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听力原文: The Food and Drug Administration is, again, threatening to impose milk and meat

from cloned animals on a public that opposes the technology and its products.

Respected polls report that more than 60% of Americans think animal cloning is immoral, and that most people said they wouldn't knowingly eat the products even if the FDA approved them. But because the FDA would allow cloned meat and milk to be sold without identifying labels, consumers wouldn't be able to avoid them. The FDA has consistently tilted toward those who want cloned milk and meat in our food. Agency officials have repeatedly asserted that science shows cloned milk and meat are safe for humans. But the FDA has never published the complete scientific studies it says support that claim.

The argument that cloning is safe for animals is unconvincing. Cloned meat and milk offer no public economic benefits. Having cloned cows produce more milk wouldn't reduce milk prices. US farmers produce more milk than we drink, and the government is required to buy the surplus, Since 2000, dairy support programs have cost taxpayers more than$5 billion.

Most important, this first decision to advance animal biotechnology raises ethical issues beyond the FDA's expertise. Techniques used to clone animals will advance the ability to clone humans -- and create animals with human genes. Neither the agency nor animal scientists are qualified to tall us whether and when it is ethically acceptable for humans to alter the essential nature of animals. We need a national discussion, including ethicists and religious leaders, to consider the wisdom of cloned and transgenic animals. Given die risk of unintended consequences, we should proceed cautiously. The president should halt further FDA action on cloning and set in motion a process for beginning this broader discussion.


A.It isn't reliable.

B.It needs checking.

C.It is definitely trustworthy.

D.It won't hurt to try.

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更多“听力原文: The Food and Drug Admini…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: How is the energy content of food measured?W: It's measured in calories. The c

听力原文:M: How is the energy content of food measured?

W: It's measured in calories. The calorie is defined as the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water from 14.5 degrees centigrade to 15.5 degrees centigrade.

Q: What does the woman define?


A.The kilogram.

B.The energy content.

C.Heat energy of water.

D.The calorie.

听力原文:M: The program director said that we'd have to postpone the outing until Saturday
because of inclement weather.

W: It's a shame because all the food has already been ordered and will probably spoil.

Q: Why was the outing postponed?


A.The food spoiled.

B.The group was shameful.

C.The weather was bad.

D.The program director wanted to have it on another day.

听力原文:W:Someone told me the new restaurant on Green Street is pretty good.M:The atmosph

听力原文:W:Someone told me the new restaurant on Green Street is pretty good.

M:The atmosphere is wonderful.But what's more important to you,good food or nice atmosphere?

Q:What does the man imply?


A.The food at the new restaurant is not very good.

B.He has not been to the new restaurant yet.

C.He would like to go to the new restaurant with the woman.

D.A restaurant's atmosphere is very important to him.

听力原文:M:I think the hostess really went out of her way to make the party a success. W:Y

听力原文:M:I think the hostess really went out of her way to make the party a success.

W:Yes.The food and drinks were great.But if only we had known a few of the other guests.

Q:What did the two speakers say about the party?


A.They enjoyed the party better than the other guests.

B.They knew none of the other guests at the party.

C.They didn't think much of the food and drinks.

D.They went a lone way to attend the party.

听力原文:M: I fancy an Indian curry. What do you think?W: Would you mind if we had Thai in

听力原文:M: I fancy an Indian curry. What do you think?

W: Would you mind if we had Thai instead? They have some really good curries on the menu and there are other dishes I'd like to try.

Q: What can we tell about the speakers' tastes in food?


A.They both like curry.

B.They like different foods, but at the same restaurants.

C.They think that Thai curries are better than Indian ones.

D.The woman is more willing to experiment than the man.

听力原文:Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [3

听力原文: Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [31] What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: [29] fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean, mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by car, bus or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors. There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. [30] They were a happy, peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.


A.Clean air, much food and more exercise.

B.Clean air, fresh food and less exercise.

C.Clean air, fresh food and simple life.

D.Hard work, much food and simple life.

听力原文:M: Well. I can see you're enjoying the meal. but you don't have to eat like a hor
se! There's plenty in the pot.

W: I haven't had a decent home-cooked meal for ages. The cafeteria food is in such a state that I can hardly digest it. Unless I'm starving, of course.

M: What does the woman imply about the cafeteria food?


A.The cafeteria food is very bad.

B.The cafeteria food is so scarce.

C.The cafeteria food is quite delicious.

D.The cafeteria food is much like home-cooked meal.

听力原文:M: There is a non-stop train for Washington and it leaves at 2: 30.W: It's faster

听力原文:M: There is a non-stop train for Washington and it leaves at 2: 30.

W: It's faster than the 2 o'clock train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The 2:00 train will arrive earlier.

B.The 2:30 train has a dining car.

C.The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.

D.They are going to have some fast food on the train.

听力原文:W: Everyone seems to be on a diet. Have you noticed that?M: Yes, a neighbor of mi

听力原文:W: Everyone seems to be on a diet. Have you noticed that?

M: Yes, a neighbor of mine is on a banana diet. She eats one banana for breakfast, one for lunch, and two for dinner, yet she doesn't look any thinner.

Q: What did we learn about the man's neighbor?


A.Her diet is not effective.

B.She has lost much weight.

C.Her favorite food is banana.

D.She has neither gained nor lost weight.

听力原文:M: I heard you took a trip to Mexico last month. How did you like it?W: Oh, I got

听力原文:M: I heard you took a trip to Mexico last month. How did you like it?

W: Oh, I got sick and tired of the hotels and hotel food! So now I understand the thing: East, west, home's best!

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She was exhausted from her trip.

B.She missed the comforts of home.

C.She was impressed by Mexican food.

D.She will not go to Mexico again.

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