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The world saw Jack as a rich and ______ bachelor, but really he was very shy.A.inferiorB.e

The world saw Jack as a rich and ______ bachelor, but really he was very shy.





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It【C1】______around nine o'clock when I drove【C2】______home from work because it was alread
y dark. As I approached the gates I switched off the headlamps of the car【C3】______prevent the beam from swinging in through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But【C4】______. I noticed that his light was still on. So he was awake anyway, unless he'd【C5】______asleep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps. Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack's room. He was in bed awake but be didn't【C6】______turn toward me.

"What's up, Jack?" I said.

"For God's【C7】______, don't make a noise," he said.

The way he spoke reminded me【C8】______someone【C9】______who is afraid to talk in case he【C10】______himself a serious injury.

"Take your shoes【C11】______, Neveille," Jack said.

I thought that he must be iii and that【C12】______humour him to keep him happy. "There's snake here," he explained. "It's asleep【C13】______the sheets. I was【C14】______on my back reading when I saw it. I knew that moving was out of【C15】______. I【C16】______moved even if I'd wanted to."

I realised that he was【C17】______, "I was relying【C18】______you to call a doctor as soon as you【C19】______home.” Jack went on. "It hasn't bitten me yet but I daren't do anything to upset it. It might wake up. Fm sick of this,” he said. " I look it for granted that you'd be home an hour ago."

There was no time to argue or apologize【C20】______late. I looked at him as encouragingly as I could and went to telephone the doctor.


A.had to be

B.was to be

C.must have been

D.should have been

听力原文:M: What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?W: Oh, it was terrible,

听力原文:M: What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?

W: Oh, it was terrible, I'll never forget it to my dying day. I hope I never see anything like that again. It was terrible.

M: But that's incredible, Mrs. Skinner. Did you say that everything in front of your house had moved?

W: Yes, everything had moved into the place of the other!

M: But your front path had completely disappeared?

W: Yes, that's right. Oh it was terrible, terrible.

M: And your husband Jack? Was he all right?

W: Yes, but the cowshed had moved too, it had moved several metres. Jack was all right, I could see him running round after the cows, all the cows had escaped, you see. They were running all over the place, it was impossible to catch them.

M: So Jack, your husband, was all right.

W: Well he was a bit shocked like me, but he was all right. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the granary that had moved south too. Its normal place was behind the house and now it was near the cowshed. Can you believe it?

M: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner. And the house itself, what about your house?

W: Well then we saw what had happened. Everything had moved one way, that is, to the south, except the house. The house, can you believe it, had moved the other way—the house had moved north. So the house went one way and everything else—the garden, the trees, the granary—went the other way.

M: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner, absolutely incredible.


A.Ruined by file earthquake.

B.Moved 3 meters.

C.As good as ever.


听力原文:W: Hi, Jack, have you finished Professor Smith's assignment?M: The assignment? No

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack, have you finished Professor Smith's assignment?

M: The assignment? No, not yet.

W: But tomorrow's the deadline.

M: Anna, take it easy. I can always pull it together in no time.

W: Hey, don't you think playing PC games takes up too much of your time?

M: Oh, computer games represent the latest technology. You can't simply ignore them.

W: I know. You can play as much as you like during the holiday, but not now. It's affecting your studies.

M: It's not. I feel I'm getting smarter day by day, and my reaction time is much quicker.

W: You only become alive and alert at those war games. In class, I saw you doze off.

M: It's not my fault. The textbooks are boring and the lectures are tedious. I dislike those teachers who love to call the roll. But the games are interesting, challenging and can broaden my mind as well.

W: I didn't say the games are all bad, but you can't play games all the time. Have you ever considered what you will do if you fail the exams?

M: well…

W: I know it's not easy to resist the temptation, but self-discipline is essential to one's success. It's part of one's character. Look at yourself in the mirror. You look pale and haggard. See, you have nothing but half a life.

M: Really? Oh, heavens!


A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.


D.Brother and sister

Oscar and Jack are identical twins, separated when they were babies by their parent'
s divorce.Jack was brought up by their Jewish father in Trinidad, Oscar went to live with their mother's family in Czechoslovakia.In fact Oscar did not know he was Jewish until Jack found him in Germany in 1954.Jack is proud to be a Jew, but Oscar still does not like to talk about his Jewish heritage.Yet the twins are similar in many ways.They both like spicy food and sweet drinks.In school they both did well in sports but poorly in mathematics.

