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听力原文:M: I knew Linda played the piano, but I didn't know she played the guitar.W: Neit

听力原文:M: I knew Linda played the piano, but I didn't know she played the guitar.

W: Neither did I. It seems she just picked it up on her own over this summer.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Linda made her own guitar.

B.Linda taught herself to play the piano.

C.Linda taught herself to play the guitar.

D.Linda doesn't have much talent for music.

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更多“听力原文:M: I knew Linda played th…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I knew Linda played the piano, but I didn't know she played the guitar:W: Neit

听力原文:M: I knew Linda played the piano, but I didn't know she played the guitar:

W: Neither did I, It seems she just picked it up on her own over this summer.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Linda made her own guitar.

B.Linda taught herself to play the piano.

C.Linda taught herself to play the guitar.

D.Linda doesn't have much talent for music.

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She is been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

C.He's been too busy to clean his room.

D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

听力原文:M: Did you see the shining diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?W: I sure did. We have

听力原文:M: Did you see the shining diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?

W: I sure did. We have been talking about it for more than half an hour. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.

Q: What does the woman imply about the ring?


A.Linda didn't like it.

B.Bill lost it.

C.It was very expensive.

D.It was very small.

听力原文:M: I knew Mary played the piano.but I didn't know she played the guitar. W: Neith

听力原文:M: I knew Mary played the piano.but I didn't know she played the guitar.

W: Neither did I.It seems she just picked it up on her own,over the summer.She does have an artistic talent.

Q: What can we learn about Mary from the conversation?


A.Mary doesn't have much talent for the piano.

B.Mary taught herself to play the guitar.

C.Mary prefers to play the guitar now.

D.Mary got the guitar unexpectedly on her way home.

听力原文:W: I do not think you can finish your computer project in less than a week.M: Lin

听力原文:W: I do not think you can finish your computer project in less than a week.

M: Linda got it made in just two days.

Q: What does the man say about Linda?


A.She will help him.

B.She finished hers two days ago.

C.She completed her work very quickly.

D.She is still doing the project.

听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He's been too busy to clean his room.

B.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

C.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

D.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

听力原文:M: Hurry up, Linda! I hear that there aren't many tickets left for the football m

W: I am ready now. Let's go, It is the early bird that catches the worm.

Q: Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up?


A.He didn't want to warm up for the game.

B.He didn't want to be held up in traffic.

C.He wanted to make sure they got tickets.

D.He wanted to catch as many birds as possible.

听力原文:W: Oh, no. I just picked up the pictures I took at Dan and Linda's wedding, and l
ook at them; none of them came out.

M: They are dark, aren't they? That's too bad. Wait a minute, I'm sure the professional photographer got everything. That's what he is there for.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The woman's camera is broken.

B.He wasn't at Dan and Linda's wedding.

C.Someone else at the wedding took good pictures.

D.Dan and Linda didn't hire a professional photographer.

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