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We have had ten recorders, but we still need____________(需要这么多)as again.


as many

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LTC AUSTRALIA 618 823777 25 Apr. 1999 P. 02Dear Mr. Lin Thank you for your fax, which we received on 21 April. However, I have been away at a conference for a few days and I have only just had the (19) to read it. I apologize for the consequent delay in (20) to you. It appears that you were not completely (21) with the training videos that we sent you. However, there seems to be some confusion, and I would just like to (22) a couple of points. First of all, I would like to (23) what I said in my original letter: if you (24) the videos unusable we will be quite prepared to (25) all your money. However, it was not clear from your fax whether you had (26) all the videos, or just one or two. We have received favorable (27) about the videos from a number of our customers. In particular, the "Safety at Work" and First Aid "videos are extremely" (28) I would be grateful, therefore, if you could (29) that all ten videos are checked. Please (30) out the ones that you find most (31) or your needs, and return the (32) cassettes. I will then be able to (33) the amount payable to you.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, (Signature )John Peters(Customer Services)





听力原文:S: Let's talk about the results of your laboratory? experiment. Did you have any
problems with it?

B: Yes, Professor Smith. We did.

S: Who's your lab partner, Bob?

B: Anne Wilson.

S: Well, Anne, can you and Bob go over the procedure for the class?

A: Sure. Firs(we put ten grams of crushed limestone in a bottle.

S: Anything special about the bottle?

B: It was a gas - collecting bottle with a one - hole stopper and bent glass tubing.

S: Very good. So you put the limestone in a gas - collecting bottle. Then what?

A: Then we poured in ten milligrams of hydrochloric acid, put on the stopper, and collected a bottle of carbon dioxide.

S: Right, What was the method of collection?

A: Water displacement.

S: Good.

A: Then, we lit a magnesium ribbon and put it in the bottle or carbon dioxide.

B: And carbon deposits began to form. on the bottom of the bottle, You see, we didn't have any problem with procedure.

A: Well, we had a little problem getting the magnesium ribbon to stay lit until we could get it into the bottle.

B: Okay. But we did it. The big problem was that we really didn't understand what happened. Did the magnesium combine with the oxygen in the carbon dioxide?

S: You have just answered your own question, Bob. The burning magnesium broke the carbon - oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide, and then the oxygen combined with the magnesium to produce magnesium oxide.

A: And the carbon was freed to deposit itself on the bottle.

S: Exactly.


A.To discuss the results of the lab experiment.

B.To answer Bob' s question about the lab experiment.

C.To explain the method of collection by water displacement.

D.To prepare the students to do the lab experiment.

Many describe Freud as the most influential psychologistof all time. Yet not everyone reco

Many describe Freud as the most influential psychologist

of all time. Yet not everyone recognize the profound effect of 【S1】______

psychoanalytic theory in the way most of us look at human 【S2】______

behavior, regardless of any formal exposure to Freud's works.

For example, most adults in Western society accept the idea that

behavior. can be influenced by an unconscious part of the mind.

We say things like "I must have done that consciously" or "Even 【S3】______

though I didn't realize it consciously, maybe unconsciously

I did." Although Freud was not the first to talk about the

unconscious, no one ago, or probably since, has placed 【S4】______

so many emphasis upon unconscious processes in explaining 【S5】______

human behavior.

Do you believe that dreams hold important psychological

information, revealing inner fears and desires? If so, you are

backing on an idea that Freud popularized. 【S6】______

As people had been interpreting dreams for thousands of 【S7】______

years, Freud was the first to incorporate dream interpretation

into a larger psychological theory. When we talk about our dreams

and lay to figure it out, we are informally following a therapeutic 【S8】______

procedure outlining by Freud at the turn of the century. 【S9】______

Numerous examples of Freudian thought can be found in our

daily language, as well as in modem literature and in motion

pictures. Thus, an understanding of Freudian psychology

is part of a good liberal arts education; it can aid the observant

student to appreciating subtle and not-so-subtle references 【S10】______


听力原文:M: What about this post of Retail Manager we're going to advertise, Joan? What ki
nd of person are we looking for?

