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听力原文:Why are large earphones safer than small earplugs?(35)A.Because small earplugs ar

听力原文:Why are large earphones safer than small earplugs?


A.Because small earplugs are less effective in music transmission.

B.Because small earplugs are provided by most music players.

C.Because large earphones may better block off outside noise.

D.Because large earphones may offer a louder music sound.

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听力原文:Why can't the average farm family income explain the situation for all farmers?(3

听力原文:Why can't the average farm family income explain the situation for all farmers?


A.Because it is higher than the income of the average American family.

B.Because farmers have little money left after paying all necessary expenses.

C.Because the situation in small farms and large farms is quite different.

D.Because 2004 is the best year for farm families.

听力原文:Buried treasure is scattered over every part of the United States. Why don't peop

听力原文: Buried treasure is scattered over every part of the United States. Why don't people find it? As a matter of fact, a great deal of buried treasure is found much more than we ever hear all out. People who find treasure have a habit of keeping it to themselves. Either they are afraid that others might claim it, or they want to avoid paying taxes on it. There are perhaps a dozen unreported treasure finds for each one reported.

Florida has probably yielded more buried treasure than any other part of the United States. The Gulf of Mexico used to be infested with pirates attacking Spanish ships. Often they were unable to dispose of their goods immediately. They packed it in large boxes or sacks and buried it in secret hiding places on the shore. Often they drew a map of the area so that they could come back later and know where to dig.


A.Treasure hunters don't report their finds to avoid paying taxes on it.

B.Those who find treasure usually keep it to themselves for fear that others might claim it.

C.The police don't bother about keeping a record.

D.Both A and B

听力原文:Why do people want to save the Whales? There are two important reasons. One reaso

听力原文: Why do people want to save the Whales? There are two important reasons. One reason is that whales help to keep a balance between plants and animals. People have disturbed this balance. People get rid of their wastes by throwing them into the oceans and seas. People's sewage and garbage increase the salt in ocean and sea water. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small animals to grow. These plants and animals can be harmful to fish. Whales eat enormous amount of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. Therefore, whales are very important because they keep the ocean environment clean enough for fish. In addition, because fish provide necessary food for many people, people need whales, and many people want to save them.


A.Because whales keep a balance between plants and animals on land.

B.Because whales eat a lot of fish.

C.Because whales eat large amounts of garbage.

D.Because whales keep oceans clean for fish, and people need fish.

听力原文:Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worri

听力原文: Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worries people is [29] juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. For some years, juvenile delinquency has been increasing. There are two main sorts of juvenile crime, stealing and violence. Most people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. There are, I think, a large number of different reasons.

These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need. Young people often dislike and resent the adult world. [30] They will do things to show that they are rebels. Also in Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.

There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning. More and more people in Britain live in large towns. [30] In a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everybody knows everyone else.

Although it is difficult to explain, I think the last cause is very important. Perhaps there is something wrong with our society which encourages violence and crime. It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence. Many people do not agree that this influences young people, but I think that young people are very much influenced by the society they grow up in. I feel that [31] the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people.


A.Crimes committed by young people.

B.Crimes committed by needy people.

C.Influence on young people.

D.Stealing and violence.

听力原文:The Europeans who left their homeland in the 18th and 19th centuries and settled

听力原文: The Europeans who left their homeland in the 18th and 19th centuries and settled their homes in North America are referred to as early settlers. Early settlers who came from the eastern parts of the present U.S.A. were used to having many trees around, so they found it rather hard to get used to living in a treeless plain like the state of Nebraska. When they first settled down in Nebraska, they needed large quantities of wood for building houses, making fires and doing many other things. Therefore they started many tree-planting plans that went on for years and years. Finally in 1872, a newspaperman named J. Sterling Morton had an idea: Why not have a special day set aside for planting trees. So Arbor Day was born on April 10th, 1872. The state government announced that it would give prizes to individuals and groups that planted the most trees. On that first day, more than 1,000,000 trees were planted in Nebraska. In this way Nebraska has been full of trees and it's green all the year around.


A.Who the early settlers were.

B.When the first Arbor Day began.

C.How the first Arbor Day came into being.

