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We usually think of pollution as a harmful waste substance that threatens the air and wate

r.【C1】______some people have become【C2】______about another kind of pollution. It can be everywhere, depending on the time of day.【C3】______it is not thought of as a【C4】______. It is light.

The idea of light pollution has【C5】______with the increase of【C6】______in cities. In many areas, this light makes it【C7】______to observe stars and planets in the night sky. In 1922, the International Dark-Sky Association formed. This organization wants to reduce light pollution in the【C8】______sky. It also【C9】______the effective use of electric lighting.

Light pollution is the【C10】______of wasted energy. Bright light that shines into the sky is not being used to provide light【C11】______it is needed on Earth.【C12】______designed【C13】______causes a great deal of light pollution. Lights that are brighter than【C14】______also cause light pollution.

Most people in America are【C15】______to find out that they are not able to see our own galaxy, The Milky Way, with their own eyes.【C16】______about three-fourths of Americans cannot see the Milky Way because of【C17】______light.

Objects in the night sky are【C18】______that provide everyone【C19】______wonder. But light pollution threatens to prevent those wonderful sights【C20】______being seen.






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更多“We usually think of pollution …”相关的问题
When we meet American friends for the first time, we usually do not ask them questions

A.How are you?

B.What do you think of the city?

C.Do you like the weather here?

D.Are you married?

听力原文:M: The winters here are usually mild. We have seldom seen too much snow. W: That'

听力原文:M: The winters here are usually mild. We have seldom seen too much snow.

W: That's the usual case, but I think this year would be different. Just wait and see what will happen.

Q: What does the woman imply about this winter?


A.It won't be any different from the others.

B.It will be unusually mild.

C.It won't affect the hunters.

D.It will probably be cold.

听力原文:We usually think of history as the story of important people and events, but some

听力原文: We usually think of history as the story of important people and events, but some historians are also interested in the daily lives of ordinary people. We can get this kind of information from written documents like diaries and town records, of course, but strange as this may seem—we can also learn a lot from studying old family portraits. Family portraits provide clues about things like the size of the family and the hobbies and tastes of family members. The number of children in a portrait, for example, indicates the size of the family; the types of clothing family members wore for the portrait suggest the popular fashions of the time. The objects that children hold in their hands can give clues about the games they played and their hobbies. The background of a family portrait gives historians an idea of room size and furnishings and even the wealth and social position of the family. All of these details help historians understand more about the everyday lives of some of the ordinary people from the past.


A.Portraits as clues to our past.

B.Twentieth century photographers.

C.Prominent families in recent history.

D.A new generation of artists.

听力原文:I met Susan at a dance about six months ago. We get along well together since we

听力原文: I met Susan at a dance about six months ago. We get along well together since we like music, dancing, swimming, and tennis. But whenever I start to get serious about our relationship and try to discuss with her how she feels about me and whether we might consider marriage, she gets angry and refuses to talk about it. Usually, she says something like: "I'm not the marrying kind" or "We're having too much fun to be serious." Besides all these, I don' t think that my parents like her very much. They think that she's not very intelligent.

Do you think I should continue to keep the relationship? Or should I forget her? We're both 22, but I'm ready to settle down and establish a home. I have a good job as a salesman, and by the time I' m 24, I hope to have saved enough money to start my own business.


A.The relationship between the speaker and Susan.

B.The arrangement of the speaker's marriage ceremony.

C.The speaker's parents' opinion of Susan.

D.The speaker's plan for the future.

听力原文:M: I think I'll get my second-hand books at the Student Union this year. So many
of the books we are using are the same print.

W: I hope you're not planning to take your time going there. They are usually snapped up within the first week.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man will have no choices left.

B.The man had better go there quickly.

C.The man should go when he has spare time.

D.The books are a bit scratched and are of poor quality.

听力原文:W: You know, we never went over Chapter 16 in class. What do you think the odds a
re that Dr. Bomb will include it on the test?

M: He's been long to do things like that. So I wouldn't put it past him.

Q: What does the man say about Dr. Bomb?


A.He'll probably talk about Chapter 16 in class today.

B.He'll probably postpone the test until he talks Chapter 16.

C.He might test the students on material not discussed in class.

D.He usually tells the students ahead of time what will be on his tests.

听力原文:Aristotle, file Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualifies of money so

听力原文: Aristotle, file Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualifies of money some 2,000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry about. In other words it must be, "durable, distinct, divisible and portable". When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use. They will buy nothing, and a traveler might starve if he had none of the particular local money to exchange for food.

Among isolated peoples, who are not often reached by traders from outside, commerce usually means barter. There is a direct exchange of goods. Perhaps it is fish for vegetables, meat for grain, or various kinds of food in exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of simple trading money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavor food, shells for ornaments. These things--salt, shells or metals --are still used as money in out-of-the-way parts of the world today.


A.Coins are round, flat pieces of metal.

B.Today, we usually think of money as either coins or paper money.

C.Theoretically speaking, coins and paper notes should be durable, distinct, divisible and portable.

D.Today, other forms of money than coins and paper money are still being used.

听力原文:M: What kind of prints that are popular among teenagers? Which color do Japanese
people usually wear?

W: I think the most popular prints are those of Cookie Monster, Hello Kitty, and animal characters. And Japanese don't wear bright clothes. Usually they wear dark ones, like black or brown.

M: Who is the most well-known Thai singer in Japan?

W: Tata Young is the most famous Thai singer in Japan. She held a live tour in Tokyo and it was a big success. Her debut album for Japan recorded great sales all over Asia. Her music is played on the Japanese dance scene. Tata Young is so famous, not only in Japan, but also around the world.

