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Antibiotics have no effect on diseases caused by viruses.A.YB.NC.NG

Antibiotics have no effect on diseases caused by viruses.




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Antibiotics are drugs produced by certain microbes. Antibiotic substances are obtained
from bacteria and fungi that live in the air, soil, and water. Most antibiotics are used by physicians to fight various diseases caused by harmful microbes. A few are used to treat certain cancers. Antibiotics are sometimes called" wonder drugs 'because they can cure many diseases that once were often fatal. The number of deaths that are caused by pneumonia and scarlet fever has declined drastically since people began using antibiotics.

2. There are more than 70 clinically useful antibiotics, Antibiotics fight pathogenic microbes and cancer cells by interfering with their normal cell processes. In most cases, this interference can occur in one of three ways: prevention of cell wall formation, disruption of the cell membrane, and disruption of chemical processes.

3. The contents of bacterial cells are enclosed in a membrane that is surrounded by a rigid wall that prevents the cells from splitting open. Penicillins and some other antibiotics destroy pathogenic microbes by hindering the formation of this wall. Human cells do not have nor need rigid cell walls and so are not damaged by these antibiotics.

4. Some antibiotics, including nystatin, disrupt the cell membrane of certain microbes. This membrane controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell. If the membrane is disrupted, vital nutrients may escape from the cell, or poisonous substances may enter and kill the cell. But the membranes of human cells are not affected because these antibiotics disrupt cell membranes that contain elements found only in microbial cells.

5. All cells produce proteins and nucleic acids, which are vital to the life of any organism. Some antibiotics fight disease by interfering with the chemical processes by which these substances are produced. For example, streptomycin prevent certain kinds of microbes from producing proteins, and rifampin interferes with the formation of nucleic acids. Human cells produce proteins and nucleic acids in much the same way that microbial cells do. But these processes differ enough so that some antibiotics interfere with chemical activities in microbial cells but not in human cells.

A. Autibiotics destroy pathosenic microbes by preventing the formation of the walls surrounding the membranes of the microbial cells that prevent the cells from split- ting open.

B. More than 70 clinically useful antibiotics have been in- vented to fight pathogenic microbes and cancer cells by interacting with their normal cell processes.

C. Human cells are not surrounded by a membrane

D. Some antibiotics disrupt the cell membrane of certain microbes, letting vital nutrients to escape form. the cell or poisonous substances to enter and kill the cell.

E. Nystatin is used to disrupt the wall surrounding the membrane.

F. Some antibiotics fight disease by interfering with chemical activities in microbial cells but not in human cells.

Paragraph 2______。

Health Care and EpidemicsEveryone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, m

Health Care and Epidemics

Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, millions of people around the world do not have good health care. Sometimes they have no money to pay for medical treatment. Sometimes they have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor does not know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment. Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start.

Epidemics Change History

Explorations and wars cause different groups of people to come into contact with other. They carry strange disease to each other. For example, when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that killed about 95 percent of the Native American population.

People's Fear

People are very afraid of unknown things, especially diseases. People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat disease. Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or garlic, you won't get sick. Others say you should take huge amounts of vitamins. Scientific experiments have not proved most of these theories. However, people still spend millions of dollars on vitamins and other probably useless treatments or preventatives. Some people want antibiotics (抗生素) whenever they get sick. Some antibiotics are very expensive. Much of this money is wasted because some diseases are caused by a virus. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria, and they cause different kinds of diseases. Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease. Sometimes they fire them from their jobs, throw them out of their apartments, and refuse them transportation services. In the plague(瘟疫) epidemics a few hundred years ago, people simply covered the doors and windows of the victim' s houses and left them to die inside, all in an effort to protect themselves from getting sick.

The Ways Epidemic Diseases Spread

Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread. Some, like tuberculosis, are spread when people's sneeze sends the bacteria shooting out into the air. Then they enter the mouth or nose of anyone nearby.

Others are spread through human contact, such as on the bands. When you are sick and blow your nose, you get viruses or bacteria on your hands. Then you touch another person's hand, and when that person touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes, the disease enters the body. Some diseases spread when people touch the same dishes, towels, and furniture. You can pick up a disease when you touch things in public buildings. Other diseases are spread through insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is influenza, or flu for short. The symptoms of influenza include headache and sometimes a runny nose. Some victims get sick to their stomachs. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of other, milder diseases. Influenza can be a much more serious disease, especially for pregnant women, people over sixty-five, and people already suffering from another disease, such as heart problems. About half of all flu patients have a high body temperature called a fever. Flu is very contagious. One person catches the flu from another person. It doesn't begin inside the body as heart disease does.

Prevention & Treatment for Diseases

Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make a person cough less, make headaches less intense, and stop noses from running for a while. However, medicine can't always cure the disease. So far, there is no cure for many diseases and no medicine to prevent them. People have to try to prevent them in other ways.

Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination(接种疫苗). A liquid vaccine is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe from c




Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another.Ho

Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)

Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, millions of people around the world do not have good health care. Sometimes they have no money to pay for medical treatment. Sometimes they have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor does not know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment. Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start.

Epidemics can change history. Explorations and wars cause different groups of people to come into contact with other. They carry strange disease to each other. For example, when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that killed about 95 percent of the Native American population.

People are very afraid of unknown things, especially diseases. People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat disease. Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or garlic, you won' t get sick. Others say you should take huge amounts of vitamins. Scientific experiments have not proved most of these theories. However, people still spend millions of dollars on vitamins and other probably useless treatments or preventatives. Some people want antibiotics whenever they get sick. Some antibiotics are very expensive. Much of this money is wasted because some diseases are caused by a virus. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria, and they cause different kinds of diseases. Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease. Sometimes they fire them from their jobs, throw them out of their apartments, and refuse them transportation services.

In the plague (瘟疫) epidemics a few hundred years ago, people simply covered the doors and windows of the victim' s houses and left them to die inside, all in an effort to protect themselves from getting sick.

Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread. Some, like tuberculosis, are spread when people' s sneeze (喷嚏) sends the bacteria shooting out into the air. Then they enter the mouth or nose of anyone nearby.

Others are spread through human contact, such as on the hands. When you are sick and blow your nose, you get viruses or bacteria on your hands. Then you touch another person' s hand, and when that person touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes, the disease enters the body. Some diseases spread when people touch the same dishes, towels, and furniture. You can pick up a disease when you touch things in public buildings.

Other diseases are spread through insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is influenza, or flu for short. The symptoms (症状) of influenza include headache and sometimes a runny nose. Some victims get sick to their stomachs. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of other, milder diseases. Influenza can be a much more serious disease, especially for pregnant women, people over sixty-five, and people already suffering from another disease, such as heart problems. About half of all flu patients have a high body temperature, called a fever. Flu is very contagious. One person catches the flu from another person; it doesn't begin inside the body as heart disease does.

Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make a person cough less, make headaches less intense, and stop noses from running for a while. However, medicine can ' t always cure the disease. So far, there is no cure for many diseases and no medicine to prevent them. People have to try to prevent them in other ways.

Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination (接种疫苗). A liquid vaccine is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe from catching that




听力原文:W: Next patient, please! Come in.M: Morning, doctor. Sorry I'm a bit late, but I

听力原文:W: Next patient, please! Come in.

M: Morning, doctor. Sorry I'm a bit late, but I felt really awful when I got up.

W: Don't worry. It's Mr. Barnes, isn't it?

M: That's right.

W: Is that B-A-R-N-E-S?

M: Yes, it is.

W: Right, now what seems to be the trouble?

M: Well, I've had this awful flu and a terrible cough.

W: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

M: Oh, about three or four days, I suppose.

W: And have you been taking any medication?

M: Just the normal things, Aspirins, lemon and hot drinks, but it hasn't done any good.

W: Are you a smoker?

M: No. I gave up three years ago.

W: Have you had a temperature?

M: Yes. For the last couple of days or so.

W: OK. I'll just take a look at your chest. Take off your pullover and jacket please....Right. Now breathe in...and out slowly, And a gain. Good, Once more. That's it. Pop your clothes back on.

M: Thank you.

W: Well, it looks as if you've got a touch of bronchitis. I'll give you some cough mixture and a prescription for a course of antibiotics as well. Take one capsule every 8 hours for the next five days.

M: OK, Doctor, What about going to work?

W: No, You'll have to spend a couple of days in bed till it clears up.


A.At a fitness centre.

B.At a clinic.

C.At a school.

D.At a club.

Scientists around the world are racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose, treat and stop th
e spread of a new, deadly disease. SARS—Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome—was 【31】______ for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi, 【32】______ since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries, killing 63. At this 【33】______ , there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease. Symptoms start 【34】______ a fever over 100.4 degrees F, chills, headache or body 【35】______. Within a week, the patient has a dry cough, which might 【36】______ to shortness of breath. In 10% to 20% of cases, patients require 【37】______ ventilation to breathe. About 3.5% die from the disease. Symptoms 【38】______ begin in two to seven days, but some reports suggest it 【39】______ take as long as 10 days. Scientists are close to 【40】______ a lab test to diagnose SARS. In the meantime, it is diagnosed by its symptoms. There is no evidence 【41】______ antibiotics or anti-viral medicines help, 【42】______ doctors can offer only supportive care. Patients with SARS are kept in isolation to reduce the risk of 【43】______ . Scientists aren't sure yet, but some researchers think it's a 【44】______ discovered corona virus, the family of viruses that cause some common colds. Most cases appear to have been passed 【45】______ droplets expelled when infected patients cough or sneeze. Family members of infected people and medical workers who care 【46】______ them have been most likely to 【47】______ the illness. But recent developments in Hong Kong suggest that the 【48】______ might spread through air, or that the virus might 【49】______ for two to three hours on doorknobs or other 【50】______ . Health experts say it is unlikely, though, that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus.