Are thoughts and behavior. determined by heredity (遗传) or by environment? Social scientists have long been interested in this question; the results of "twin studies" are particularly interesting to them.Twin studies of the similarities and differences between twins.There are two types of twins: identical twins, who look exactly the same because they have identical genetic characteristics, and fraternal twins, who have different genetic characteristics.In a 1937 study, Newman, Freeman, and Halzinger found that identical twins are more similar in height and weight than fraternal twins.Because identical twins have the same genetic characteristics, the conclusion was that size is determined more by heredity than by environment.In 1962, James Shields compared the height, weight, and intelligence of identical twins who were brought up together (in the same environment) with those of identical twins brought up apart (in different environments).He found that although the differences were small, identical twins who were brought up together were more similar than those brought up apart.Shields concluded that height, weight, and intelligence are largely determined by heredity.However, because of the differences between identical twins brought up together and those brought up apart, these characteristics may be partly determined by environment.

In the case of Oscar and Jack, heredity seems to determine physical and mental abilities, tastes, and behavior.Environment seems to determine thought.

1.After their parents' divorce, Oscar and Jack ______.

A.went to live with their mother's family

B.were brought up by their father

C.never saw each other again

D.were separated until 1954

2.Although Oscar and Jack are similar in many ways, they seem to be different in_______.

A.physical ability


C.mental ability


3.Identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins because_______.

A.they have the same mother

B.they have the same genetic characteristics

C.they were brought up together

D.they were born at the same time

4.The conclusion of Newman, Freeman and Halzinger's 1937 twin study was that_______.

A.size is determined by height, weight, and environment

B.identical twins are taller and heavier than fraternal twins

C.size is determined more by heredity than by environment

D.identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins

5.Shield drew a slightly different conclusion from his study because_______.

A.he also compared the intelligence of the twins in his study

B.he compared twins brought up together with those brought up apart

C.only identical twins were included in his study

D.all of the environment factors were carefully controlled

Dafter interviewing become common practice【S1】______in the United States, American journal

Dafter interviewing become common practice 【S1】______

in the United States, American journalists were

teaching Europeans what their own elites would 【S2】______

submit to interviews. In 1879, an American named

James Creelman became a first person to interview 【S3】______

the president of France. During World War 1,

American correspondents helped transforming the 【S4】______

standing of the interview in Britain. One of them

recalled, "You saw the immemorial aloofness of the

King of England wiping out at a tea party for 【S5】______

American journalists at Sandringham; you beheld the

holy of holy of the British War Office as the setting 【S6】______

of a weekly conference with reporters."

The World scored with the pope (Benedict

XV) again in 1915. Interviewing the pope seems to

have been the next best thing to interview God for 【S7】______

American journalists, and they kept in citing papal 【S8】______

interviews as earth shattering achievement, The 【S9】______

United Press correspondent who interviewed Pope

Pius XI in 1929 was far from the first to do so, but

the UP boasted that he was at less the first to do so 【S10】______

"in the private library of the Pontiff".


听力原文:W: Now you can feel something interesting here. Tonight we invite one person to d
escribe his 3 dreams. Jack, could you start first dream?

M: Ok! I knew that the brakes of my car needed repairing, but I did nothing about it, until one night I dreamt I was driving my car along a familiar road. Suddenly I had to brake because I was driving towards a wall. However, when I put my toot on the brake nothing happened and I crashed into the wall.

W: Oh! That's amazing! How about your second one, Jack?

M: I was walking down an unfamiliar road when I reached a dark and miserable house. Grey clouds covered the sky, and so I went inside the house where I found a poor, pathetic person, wearing clothes similar to those my wife wore. I didn't recognize her and felt sorry for her. There was nothing else in the dream but when I woke the next morning, I felt the misery and unhappiness of it all day.

W: It's quite special. And how about your third one, do you have anything special to say? M: One day I was sitting in my office, listening to a group of colleagues whispering and talking about me. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it worried me. That night I dreamt exactly the same sequence again, except that in my dream I saw something I'd missed during the day. While they were whispering they were all looking down at something. The next morning when I woke up I realized exactly why they'd been whispering and talking about me. That day was my birthday. Wasn't it possible that they'd been looking down at a birthday card? My dream was right. I did get a card from my colleagues, whom I'd suspected of talking about me.





D.Petrol filling.

