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A.Provide some jobs that the elderly can do.B.Improve the living conditions of retirem

A.Provide some jobs that the elderly can do.

B.Improve the living conditions of retirement homes.

C.Increase retirement pension for the elderly.

D.Persuade them to live with their family.

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更多“A.Provide some jobs that the e…”相关的问题
During World War I1, some jobs which previously excluded women were open to them.A.YB.NC.N

During World War I1, some jobs which previously excluded women were open to them.




What maybe the reason why some Hispanics have jobs but uninsured?A.They are not interested

What maybe the reason why some Hispanics have jobs but uninsured?

A.They are not interested in health insurance.

B.They do not believe in the insurance system.

C.Their employers refuse to enroll them in the welfare system.

D.Their income is not enough for their share of the premium.

Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while ()will return to school for
an advanced degree.




D.the other

Adult education has become popular _______.

A.because many old people are changing their professions

B.because some people are looking for better jobs

C.because they have high costs for repairs and advanced technology

D.all of the above

Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because ___

A.they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study

B.they will then be able to stay longer in the university

C.such positions help them get better jobs

D.such positions are usually well paid

Women's place, some people think, is in the protective environment of the home because ___

A.women can provide better care for children

B.women are too weak to do any agricultural work

C.women are biologically suited to domestic jobs

D.women cannot compete with men in any field

听力原文:W: Tony, who are the street people? How did they get to be living in the street?M

听力原文:W: Tony, who are the street people? How did they get to be living in the street?

M: Well, some of them lost their jobs, some of them have mental problems, and some of them drink.

Q: Which of the following factors is not mentioned as a cause of becoming street people?



B.Family breakup.

C.Mental problems.


听力原文:The poverty line is the lowest income that people need for an acceptable standard

听力原文: The poverty line is the lowest income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem.

As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with today's relatively high standard of living; about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.

For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor people axe children. By law, children less than 16 years old cannot work in many industries. A large number of poor people are old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age.

Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons: they are sick, they do not have any motivation, they have family problems, or they do not believe they can find a job.

Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills they can offer.

Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a living.


A.To define what the poverty line is.

B.To explain why some people live the poverty line.

C.To find solutions to the problem of poverty.

D.To show sympathy for those poor people.

Diana Smith thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college for her 21-year
-old twin sons: a combination of savings, income, scholarships, and a modest amount of borrowing.Then her husband lost his job, and the plan fell apart.

“I have two kids in college, and I want to say “come home,” but at the same time I want to provide them with a good education,” says Diana.

The Smith family did work out a solution: They asked and received more aid from the school, and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款) program.They will each graduate with a $20,000 debt, but at least they will be able to finish school.

With unemployment rising, financial aid administrators expect to see more families like the Smiths.More students are applying for aid, and more families expect to need student loans.College administrators are concerned that they will not have enough aid money to go around.

At the same time, tuition (学费)continues to rise.A report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education found that college tuition and fees increased 439% from 1982 to 2007, while average family income rose just 147%.Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade.

“If we go on this way for another 25 years, we won’t have an affordable system of higher education,” says Patrick M.Callan, president of the center.“The middle class families have been financing it through debt.They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.”

Financial aid administrators have been having a hard time as many companies decide that student loans are not profitable enough and have stopped making them.The good news, however, is that federal loans account for about three quarters of student borrowing, and the government says that money will flow uninterrupted.

16.According to Paragraph 1, why did the Smith family’s plan fail?()

A.The twins wasted too much money

B.The father was out of work

C.Their sayings ran out

D.The family fell apart

17.How did the Smiths manage to solve their problem?()

A.They asked their kids to come home

B.They borrowed $20,000 from the school

C.They encouraged their twin sons to do part-time jobs

D.They got help from the school and the federal government

18.Financial aid administrators believe that _____.

A.more families will face the same problem as the Smiths

B.the government will receive more letters of complaint

C.college tuition fees will double soon

D.America’s unemployment will fall

19.What can we learn about the middle class families from the text?()

A.They blamed the government for the tuition increase

B.Their income remained steady in the last decade

C.They will try their best to send kids to college

D.Their debts will be paid off within 25 years

20.According to the last paragraph, the government will _____.

A.provide most students with scholarships

B.dismiss some financial aid administrators

C.stop the companies from making student loans

D.go on providing financial support for college students

听力原文:M: Excuse me, I heard that there were a couple of jobs available in the library.
So I'd like to apply for one of them. Can I fill out the application form. at home and bring it back next week?

F: Sure, but you should know that we're about to start looking at the applications, and we hope to make some job offers in a few days.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The library has already chosen some people to work there.

B.She is going to give the man a job offer.

C.The library is looking for more applicants.

D.The man should hurry up.

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