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听力原文:M:Rich people don't use violence to steal.They use computers and lawyers.W:At lea

听力原文:M:Rich people don't use violence to steal.They use computers and lawyers.

W:At least a computer won't shoot and kill people.I think violent crime is more horrible than white collar crime.

Q:What do they talk about?


A.Rich people.

B.Computers and lawyers.

C.A murder.


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更多“听力原文:M:Rich people don't use v…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: What did you do last night?W: I watched TV. There was a really good movie call

听力原文:M: What did you do last night?

W: I watched TV. There was a really good movie called Soylent Green.

M: Soylent Green?

W: Yeah. Charlton Heston was in it.

M: What's it about?

W: Oh, it's about life in New York in the year 2022.

M: I wonder if New York will still be here in 2022.

W: In this movie, in 2022…

M: Yeah?

W: …New York has forty million people.

M: Ouch!

W: And twenty million of them are unemployed.

M: How many people live in New York now? About seven or eight million?

W: Yeah, I think that's right.

M: Mm-hmm. You know, if it's hard enough to find an apartment now in New York City, what's it going to be like in 2022?

W: Well, in this movie most people have no apartment. So thousands sleep on the steps of buildings. People who do have a place to live have to crawl over sleeping people to get inside. And there are shortages of everything. The soil is so polluted that nothing will grow. And the air is so polluted that they never see the sun. It's really awful.

M: I think I'm going to avoid going to New York City in the year 2022.

W: And there was this scene where the star, Charlton Heston, goes into a house where some very rich people live.

M: Uh-huh.


A.Went to a cinema.

B.Watched TV.

C.Washed clothes.

D.Went on street,

听力原文:M: What did you do last night?W: I watched TV.There was a really good movie calle

听力原文:M: What did you do last night?

W: I watched TV. There was a really good movie called Soylent Green.

M: Soylent Green?

W: Yeah. Charlton Heston was in it.

M: What's it about?

W: Oh, it's about life in New York in the year 2022.

M: I wonder if New York will still be here in 2022.

W: In this movie, in 2022...

M: Yeah?

W: ... New York has forty million people.

M: Ouch !

W: And twenty million of them are unemployed.

M: How many people live in New York now? About seven or eight million?

W: Yeah,I think that's right.

M: Mm, hmm. You know, if it's hard enough to find an apartment now in New York City, what's it going to be like in 2022?

W: Well, in this movie most people have no apartment. So thousands sleep on the steps of buildings. People who do have a place to live have to crawl over sleeping people to get inside. And there are shortages of everything. The soil is so polluted that nothing will grow. And the air is so polluted that they never see the sun. It's really awful.

M: I think I'm going to avoid going to New York City in the year 2022.

W: And there was this scene where the star, Charlton Heston, goes into a house where some very rich people live.

M: Uh - huh.


A.Went to a cinema.

B.Watched TV.

C.Washed clothes.

D.Went on street.

听力原文:People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was d

听力原文: People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was discovered in California in the mid 1800's, hundreds and hundreds of people rushed in, hoping to get a part of the wealth. Today, gold in California continues to have as much of an appeal as it did over one hundred years ago. Modem prospectors in the form. of mining corporations have headed back to the same area to use new techniques for locating the gold that old time prospectors left behind. These modern prospectors, however, do not have some of the problems the old timers had. Anxious to seek a fast fortune, many of those early prospectors arrived before law and order were established. And they took full advantage of this situation by cheating and robbing each other. But not every one looking for gold in those days was greedy. Some people were generous and helpful. One such person was William Waldo. He established a relief committee that collected money and supplies to help save the lives of countless people who were caught in the mountains by early snowstorms before they even reached California.


A.Better land.

B.Quick wealth.

C.Modem equipment.

D.Stricter laws.

听力原文:W: Tony, I have been hearing so much in the news about different presidential can
didates. Can you tall me a little about how Americans elect their President?

M: Well, it's a long process. We start off by deciding who the official candidate for each political party will be. Usually, a person first announces that he or she wants to run for President. If you want to be your party's official candidate, you need to raise money and gather support from party members. Candidates usually campaign to let people know what they represent. They give speeches, meet with community leaders, and participate in debates. This process lasts for several months, and then the party members vote to decide who they want m back in the election.

W: Do you have to be rich to become President?

M: You don't really have to be rich to become President, but it helps. Usually rich people have more connections and can raise money more effectively. Most of our Presidents in the past have been relatively rich men, but not all of them.

W: So, how do ye6 make the final decision?

M: After several months of television ads, interviews, speeches, and kissing babies we have the presidential election. Citizens go to a voting canter and cast their ballot for the candidate of their choice.

W: You sounded a little cynical when you said "kissing babies". What did you mean by that?

M: Well, it's quite common for politicians to have themselves photographed kissing babies. It's their way of trying to appear in touch with the average American, but it looks really phony. These days, becoming President is all about acting. The candidates try to appeal to so many different people that they end up abandoning their own opinions. Sometimes, it feels like the parties are ail the same.

W: How many parties are there?

M: We have many political parties in the United States, but most of them are quite small. There are really only two with significant power, the Democrats and the Republicans,


A.Raising money.

