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Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses

, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly【C1】______as emotion detectors, for their aim is to【C2】______bodily changes that contradict what a【C3】______says. The lie detector records changes【C4】______heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical【C5】______of the skin. In the first part of the【C6】______, you are electronically connected to the machine and【C7】______a few neutral questions("What is your name?" etc). Your physical reactions serve【C8】______the standard for evaluating what comes【C9】______. Then you are presented with a few【C10】______questions among the neutral ones("When did you rob the bank?" ). The idea is that if you are【C11】______, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to【C12】______it. Your heart rate and breathing will change【C13】______as you respond to the question.

That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not【C14】______. Since most physical changes are the same across【C15】______emotions, lie detectors cannot tell【C16】______you are feeling angry, nervous or excited.【C17】______people may be tense and nervous【C18】______the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word("bank")not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either【C19】______, the machine will record a "lie" .

On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie【C20】______hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.






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更多“Although "lie detectors" are w…”相关的问题
Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses
, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly【C1】______as emotion detectors, for their aim is to【C2】______bodily changes that contradict what a 28 says. The lie detector records changes【C4】______heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical【C5】______of the skin. In the first part of the【C6】______, you are electronically connected to the ma chine and【C7】______a few neutral questions("what is your name?" etc). Your physical reactions serve【C8】______the standard for evaluating what comes【C9】______. Then you are presented with a few【C10】______questions among the neutral ones("When did you rob the hank?" ). The idea is that if you are【C11】______, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to【C12】______it. Your heart rate and breathing will change【C13】______as you respond to the question.

That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not【C14】______. Since most physical changes are the same across【C15】______emotions, lie detectors cannot tell【C16】______you are feeling angry, nervous or excited.【C17】______people may be tense and nervous【C18】______the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word("bank")not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either【C19】______, the machine will record a "lie" .

On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie【C20】______hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.






Animal perform. many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogsare particular valuable in guiding

Animal perform. many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs

are particular valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, 【S1】______.

finding lost people, and hunting criminals. Horses are used in

guarding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads,

and help farmers work their land. Pigeons have long been used 【S2】______.

to carry messages. People realize that, although animals may

not have the same intelligence like human beings, they are 【S3】______.

smart enough to learn certain things. Training a dog to be a

watchdog often produces unexpecting results. Some dogs 【S4】______.

quickly learn the difference between unwanted people and

friend. This is because their masters welcome friends

and invite him into their houses. Some dogs will always attack 【S5】______.

the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for

this behavior. is that, although the postman comes to the houses

often, but he never enters the house. Therefore, the dog thinks 【S6】______.

the postman is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming

back anyway.

Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easy show the dog 【S7】______.

that the postman is a friend and that the dog does not need to

treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do that 【S8】______.

his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised

for understanding correctly.

Dogs can be taught to obey commands when the sound of a

word is connected to a certain act. Two important factors in 【S9】______.

teaching a dog to obey commands are: using the same word each

time for the same act, and teaching only one act at a time. Dogs

can learn to not only sit, lie down, come, and staying in place 【S10】______.

when their masters go away, but also to jump, carry, and fetch.


The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to be "all things to all
people". In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends. Students are of feted a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree. In short, driven by careerism, "the nation's colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials(文凭) than in providing a quality education for their students." The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an "into grated core" of common learning. Such a core would introduce students "to essential knowledge, to connections across the disciplines, and in the end, to application of knowledge to life beyond the campus."

Although the key to a good college is a high-quality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges do very little to encourage good teaching. In fact, they do much to undermine it. As one professor observed: "Teaching is important, we are told, and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most." Not surprisingly, over the last twenty years colleges and universities have failed to graduate half of their four-year degree candidates. Faculty members who dedicate themselves to teaching soon discover that they will not be granted tenure(终身任期), promotion, or substantial salary increases. Yet 70 percent of all faculty say their interests lie more in teaching than in research. Additionally, a frequent complaint among young scholars is that "There is pressure to publish, although there is virtually no interest among administrators or colleagues in the content of the publications."

When a college tries to be "all things to all people"(line 1, Para. 1), it aims to ______.

