girl who has an earache

B.an old man who cups his ear to ear

C.a young child who does not talk

D.a rock musician who plays the drums

听力原文: People are always talking about "the problem of youth". If there is one—which I
take leave to doubt—then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings—people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: (33)the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid past behind him; and maybe that is where the rub(摩擦)is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain—that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. (34)For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they don't have a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. An that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect of elders—as if mere age were a reason for respect. (35)I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal. if I think he is wrong.


A.Old people think of the young as "a problem".

B.Old people create this "problem" of age difference.

C.Old people have a past; young people have a future.

D.Old people and young people forget they are all human beings.

In the past, women tended to assume that they would be overtakenby men in the race to the

In the past, women tended to assume that they would be overtaken

by men in the race to the top. And, today's young women are far less 【S1】______.

philosophical about their status and are more aggressive in their 【S2】______.

resentment in being treated as in some way inferior than men. On the 【S3】______.

other hand, since lack of drive is one of the criticisms leveled with 【S4】______.

women, perhaps this aggression is a positive advantage. Some young

women, though, find it very difficult to come to term with the feeling that 【S5】______.

characteristics of authority which are acceptable in men are often not

acceptable in women. A reason often advanced for women fail to reach the 【S6】______.

top is their desire for balance between work and a life outside work.

Employers know this and tend, when a woman with young children

applies for promotion, treat the fact that she has young children as an 【S7】______.

important factor and, giving the choice, are more likely to give promotion 【S8】______.

to. a man than to her.

What about women whose children are almost grown up? Well, the

writers of the study recommend a far much more positive approach to 【S9】______.

women who want to return to their careers before their children are off 【S10】______.

their hands.


How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they w
ere young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved.It is impossible that he will again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child— things that have lost their interest for older people.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up his position in society.

1.People can experience happiness if they ________.

A.always think of the past and regret it

B.value the present

C.are no longer young

D.become old and have much experience

2.When people were young, they used to _______.

A.be in charge of many business

B.have few things to think about and take on

C.look after their younger sisters and brothers

D.face a lot of difficulties

3.The pains of children lie in the fact that _______.

A.no one helps them make right decisions

B.they are not allowed to do what they like to do

C.they cannot be accepted and praised by others

D.they are often beaten by their parents

4.Children are usually happy because _______.

A.old people lose interest in them

B.they are free to do wrong

C.they are familiar with everything going on around them

D.things are new to them

5.The author presents the passage in a(n) _____ tone.





听力原文:The Greek philosopher Socrates taught "the man who is master of himself is truly
free". By being master of oneself he meant first knowing oneself, one's faults and weak nesses and one's good points, without making any pretence, and then being able to control oneself. This knowledge of himself was what helped a man to be courageous, and the courageous man has a very important sort of freedom: freedom from fear.

Socrates himself always felt free to teach what he thought was right; however, this might make him unpopular with the powerful people in Athens. Some of the rulers in Athens did not like people to be encouraged to ask too many questions; they feared that people would begin asking questions about what their rulers were doing. So they accused Socrates of teaching young men evil things. At last they had him arrested and sentenced him to death. During the 30 days that lay between Socrates' trial and execution, his friends and pupils were allowed to spend a great deal of time with him in his prison. They were astonished to find that he was calm and cheerful and seemed to have no fear of dying. He talked to them and taught them just as he used to in the streets and market places of the city.

The Greeks' way of executing people was to make them drink a cup of deadly poison. When the poison was brought to Socrates, his friends were in tears, but Socrates took the cup quietly and drank it as if it were a glass of wine at a banquet.


A.A man w. ho is courageous.

B.A man who knows his faults.

C.A man who knows his weakness.

D.A man who has a clear knowledge of himself.

Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a
young person thinking of going on the stage is "Don't!" But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act, although the chances of his becoming famous are small. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a repertory company, usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre: painting scenery, looking after the furniture, publicity, taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny. But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy, waiting for the chance of work with a better company, or perhaps in films or television.

Of course, some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and success without this long and tedious training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his big car. He told the chauffeur to stop, and he got out to speak to the girl. He asked her if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and at first she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took t he producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. Then an appointment was made for her to go to the studio the next day. The test was successful. They gave her elocution lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. Of course, she was given a more dramatic name, which is now world-famous. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!

1).Why is an assistant stage manager's job difficult?()

A、Because he has to do everything.

B、Because he has to work long hours every day.

C、Because he will not be happy.

D、Because he has to wait for another chance.

2).Usually only students who ()are accepted.

A、have received good education

B、are hard-working

C、are talented and promising

D、are good-mannered

3).The reason why young people should be discouraged from becoming actors is that ().

A、actors are very determined people

B、the course at the drama school lasts two years

C、acting is very hard work

D、there are already too many actors

4)."Then she got angry and said she would call the police". This sentence shows that ().

A、She totally disbelieved the proposal

B、The man acted with an ill purpose

C、The man forced her into his big car

D、She was a nervous woman

5).The phrase "once in a blue moon" refers to().

A、once in a full moon

B、once for a while

C、once for a long time

D、once and for all

Silence is unnatural to man. He begins life with a cry and ends it in still ness. In the i
nterval he does all he can to make a noise in the world, and there are few things of which he stands in more fear than of the absence of noise. Even his conversation is in great measure a desperate attempt to pre vent a dreadful silence. If he is introduced to a fellow mortal, and a number of pauses occur in the conversation, he regards himself as a failure, a worth less person, and is full of envy of the emptiest-headed chatterbox. He knows that ninety-nine per cent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly, but he longs to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure. The object of conversation is not, for the most part; to communicate ideas: it is to keep up the buzzing sound. There are, it must be admitted, different qualities of buzz: there is even a buzz that is as exasperating as the continuous ping of a mosquito. But at a dinner-party one would rather be a mosquito than a mute. Most buzzing, fortunately, is agreeable to the ear, and some of it is agreeable even to the mind. He would be a foolish man, however, who waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbours. Those who despise the weather as a conversational opening seem to me to be ignorant of the reason why human beings wish to talk. Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new. Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears. They have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had bad food in a Swiss hotel. At the end of an evening during which they have said nothing at immense length, they just plume on themselves their success as conversationists. I have heard a young man holding up the monologue of a prince among modern wits for half an hour in order to tell us absolutely nothing about himself with opulent long-windedness. None of us except the young man himself liked it, but he looked as happy as if he had a crown on his head.

According to the author, conversation is by and large a grim effort to ______.

A.prevent men thinking they are failures

B.eradicate man's fear of silence

C.avoid silence

D.make a man feel he has value in other's eyes

The young man was very proficient at operating computer.A.YB.NC.NG

The young man was very proficient at operating computer.




The young man and the young woman paid _____ attention to the writer.




D.not any

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