Smallpox can be effectively prevented by _______.





If you’ve ever started a sentence with, “If I were you...” or found yourself scratching yo
ur head at a colleague’s agony over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear,there’s a scientific reason behind it. Our own decision-making abilities can become depleted over the course of the day causing indecision or poor choices, but choosing on behalf of someone else is an enjoyable task that doesn’t suffer the same pitfalls. The problem is “decision fatigue,” a psychological phenomenon that on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.

Physicians who have been on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics to patients when it’s unwise to do so. “Presumably it’s because it’s simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further,” Polman says.

But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else. When people imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their own choices as belonging to someone else, they feel less tired and rely less on decision shortcuts to make those choices. “By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of decision fatigue,” he says. “It’s as if there’s something fun and liberating about making someone else’s choice.”

Getting input from others not only offers a fresh perspective and thought process, it often also includes riskier choices. While this sounds undesirable, it can be quite good, says Polman. “When people experience decision fatigue—when they are tired of making choices—they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo (现状), he says. But the status quo can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive outcome.”

In order to achieve a successful outcome or reward, some level of risk is almost always essential. “People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something,” he says. “That’s not to say that risk is always good, but it is related to taking action, whereas decision fatigue assuredly leads to inaction and the possible chagrin(懊恼)of a decision maker who might otherwise prefer a new course but is unfortunately hindered.”

Just because you can make good choices for others doesn’t mean you’ll do the same for yourself, Polman cautions. “Research has found that women negotiate higher salaries for others than they do for themselves,” he says, adding that people slip in and out of decision roles.

What does the author say about people making decisions?

A.They may become exhausted by making too many decisions for themselves.

B.They are more cautious in making decisions for others than for themselves.

C.They tend to make decisions the way they think advantageous to them.

D.They show considerable differences in their decision-making abilities.

What does the example about the physicians illustrate?

A.Patients seldom receive due care towards the end of the day.

B.Prescription of antibiotics can be harmful to patients’health.

C.Decision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions.

D.Medical doctors are especially susceptible to decision fatigue.

When do people feel less decision fatigue?

A.When they take decision shortcuts.

B.When they help others to make decisions.

C.When they have major decisions to make.

D.When they have advisers to turn to.

What are people likely to do when decision fatigue sets in?

A.They turn to physicians for advice.

B.They tend to make risky decisions.

C.They adopt a totally new perspective.

D.They refrain from trying anything new.

What does the passage say about taking some risk in decision making?

A.It is vital for one to reach the goal desired.

B.It is likely to entail serious consequences.

C.It will enable people to be more creative.

D.It will more often than not end in regret.


Penicillin is a group of antibiotics which include ________, Penicillin V, procaine p

A.Penicillin D

B.Penicillin E

C.Penicillin F

D.Penicillin G

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion.W: Well, first

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion.

W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.

M: Yes, that’s a good idea.

W: Then TV commercials.

M: Just a moment, are you sure we’re allowed to advertise medicines on TV?

W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription. You can advertise over-the-counter products. We can get users of our products to recommend them —“Their lotion cured my disease in six days.” for example.

M: Now, hold on. It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustn’t offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.

W: Hmm. OK. What about this—a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.

M: That depends on whether it’s true.

W: Sure it is. But here is another suggestion. We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who’s not satisfied with one of our products. It’s possible to do that, isn’t it?

M: No, I’m afraid not. Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.

W: Well, it looks as though I’ll have to come up with something else. I never realize the regulations were so tight.


A.What kind of medicine to develop.

B.When to advertise the drugs.

C.How to promote their products.

D.The regulations of medicine advertising.

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you've got some ideas for our product promotion(23).W: Well, fi

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you've got some ideas for our product promotion(23).

W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.

M: Yes, that's a good idea.

W: Then TV commercials.

M: Just a moment, are you sure we're allowed to advertise medicines on TV?

W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription. You can advertise over- the-counter products. We can get users of our products to recommend them--"Their lotion cured my disease in six days." for example.

M: Now, hold on. It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustn't offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.

W: Mmm. OK. What about this—a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.

M: That depends on whether it's true.

W: Sure it is. But here is another suggestion. We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who's not satisfied with one of our products (24). It's possible to do that, isn't it?

M: No, I'm afraid not (24). Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.

W: Well, it looks as though I'll have to come up with something else. I never realize the regulations were so rigid (25).


A.The advertising price of the products.

B.How to develop the quality of the drugs.

C.How to promote their products.

D.HOW to satisfy people with more medicine.

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