A.satisfy the needs of all kinds of students simultaneously

B.focus on training students in various skills

C.encourage all sorts of people to attend college

D.make learning serve academic rather than productive ends

Questions 36 to 40 based on the following passage: The Carnegie Foundation report says tha
t many colleges have tried to be “all things to all people”. In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrow minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends. Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree. In short, driven by careerism, “the nation’s colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials (文凭) than in providing a quality education for their students. “The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an integrated core of common learning. Such a core would introduce students to essential knowledge, to connections across the disciplines, and in the end, to application of knowledge to life beyond the campus. “

Although the key to a good college is a high-quality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges do very little to encourage good teaching. In fact, they do much to undermine it. As one professor observed: “Teaching is important, we are told, and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most.” Not surprisingly, over the last twenty years colleges and universities have failed to graduate half of their four-year degree candidates. Faculty members who dedicated themselves to teaching soon discover that they will not be granted tenure (终身任期), promotion, or substantial salary increases. Yet 70 percent of all faculties say their interests lie more in teaching than in research. Additionally, a frequent complaint among young scholars is that “There is pressure to publish, although there is virtually no interest among administrators or colleagues in the content of the publications.”

第36题:When a college tries to be “all things to al people” (Lines 1-2, Para. 1) it aims to ________.

A) satisfy the needs of all kinds of students simultaneously

B) focus on training students in various skills

C) encourage students to take as many courses as possible

D) make learning serve academic rather than productive ends

Factors Threatening the EnvironmentThe problems facing the environment are vast and divers

Factors Threatening the Environment

The problems facing the environment are vast and diverse. Global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere, and destruction of the world's rain forests are just some of the Problems that many scientists believe will reach critical proportions in the coming decades. All of these problems will be directly affected by the size of the human population.

A. Population Growth

Human population growth is at the root of virtually all of the world's environmental problems. Although the growth rate of the world's population has slowed slightly since the 1990s, the world's population increases by about 77 million human beings each year. As the number of people increases, crowding generates pollution, destroys more habitats, and uses up additional natural resources.

The Population Division of the United Nations (UN) predicts that the world's population will increase from 6.23 billion people in 2000 to 9.3 billion people in 2050. The UN estimates that the population will stabilize at more than 11 billion in 2200. Other experts predict that numbers will continue to rise into the foreseeable future, to as many as 19 billion people by the year 2200.

Although rates of population increase are now much slower in the developed world than in the developing world, it would be a mistake to assume that population growth is primarily a problem of developing countries. In fact, because larger amounts of resources per person are used in developed nations, each individual from the developed world has a much greater environmental impact than does a person from a developing country. Conservation strategies that would not significantly alter lifestyles but that would greatly lessen environmental impact are essential in the developed world.

In the developing world, meanwhile, the most important factors necessary to lower population growth rates are democracy and social justice. Studies show that population growth rates have fallen in developing areas where several social conditions exist. In these areas, literacy rates have increased and women receive economic status equal to that of men, enabling women to hold jobs and own property. In addition, birth control information in these areas is more widely available, and women are free to make their own reproductive decisions.

B. Global Warming

Like the glass panes in a greenhouse, certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere permit the Sun's radiation to heat Earth. At the same time, these gases retard the escape into space of the infrared energy radiated back out by Earth. This process is referred to as the greenhouse effect. These gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor, insulate Earth's surface, helping to maintain warm temperatures. Without these gases, Earth would be a frozen planet with an average temperature of about 18℃ instead of a comfortable 15℃. If the concentration of these gases rises, they trap more heat within the atmosphere, causing worldwide temperatures to rise.

Within the last century, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased dramatically, largely because people bum vast amounts of fossil fuels--coal and petroleum and its derivatives. Average global temperature also has increased--by about 0.6 Celsius degree within the past century. Atmospheric scientists have found that at least half of that temperature increase can be attributed to human activity. They predict that unless dramatic action is taken, global temperature will continue to rise by 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius degrees over the next century. Although such an increase may not seem like a great difference, during the last ice age the global temperature was only 2.2 Celsius degrees cooler than it is presently.

The consequences of such a modest increase in temperature may be devastating (破坏性的). Already scientists have detect




Machine testing is designed to detect the maximum number of errors.()
Electric eels use charges to detect prey and also______them before they eat them.


B.to stun


D.to be stunned

The passage mainly talks about ______.A.why computer crimes are difficult to detect by com

The passage mainly talks about ______.

A.why computer crimes are difficult to detect by companies

B.why computer criminals can often easily escape punishment

C.how computer criminals commit a crime

D.why computer crimes can't be detected

A.It is difficult to detect online bullying.B.It is impossible to monitor bullying out

A.It is difficult to detect online bullying.

B.It is impossible to monitor bullying outside school.

C.Online bullying is usually beyond teacher's control.

D.All above all.

The passage is mainly about______.A.why computer crimes arc difficult to detect by systema

The passage is mainly about______.

A.why computer crimes arc difficult to detect by systematic inspections

B.why computer criminals are often able to escape punishment

C.how computer criminals manage to get good recommendation from their former employees

D.why computer crimes can't be eliminated

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