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听力原文:In general, American food is mild tasting; most Americans do not season their foo

听力原文: In general, American food is mild tasting; most Americans do not season their food to any great degree. Salads are very popular and are served all year, but especially in the summer. Waiters tend to assume that everyone drinks coffee, but simply tell them if you wish something else. If a waiter says "Now or later?" he means "Do you want coffee with your meal or after it?" Many, but certainly not all, Americans drink coffee or tea with their meals. Either way is perfectly acceptable. When dining out, you can ask for tea, milk, "coke", wine or beer if you prefer. Restaurants can only serve beer, wine, or other alcoholic drinks if they have a license, that is, permission from the local government to serve alcoholic drinks. Normally, when eating in a private home, it is considered better manners to take whatever is being served and not to ask for something different, unless the hostess gives you a choice.

The main course served in American meals is usually meat, fish, or poultry, but rarely is more than one of these served at the same meal. Seafood is sometimes served as a first course, however.


A.Seasoned foods.


C.Sea fish.


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更多“听力原文:In general, American food…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Joe, I thought your article in the school newspaper was right on target. You c
ertainly convinced me anyway.

M: Thank you Mary. Unfortunately, based on the general response, you and I are definitely in the minority.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.The man's article was written terribly.

B.The man's article was completely off the point.

C.The man's article was not accepted by the general public.

D.The man's article was based on the general public.

听力原文:W: Have you heard these members of the general public are complaining about your

M: Yes. The last thing we want is to cause inconvenience to the general public. Our quarrel is not with the general public, it is with the employers and the government.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He wants to have a quarrel with the general public.

B.He doesn't want to cause inconvenience to the general public.

C.He doesn't mind being complained about.

D.He doesn't want settle the quarrel with the employers.

In the authors judgment, the ferment going on at HarvardA.will influence the future of Ame

In the authors judgment, the ferment going on at Harvard

A.will influence the future of America

B.will soon be over, because times are bound to change

C.is of interest mostly to Harvard men and their friends

D.is a sad symbol of our general bewilderment

听力原文:M: Just look at the TV programs nowadays. Nothing but robbery, sex and war.Do you

听力原文:M: Just look at the TV programs nowadays. Nothing but robbery, sex and war. Do you still think people in general are good?

W: Of course. TV men usually don't like to deal with stories about peace and generosity. They aren't sensational.

Q: What is the woman's attitude about TV men?


A.She is pessimistic.

B.She is optimistic.

C.She is sarcastic.

D.It is hard for her to say.

听力原文:W: I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target, and your view
points have certainly convinced me.

M: Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He regrets having published the article.

B.Most readers do not share his viewpoints.

C.Not many people have read his article.

D.The woman is only trying to console him.

听力原文:Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of food that are considered mo

听力原文: Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of food that are considered more healthful than the types of foods widely sold in supermarkets. For instance, whole grains, fried beaus, and corn oil are health foods. A narrower classification of health food is natural food, which is used to distinguish between types of the same food. Raw honey is a natural sweetener, whereas relined sugar is not. Fresh fruit is a natural food, but canned fruit, with sugars and other additives, is not. The most precise term of all and the narrowest classification within health food is organic food, which is used to describe food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in gardens that are only treated with organic fertilizers, that are not sprayed with poisonous insecticides, and that are not refined after harvest, are organic foods. Meats, fish, dairy and poultry products from animals that are fed only organically-grown feed and that are not injected with hormones are organic foods.

In choosing the type of food you eat, then, you have basically two choices: inorganic, processed foods, or organic, unprocessed foods. A wise decision should include investigation of the claims that processed foods contain chemicals, some of which ate proven to be poisonous, and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed foods.


A.Refined food.

B.Processed food.

C.Natural food.

D.Organic food.

