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Depression remains one of the most ______ health disorders in the US.A.prospectiveB.preval

Depression remains one of the most ______ health disorders in the US.





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Depression remains one of the most______ health disorders in the US.A.prospectiveB.prevale

Depression remains one of the most______ health disorders in the US.





What can we learn from the findings of the two new studies?A.Anxiety and depression more o

What can we learn from the findings of the two new studies?

A.Anxiety and depression more often than not cut short one’s life span。

B.Longevity results from a combination of mental and physical health。

C.Personality plays a decisive role in how healthy one is。

D.Health is in large part related to one’s lifestyle。

Depression: The Hidden EpidemicFelt down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets s

Depression: The Hidden Epidemic

Felt down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets sad (yes, everyone you've ever met). Some people have sad feelings just pretty often. More than half of teenagers go through a sad period at least once a month and plenty of younger kids do, too.

When you're in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness don't last very long — a few hours, or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression. Each year millions of people are estimated to .suffer from depression, a condition so widespread that it has been dubbed "the common cold of mental illness."

Types of Depression

For some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others, depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years.

Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two forms, diagnosing the more severe, short-lasting form. as major depression, and the longer-lasting but less severe form. as dysthymia.

A third form. of depression that may be diagnosed is called adjustment disorder with depressed mood. It refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as a death, divorce, or other loss) when the adjustment to the loss takes longer than the normally expected time frame. or is more severe than expected and interferes with the person's daily activities.

Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy. Mental health experts divide Bipolar disorder into four types because the symptoms of bipolar disorder show up differently in different people.

What Are the Symptoms of Depression?

Depression is associated with many symptoms and not everyone has the same ones. Some people have many symptoms, while others may only have a few. The symptoms below may signal that you or someone you love may be depressed:

1. Appearance — sad face, slow movements, unkempt look

2. Unhappy feelings — feeling sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless

3. Negative thoughts — "I'm a failure," "I'm not good," "No one cares about me."

4. Reduced activity — "I just sit around and mope," "Doing anything is just too much of an effort."

5. Reduced concentration

6. People problems — "I don't want anybody to see me," "I feel so lonely."

7. Guilt and low self-esteem — "It's all my fault," "I should be punished."

8. Physical problems — Sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, decreased sexual interest, or head-aches

9. Suicidal thoughts or wishes — "I'd be better off dead," "I wonder if it hurts to die."

Why Do People Get Depressed?

The exact cause of depression remains unclear. The most probable explanation is that it is an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain. But what triggers it in the first place?

First, genetic factors. There is growing interest in genetic approaches to understanding a variety of diseases and depression is no exception. Some people certainly seem to be more vulnerable to depression than could make individuals susceptible to the disease. Some studies have shown that people who have relatives with depression have a one in four chance of developing it themselves, compared with only one in 14 for the general population.

Secondly, external triggers. In most cases just having these genes is probably not enough-to cause depression on its own. Depressi




Don't Let Depression Ruin a Good ThingFeeling down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Every

Don't Let Depression Ruin a Good Thing

Feeling down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets. sad (yes, everyone you've ever met). Some people have sad feelings just once in a while, and others may have sad feelings pretty often. More than half of teenagers go through a sad period at least once a month and plenty of younger kids do, too.

When you're in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness don't last very long a few hours, or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression. Each year millions of people are estimated to suffer from depression, a condition so widespread that it has been dubbed "the common cold of mental illness. "

Symptoms of Depression

Depression is associated with many symptoms and not everyone has the same ones. Some people have many symptoms, while others may only have a few. The symptoms below may signal that you or someone you love may be depressed:

Appearance—sad face, slow movements, absent-minded look

Unhappy feelings—feeling sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless

Negative thoughts—"I'm a failure," "I'm no good," "No one cares about me. "

Reduced activity—"I just sit around and mope," "Doing anything is just too much of an effort."

Reduced concentration.

People problems—"I don't want anybody to see me," "I feel so lonely."

Guilt and low self-esteem—"It's all my fault," "I should be punished."

Physical problems—Sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, decreased sexual interest, or headaches.

Suicidal thoughts or wishes—"I'd be better off dead," "I wonder if it hurts to die."

Causes of Depression

The exact cause of depression remains unclear. The most probable explanation is that it is an imbalance in neurotransmitters (神经传递素) in the brain. But what triggers it in the first place?

First, genetic factors. There is growing interest in genetic approaches t6 understanding a variety of diseases and depression is no exception. Some people certainly seem to be more vulnerable to depression than others and there is growing evidence that some genes could make individuals susceptible to the disease. Some studies have shown that people who have relatives with depression have a one in four chance of developing it themselves, compared with only one in fourteen for the general population.

Secondly, external triggers. In most cases just having these genes is probably not enough to cause depression on its own. Depression can be triggered by a number of factors such as unemployment, bereavement (丧亡), social isolation or even a severe physical illness.

Victims of Depression

Anyone may suffer from depression, regardless of age, gender, race and belief. It is "normal" for certain people to feel depressed-such as women, older people, employees with work-related stress, or people with chronic illness.

Women are more than twice as' likely as men to experience depression. Although the reasons for this difference are not known, research suggests that biological differences in women such as hormonal(荷尔蒙) changes and genetics-may contribute to depression. Additionally, social reasons, such as greater stresses from work and family responsibilities, and even the increased rates of sexual abuse and poverty among women, may lead to higher rates of clinical depression.

