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One important factor that affects the correctness of the results is that_________.A. the o

One important factor that affects the correctness of the results is that_________.

A. the old men tested may not have shown such cognitive decline

B. people surveyed are all old

C. people taking part in this test came from all over the world

D. women live longer than men

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更多“One important factor that affe…”相关的问题
A.Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.B.Finding a job is mo

A.Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.

B.Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.

C.Self-confidence is more important for a job seeker.

D.A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.

A.Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.B.Professional knowledge is a dec

A.Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.

B.Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.

C.Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.

D.A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.

The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______.A.a country's wealth depends on many

The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______.

A.a country's wealth depends on many factors

B.the US is one of the wealthiest countries in the world

C.the Sahara Desert is a very poor region

D.natural resources is an important factor in the wealth or poverty of a country

In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to mak
e their workers more productive. Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied. But do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity? There is evidence to suggest that while variety certainly makes the workers' life more enjoyable, it does not actually make him work harder. As far as increasing productivity is concerned, the variety is not an important factor.

Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important and there is no doubt that this is true. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus while freedom of choice may be important, there is usually very little that can be done to create it. Another important consideration is how much each worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories the worker sees only one small part of the product. Some car factories are now experimenting with having many small production lines rather than one large one, so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line. It would seem that not only is the degree of workers' contribution an important, factor, therefore, but it is also one we can do something about.

To what extent more money led to greater productivity? The workers themselves certainly think this is important. But perhaps they want more money only because the work they do is so boring. Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more. A similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours. Perhaps if we succeed in making their jobs more interesting, they will neither want more money, nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.

Which of these is not a possible factor leading to greater productivity?

A.To make jobs more varied.

B.To give the worker freedom to do his job in his own way.

C.Degree of work contribution.

D.Demands for longer working hours.

听力原文:A critical factor that plays a part in people's susceptibility to colds is age. T

听力原文: A critical factor that plays a part in people's susceptibility to colds is age. The University of the Michigan School of Public Health has done a study that revealed some general rules for the public. It says that infants are the most cold-ridden group. On an average, infants will catch more than six colds during their early years. Besides, boys have more colds than girls when they are under the age of three. When they grow older than three years old, it is easier for girls to catch cold than the boys. Girls might catch three colds, while boys catch two on average.

Generally speaking, the incidents of colds continue to decline while people are growing older. Elderly people who are in good health have as few as one or two colds every year. One exception is found among people in their twenties, especially women, who show a rise in cold infections. This is because people in this age group are most likely to have young babies. Adults who delay having children until their 30s and 40s experience the same sudden increase in cold infections.

The study also found that economics plays an important role. As income increases, the frequency at which colds are reported in the family decreases. Families with the lowest income suffer about a third more colds than families at the upper end. Lower income generally forces people to live in more limited space than those occupied by rich people, and crowding will increase the possibility of cold infections.




C.Social status.


The evolution of speech may have been the most important factor of all. When early man mas
tered the loom (工具) of language, his progress accelerated dramatically. Through the spoken word a new invention in tool-malting, for example, could be communicated to everyone; in this way the innovativeness of the individual enhanced the survival prospects of his fellows, and the creative strength of one became the strength of all. More important, through language the ideas of one generation could be passed on to the next, so that each generation inherited not only the genes of its ancestors but also their collective wisdom, transmitted through the magic of speech. A million years ago, when this magic was not yet perfected and language was a cruder art, those bands of men who possessed the new gift in the highest degree were strongly favored in the struggle for existence. But the fabric of speech is woven out of many threads. The physical attributes of a voice bow, lips, an tongue were among the necessary traits; but a good brain was also essential, to frame. an abstract thought or represent an object by a word.

Now the law of the survival of the fittest began to work on the population of early men, Steadily, the physical apparatus for speech improved. At the same time, the center of the brain devoted to speech grew in size and complexity, and in the course of many generations the whole brain grew with them. Once more, as with the use of tools, reciprocal forces came into play in which speech stimulated better brains, and brains improve the art of speech, and the curve of brain growth spiraled upward.

