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I was 13 when Benji came into our lives. With his deep brown eyes, floppy cars and cheerfu

l disposition, he was my constant companion throughout my teenage years. We would play together in the garden, and take long walks over the hills behind the house and on the beach. Benji would hang on my every word with his head tilted to one side. Despite being a dog, he seemed to have a sympathy for my problems that went deeper than words could express. He was my best friend.

Benji left us about 15 years ago for that great kennel in the sky. But recently I've been thinking about him a lot. Was he really conscious? Could any animal have consciousness like we do? Does it matter whether animals are conscious or not?

For many, it is a matter of life and death. On the one hand, animal research has helped prevent some of the most pressing human diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, "mad cow" disease, malaria, cystic fibrosis and emphysema. On the other hand, this research is performed largely on chimps, our closest nonhuman relatives, with whom we share 98.4% of our genetic material, and great apes, with whom we are similarly biologically close.

Some people feel this connection is strong enough to warrant special treatment. An international group called the Great Ape Project is lobbying the United Nations to adopt a declaration on the rights of great apes modeled on the UN declaration On the Rights of Man. The group believes that apes are "conscious" and so deserve legal protection of their right to life and freedom from imprisonment and torture.

If great apes were shown to have consciousness or something like our own, I would consider it among the scientific discoveries of the century. I would then agree with the Australian philosopher and founder of the animal rights movement, Peter Singer, that performing medical experiments on chimps would be like experimenting on orphan children. That's a pretty chilling thought, and no amount of human suffering saved could justify such an action. But before we close down the laboratories and stop searching for a vaccine against AIDS, we had better take a long hard look at the evidence for ape consciousness.

Why does the author bring up the example of Benji?

A.To show that animals have consciousness.

B.To raise the question of animal consciousness.

C.Because Benji was his best friend.

D.To illustrate the differences between dogs and chimps.

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听力原文:W: Listen, the heating is broken in my room. When are you going to come and fix i

M: I'm sorry to hear that, madam. I'll get someone right away.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?


A.Company and customer.

B.Repairman and customer.

C.Teacher and student's parent.

D.Wife and husband.

听力原文:M:Excuse me,Madam.Didn't you see the red light? May I see your driver's license,p

W:Oh,I thought I could make a right when it turns on red here.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man is a visitor and the city is new for him.

B.It's forbidden to turn right when the light is red there.

C.The woman didn't take driver's license with her.

D.The man has already fixed the woman's car.

听力原文:M: I was terribly embarrassed when some members of the audience got up and left i
n the middle of the performance.

W: Well, some people just can't seem to appreciate live drama.

Q: What did the two speakers in the dialog attend?


A.A movie.

B.A lecture.

C.A play.

D.A speech.

听力原文:W: Will John be able to come to the party?M: It's hard to say. When I phoned just

听力原文:W: Will John be able to come to the party?

M: It's hard to say. When I phoned just now, his mother said he had just taken his girl friend out to dinner. I'll call later and try to find out.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Jim has called off the dinner.

B.Jim is at a party now.

C.Jim's mother is out.

D.Jim is with his girl friend now.

听力原文:M: I feel horrible. Daisy was furious that I lost her notes. Do you think I shoul
d apologize again?

W: If I were you, I'd let her cool off a few days before I approach her.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Write Daisy a note of apology.,

B.Return Daisy's notes in a few days.

C.Apologize when Daisy is less angry.

D.Let her talk to Daisy about the situation.

听力原文:M: I've got three papers to write tonight. But I simply can not concentrate on my

W: Maybe you just need a quiet place. Why not move to the study lounge of the library?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Go to her place as it is quieter.

B.Relax for a while from his studies.

C.Try to be more attentive when he studies.

D.Go to the study lounge to continue his study.

听力原文:W: I suppose the traffic in the city is heavy at the end of the day when people a
re leaving the city for homes.

M: Yes. The worst time is between six and seven. It sometimes takes me forty minutes to drive home. That's twice the time it does when there isn't much traffic.

Q: How long does it take the man to drive from the city to his home when there isn't much traffic?


A.Forty minutes.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.Eighty minutes.

D.Seventy minutes.

听力原文:M: Can you lend me your history book? I left mine in the dining hall. And it was
missing when I went hack for it.

W: Oh! That happened to me once. I'd almost given up on finding it until I claimed it at the lost-and-found at the information desk at the entrance.

Q: What does the woman imply about the man should do?


A.Go to check the dining hall again.

B.Borrow her book.

C.Ask about the book at the information desk.

D.Buy a new one.

听力原文:W: Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor when you first hurt your

M: The injury didn't seem serious then. I decided to come today because my foot still aches when I walk.

Q: Why didn't the man see the doctor earlier?


A.He had missed an earlier appointment.

B.His foot had seemed all right.

C.His foot was badly injured and he couldn't walk.

D.He was not able to find the doctor.

听力原文:W: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, weren't

M: Me? You must have made a mistake. I was at home that night.

Q: What are the man and woman talking about?


A.A mystery story.

B.An unsolved case of robbery.

C.Hiring a shop assistant.

D.Searching for a reliable witness.

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