听力原文:The results of the municipal elections in Italy in which the governing coalition

听力原文: The results of the municipal elections in Italy in which the governing coalition lost ground to parties on the left and right attracted considerable attention in today's British newspapers. It's the lead story for the Financial Times, which focuses on the sharp falls on the Milan stock exchange and says the nervousness in the financial markets reflected the view that fresh general elections would be held early next year amid increased political uncertainty.

The Scotsman says file results reflect the bewilderment of a people who are watching file abrupt disintegration of the country's post-war political and economic fabric. The Yorkshire Post says the results raise the perennial question of whether Italy is governable. And The Independent adds that there's little prospect of a convincing new party of the moderate centre right emerging in time for the elections to fill the political vacuum left by the discredited Christian democrats and socialists.


A.It won the elections easily.

B.It lost the elections completely.

C.It attracted considerable attention in newspapers.

D.It didn't cause the falls on the stock exchange.

听力原文:There are three groups of English learners: beginners,intermediate learners,and l

听力原文: There are three groups of English learners: beginners,intermediate learners,and learners of special Englis.h.Beginners need to learn the basics of English.Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills.But what about students who want to learn specialist English for their work or professional life?Most student,who fit into this third group,have a clear idea about what they want to learn.A bank clerk,for example,wants to use this specialist vocabulary and technical terms for finance.But for teachers,deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy.For a start,the variety is enormous. Every field from airline pilots to secretaries has its own vocabulary and technical terms.Teachers also need to have an up-to-date knowledge of that specialist language,and not many teachers are exposed to working environments outside the calssroom. these issues have influenced the way specialist English is taught in schools. vironments outside the classroom.These issues have influenced the way specialist English is taught in schools.This type of course is usually known as English for Specific Purposes or ESP and there are ESP courses for almost every area of professional and working life.In Britain,for example,there are courses which teach English for doctors,lawyers,reporters,travel agents and people working in the hotel industry.By far,the most popular ESP courses are for business English.

What do we know about the learners of special English?

A.They have to learn basics of English.

B.They know clearly what they want to learn.

C.It is good for them to learn general English skills.

D.They want to have an up-to-date knowledge of English.

听力原文:The first postal service in North America began in New England in the 17th centur

听力原文: The first postal service in North America began in New England in the 17th century. All mail arriving in Massachusetts colony was sent to the home of appointed official in Boston. In turn, he would deliver the mail from Boston on horseback to its destination, receiving one penny for each good article of mail. Later in the century postal services were established between Philadelphia and Delaware. In 1691, the British crown appointed the first postmaster general to have charge of the mail for all the colonies in North America. Later, Benjamin Franklin served as the postmaster general for the British government and then was made postmaster by the newly formed United States government. Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States' postal systems on a permanent basis. He increased the number of post office, introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail, and started a package service system. They were used to carry mail into the towns. Some communities, especially those out west, were far from the services of transportation. To serve them, the post office developed a system called "star routes". Private contractors paid to deliver mall to the communities from railways by horse and wagon. The postal service, which was started over 3 centuries ago, has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city, town, and village in the United States.


A.The history of Benjamin Franklin.

B.The history of the U.S. mail.

C.The Changes of writing letters.

D.The history of U.S.

听力原文:Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few

听力原文: Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few facts about it. First of all, it is not a religion. Yoga is a way of life and can serve only to improve your present way of life. Yoga is an exact science and a delicate art. Secondly, be as mechanical as possible. Never strain or pull too much. Forcing will cause your Body to resist and will actually slow down or even prevent your progress. Go gently. Stretch up to the point where it would start to hurt, then stop immediately. The key is the proper breathing through the nostrils with the mouth shut. Usually it is best to practise alone in a room with fresh air, wearing little or no clothing. Never practise on a full stomach because an empty stomach permits greater flexibility. Exercise will benefit your general health. Yoga cannot add or reduce pounds from your figure; only eating less or more food can do that. Always remember that diet affects weight, while exercise affects shape. Neither can do the job of the other.


A.A delicate art.

B.A religion.

C.An exact science.

D.A way of life

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