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The Most Beautiful City in AmericaIt has been called the most beautiful city in America. I

The Most Beautiful City in America

It has been called the most beautiful city in America. It also is the subject of a very popular book about murder. The story of Savannah, Georgia, is our report today.

Savannah, Georgia, is not huge. It is only the 3rd largest city in this Southern state. It has about 140 thousand people. Yet few American cities have protected their past as well as Savannah. It has beautiful old houses. It hasparks with trees and colorful flowers. A visit to Savannah today shows that life was like in the Southern United States 200 years ago.

English settlers established the city of Savannah in 1733. They were led by General James Oglethorpe. General Oglethorpe and 120 settlers landed at Yamakaroo bluff on the Savannah River. They chose the place for the city of Savannah on a hill above the river. It was 29 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.

General Oglethorpe decided to make Savannah as beautiful as a city could be. He designed the streets in anunusual way. Many did not cross each other. Instead, they ended in large open square areas. There are 21 suchpublic squares in Savannah. They have grass, trees, flowers and statues. They also have places for people to sit and enjoy the beauty.

In the 1700s Savannah became a busy port city for exporting farm products. In 1793 Eliwhiteney was teaching on a cotton farm near the city. He invented a machine that removed seeds from the cotton plant. Until then the seed had to be removed by hand. The work was very hard. Eliwhiteney's invention was called the "cotton gin". It greatly improved the ability to produce cotton.

The cotton gin made cotton the most important product in the American South. And it increased importance of Savannah as a port city. Savannah became the world's leading market for cotton. The Savannah Cotton Exchange set the price of cotton around the world. The city became rich. Rich people began to build large beautiful houses. The city continued to grow richer until the early 1860s. That is when America's Nortliem states fought the rebel Southern states in the Civil War.

One of the most famous Northern generals was William Sherman. He led union troops to seize control of rebel territory in the South. General Sherman captured the city of Atlanta. From Atlanta he marched his troops through the heart of Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. It was known as Sherman's March to the Sea. The Union troops burned all the houses, farms, animals and food supplies on their way. The purpose was to destroy popular support for the rebellion of the Southern states. General Sherman said, "The Union must make old and young, rich and poor feel the hard hand of war."

The people of Savannah learned what General Sherman had done to the rest of Georgia. They did not want the same thing to happen to them. So they offered to surrender their beautiful city ff he promised not to bum it. General Sherman accepted the offer. In December, 1864, he scm a message to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington. It said, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift—the city of Savannah." Sherman's gift included 150 heavy guns, ammunition and 25 thousand bales of cotton.

The Civil War hurt Savannah's economy. And years of growing nothing but cotton damaged the soil. An insect called the boll weevil destroyed the plant. By 1920, little cotton was left. During the 1900s, manufacturing took the place of cotton farming. Savannah's shipping industry continued to grow. However, many old houses were tearing down, or they fell apart. One visitor said the city was like a beautiful woman with a dirty face.

In the 1950s some citizens of Savannah became angry when more old houses were being threatened by development. One company wanted to destroy a house to build a parking area for cars. A group of 7 women decided to save the house. They asked people for money. They collec




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更多“The Most Beautiful City in Ame…”相关的问题
If you want to protect our most beautiful landscape and conserve wildlife and habitat





A.It's most beautiful in summer.B.It has many historical buildings.C.It Was greatly ex

A.It's most beautiful in summer.

B.It has many historical buildings.

C.It Was greatly expanded in the 18th century.

D.It's the only French-speaking city in Canada.

听力原文:M: Beautiful! Is it one of your most affecting shots illustrating human beings?W:

听力原文:M: Beautiful! Is it one of your most affecting shots illustrating human beings?

W: Well, thank you for your compliment. Yes, I'm very fond of it myself.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.A well-done portrait.

B.An excellent photo.

C.An illustration in a book.

D.A beautiful scene.

请就听到的内容作答______。 A) They were made only three times in Earth's history. B) The
most beautiful diamond comes from Africa. C) They are even harder than those saw blades. D) The hardness of diamonds depends on the purity.


