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On New Year’s Eve, New York City holds an outdoor ________ which attracts a crowd o

f a million or more people.

A) incident

B) event

C) case

D) affair

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更多“On New Year’s Eve, New York Ci…”相关的问题
What are necessary food and drink at the New Year’s Eve?()



C.White wine


Why does everyone drink a little“Jiu”at New Year's Eve ?()

A.Because “Jiu” symbolizes prosperity.

B.Because “Jiu” symbolizes good luck.

C.Because “Jiu” symbolizes longevity.

D.Because “Jiu” symbolizes honesty.


年夜饭(family reunion dinner)是除夕(New Year’s Eve)的最后一餐。这一天人们准备除旧迎新,一家相聚,共进晚餐。一年一次的团圆饭充分地表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱。家人的团聚往往令“一家之主”在精神上得到安慰与满足,老人家看儿孙满堂,过去的关怀与抚养子女所付出的心血没有白费,这是何等的幸福。而年轻一辈也正可以借此机会对父母的养育之恩表达感激之情。


The penny press, which emerged in the United States during the 1830's, was a powerful agen
t of mass communication. These newspapers were little dailies, generally four pages in length, writ ten for the mass taste. They differed from the formal presentation of the conservative press, with its emphasis on political and literary topics. The new papers were brief and cheap, emphasizing sensational reports of police courts and juicy scandals as well as human interest stories. Twentiethcentury journalism was already foreshadowed in the penny press of the 1830's.

The New York Sun, founded in 1833, was the first successful penny paper, and it was followed two years later by the New York Herald, published by James Gordon Bennett. Not long after, Ho race Greeley issued the New York Tribune, which was destined to become the most influential paper in America. Greeley gave space to the issues that deeply touched the American people before tile Civil Warabolitionism, temperance, free homesteads, Utopian cooperate settlements, and the problems of labor. The weekly edition of the Tribune, with I00,000 subscribers, had a remarkable influence in rural areas, especially in Western communities.

Americans were reputed to be the most avid (热心的) readers of periodicals in the world. An English observer enviously calculated that, in 1829, the number of newspapers circulated in Great Britain was enough to reach only one out of every thirtysix inhabitants weekly; Pennsylvania in that same year had a newspaper circulation which reached one out of every four inhabitants weekly. Statistics seemed to justify the common belief that Americans were devoted to periodicals. Newspapers in the United States increased from 1,200 in 1833 to 3,000 by the early 1860's, on the eve of the Civil War. This far exceeded the number and circulation of newspapers in Eng land and France.

What is the author's main point in the first paragraph?

A.The penny press was modeled on earlier papers.

B.The press in the nineteenth century reached only a small proportion of the population,

C.The penny press became an important way of disseminating information in the first half of the nineteenth century.

D.The penny press focused mainly on analysis of polities.

设 s= ‘Happy New Year’,则s[3:8]的值为 ()

A.‘ppy Ne’

B.‘py Ne’

C.‘ppy N’

D.‘py New’

The jolly, red-suited man who () into your home every year to leave you gifs hasn'
t always been so jolly. The real Saint Nick was a Turkish monk who lived in the 3rd century. He was () for being charitable and selfless, eventually becoming the patron saint of sailors and children. According to legend, he was a rich man thanks to an () from his parents, but he gave it all away in the form. of gifts to the less fortunate. He eventually became the most popular saint in Europe and, through his alter ego. Santa Claus, remains so to this day. But how did a long dead Turkish monk became a big, fat, reindeer. riding pole dweller?

The Dutch got the ball rolling by celebrating the saint- called Sinter Klaas- in New York in the latc-18" century. Our old friend, Washington Irving, included the legend of Saint Nick in his seminal History of New York as well, but at the turn of the 181 century, Saint Nick was still a rather () figure in America.

On December 23, 1823, though, a man named Clement Clarke Moore published a poem he had written for his daughters called “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas," better known now as ‘T’ as the night before Christmas." Nobody knows how much of the poem Moore invented, but we do know that it was the spark that () lit the Santa fire. Many of the things we associated with Santa一a sleigh, reindeer, Christmas Eve visits一came from Moore's poem.





D. skips




C. remarked













A. actually

B. generally

C. eventfully

D. eventually

Flirt with Suicide The life of David Woods was the stuff of an Australian boy's dream. He

Flirt with Suicide

The life of David Woods was the stuff of an Australian boy's dream. He played professional rugby league football in a country that treats athletes as idols. At 29, he had a loving family, a girlfriend, a 3-month-old baby, plenty of money, everything to live for. And for inexplicable reasons, nothing to live for. On New Year's Eve, Woods called his mother to announce that he had signed a new contract with his team, Golden Coast, recalls his elder brother, Tony. The next morning,, he ran a hose from the exhaust pipe to the window of his Mitsubishi sedan (轿车) and gasses himself. His family still has no idea why.

The death of David Woods came as a wake-up call to Australia, which is often voted as the ideal place to bring up kids. But the sun, the beaches and the sporting culture are the cheery backdrop to a disturbing trend: Young Australian men are now killing themselves at the rate of one a day — triple the rate of 30 years ago. Though most Australians aren't particularly suicidal, their boys are. In 1990 suicide surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death among males aged 15 to 24. Fun-loving Australia is now far worse off than Asian nations known for strict discipline. The yearly suicide rate for young Australian males is 2.5 times higher than in Japan, Hong Kong, or Singapore.