M: What is still the tradition nowadays and what is the main reason for the making tea ceremony?

W: In Japan, we send New Years cards to our relatives and friends at the beginning of the year. By making tea ceremony, we regain our composure and we can enjoy drinking tea more.

M: What is "samurai"?

W: Samurai were people who had a special position in traditional Japanese society. Their hairstyle. was called chonmage. They carried an edged tool, called nihonto. There are not any more samurai in Japan now.

M: What do you usually do in nightlife?

W: I usually listen to the radio, play die guitar and the piano at home in the night time. I think many other university students go out to dinner at an Izakaya and drink beer with their friends.

M: What's the population of your country and where do most people live?

W: Most people live in Tokyo: The population of Tokyo is 12 million. And the second largest population is that of Osaka, which is 8.8 million. In Kynto, there are only 1.5 million people.


A.About some aspects of social life in Thailand.

B.About some aspects of social life in Japan.

C.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Thailand.

D.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Japan.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Interviewer: Mrs.. Leech, can you describe some of the things your school does with aggressive children?

Mrs. Leech: Well, you must realize that when he comes here he is meeting other aggressive children, and aggressive children all together usually sum each other up.

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: And they find that aggressiveness here doesn't pay off because you can be jolly sure there's one tougher and worse than he is.

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: So I usually have, eh,... I say usually,...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: Sometimes have organized fights. I...

Interviewer: Organized fights? You actually...

Mrs. Leech: Yes.

Interviewer: You actually encourage the children to ...

Mrs. Leech: We have a ring and we have a bell.

Interviewer: A boxing ring?

Mrs. Leech: Yes!

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: And er... they must conform, they must keep to the rules, and when they have either lost or won, we discuss after a) what it is like to be the winner and b) what it is like to lose. And we carry on with our discussion and go on to what it is like in life.

Interviewer: Hmm.

Mrs. Leech: We must win or lose and we must do each very gracefully.

Interviewer: Can you give some reason why children are aggressive.

Mrs. Leech: If a child is one of six or seven children.., er... it's pretty sure that he is naughty and aggressive because he is crying out for attention and in this large family he's found that a jolly good way of getting attention is to shout, be naughty. At least mummy turns round and says, "Be quiet,...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: Be a good boy, or you'll get this or that.

Interviewer: So some children are aggressive simply in order...

Mrs. Leech: To gain attention!

Interviewer: To gain...

Mrs. Leech: Aggressiveness usually is that. It's...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: It's really the children crying out and saying, "Look at me, please."

Interviewer: Umm.

Mrs. Leech: I'm not saying it's the answer in all circumstances but it usually is.

Interviewer: Can you give some of the advantages of your school, as compared with ordinary schools.

Mrs. Leech: The classes are smaller for one thing.

Interviewer: How small?

Mrs. Leech: Er... we only have groups up to five or six.

Interviewer: Uhumm. And in a normal school?

Mrs. Leech: Oh, well.., that varies, of course, but it could be thirty to forty.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: Urn... here he does have individual attention every day.

Interviewer: Er... do you think the work is important?

Mrs. Leech: I du. Er... without our unit or something similar...

Interviewer: The unit is the school?

Mrs. Leech: Yes, the whole unit.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: I think a lot of children would be left and then perhaps at the age of sixteen, we wonld have our juvenile delinquent. I'm not saying we're curing them all.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: But I think at least with the unit available to these children, they have had a chance to make good.

Interviewer: Ummm.

Mrs. Leech: I'm not saying it always pays off, but they have had a chance.

What sort of children attend Mrs. Leeches school?

A.Naughty and violent.

B.Slow and retarded.

C.Wicked but clever.

D.Deserted but aggressive.

听力原文:M: As a teacher, can you give us some idea on how the English school system works

W: First of all, most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. But now we have a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.

M: Do you think that's an improvement to the system?

W: Well ,it's supposed to be much better because it stops separating children at the age of eleven and gives them a better chance. In fact, what usually happens is that those children who would have gone to a grammar school tend to be at the top end of the comprehensive system and those that would have gone to secondary modern school find themselves at lower levels of the school.

M: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?

W: Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and it would be very nice if we could reduce them by at least half.

M: Do you think the subjects that children study are adapted to present-day society?

W: It would be very good if more children at school had the opportunity of learning about the society they live in economic terms and in social terms. So that they are much more aware of the problems that we face today.


A.Those who were at the age of 16.

B.Those who failed the eleven plus exam.

C.Those who did well in the eleven plus exam.

D.Those who were not qualified for secondary school.

听力原文: Many of the employees think their career path and plans begins during their empl
oyment or when they have already secured a job. (26) But basically, if we look at what becomes of a person, you can root it from the upbringing of the person, to be more specific, from childhood.

As parents, we usually groom our children's future according to what we are or what we wanted to be. We buy them toys and educational materials according to what we dream our children would become someday.

In career pathing, the parents' role plays a major part for the individual's success in identifying their chosen career. (27) The best approach is to support the child's interest and not forcing them to take courses that the parents wanted for themselves. Support can be provided by helping them read materials on their field of interest, (28) exposing them to the career and providing information as to the advantages and sacrifices that one may take to accomplish their chosen field. This is not difficult nowadays. The internet and the publications are now very affordable and even the media provides the information for the different careers that our children may take. There are shows and programs that can provide a picture of the different fields. (29) But before you go to your television and change the channel of what your children is watching, check first if the program is fit for their age and maturity.


A.During their employment.

B.When they have found a job.

C.During their childhood.

D.When they are in college.

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