What do most Americans look at tourism?A.They assume that tourism can enrich their knowled

What do most Americans look at tourism?

A.They assume that tourism can enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

B.They think that tourism is to buy and enjoy the luxury of life.

C.They think tourism allows them to exploit new things when traveling around the world.

D.They think tourism is the only way to enjoy local culture, good weather, or beautiful scenery.

Paris is the capital of the European nation of France.It is also one of the most beaut
iful and most famous cities in the world.

Paris is called the City of Light.It is also an international fashion center.What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.Paris is also a famous world center of education.For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts.Thirty-two bridges cross this river.The oldest and perhaps most well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century.The Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the Left Band (south side) of the river.The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill called Montmartre on the Right Band (north side) of the Seine.

There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame is named after a group of people called the Parisi.They built a small village on an island, in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago.This island called the llede La Cite is where Notre Dame is located.Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

1.A good title for this selection is().

A.The French Language

B.The City of Pairs

C.Education and Culture in France

D.The SenUior River

2.The word “headquarters”in line 5 means().



C.main office

D.25 percent

3.We may conclude that Notre Dame is located()

A.on the Left Bank

B.On the Right Bank

C.In the middle of the Senior River

D.On neither bank

4.The Pont Neuf was built in ()

A.the 1500s

B.the 1600s

C.the 1700s

D.the 1400s

5.The population in the Pairs area is around()

A.two million

B eight million

C.sixteen million

D.eighteen million

Siena is an old city in the north of Italy.It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.Around the year 1100,Siena became an important business center in Italy.In 1472,the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.

Today Siena is famous for keeping its“old face.”For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before.Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo,the most important meeting place of the city.Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years.Now people still go to the open space for sharing news,shopping or playing sports.There is one more thing that helps keep Siena’s old face: cars cannot enter the city most of the time.

True,Siena is old,but it is beautifully old.People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.

1、The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.

2、Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.

3、People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.

4、Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.

5、Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.

听力原文:W: I'm in the holiday spirit.M: So am I. Are the decorations beautiful?W: Yeh. I'

听力原文:W: I'm in the holiday spirit.

M: So am I. Are the decorations beautiful?

W: Yeh. I'd like to come downtown to see all that glitters.

M: I've got a lot of shopping to do. I have to hurry.

W: I bought most of my gifts at the Thanksgiving. Now I can enjoy the season.

M: You are smart. I wish I planned ahead. Lot's start at this department store.

W: OK.

M: There is a Santa Claus. Look at all the children lining up to see him.

W: I wonder if they get their wishes. It's really crowded in the department store.

M: I know. I hate fighting crowds and shopping. The price seems too high.

W: That's the way it goes, Price always go down after the holiday.

M: Yeh. That is right. Look, there is the Salvation Army.

W: Oh! Yeh. They are raising money for the people of Ethiopia this year.

M: I suppose it would be good to give some money.

W: That's a part of the spirit.




C.Spring Festival,

D.New Year.

听力原文:W: Hey, Bob, guess what? I’m going to visit Quebec next summer. I'm invited to go
to a friend's wedding(19) , but while I'm there, I'd also like to do some sightseeing.

M: That's nice, Sherry. But do you mean the province of Quebec or Quebec City?

W: I mean the province. My friend's wedding is in Montreal (19) , so I'm going there first. VII stay for 5 days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?

M: Well, many people think so because it's the biggest city, but it's not the capital. Quebec City is, but Montreal is great. The St. Lawrence River runs right through the middle of the city. It's beautiful in summer.

W: Wow, and do you think I can get by in English? My French is OK, but not that good. I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English?

M: Well, people speak both French and English there, but you'll hear French most of the time and all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest French-speaking city in the world. So you' d better practice your French before you go (20) .

W: Good advice, what about Quebec City? I'll visit a friend from college who lives there now. What's it like?

M: It's a beautiful city, very old. Many old buildings have been nicely restored. Some of them were built in the 17th and 18th centuries (21) . You'll love it there.

W: Fantastic, I can't wait to go.


A.To go boating on the St. Lawrence River.

B.To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.

C.To call on a friend in Quebec City.

D.To attend a wedding in Montreal.

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