Possible Causes for Suicide

Why boys? A nation of wide-open spaces and rugged individualism, Australia still idolizes the film star Gary Cooper model of masculinity: the strong, silent type who never complains, who always gets the job done. In recent years schools and social institutions have concentrated on creating new opportunities for equality for girls — while leaving troubled boys with the classic command of the Australian father: pull yourself together. It's past time to take a much closer look at the lives of young men, some researchers argue. "People think, 'My kids aren't doing drags, my kids are safe at home'," says psychiatrist John Tiller of Melbourne University, who studied 148 suicides and 206 attempts in the state of Victoria. "They are wrong."

The Haywards, a comfortably well-off family in Wyong, north of Sydney, figured they were dealing with the normal problems of troubled teenhood. Their son Mark had put up a poster of rock star Kurt Cobain, a 1994 suicide victim, along with a Cobain quote: "I hate myself and I want to die." "From the age of 12, Mark had his ups and downs — mood swings, depression and low self-esteem," says his father. The Haywards sent Mark to various counselors, none of whom warned that he had suicidal tendencies. By last year Mark was 19, fighting bouts (回合) of unemployment and a drug problem. He tried church, struggling to do the right thing. Last September he dropped out a detoxification (戒毒) program, and apologized to his parents. "I've let you down again." A few days later, his mother found Mark's body in bush-land near their home.

In retrospect, Mark Hayward's struggles were far from uncommon. The number of suicides tends to keep pace with the unemployment rate, which for Australians between 15 and 19 has risen from 19 percent in 1978, the first year data were collected, to 28 percent last year. Suicide is especially high among the most marginal: young Aboriginal (土著的) men, isolated by poverty, alcoholism and racism. As in other developed countries, Australian families have grown less cohesive in recent years, putting young men out into the world at an earlier age. Those who kill themselves often think "it'll make it easier for the parents by not being there".

The deeper mystery is why the universal anguish of growing up should have such particularly devastating effects in Australia. One answer is that the country allows easier access to guns than most other developed Asian countries. (One exception is neighboring New Zealand, where guns are as easy to find, and the suicide rate amo




There will be a party ____ New Year’s Eve.





Flirt With SuicideThe life of David Woods was the stuff of an Australian boy's dream. He p

Flirt With Suicide

The life of David Woods was the stuff of an Australian boy's dream. He played professional rugby league football in a country that treats athletes as, idols. At 29, he had a loving family, a girlfriend, a 3-month-old baby, plenty of money, everything to live for. And for inexplicable reasons, nothing to live for. On New Year's Eve, Woods called his mother to announce that he had signed a new contract with his team, Golden Coast, recalls his elder brother, Tony. The next morning, he ran a hose from the exhaust pipe to the window of his Mitsubishi sedan (轿车) and gasses himself. His family still has no idea why.

The death of David Woods came as a wake-up call to Australia, which is often voted as the ideal place to bring up kids. But the sun, the beaches and the sporting culture are the cheery backdrop to a disturbing trend: young Australian men are now killing themselves at the rate of one a day--triple the rate of 30 years ago. Though most Australians aren't particularly suicidal, their boys are. In 1990 suicide surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death among males aged 15 to 24. Fun-loving Australia is now far worse off than Asian nations known for strict discipline. The yearly suicide rate for young Australian males is 2.5 times higher than in Japan, Hong Kong, or Singapore.

Possible Causes for Suicide

Why boys? A nation of wide-open spaces and rugged individualism, Australia still idolizes the film star Gary Cooper model of masculinity: the strong, silent type who never complains, who always gets the job done. In recent years schools and social institutions have concentrated on creating new opportunities for equality for girls--while leaving troubled boys with the classic command of the Australian father: pull yourself together. It's past time to take a much closer look at the lives of young men, some researchers argue. "People think, 'My kids aren't doing drugs, my kids are safe at home'," says psychiatrist John Tiller of Melbourne University, who studied 148 suicides and 206 attempts in the state of Victoria. "They are wrong."

The Haywards, a comfortably well-off family in Wyong, north of Sydney, figured they were dealing with the normal problems of troubled teenhood. Their son Mark had put up a poster of rock star Kurt Cobain, a 1994 suicide victim, along with a Cobain quote: "I hate myself and I want to die." "From the age of 12, Mark had his ups and downs--mood swings, depression and low self-esteem," says his father. The Haywards sent Mark to various counselors, none of whom warned that he had suicidal tendencies. By last year Mark was 19, fighting bouts (回合) of unemployment and a drug problem. He tried church, struggling to do the right thing. Last September he dropped out a detoxification (戒毒) program, and apologized to his parents. "I've let you down again." A few days later, his mother found Mark's body in bush-land near their home.

In retrospect, Mark Hayward's struggles were far from uncommon. The number of suicides tends to keep pace with the unemployment rate, which for Australians between 15 and 19 has risen from 19 percent in 1978, the first year data were collected, to 28 percent last year. Suicide is especially high among the most marginal: young Aboriginal (土著的) men, isolated by poverty, alcoholism and racism. As in other developed countries, Australian families have grown less cohesive in recent years, putting young men out into the world at an earlier age. Those who kill themselves often think "it'll make it easier for the parents by not being there".

The deeper mystery is why the universal anguish of growing up should have such particularly devastating effects in Australia. One answer is that the country allows easier access to guns than most other developed Asian countries. (One exception is neighboring New Zealand, where guns are as easy to find, and the suicide rate among y




Now young people prefer to send e-cards for their new year’s greeting.

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