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A.To help them repair their brains.B.To stimulate their interests of the question.C.To

A.To help them repair their brains.

B.To stimulate their interests of the question.

C.To buy some medicine which can make them exciting.

D.To encourage them to do better.

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更多“A.To help them repair their br…”相关的问题
A.To choose some courses for their children.B.To help them read online.C.To tell child

A.To choose some courses for their children.

B.To help them read online.

C.To tell children to work hard.

D.To show respect to children's interest.

A.To help solve their psychological problems.B.To play games with them.C.To send them

A.To help solve their psychological problems.

B.To play games with them.

C.To send them to the hospital.

D.To make them aware of its harmfulness.

A.To combat competition and raise productivity.B.To provide them with more job opportu

A.To combat competition and raise productivity.

B.To provide them with more job opportunities.

C.To help them maintain their living standard.

D.To prevent them from holding a second job.

A.To combat competition and raise productivity.B.To provide them with more job op

A.To combat competition and raise productivity.

B.To provide them with more job opportunities.

C.To help them maintain their living standard.

D.To prevent them from holding a second job.

听力原文:What is the purpose of electing Giraffe Heroes?(36)A.To warn young people off res

听力原文:What is the purpose of electing Giraffe Heroes?


A.To warn young people off resorting to violence.

B.To raise the reputation of the Giraffe Project.

C.To reward them so as to help them financially.

D.To present them as models for other people to learn from.

听力原文:W: Dr. Weinstein, should parents let their children watch television or read abou
t the war?

M: If parents are going to let their kids read or watch television coverage of the war, it's important for them to read along and help their kids interpret what they're reading or seeing.

Q: What should parents do if their children watch television or read about the war?


A.To encourage them.

B.To stop them immediately.

C.To give some explanation.

D.To leave them alone.

听力原文:W: Dr. Weinstein, should paints let their children watch television or read about
the war?

M: If parents are going to let their kids mad or watch television coverage of the war, it's important for them to read along and help their kids interpret what they're reading or seeing.

Q: What should parents do if their children watch television or read about the war?


A.To encourage them.

B.To stop them immediately.

C.To give some explanation.

D.To leave them alone.

A.To get the children into the palm houses where they may bloom like flowers.B.To remo

A.To get the children into the palm houses where they may bloom like flowers.

B.To remove the children and get them adopted by a better family.

C.To .separate the children until the parents get help from the parenting classes.

D.To isolate the children from any possible harm from the parents.

听力原文:W: Hello, everyone. Welcome again to Consumer's Choice, which is the last program
in our present series, isn't that right?

M: Yes, that's right. The story of how a listener's determination has qualified her for our Consumer of the Month award.

W: This is the story of Miss Patty Ching who went on a holiday to Europe last month. This was her first ever trip abroad and one for which she'd been saving for 10 years. (19) She took a lot of photos. About 360 photographs. When Patty got home, she gave ail her photos to Top-class Photo Services for developing and they vanished. She never saw them again.

M: What did she do next?

W: So she wrote them a letter, telling them to pay up in ten days or she would take them to court. She received no reply. So she took them to court. Patty's case provides a lesson to us all. (20) If we want our fights as consumers, we've got to fight for them. (21) So for her determination and spirit we name Patty our Consumer of the Month.

M: Thank you, and now I'd like to deal with the problem that many of our listeners write about-Sale prices. When we go to a sale and see a sign on something saying 50% off or 300 dollars reduced to 100, how do we know the prices really have been reduced?

W: For the moment all we can do is to complain to the store's management and bring these cases to the attention of the public. Bad publicity might help to put a stop to this dishonest practice.


A.To be a keen photographer is too costly.

B.She has to develop 10 rolls of films.

C.All her films were vanished.

D.After the trip, she was too tired to choose a good one.

听力原文:W: So you know what the White Lane Law is?M: In the United States, each state has

听力原文:W: So you know what the White Lane Law is?

M: In the United States, each state has a law that says blind people using canes or dogs have the same rights of public access as the sighted.

W: What does it mean, then?

M: It means that blind people can take their canes and dogs into public buildings, offices, restaurants, theaters, amusement parks, on houses, trains, planes and other public places. These laws were established from the work of the US National Federation of the Blind to make sure that blind people have the same rights as everyone else.

W: Why do some blind people use dogs and others use canes?

M: it is simply a matter of personal choice. Some blind people like using canes better, and some enjoy using dogs.

W: Should I help a blind person across the street?

M: If a blind person asks for help, then you may certainly help. You can ask if any help is needed, but understand that the answer may be "no", Blind people, if they have learned to use a cane or dog and travel independently, may not need help. It is important not to grab someone who is blind. If a blind person wants help, he or she may take your arm, or simply walk beside you. Some blind persons may have a harder time hearing the cars and traffic, especially if there is construction or a lot of noise around the area. Then they might want help that they might not need at other times.

W: Should I help a blind person to a chair?

M: The same rules apply here. Some blind people will appreciate help in locating a chair, but some can find chairs, tables, and desks on their own. Sometimes a blind person may ask where the chairs or tables are, then go to them on his or her own.


A.To make sure that blind people have the same rights as everyone else.

B.To provide the blind with a white lane for cross a street.

C.To encourage people to volunteer to help the blind.

D.To draw attention to the blind with a cane or a dog in crossing the street.

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