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It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea S1.______music can br

It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea S1.______

music can bring cultures closer together by transporting listeners to a-

common realm seems somehow unusual. That is of course, unless you are S2.______

unfamiliar with the new genre(流派,风格)of music called "world music". S3.______

What is world music? Giving the great diversity in category and style, S4.______

it is not surprising there is little agreement on exact what constitutes this S5.______

genre. It could be traditional music such like Afro-Caribbean rhythms, Cel- S6.______

tic fiddles, and reggae.

It includes Gregorian chants, Aborigine didgeridoo, or Tajikistani pop,

Salsa, samba, or Johnny Clegg and Savuka. Some musicologists argue that

all music are world music. After all, rock-and-roll traces back to Africa. S7.______

Record store employees, on other hand, will direct you to a specific section. S8.______

And the Billboard charts seem to define world music by artists who have

put a pop spin on traditional music.

Robert Browning, artistic director of the World Music Institute in New

York, describes world-music on a spectrum of music genres. At one end of

the spectrum you have classical or traditional "roots" music. On the other

hand, you have music that is a mix of sounds and instruments, more S9.______

often composed of Western artists. S10.______


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M: I play as often as I can get out of the classroom. And the game is my way to be somebody. It is my life, you know?

Q: What does Tom tell the woman?


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B.He has no chance to play basketball.

C.He's looking for somebody to play the game with.

D.He loves playing basketball very much.

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W: That may be so. But in the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions. Q: What do we learn about the woman?


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M: I used to write home once a week.

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