B.Gathering support from others.

C.Giving speeches.

D.Choosing the official candidate for each political party.

听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately?M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t eve

听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately?

M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t even get close to him.

Q: What does the man think about Tom?


A.Tom is very rich now.

B.Tom is a very important person.

C.Tom has become very bad guy.

D.Tom is arrogant to his old friends.

听力原文:M: What do you think of the government's new tax cut proposal?W: Though it may gi

听力原文:M: What do you think of the government's new tax cut proposal?

W: Though it may give some benefit to the poor, its key component is the elimination of tax on dividends. That means the rich will get richer.

Q: What does the woman think of the government's tax cut proposal?


A.It will reduce government revenues.

B.It will stimulate business activities.

C.It will mainly benefit the wealthy.

D.It will cut the stockholders' dividends.

听力原文:W: Tell me, Peter, what makes Harold's so famous?M: Well, it's the biggest depart

听力原文:W: Tell me, Peter, what makes Harold's so famous?

M: Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK, and its food hall and Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harold's just to see them.

W: What is special about the food hall?

M: It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world, and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy 100 tons every year.

W: That's amazing, and why is the Egyptian hall so famous?

M: Well, when people see it they feel they're in another world. It looks like an Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago, and it sells beautiful objects. They are not 4,000 years old, of course.

W: Is it true that Harold's produces its own electricity?

M: Yes, it does. 70% ,enough for a small town. To light the outside of the building we use 11,500 light bulbs.

W: Really, tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day? And how much do they spend?

M: About 30,000 people come on an average day. But during the sales, the number increases to 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spend? Well, on average, customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day. The record for one day is 9 million pounds.

W: 9 million pounds in one day?

M: Yes, on the first day of the January sales.

W: Harold's says it sells everything to everybody everywhere, is that really true?

M: Oh, yes, of course. Absolutely everything.


A.Enormous size of its stores.

B.Numerous varieties of food.

C.Its appealing surroundings.

D.Its rich and colorful history.

听力原文:In 1848, gold was discovered near San Francisco and the first great gold-rush beg

听力原文: In 1848, gold was discovered near San Francisco and the first great gold-rush began. When the news spread, farmers, lawyers, sailors, soldiers and school teachers rushed to California by what ever means they could. Within a ear, 100.000 people only 8,000 of whom were women had reached the coast of California. More than half of them had traveled overland across the American continent. "Gold fever" began to spread. Settlements throughout the United States were deserted. Homes, farms and stores were abandoned as everybody raced for California. Many came by sea, and in July 1850 more than 500 ships were anchored in San Francisco Bay, many of which had been deserted by gold-hungry sailors. A few people became very rich, but it was a risky business. Law and order broke down, Even if a miner "struck it rich" , there were always those who would try to take it away: gamblers, outlaws, and thieves. Gold and silver were discovered in Nevada a few years later, and "gold fever" was an important part of the colonization of the western United States.


A.In 1848.

B.In 1846.

C.In 1884.

D.In 1849.

听力原文:W: There are too many private cars on the road now, which causes traffic congesti
on and also pollution. I think the way to solve the problem is to improve our public transport--more buses, more railways, more shared taxis. Don't you think so?

M: Well, you're obviously not aware the government is spending money on some forms of public transport. For example, some train services have been improved. But most people want to use their cars, so the government needs to spend most money on improving the roads.

W: Why not make people who use the roads pay a bit more to discourage people from using their cars?

M: I really can't agree with you there. It just isn't fair to make driving something that only rich people can afford. Many people need to use their cars and they're dependent on them, particularly those in the country.

W: Can we do something to make people stop using their cars?

M: In a modem society you just can't do so. The whole economy would collapse.

W: So your opinion is...

M: To improve roads will help people get to work faster, so people spend less time in their cars and of course this therefore causes less pollution. That's the only realistic answer.


A.Too many private cars.

B.Too many buses.

C.Too many trains.

D.To many taxis.

听力原文:We can agree with primitive man that fond is a basic need. but we differ from him

听力原文: We can agree with primitive man that fond is a basic need. but we differ from him in our food wants because of the wide variety of food we have available compared with him; we have a wider choice. Take fruit for example, not only can we enjoy the fruits grown in his century, but because of modern methods of transport and food preservation, we can also enjoy more fruits from foreign countries, whereas primitive man is limited in his choice to the kinds of fruit which actually grow where he lives.

However they differ in satisfying their hunger, primitive and civilized men both experience the basic need for food.

The same is true of the second of our human needs. Clothing is necessary m regulate the heat of our bodies. Since we live in a temperate climate we need more clothes than people living in tropical conditions. Likewise. our clothing needs to change with the seasons.

Shelter, the third of our needs, depends upon the climate, the skill of the builder, one's social position, and the materials, available. The simple shelter of primitive man would not do for us, and yet it satisfies his needs. The three- bedroom suburban house of the average family would not be grand enough for a rich family, and yet the modem house contains many of the material comforts which were denied to the Kings and Queens of old.


A.Food is no longer a basic need for us, while it was for primitive people.

B.We eat a wide variety of food.

C.We no longer eat fruit that primitive people ever ate.

D.We eat more food than primitive people did.

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