W: Well, it's a job which requires a sense of responsibility and independence, since the person selected will'be running, at the start at any rate, will be running ten stores with about 100 staff.

M: And with the possibility of expanding to 15 stores and 150 staff.

W: Right. So there's plenty of scope for initiative and energy... and of course, hard work.

M: So at the moment we're looking for someone who's responsible, independent, dynamic, hardworking and has initiative...

W: That's it. But also someone who is able to deal with upwards of a 100 or a 150 staff.

M: So someone sensitive, tactful and articulate. Wait a minute, why does it have to be a man?

W: Sorry, he or she... Yes, OK, so this is very much a job requiring people skills, so I'd personally like to see someone who's had quite a lot of experience as a team leader.

M: OK. Now, this is a retail job-- and a pretty high-powered one at that-- so I guess we want someone with a certain amount of retail experience.

W: Absolutely, and not just a certain amount, either. Whoever we chose should have a substantial amount of experience in retailing.

M: Just a minute, what do you mean by "a substantial amount"? Five, ten, 20 years?

W: Well, I think he-- sorry, he or she-- would have to be at least 30.

M: Yeah, OK. So we'll put in the advertisement "proven track record as a retail manager".


A.Their colleague.

B.Their job.

C.A job vacancy.

D.A want ad.

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams. I still have 2 mo
re finals to take.

W: Oh, really?

M: Yeah. So do you have any plan for the summer?

W: Actually, I do. My parents have always liked taking me to different places of historical significance.

M: I guess they want to reinforce the stuff you've learned in school about history. So where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean you've never been there? Gettysburg is probably the most famous civil war site in the country; and it's only a couple of hours away.

W: We had planned to go there about ten years ago, but we ended up not going anywhere that year.

M: What happened?

W: Don't ask me what it was. You know, I was too young to remember... Anyway, I hope that doesn't happen again this year.


A.Places the man has visited.

B.A paper the woman is writing for a class.

C.School activities they enjoy.

D.The woman's plans for the summer.

听力原文:W: Oh, I wish that bus would come! My feet are freezing!M: Have you been waiting

听力原文:W: Oh, I wish that bus would come! My feet are freezing!

M: Have you been waiting long?

W: It feels like hours --but I suppose I' ye only been here ten minutes or so,

M: That' s long enough in this weather. This is awful. I hate winter.

W: So do I. And this morning the sun was shining and they were predicting light rein.

M: F ye been calling the weather report all day since it started to snow. They' re still predicting one or two inches but we’ve got at least three inches already. My shoes are full of snow.

W: Well, that' s typical. Remember last year when they predicted four inches of snow and we ended up with four feet?

M: I wasn't here last year, but we had the same thing in Detroit. We were supposed to get a little rain one night, but when we woke up, guess what? There was six inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down hard. I didn't go to work that day.

W: Well, if it' s really that had, I won' t go in to the office tomorrow. I'11 work at home.

M: What kind of work do you do?

W: I' m an attorney. My office is around the comer.

M: Ah, that' s where I've seen you before, I work in the same building in that travel agency off the lobby.

W: Oh, of course.

M: And I've seen you walk by several times. Stop in and have a cup of coffee sometime.

W: I wish I had a cup of coffee right now.

M: Well, listen, we' re standing right in front of a coffee house. Why don' t I get some coffee and bring it out for us?

W: That sounds wonderful. Oh, look, there's the bus. Thanks anyway.

M: That's OK. Another time. Boy, am I glad to see that bus!


A.At a subway station.

B.At a bus station.

C.At a railway station.

D.At the airport.

