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听力原文:M: Come on. Open your mouth. Don't be so nervous! I can't give you the injection

with your mouth closed.

W: I'm not nervous. I... I just hate needles, you know.

Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?



B.Dentist and patient.

C.Boss and secretary.

D.Teacher and student.

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更多“听力原文:M: Come on. Open your mou…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: There were only twenty students at last night's meeting, so nothing could be v
oted on.

W: That's too bad. They'll have to turn out in greater numbers if they want a voice in campus issues.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The students should return to classes.

B.Last night's meeting was badly managed.

C.There should be more issues to vote on.

D.More students should come to the meetings.

听力原文:M: Why didn't you go to the pub on the weekend? You missed a great little party.W

听力原文:M: Why didn't you go to the pub on the weekend? You missed a great little party.

W: Oh, come on. You know how I feel about all the smoke in there.

Q: What can be inferred about the woman?


A.She didn't come because she can't stand the smoke in the pub.

B.She is regretful for not going to the party.

C.She is a heavy smoker and can't help smoking at the party.

D.She doesn't like going to parties very much.

听力原文:W: Id rather not talk about it. Just dont ask. M: Come on. I think you need to l
et off some steam. Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?1.

A.Speak to her previous employer.

B.Get a job working on campus.

C.Attend Career Service"s workshop.

D.Get a job application from him.

听力原文:W: You don't look smart this morning. I can see you're not happy. Come on. what h

M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night and I missed most of the football match.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man is a football fan.

B.The man needs the woman's help.

C.The man didn't watch TV last night.

D.The man often has power failure at home.

听力原文:W: So you are up to some tennis this afternoon or what?M: Well, to tell you the t

听力原文:W: So you are up to some tennis this afternoon or what?

M: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not feeling so hot today.

W: Come on. How long has it been since we played last time?

M: A couple of days.

W: A couple of days? Come on. It's been more than a couple of days.

M: Yeah. I guess you're right. It's been almost a week.

W: It's been exactly a week. And we used to play at least three times a week.

M: I know. Playing right after class was something to look forward to.

W: Yeah. And it was right before dinner. So we build up our appetite.

M: I've just been very busy, I guess. And my stomach is bothering today.

W: But you look ok to me.

M: Well, I was up late with Steve in the library working on a project. We got to do by tomorrow for that anthropology class. We've been working on it all weekend. And I was drinking a lot of coffee, I guess. I just drank too much.

W: Listen. 'I took that class last semester. And I could meet you in the library later tonight and help with if you want. And then you have time to play tennis this afternoon.

M: Yeah. I guess my stomach doesn't hurt that bad. And I could certainly use your help. But it's also...

W: Is there something else bothering you?

M: Well, to be honest, I'm getting tired of... losing.


A.What the man's plans are for tonight.

B.Why the man does not want to play tennis.

C.Why they do not have time to play tennis after class today.

D.What time they can meet in the library.

听力原文:W: Hi, Michael. How are things?M: Hi, Liz. Good, thanks. What's new with you?W: O

听力原文:W: Hi, Michael. How are things?

M: Hi, Liz. Good, thanks. What's new with you?

W: Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight.

M: Well I was thinking of going to the University Library to do a bit of study. What've you got in mind?

W: I thought we could just go for a walk. Maybe down to that park near the beach.

M: Tonight? You must be joking, it's too cold. What about coming round to my place? We could just watch TV or something.

W: Whatch TV? That's all you ever want to do! I want to go out somewhere. That new Jackie Chen movie is on in town. How about that?

M: Look, if you really want to go somewhere, you could come with me to the library.

W: Oh, come on.

M: Ok, just joking. What time does it start?

W: Oh, I think it's half past eight or something. I'll just get the paper and show you something. Just hang on for a minute. You'll love it. It got a fantastic review in the newspaper last week.

M: Ok, Ok. So, where are we going to meet?

W: It'd be easiest if we met at the cinema.

M: Ok, see you there then.


A.He has something else in mind.

B.It's freezing outside.

C.It's too dark near the beach.

D.He has to work against a deadline.

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you've got some ideas for our product promotion(23).W: Well, fi

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you've got some ideas for our product promotion(23).

W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.

M: Yes, that's a good idea.

W: Then TV commercials.

M: Just a moment, are you sure we're allowed to advertise medicines on TV?

