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Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 62 are based on the following passage.A new study from the Cent

Passage Two

Questions 57 to 62 are based on the following passage.

A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbers of young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes. But there's no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coalition with his message of hope and change; as the reality of life under a new administration settles in, some of those supporters might become disillusioned. As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?

The writers of Generation O (short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of a group of young Obama supporters, want to answer that question. For the next three months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34, will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, the bloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young and politically active in America today. Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis sees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens. Amusa, who is traveling to India this spring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts. She's excited because, as she puts it, "I don't have to wait [until] 15 years from now" to make sense of the world.

Henry Flores, a political-science professor at St. Mary's University, credits this younger generation's political strength to their embrace of technology. "[The Internet] exposes them to more thinking," he says, "and groups that are like-minded in different parts of the country start to come together." That's exactly what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy (冷漠) they've inherited from Generation X (60 年代后期和70 年代出生的美国人). It's no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinary—if ambitious—young people, but the members of Generation O are up to the task.


57. What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE?

A) More young voters are going to the polls than before.

B) The young generation supports traditionally liberal causes.

C) Young voters played a decisive role in Obama's election.

D) Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.

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更多“Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 62 …”相关的问题
Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 第29题:

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.


Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A. Types

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30.

A. Types of Loneliness.

B. Causes of Loneliness.

C. Solutions to Loneliness.

D. Loneliness.

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you bave just heard.30.A. Because

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you bave just heard.30.

A. Because their English is not good enough. B ) Because they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas. C ) Because there is a wide difference between Asian and Westem cultures.

D. Because they Imow little about American cultures and Westem cultures.

Passage TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.听力原文Passage

Passage Two

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.


Passage Two While Gail Opp-Kemp, an American artist, was giving a speech on the art of

Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused

to see that many of her Japanese listeners had their eyes closed. Were they turned off

because an American had the nerve to instruct Japanese in their own art form? Were they

deliberately trying to signal their rejection of her? Opp-Kemp later found out that her

listeners were not being disrespectful. Japanese listeners sometimes close their eyes to

enhance concentration. Her listeners were showing their respect for her by chewing on her

words. Someday you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people

from other countries or members of a minority group in North America. Learning how

different cultures signal respect can help you avoid misunderstandings. Here are some

examples: In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show applause not by

clapping their hands but by waving them in the air. In some cultures, both overseas and in

some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look

directly at the speaker. Respect is shown by looking in the general direction but avoiding

direct eye contact. In some countries, whistling by listeners is a sign of approval, while

in other countries, it is a form. of insult.

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

20. What did Opp-Kemp’s speech focus on?

A.The art of Japanese brush painting.

B.Some features of Japanese culture.

C.Characteristics of Japanese artists.

D.The uniqueness of Japanese art.

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. Bananas, always the fash

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Bananas, always the fashion victims of the produce section, are wearing another new label this spring. Bananas with “Fair Trade Certified” stickers have been available in the United States since October. They represent the new front of an international effort to help first-world consumers improve the living standards of the third-world farmers who grow much of their food.

By expanding its reach to the produce section, Fair Trade is now trying to reach the American supermarket shopper. Fair Trade deals directly with farmer cooperatives. It helps organize, avoiding brokers (代理人) and middlemen. It guarantees higher prices for the farmers’ goods and helps them set up schools and health clinics.

The Fair Trade movement took root in Europe in the 1990’s as a way of bolstering coffee farmers as prices were collapsing. Since Fair Trade began, more than a million coffee growers and other farmers have joined cooperatives that sell their products through Fair Trade channels instead of directly to a commercial producer.

Not everyone is greeting the Fair Trade label with open arms. Several American coffee importers recently pulled out of Fair Trade, citing TransFair’s “corporate friendly” policies that allow large companies to use the Fair Trade logo in their marketing even if only a small amount of the company’s overall purchases are Fair Trade certified.

Edmund LaMacchia, the national produce coordinator for Whole Foods, said Fair Trade is only one of many consumer choices. “Whole Foods has its own team of inspectors and has no plans to carry Fair Trade products”, Mr. LaMacchia said. “Our standards are higher than Fair Trade’s, actually.” Fair Trade is only one of several labels your bananas might be wearing this year. Another is that of the Rainforest Alliance, which certifies the use of sustainable agriculture methods.