Which factor played the most important role in the evolution of human intelligence? Was it the most pressure of the Ice-Age climate? Or tools? Or language? No one can tell; all worked together, through Darwin's law of natural selection, to produce the dramatic increase in the size of the brain that has been recorded in the fossil record in the last million years. The brain reached its present size about one hundred thousand years ago, and its growth ceased. Man's body had been shaped into its modern form. several hundred thousand years before that. Now brain and body were complete. Together they made a new and marvelous creature, charged with power, intelligence, and creative energy. His wits had been honed (磨砺) by the fight against hunger, cold, and the natural enemy; his form. had been molded in the crucible of adversity. In the annals of anthropology his arrival is celebrated by a change in name, from Homo erectus--the Man who stands erect--to Homo sapiens--the Man of wisdom.

What can be preceded according to the passage?

A.The evolution of the speech in the long run.

B.The time when early man mastered language

C.Description about the Ice-aged climate.

D.Other factors functioned in the evolution of human brains.

听力原文:W: I know your company was one of the biggest American corporations to take the i
dea of customer services seriously...

M: Yes, urn, I think you can say we were among the pioneers.

W: So, with the experience of many years of trying to get it right, what would you define as the most important elements in providing successful customer services?

M: Mm... well, that's quite a difficult question, because so many factors are absolutely vital if you want to succeed, and success with the customer services, I might add, means doing everything you possibly can to please and keep customers.

W: Does that include the old idea that, for a company, the customer is always right?

M: Not exactly. The slogan that the customer is always right is rather simple, and unrealistic. I would say that, instead, the most important aim of a customer services unit is to encourage communication with customers, to actively seek feedback, including complaints, and to acknowledge all comments, good and bad, from customers because people like to be treated with respect.

W: Then what do you think are the most important factors for a company's success?

M: It seems to me that a company's success, in terms of good reputation and high profits, depends more on the relationship the company establishes with the customers. That relationship involves the company in consistently providing high-quality products and top-quality services.

W: So what you're saying is, in fact, very simply--basically, keeping customers happy depends on providing quality and encouraging communication.

M: Yes, but the essential factor is communication. A successful customer dervices unit is one that acts as a link between the company and the customer to ensure that the company can respond to the needs of the customer. After all, a company's success can only come from a satisfied customer.


A.Providing high-quality products for customers.

B.Providing good services for customers.

C.Doing everything you can to please and keep customers.

D.Establishing dialogues with the customers.

The most important factor that leads to hunger in developing countries is ______.A.lost cr

The most important factor that leads to hunger in developing countries is ______.

A.lost crops

B.global greenhouse effect

C.economic crisis


______is not mentioned as an important factor when a nm chooses his matt.A.AppearanceB.Liv

______is not mentioned as an important factor when a nm chooses his matt.



C.Academic background

D.Social status

The standard of living of any country means the average person's share of the goods and se
rvices which the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore, depends on its 【C1】______ to produce wealth. Wealth, in this sense, is not money, 【C2】______ we do 【C3】______ live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods" such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and 【C4】______ . A country' s capacity to 【C5】______ wealth is influenced by many factors, 【C6】______ have an effect on one another. Wealth is dependent 【C7】______ a great extent 【C8】______ a country's natural resources. Some regions are 【C9】______ in coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a (n) 【C10】______ climate; other regions possess perhaps only one of these things, and some regions have 【C11】______ of them. The U. S. A. is one of the wealthiest regions of the world 【C12】______ she has vast natural resources within her borders. The Sahara Desert on the other hand, is one of the 【C13】______ wealthy. 【C14】______ to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. China is perhaps as 【C15】______ off as the U. S. A. in natural resources, but suffered from civil and 【C16】______ wars, and for this and other reasons was unable to 【C17】______ her resources. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. Old countries that have numerous skilled craftsmen are better 【C18】______ to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled. Furthermore, wealth also produces wealth. As a country becomes wealthier its people can put their savings into factories and machines, 【C19】______ which more goods will help workers to 【C20】______ more goods.






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