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Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham! Scott:______A.Y

Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham! Scott: ______

A.You're kidding!


C.Is it a real thing?

D.Good luck!

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更多“Nancy: Have you heard about Da…”相关的问题
Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham. Scott: ______A.

Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham. Scott: ______

A.You're kidding.


C.Is it a real thing?

D.Good luck.

Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married to Graham!Scott: ________A.Y

Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married to Graham!Scott: ________

A.You're kidding!


C.Is it a real thing?

D.Good luck!

听力原文:W: Good morning, Sunshine Speedboat Company. What can I do for you!M: Good mornin

听力原文:W: Good morning, Sunshine Speedboat Company. What can I do for you!

M: Good morning, can I speak to Nancy White?

W: Ah, Jacques, nice talking to you again. How's the weather in your part of the world?

M: Couldn't be better, Nancy. Sunny, 29℃, light breeze...

W: Stop! I can't take any more. I'm suffering the severe cold here.

M: Oh, terrible. Sorry to hear that Maybe you can come to join us; Susan is always expecting you.

W: Thank you, and Susan; she is always so kind. So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

M: I need a couple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?

W: Let me see... Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. You're a valued customer, so I'll give you a 10% discount.

M: That's very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?

W: Sure we do! We set up new inventory controls last year, so we don't have many backlogs any more.

M: That's good. The tourist season is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. What's the earliest shipping date you can manage?

W: They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.

M: Perfect. What's the total CIF price?

W: Hang on... The price will be $15,230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?

M: You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and I'll send you my order right away. I'll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?

W: Of course.

M: Great! Nice doing business with you again, Nancy. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me.

W: Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques.




C.Business partners.

D.Former classmates.

听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.W: Since you're going to pick

听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.

W: Since you're going to pick up Nancy from the fitness class, why don't you kill two birds with one stone and pick up Peter after his ballet class?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man shouldn't have promised to pick up Nancy.

B.Nancy and Peter should go to the same class for convenience's sake.

C.The man should pick up Nancy and Peter as well.

D.The man should kill the birds for dinner before leaving.

听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy! Co

听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy! Could you take this one, please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot—but I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What' s the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Kramers, have been on vacation for a month, and I thought I' d surprise them. I' m inviting some of their friends and family for a welcome-home dinner.

W: That' s really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it' s the least I can do for them. They' ve been letting me stay with them rent-free while I' m in school.

W: Really? That' s pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you' re a student. They' ve been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.

听力原文:W: Can I help you? I'm Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Department.M: My name

听力原文:W: Can I help you? I'm Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Department.

M: My name is Wang Fang, how do you do?

W: I see by your resume that you have been working?

M: Yes, I have worked for four years with a Canadian company.

W: Tell me what you know about our company, please.

M: Well, Mark Smith, who was the first president, founded the company in 1955. It has 1.5 billion dollars in capital; it employs 8,000 people, and it is the largest company in its field in Canada.

W: What do you know about our major products and our share of the market?

M: Your company products are mostly marketed in Canada and the United States, but particularly have sold very well here in China.

W: What made you decide to change your job?

M: Because I want to change my working environment and seek new challenges.

W: Do you like this job?

M: Yes.

W: What do you think is the most important qualification for a sales- person?

M: I think it is confidence in himself and his products.

W: I agree with you. Do you have any questions to ask about this job?

M: Yes, I like to know something about the salary.

W: I think the starting salary for a salesperson is between 1,500 -2,000 yuan. But the specific number will be determined according to your sales.

M: When can I get the final decision?

W: We cannot reach a final decision until we have talked to all of the other five applicants. Anyhow, we'll contact you within this month. See you.

M: Nice meeting you, too. Good - bye.


A.The CEO of the company.

B.The creator of the company.

C.The founder of Ottawa.

D.The manager of the department.

I don’t know whether you happen ________, but I am going to study in the U. K. this S

A.to be heard

B.to be hearing

C.to hear

D.to have heard

听力原文:M:How are your new neighbors, Nancy?W:They seem nice enough, but they have a son

听力原文:M:How are your new neighbors, Nancy?

W:They seem nice enough, but they have a son who's driving me crazy

M: What do you mean?

W: He comes home every night around 10 with his car windows rolled down and his radio blaring. It stops as soon as he turns the car off. But by then Brian and Lisa are wide awake.

M: Oh, no.

W: Oh, yes. Sometimes it takes us till midnight just to get them to settle down again.

M: Have you tried talking to them?

W: We haven't even really met them yet except to say a quick hallo. I hate to get off on the wrong foot.

M: You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on simmering.

W: I know, but I feel stupid complaining. It's not as though he's blasting his stereo all night.

M: You said yourself it is driving you crazy.

W: Well, You know how early I have to get up to be here at the office, I'm just not getting enough sleep and neither are the kids. They're so irritable when I get home in the afternoon.

M: Maybe you could go over there sometime with a little gift: a plant for the yard or something. Then you could ask their son whether they have any other children and they'll be sure to ask about yours.

W: Yeah, and then what?

M: Then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to go to sleep at night.

W: And keeping them in the asleep.

M: That's the idea. And you should do it soon. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to do politely.


A.He drives too fast.

B.He plays his guitar too loudly.

C.His radio wakes her children up.

D.His friends are too noisy.

听力原文:M: How are your new neighbors, Nancy?W: They seem nice enough, but they have a so

听力原文:M: How are your new neighbors, Nancy?

W: They seem nice enough, but they have a son who's driving me crazy.

M: What do you mean?

W: He comes home every night around 10 with his car windows rolled down and radio blaring. It stops as soon as he turns the car off. But by then Brian and Lisa are wide awake.

M: Oh, no.

W: Oh, yes. Sometimes it takes us till mid-night just to get them settled down again.

M: Have you tried talking to them?

W: We haven't even really met them yet except To say a quick hello. I hate to get off on the wrong foot.

M: You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on complaining.

W: I know, but I feel stupid complaining. It's not as though he is blasting his stereo all night.

M: You said yourself it is driving you crazy.

W: Well, you know how early I have to get up to be here at the office. I'm just not getting enough sleep and neither are the kids. They're so irritable when I get home in the afternoon.

M: Maybe you could go over sometime with a little gift: a plant for the yard or something. Then you could ask about their son whether they have any other children and they' ll be sure to &ak about yours.

W: Yeah, and then what?

M: Then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to get sleep at night?

W: And keeping them asleep.

M: That's the idea. And you should do it soon. The longer you wait, the harder it'll be to do politely.


A.He drives too fast.

B.He plays his guitar too loudly.

C.His radio wakes her children up.

D.His friends are too noisy.

Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each p

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A.They don’t have much choice of jobs.

B.They are likely to get much higher pay.

C.They don’t have to go through job interviews.

D.They will automatically be given hiring priority.

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