So far, though, Fair Trade is the biggest. A Fair Trade label by itself does not guarantee an organic product, but most Fair Trade bananas are also organic, Ms. Bourque said, because pesticides are usually too costly for the small farmers who grow them. If the bananas are organic, they will be labeled as such, and will probably be wearing a sticker to prove it.

第63题:Why are bananas wearing “Fair Trade Certified” stickers?

A) It means bananas are the fashion victims of the produce section.

B) It means bananas have got a new label.

C) It means bananas with these stickers are available in the United States.

D) It represents an international effort to help the third-world farmers.

Passage TwoQuestions 22~26 are based on the following passage. The "new economic order" i

Passage TwoQuestions 22~26 are based on the following passage.

The "new economic order" is a global one. Policymakers, educators, business, and .industry are all concerned with strengthening the United States for competition in this new arena (舞台)Career education has generally focused on helping people understand-the relationship between education and work and acquire employability skills. Now people need assistance in realizing the opportunities and meeting the challenges of the international workplace.

The evolving global economy is based on a number of factors: decreasing transportation and communications 'costs, new political structures and economic alliances. The most important influence is the emergence of flexible, information-based technologies. Profound economic and social changes are creating new market standards (productivity, quality, variety, customization,convenience, timeliness)and integrating producers and consumers into networks for delivering goods and services globally or locally. Meeting these standards requires great changes in organizational structures. skill needs, and jobs.

According to Carnesville, competitive organizations will be characterized by productivity,flexibility, speed, affordable quality, and customer focus. Many organizations will emphasize closely-integrated work groups, teamwork, and shared information. The need for certain types of workers is being" reduced or eliminated. At the same time, freer movement of some workers across national borders is spiraling; other workers may engage in "electronic immigration", interacting through telecommunications with their employers in other countries.

The global economy will influence people's lives whether or not they are employed in international firms. In the new economy, nations compete not on.ly with each other's economic systems, but also with each other's research and development and educational systems. Global events affect domestic economies.

Other characteristics of Work in the new economy also have implications for career development. Managers will become brokers/facilitators; there will be more technical specialists.and shorter, flatter career ladders. Instead of the old-style. division of labor into discrete tasks, job functions will converge, and work teams will consist of individuals who alternate expert, brokering,and leadership roles. Rewards will be based more on the performance of teams and networks.

A number of the skills needed for work in the global economy are reflected in current curricular emphases such as development of critical thinking skills, tech preparation, the integration of vocational and academic education. Career educators can collaborate with vocational and academic educators and employers in documenting the need for these skills and infusing (灌输) them in a multidisciplinary (多学科的) approach. As Zwerling puts it, "the best liberal education may come to be seen as career education; the best career education may be seen to be liberal education". The challenges of the global economy are an opportunity not only for work organizations to redesign themselves across national borders, but also for education to transcend its traditional boundaries and reenvision ways to prepare people for life and for work.

第22题:In face of the evolving global economy, the author suggests that the emphasis in career education be shifted to__________

A.facilitating the acquisition of employability skills

B.understanding flexible and information-based technologies

C.preparing people for the challenges of the international workplace

D.strengthening the United States for competition with other countries

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.The $11 billion self-help

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like "I never do anything right" into positive ones like "I can succeed." But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right? Is there power in positive thinking?

Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect: it can simply highlight how unhappy they are.

The study's authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better. If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, you're just underlining his faults. In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled. When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy, they felt even worse about what they had written.

In this experiment, Wood, Lee and Perunovic measured 68 students' self-esteem. The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes. Every 15 seconds, one group of students heard a bell. When it rang, they were supposed to tell themselves, "I am lovable."

Those with low self-esteem didn't feel better after the forced self-affirmation. In fact, their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group, who weren't urged to think positive thoughts.

The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them. In the fighting, we not only often fail but can make things worse. Meditation (静思) techniques, in contrast, can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger, more realistic perspective. Call it the power of negative thinking.

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62. What do we learn from the first paragraph about the self-help industry?

A) It is a highly profitable industry.

B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking.

C) It was established by Norman Vincent Peale.

D) It has yielded positive results.