D.Who was J. Sterling Morton.

听力原文:The poverty line is the lowest income that people need for an acceptable standard

听力原文: The poverty line is the lowest income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem.

As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with today's relatively high standard of living; about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.

For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor people axe children. By law, children less than 16 years old cannot work in many industries. A large number of poor people are old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age.

Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons: they are sick, they do not have any motivation, they have family problems, or they do not believe they can find a job.

Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills they can offer.

Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a living.


A.To define what the poverty line is.

B.To explain why some people live the poverty line.

C.To find solutions to the problem of poverty.

D.To show sympathy for those poor people.

听力原文:W: Well George, you can approach my desk now. (19) I have done an appraisal of yo

听力原文:W: Well George, you can approach my desk now. (19) I have done an appraisal of your application to be my apprentice, and I have a few questions for you. (20) (21) You don't seem to have any apparent experience in working with large aquatic appliances. You do know that the aquariums I clean and make are not for goldfish or restaurant shelves, right?

M: What else can be put in them?

W: They put sharks, whales, and seals in them. Well, I applaud your effort and appreciate your coming across town for this interview, (20) but you don't have the experience or aptitude that is usually required for this type of apprenticeship.

M: I am very appreciative of your assessment of my qualifications, Madam. But I'd like to appeal, to you to give me a chance. (19) I know I know nothing about aquariums. I come from the desert and that's why I came to California to work with water. (19) And I know you will approve of determination. I have that and hope you could give me a try.

W: Okay George, (22) I'll take a risk and give it a try. But you are up for three-month probation. We' 11 take a look at how you're doing in these three months and make the final decision.

M: Thank you, Madam! You won't be disappointed!


A.How to keep fish.

B.How to make large aquatic appliances.

C.If the man is qualified to be the apprentice.

D.If the man is a good apprentice.

听力原文:Some people dream of being president of the United States, some of becoming stars

听力原文: Some people dream of being president of the United States, some of becoming stars in a Hollywood movie, and others of making millions of dollars overnight. Could a dream like that come true in real life? Well, it did happen to Peter Johnson. Peter was an auto mechanic. One day, he walked into the Union Trust Bank in Waltermore and took $5,000 that did not belong to him. The guards and other employees stood back and let him stuff the bills into his shirt and pants without trying to prevent him from taking the money. No one pressed the alarm. No one pulled the gun. No one called the police. Why did they allow him to get away with it? Well, everything was legal. Peter had won a contest promoted by a Waltermore radio station. The first prize entitled him to enter the Union Trust Bank to gather up as much money as he could lay his hands on within five minutes. Because he could not bring any large sacks or boxes into the bank, all the money had to be placed in his pockets. As the time went by, Peter ran about wildly and tried to pick up as many large bills as he could find. When his time was up, he was out of breath, but was $5,000 richer.



B.Bank employee.

C.Bank guard.


听力原文:W: What do you plan to do after you finish your university work?M: I've got a fri

听力原文:W: What do you plan to do after you finish your university work?

M: I've got a friend in Germany who says that he can get me a job with a large multinational company here in Shanghai.

W: So you'll work here?

M: Well, I can earn a very good salary and get good experience.

W: Would you leave for a foreign country if they ask you to go?

M: It depends what they want and how long they want me to stay away from home.

W: Did you know that some people say that both foreign companies and foreign countries take the most talented people away from their homes in developing countries on purpose?

M: Why would they do that?

W: Highly educated people often make large contributions to both a country's economy and society.

M: So it would be to the advantages of a country to allow skilled immigrants in?

W: Yes, of course it would.

M: But then why don't developed countries let in more skilled workers?

W: Many reasons, really. For one, people who live in a developed country don't always like to see high-wage jobs go to people who have just arrived form. another nation. And developing countries don't want highly skilled workers to leave.

M: In any event, it doesn't matter to me. I'd leave Shanghai for a while, but I wouldn't want to move to another country permanently.

W: I can understand that


A.Go to Germany to live with his friend.

B.Return to Germany for further study.

C.Set up a company in Shanghai.

D.Find a job in a large multinational company in Shanghai.

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