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Why may too many choices be negative?A.They bring less emotional well-being.B.They turn ne

Why may too many choices be negative?

A.They bring less emotional well-being.

B.They turn needs into wants.

C.People may regret about what they bought.

D.People will be turned into bad habit.

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更多“Why may too many choices be ne…”相关的问题
Why may too many choices be negative? A)They bring less emotional well-bein9. B)They tu
rn needs into wants. C)People may regret about what they bought. D)People will be turned into bad habit.

听力原文:W: Professor Manes, I wonder if you can fill me in on your lecture last Friday. I
had to attend a scholarship award ceremony.

M: Oh well, congratulations. I hope you were rewarded handsomely.

W: Well, every bit helps. So, about your lecture, I understand you were talking about extinctions.

M: Yes. Well, the crux of my talk was just that, we tend to think of extinction as a dramatic event, but most species die out over quite a period of time.

W: Why do they die off? I thought they were continuously improving themselves. Natural selection, I think you once mentioned.

M: Ah, but you see while there is natural competition between the species, what determines which species survive is largely by chance.

W: I don't get it. Why do species bother competing?

M: Well, there are short-term advantages. But many species also are helped by others. For example, the common housefly and cockroaches might have died off years ago if not for humans.

W: But you're not saying that humans are so successful merely because of chance?

M: To a certain extent, humans were initially lucky enough to have the right weather conditions and a lack of predators, but now, of course, we survive by ingenuity!

W: So we may never become extinct.

M: NO, because we may be in a crash course to extinction by our continuous exploitation of the environment. We are a relatively young species and our time is not yet overdue.

W: But there are 6 billion of us.

M: Yes, and there're many more houseflies too! Each with the capacity to spread one disease from one person to another in a fast period of time.


A.She is writing a competitive paper for a scholarship.

B.She is doing a paper.

C.She missed the lecture.

D.She is planning to attend the scholarship award ceremony.

A few years ago, Ann and Walter Taylor thought it might be time to move out of their New Y
ork City apartment to the suburbs. They had one young son and another child on the way. But after months of looking, they became discouraged and decided to buy an old townhouse right in the middle of Brooklyn, which is a part of New York City. To their delight, they discovered that they weren't the only young couple to have made such a decision. In fact, the entire area in Brooklyn had been settled by young families. And as a result, the neighborhood, which had been declining for years, was now being restored.

Brooklyn isn't the only city in the United States to experience this kind of renewal. So are Philadelphia and St. Louis. And Charleston, South Carolina, has so successfully rebuilt its old central area that it now ranks as one of America's most charming cities. The restoration of the old port city of Savannah, Georgia, is also living proof that downtown areas do not need to die. But encouraging as these developments may be, they are among the few bright spots in a mass of difficulties that today's cities face. Indeed, their woes are so many that it is fair to ask whether or not the inner city, the core of most urban areas will manage to survive at all.

In the 1940a, urban Americans began a mass move to the suburbs in search of fresh air, elbowroom, an d privacy. Suburbs began to sprawl out across the countryside. Since most of those making the move were middle-class, they took with them the tax money the cities needed to maintain the neighborhoods in which they had lived. The people left in the cities were often those who were too old or too poor to move. Thus, many cities began to fall into disrepair. Crime began to soar, and public transportation was neglected. (In the past sixty years San Francisco is the only city in the United States to have completed a new mass transit system.) Meanwhile, housing construction costs continued to rise higher and higher. Middle-class housing was allowed to decay, and little new housing was constructed.

Eventually, many downtown areas existed for business only. During the day they would be filled with people working in offices, and at night they would be deserted. Given these circumstances, some business executives began asking, "Why bother with going downtown at all? Why not move the offices to the suburbs so that we can live and work in the same area?" Gradually, some of the larger companies began moving out of the cites, with the result that urban centers declined even further and the suburbs expanded still more. This movement of businesses to the suburbs is not confined to the United States. Businesses have also been moving to the suburbs in Stockholm, Sweden, in Bonn, Germany, and in Brussels, Belgium, as well.