It being not only possible but even easy to predict which ten-year-old boys are at greates
t risk of growing up to be persistent offenders, what are we doing with the information? Just about the last thing that we should do is to wait until their troubles have escalated in adolescence and then attack them with the provisions of the new Criminal Justice Bill. If this bill becomes law, magistrates will have the power to impose residential care orders. More young people will be drawn into institutional life when all the evidence shows that this worsens rather than improves their prospects. The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don’t need; the whole regime of detention centers is one of toughening delinquents, and if you want to train someone to be anti-establishment, “I can’t think of a better way to do it,” says the writer of this report. The Cambridge Institute of Criminology comes up with five key factors that are likely to make for delinquency: a low income family a large family, parents deemed by social workers to be bad at raising children, parents who themselves have a criminal record, and low intelligence in the child. Not surprisingly, the factors tend to overlap. Of the 63 boys in the sample who had at least three of them when they were ten, half became juvenile delinquents—compared with only a fifth of the sample as a whole. Three more factors make the prediction more accurate: being judged troublesome by teachers at the age of ten, having a father with at least two criminal convictions and having another member of the family with a criminal record. Of the 35 men who had at least two of these factors in their background 18 became persistent delinquents and 8 more were in trouble with the law. Among those key factors, far and away the most important was having a parent with a criminal record, even if that had been acquired in the distant past, even though very few parents did other than condemn delinquent behavior in their children. The role of the schools emerges as extremely important. The most reliable prediction of all on the futures of boys came from teachers’ ratings of how troublesome they were at the age of ten. If the information is there in the classroom there must be a response that brings more attention to those troublesome children: a search for things to give them credit for other than academic achievement, a refusal to allow them to go on playing truant, and a fostering of ambition and opportunity which should start early in their school careers. According to the author, delinquency should be tackled ___.

A.before adolescence

B.during institutional treatment

C.during adolescence

D.when the problem becomes acute

Man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe at the rate which
has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.

The【C1】______took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even【C2】______it remained painfully slow for several centuries. The next great leap forward【C3】______knowledge acquisition did not occur【C4】______the invention of movable type in the 15th century by Gutenberg and others.【C5】______to 1500, by the most optimistic【C6】______Europe was producing books at a rate of 1000 titles per year. This means that it【C7】______a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles. By 1950, four and a half【C8】______later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year.【C9】______once took a century now took only ten months. By 1960, a【C10】______decade later, the rate had made another significant jump,【C11】______a century's work could be finished in seven and a half months.【C12】______, by the midsixties, the output of books on a world【C13】______, Europe included, approached the prodigious(巨大的)figure of 900 titles per day.

One can【C14】______argue that every book is a net gain for the advancement of knowledge. Nevertheless we find that the accelerative【C15】______in book publication does, in fact, crudely【C16】______the rate at which man discovered new knowledge. For example, prior to Gutenberg【C17】______11 chemical elements were known. Antimony(锑)the 12th, was discovered【C18】______about the time he was working on his invention. It was fully 200 years since the 11th, arsenic(砒霜), had been discovered.【C19】______the same rate of discovery continued, we would by now have added only two or throe additional elements to the periodic table since Gutenberg.【C20】______, in the 450 years after his time, certain people discovered some seventy additional elements. And since 1900 we have been isolating the remaining elements not at a rate of one every two centuries, but of one every three years.







A.We have ten pens

B.I have ten pens

C.I have ten pen

听力原文:I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing so

听力原文: I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing some last minute shopping. Among other things, I had bought some presents: a shirt for my brother, a woolen blanket for my sister, and a battery-powered alarm clock for my father.

After traveling in a crowded bus and waiting in the noisy airport building, I was glad to be sitting in the plane at last.In a few minutes now we would be asked to fasten our seat belts, and then we would soon be up in the sky on our flight to Berlin.

But I had been mistaken. Ten minutes later, instead of enjoying the beauty of the evening sky high above the clouds, I was sitting in a smokefilled room with an airline official and a police officer at my side. On the table in front of me was one of my suitcases.

The officials were very polite. They asked me to show them my passport, my ticket, and my luggage check. Then I was requested to open the suitcase and to spread out its contents on the table.

I did as I was told. The moment I placed the alarm clock on the table, the two officials looked at each other and smiled.

Hearing the clock ticking away merrily, I suddenly understood. Someone must have heard the ticking noise coming from my suitcase and thought there was a time bomb hidden in it.


A.Visiting friends.

B.Taking pictures.

C.Buying presents for his family.

D.All of the above.

The passengers on the plane have been held ______ for ten hours before the police had a fi
rm control over the hijackers.





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