听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on o

听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on our program World master —(20) surviving a job interview! Ms. Smith, what's your advice for an interviewee?

W: Well, (21) firstly avoid a flat monotone voice that people sometimes get when they are nervous. Besides, showing your passion and your eagerness to work for that company will add much.

M: (20) What should the interviewee do for interview questions?

W: Good interviewers will ask you very detailed questions and they'll want to know specifically your role in a particular project. So the key to giving a good answer to an interview question is to do what I call a STAR, S-T-A-R. The S and the T stand for explaining a situation or a task that you were given, the A is the action you took and the R is the results.

M: So what you're saying is that you need to be prepared before you walk in the door.

W: Right. Go through some mock interviews. Practice in the mirror, answering questions. Go in with three or four things you really want to stress about yourself. Then you can bring those out no matter what question is asked.

M: (20) How do you follow up after an interview?

W: Please send a thank-you letter or e-mail. Express sincere appreciation for the time that they spent interviewing you. (22) You have an opportunity tore-emphasize some of your strongest qualities and how your skills match their needs.


A.In a company.

B.In a studio.

C.In a classroom.

D.At the woman's home.

听力原文: Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy, about 1254.At that time Europeans knew alm
ost nothing of peoples and nations on other continents, except in the areas of Asia and Africa touching the Mediterranean.

In 1271 Marco Polo, his father and his uncle set out on a journey to the fabled lands of China. After four years of hard journey, finally they arrived at the great city of the ruler of China.

In China, Marco Polo found people with a culture quite different from his own. He saw palaces grander than any in Europe, sculptures of great beauty, large, finely-carved precious stones.., a new world full of many wonders. After leaving China, Marco Polo traveled to Japan, southeastern Asia, India, and eastern Africa as a representative of the Chinese ruler.

In 1292—two hundred years before Columbus—the great voyager set out for home. The stories of China he brought back spread quickly throughout Europe. Europe was never again the same.


A.15 yearn old.

B.16 years old.

C.17 years old.

D.18 years old.

听力原文:About two percent of the population of the United States is of Asian origin—some

听力原文: About two percent of the population of the United States is of Asian origin—some five million people. Chinese, Japanese, and Philippines form. the largest groups. However, there are also significant numbers of Asian-Indians, Pakistanis, Koreans, and Vietnamese now living in America. As a result of the war in Vietnam, some 350,000 refugees from that country have entered the United States since the early 1970s.

Chinese and Japanese workers were imported into the United States by employers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Most of the Chinese settled in California, where they were employed mainly in heavy industries, such as mining and railroad construction. They were faced with intense prejudice and discrimination, especially from lower-class white people, who saw them as a source of threat to their jobs. The retreat of the Chinese into distinct Chinatowns was not primarily their choice, but was enforced by the hostility they faced. Since Chinese immigration was ended by law in 1882, the Chinese remained largely isolated from the wider society—at least until recently.

Most of the Japanese immigrants also settled in California and the other Pacific states. During World WarⅡ, following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan, all Japanese Americans in the United States were made to report to“relocation centers”which were effectively concentration camps. In spite of the fact that most of the Japanese were American citizens, they were compelled to live in the hastily established camps for the duration of the war.


A.About 35,000.

B.About 250,000.

C.About 350,000.

D.About 25,000.

Decades before the American Revolution of 1776, Jesse Fish, a native New Yorker, retreated
to an island off St. Augustine, Florida, to escape unhappy family situation. In a time he became Florida's first orange baron and his oranges were in great demand in London throughout the 1770's. The English found them juicy and sweet and preferred them to other varieties, even though they had thin skins and were hard to peel.

There would probably have been other successful commercial growers before Fish if Florida had not been under Spanish rule for some two hundred years. Columbus first brought seeds for citrus trees to the New World and planted them in the Antilles. But it was most likely Ponce de Le6n who introduced oranges to the North American continent when he discovered Florida in 1513. For a time, each Spanish sailor on a ship bound for America was required by law to carry one hundred seeds with him. Later, because seeds tended to dry out, all Spanish ships were required to carry young orange trees. The Spaniards planted citrus trees only for medicinal purpose, however, they saw no need to start commercial groves because oranges were so abundant in Spain.

What is the main topic of the passage?

A.The role of Florida in the American Revolution

B.The discovery of Florida by Ponce de Le6n in 1513

C.The history of the cultivation of oranges in Florida

D.The popularity of Florida oranges in London in the 1770's

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