But it may well be that this movement to the suburbs has reached its peak. Some people may be tired of spending long hours commuting, and they may have begun to miss the advantages of culture and companionship provided by city life. Perhaps the decision made by the Taylors is a sign that people will return to the cities and begin to restore them. h begins to look as if suburban sprawl may not have been the answer to man's need to create an ideal environment in which to live and work.

The author of the passage suggests that ______.

A.moving to suburbs is not the answer to an ideal environment

B.cities are likely to be replaced by the suburbs

C.downtown areas are too crowded to live

D.American people moves lot in history

听力原文: Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many peop
le feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. Or, in summer, they may think it is the heat. However, the real reason lies inside their bodies. At that time — about eight hours after you wake up — your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern. They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later. In many parts of the world, people take naps in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates, where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate. A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional, people often suffer less from problem such as heart disease. Many working people, unfortunately, have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps, employers do not allow it! If you do have the chance, however, here are a few tips about making the most of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward. This can also happen if you sleep for too long. If you do not have enough time, try a short nap — even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Why do people feel sleepy in the early afternoon according to the passage? 20. If you get up at 6:30 am, what is the best time for you to take a nap? 21. What would be the best title for the passage?20.

A.About 12:30 pm.

B.About 1:30 pm.

C.About 2:30 pm.

D.About 3:30 pm.

Why did Alex fail to receive the warm response he had hoped for?A.He used too many quotati

Why did Alex fail to receive the warm response he had hoped for?

A.He used too many quotations.

B.He was not gender sensitive.

C.He did not keep to the point.

D.He spent too much time on details.

听力原文:W: Professor Marnes, I wonder if you can fill me in on your lecture last Friday.I

听力原文:W: Professor Marnes, I wonder if you can fill me in on your lecture last Friday. I had to attend a scholarship award ceremony.

M: Oh well, congratulations. I hope you were rewarded handsomely!

W: Well, every bit helps. So, about your lecture, I understand you were talking about extinctions.

M: Yes. Well, the crux of my talk was just that we tend to think of extinction as a dramatic event, but most species die out over quite a period of time.

W: Why do they die off? I thought they were continuously improving themselves. Natural selection, I think you once mentioned.

M: Ah, but you see while there is natural Competition between the species, what determines which species survive is largely by chance.

W: I don't get it. Why do species bother competing?

M: Well, there are short-term advantages. But many species also are helped by others. For example, the common housefly and cockroaches might have died off years ago if not for humans.

W: But you're not saying that humans are so successful merely because of chance?

M: To a certain extent, humans were initially lucky enough to have the right weather conditions and a lack of predators, but now, of course, we survive by ingenuity!

W: go we may never become extinct.

M: No, because we may be in a crash course to extinction by our continuous exploitation of the environment. We are a relatively young species and our time is hot yet overdue.

W: But there are 6 billion of us!

M: Yes and there're many more houseflies too! Each with the capacity to spread one disease from one person to another in a fast period of time.


A.She is writing a competitive paper for a scholarship.

B.She is doing a paper.

C.She missed the lecture.

D.She is planning to attend the scholarship award ceremony.

Why were many laid-off workers at a loss?A.Because they didn't get used to the new way of

Why were many laid-off workers at a loss?

A.Because they didn't get used to the new way of life.

B.Because they are too old to find a new job.

C.Because they dislike being laid off.

D.Because they think they lost their social status.

According to the passage, why do the old people resist a cell phone or email?A.They are to

According to the passage, why do the old people resist a cell phone or email?

A.They are too old to use these modern forms of communication.

B.Using the modern forms of communication may be expensive and complexed.

C.It is so slow for them to employ these forms of communication.

D.They have no opportunities to use computers or electrograph at all.

Why do many women in rich countries compromise by having only one child?A.Small families a

Why do many women in rich countries compromise by having only one child?

A.Small families are becoming more fashionable.

B.They find it hard to balance career and family.

C.It is too expensive to support a large family.

D.Child care is too big a problem for them.

These social support may help explain why many women seem to be better able to deal wit
h stress than men()

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