Depression affects employees at all levels of the corporate ladder. One in every 20 employees experiences the illness. An estimated 200 million workdays are lost each year due to employee depression. Depression tends to affect people in their prime working years and if left untreated may last a lifetime.

Clinical Depression and




听力原文:Many of us believe that a person's mind becomes less active as he grows older.But

听力原文: Many of us believe that a person's mind becomes less active as he grows older. But this is not true, according to Dr. Lissy F. Javik, professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Jarvik has studied the mental functioning of aging persons for several years. For example, one of her studies concerns 136 pairs of identical twins, who were first examined when they were already 60 years old. As Dr. Jarvik's continued the study of the twins into their 70s and 8Os, their minds did not generally decline as was expected.

However, there was some decline in their psychomotor speed. This means that it took them longer to accomplish mental tasks than it used to. But when speed was not a factor, they last very little intellectual ability over the years. In general, Dr. Jarvik's studies have shown that there is no decline in knowledge or reasoning ability. This is true not only into the 30s and 40s but also into 60s and 70s as well.

As for learning new things, and ability to remember, studies by Dr. Jarvik and others show that the old are equal to the young. It is true that older people themselves often complain that their memory is not as good as it once was. However, much of what we call "loss of memory" is not that at all. There usually was incomplete learning in the first place. For example, the older person perhaps had trouble hearing or poor vision, or inattention, or was trying to learn the new thing at a speed that was too fast.

In the cases where the older person's mind really seems to decay, it is not necessarily a sign of a decay due to old age or "senility". Often it is simply a sign of a depressed emotional state. The depression usually can be counteracted by counseling, therapy with a psychologist, or medications which fight depression.


A.It remains as active as ever.

B.It tends to be less active.

C.It loses the ability to reason.

D.It functions well in learning new things.

Mental depression only hits the old people.()
Eating disorders are often accompanied by depression and anxiety.A.YB.NC.NG

Eating disorders are often accompanied by depression and anxiety.




The Great Depression was induced by all the following causes but government involvement
End Your Back Pain Like an expensive but temperamental sports car, the human spin is beaut

End Your Back Pain

Like an expensive but temperamental sports car, the human spin is beautifully designed and maddeningly unreliable. If you are a living, breathing human being, you have probably suffered the agony of back pain. And as long as people continue to lead overweight, sedentary and stressful lives, the number of sufferers is unlikely to go anywhere other than up.

As it does, armies of new back-pain sufferers, many desperate and even disabled, will seek relief. When they do, they'll quickly discover just how complicated their problem really is, with its mystifying mix of physical symptoms and psychological underpinnings. The reality is that the agony will often go away on its own — impossible as that may seem when you are writhing (痛苦扭曲) on the kitchen floor. The Great Pain Mystery

Back pain can originate anywhere in the elaborate spinal architecture. Degenerated discs (椎间盘), which many lead to herniation (突出) and compressed nerves, are a common problem. Then there those wrenching pain provoked by muscle injuries, which can drop grown men to the floor. What's most mysterious about back problems is the frequent disconnect between anatomical defects and pain. Unlike blood pressure and cholesterol (胆固醇), which could be measured with arm cuffs and blood tests, lower-back pain has no objective way — the volume of tears? the intensity of a grimace? — to be gauged.

Many times, the precise cause of pain remains unknown. Imaging tests found that two people with herniated discs can lead radically different lives: One spends his days popping painkillers, the other waltzes through life. In a well-known study, researchers checked 98 healthy people: Two-thirds had abnormal discs even though none complained of pain. The real issue is why some people have a mild backache and some have really crippling pain. In another research, experts compared a group of patients who reported back pain with a control group who did not. Close to two-thirds if the pain patients had cracks in their discs, so-called high-intensity zones, or HIZs. But so did 24 percent of the non-complainers.

The answer has as much to do with the mind as with the body. In the HIZ study, the best predictor of pain was not how bad the defect looked, but the patient's psychological distress. Depression and anxiety have long been linked to pain; a recent Canadian study found that people who suffer from severe depression are four times more likely to develop intense or disabling neck or low-back pain. At New York's Hospital for Special Surgery, psychiatrist Gregory Lutz says he often sees men who have two things in common: crippling sciatica (坐骨神经痛) and an upcoming wedding date. The problem in their back, possibly a degenerated or herniated disc, likely already existed, says Dr. Lutz, but was intensified by the pre-marriage jitters.

Spine Surgery Breakthrough

Pain is pain, and many want a quick fix and that means surgery. Spinal-fusion surgery, one of the most invasive and costly forms of therapy (about $42,000) has more than doubled in the US since 1993, to about 350,000 in 2003. Discectomy, which is done less invasively, has also spiked to 342,000 surgeries per year. But these procedures don't work for everyone.

The increase in all spinal surgery has been promoted in part by technical advances promising better outcomes. Perhaps the most intriguing new development is the artificial cobalt-chrome disc. In October 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first such disc, the Charite, for patients with degenerative disc disease. The three-piece device has a sliding medical-grade plastic core sandwiched between two metal plates, which allows the spine to move. It is believed that, such discs, like knee replacements, will give patients more mobility than traditional fusion surgery. And they will get out of bed a lot sooner too. The key is to be v

A.plain ageing

B.spine defects

C.surgical failures

D.mental stress

“The Grape of Wrath” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.

A.the Civil War




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