Passage TwoQuestions 22~26 are based on the following passage, UN officials pledged Thurs

Passage Two

Questions 22~26 are based on the following passage,

UN officials pledged Thursday to bridge the world's digital divide, bringing computers and Internet training to poorer countries before they fall further behind in technology and wealth. The Digital Service Corps initiative expands on a University of Pennsylvania pilot that sent three professors and 27 students to the West African country of Mali last spring. Four countries will be selected for visits in December.

In partnering with the private Global Technology Organization, the UN Office for Projects Services wants to reduce the gap separating nations with good technology from those without. "There are more Web sites originating here in New York than in all of Africa," said Reinhart Helmke, Executive Director of the UN agency, "There are more Web sites originating in Finland than in all of Latin America and the Caribbean. " Helmke said the digital divide would be better described as a digital chasm. He said the global economy cannot be sustained if some countries are left out.

Neysan Rassekh, founder and president of Global Technology Organization, vowed to tackle the problem "country by country, town by town, citizen by citizen. The initiative carries no funding, however. The UN projects .office, as a self-financing agency with a limited budget, will provide only management know-how. Rassekh's group, which organized the University of Pennsylvania group, plans to solicit (恳求) cash and equipment donations. For the Mali project,the university paid airfare and other expenses through fees that students pay to receive academic credit.

Eliminating the global divide won't be easy.- Persuading foreign governments to buy computers instead of food can be tough, even though technology can reduce poverty and hunger in the long run, said Hafidh Chaibi, who promotes global access through the World of Knowledge Foundation in Orlando, Fla. Ernest Wilson, an international development specialist at the University of Maryland, said his research found information technology growing by 18 percent a year in developing countries, compared with 23 percent in industrialized nations. That means the gap continues to grow despite improvements through programs from the United Nations, the World Bank, the Markle Foundation and Other organizations.

The UN announcement came as world leaders met at the UN Millennium Summit to discuss such challenges as peace, disarmament and access to new technology. Over four weeks in May and June, the University of Pennsylvania volunteers set up four computer centers in Mali and trained 120 residents, mostly students and educators who' could then teach others. Organizers are also setting up a Web site to help residents obtain information on education and health, The UN agency and its private partner plan to replicate that effort in 10 to 12 countries a year.第 22 题 The "digital divide" as is used in the first passage refers to __________

A.the gap in technology and wealth between poor and rich countries

B.inadequate training which technicians in poorer countries have received

C.the availability of computer and Internet technologies to different nations

D.the difference in the number of Web sites created in poor and rich countries

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. Scientists have devised

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand(缕) of hair , a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims .

The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people’s hair.

“You’re what you eat and drink, and that’s recorded in you hair,” said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.

While U.S diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary. The differences result from weather patterns. The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as raid clouds move.

Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable , but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes (同位素) . The heaviest raid falls first .As a result, storms that form. over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah.

Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S. By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline. Each inch of hair corresponds to about two months.

Cerling’s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a mop of the regional differences. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.

They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly corresponding to the movement of raid systems.

“It’s not good for pinpointing (精确定位),” Cerling said . “It’s good for eliminating many possibilities.”

Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.

The woman was 5 feet tall. Police recovered 26 bones, a T-shirt and several strands of hair.

When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the researchers. Chemical testing showed that over the two years before her death, she moved about every two months.

She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming.

“It’s still a substantial area,” Park said “But it narrows it way down for me.”

62. What is the scientists’ new discovery?

A) One’s hair growth has to do with the amount of water they drink.

B) A person’s hair may reveal where they have lived.

C) Hair analysis accurately identifies criminal suspects.

D) The chemical composition of hair varies from person to person.

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.You never see him, but th

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

You never see him, but they're with you every time you fly. They record where you are going,how fast you're traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book.They're known as the black box.

When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device's homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.

In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first mode for a black box, which became a requirement on all U.S. commercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane – the area least subject to impact – from its original position in the landing wells (起落架舱). The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility.

Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots' conversations,and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fuel levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircraft's final moments. Placed in an insulated (隔绝的) case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to 2,000℉. When submerged, they're also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 ft. Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crashed near Brazil on June 1,2009, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say they're still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one plane's black boxes were never recovered.


62. What does the author say about the black box?

A) It is an indispensable device on an airplane.

B) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.

C) It ensures the normal functioning of an airplane.

D) The idea for its design comes from a comic book.

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