W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription. You can advertise over- the-counter products. We can get users of our products to recommend them--"Their lotion cured my disease in six days." for example.

M: Now, hold on. It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustn't offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.

W: Mmm. OK. What about this—a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.

M: That depends on whether it's true.

W: Sure it is. But here is another suggestion. We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who's not satisfied with one of our products (24). It's possible to do that, isn't it?

M: No, I'm afraid not (24). Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.

W: Well, it looks as though I'll have to come up with something else. I never realize the regulations were so rigid (25).


A.The advertising price of the products.

B.How to develop the quality of the drugs.

C.How to promote their products.

D.HOW to satisfy people with more medicine.

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion.W: Well, first

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion.

W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.

M: Yes, that’s a good idea.

W: Then TV commercials.

M: Just a moment, are you sure we’re allowed to advertise medicines on TV?

W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription. You can advertise over-the-counter products. We can get users of our products to recommend them —“Their lotion cured my disease in six days.” for example.

M: Now, hold on. It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustn’t offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.

W: Hmm. OK. What about this—a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.

M: That depends on whether it’s true.

W: Sure it is. But here is another suggestion. We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who’s not satisfied with one of our products. It’s possible to do that, isn’t it?

M: No, I’m afraid not. Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.

W: Well, it looks as though I’ll have to come up with something else. I never realize the regulations were so tight.


A.What kind of medicine to develop.

B.When to advertise the drugs.

C.How to promote their products.

D.The regulations of medicine advertising.

听力原文:W: Next patient, please! Come in.M: Morning, doctor. Sorry I'm a bit late, but I

听力原文:W: Next patient, please! Come in.

M: Morning, doctor. Sorry I'm a bit late, but I felt really awful when I got up.

W: Don't worry. It's Mr. Barnes, isn't it?

M: That's right.

W: Is that B-A-R-N-E-S?

M: Yes, it is.

W: Right, now what seems to be the trouble?

M: Well, I've had this awful flu and a terrible cough.

W: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

M: Oh, about three or four days, I suppose.

W: And have you been taking any medication?

M: Just the normal things, Aspirins, lemon and hot drinks, but it hasn't done any good.

W: Are you a smoker?

M: No. I gave up three years ago.

W: Have you had a temperature?

M: Yes. For the last couple of days or so.

W: OK. I'll just take a look at your chest. Take off your pullover and jacket please....Right. Now breathe in...and out slowly, And a gain. Good, Once more. That's it. Pop your clothes back on.

M: Thank you.

W: Well, it looks as if you've got a touch of bronchitis. I'll give you some cough mixture and a prescription for a course of antibiotics as well. Take one capsule every 8 hours for the next five days.

M: OK, Doctor, What about going to work?

W: No, You'll have to spend a couple of days in bed till it clears up.


A.At a fitness centre.

B.At a clinic.

C.At a school.

D.At a club.

听力原文:W: Dad, Dad, Dad!M: Uh, what?W: The movie is over. You slept through the best par

听力原文:W: Dad, Dad, Dad!

M: Uh, what?

W: The movie is over. You slept through the best part.

M: Ah, ah, I must have dozed off during the last few minutes.

W: Right. You were gone for so long you should have brought your pillow and blanket. So, what did you think about it?

M: Well, overall, (19)I'm quite disappointed with the movie. I mean, the story was too weird; it's what you have to admit. I mean it, really. How believable is a plot about a captain who steers his spaceship to the far reaches of the galaxy and encounters a race of frog people. I mean, come on.

W: Well, I thought it was fantastic. I mean, you have to admit that the special effects were awesome, and the acting wasn't bad, either.

M: Ah, come on. What about the ship's communications officer? I mean, what did you think about him? Wasn't he a little weird to you? He was always talking to himself, and he had that funny hair.

W: Well, I think that's cool; you are just out of fashion. (20)Don't you think the doctor was amazing? He was so cool when he brought the captain back to life during one of the battles.

M: Oh, (20)the doctor was the only highlight of the whole movie, but from the very scene that you mentioned, it just went from bad to worse. And the photography was so fake!

W: How do you know? (21)You were snoring so loud the neighbors probably had to close their windows. It was that bad.

M: Ah, well, it's bedtime now.


A.He isn't interested in the movie.

B.He slept through the whole movie.

C.He didn't miss the best part of the movie.

D.He brought pillow with him.

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