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听力原文:To get a driver's license, you must take a series of tests. The first test is the

听力原文: To get a driver's license, you must take a series of tests. The first test is the vision test. This test checks your eyes to see if you have to wear glasses when you drive. The second test is a written test that checks your knowledge of highway and traffic regulations. You can prepare for this test by studying a booklet that you can get at the driver's license office. After you pass the written test, you receive an instruction permit. This permit allows you to practise driving with an experienced driver. The last test you have to take is a road test. This checks your driving ability. If you pass it, you will receive your driver's license.

When you go to the driver's license office to take the road test, you must provide your own vehicle. First, the hi cense examiner checks the mechanical condition of your car. Then, the examiner gets into the car with you and' asks you to drive in regular traffic. While you are driving, the examiner tests you for such things as starting, stopping, turning, backing up, and parking. If you can't control the car properly, or if you violate a traffic regulation while you are taking the test, you fail the examination. You will have to practice driving mare antil you take the road test again and pass it.


A.Your eyesight.

B.Your driving ability.

C.Your car's mechanical condition.

D.Your knowledge of traffic regulations.

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更多“听力原文:To get a driver's license…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Did you get a study manual for your driver's test?W: I had Dan pick one up for

听力原文:M: Did you get a study manual for your driver's test?

W: I had Dan pick one up for me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She picked Dan up after his driver's test.

B.Dan got the book for her.

C.Dan will help her study.

D.She thinks Dan passed the driver's test.

听力原文:Should a person own a car? This is an important question. In a large urban area,

听力原文: Should a person own a car? This is an important question. In a large urban area, there are some good reasons for owning a car. Firstly, a car allows a person to move around freely. With a car there is no need to check a bus schedule or wait for a train. Secondly, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the winter time. In bad weather, the driver stays warm and dry, while the poor bus or train rider might have to stand in the rain. Finally, a driver is usually safe in a car at night. The bus rider might need to walk down a dark street to get to a stop, or wait on a dark corner.

There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. Firstly, it can be very expensive. The price of fuel continues to rise each year. In addition, it is expensive to maintain and repair a car. A simple repair can cost $ 50. In an urban area, it might also be expensive to park a car. Secondly, owning a car can cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive in heavy traffic. If you leave your car on the street, it might get stolen. That is something else to worry about.


A.Buses and trains are too crowded.

B.A person can move around freely.

C.It is easy to maintain cars.

D.A driver is usually safe in his car.

听力原文:Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.Taxi Driver: Help. Help. Plea

听力原文:Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.

Taxi Driver: Help. Help. Please help me!

Operator: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

Taxi Driver: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

Operator: Now relax, sir. Explain exactly where you are.

Taxi Driver: I'm...in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

Operator: Okay. What's you name, sir, and your passenger's?

Taxi Driver: It's...it's Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

Operator: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location? Pay careful attention.

Taxi Driver: Umm, I see golden arches... McDonalds.

Operator: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

Taxi Driver: No, and I've tried to get someone else to stop. (The sound of a bottle breaking.)

Operator: Hey, what was that? (Ahhhh!)

Taxi Driver: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here?

Operator: I've just dispatched an ambulance to your location. They should be there any second.

Taxi Driver: Hey, is there anything I can do while we are waiting for the ambulance?

Operator: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

Taxi Driver: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!


A.A taxi driver.

B.A bus driver.

C.A college student.

D.A dustman.

听力原文:M: Hello.I need to talk with someone about my driver's license.W: Yes.How may I h

听力原文:M: Hello.I need to talk with someone about my driver's license.

W: Yes.How may I help you?Do you have a driver's license.or do you need to get one?

M: Well,I'm not sure.You see,I have an international driver's license.

W: Uh-uh.And how long will you be staying in the United States?

M: Probably four years.until I finish my degree.

W: Oh.Then you will need to get an Arizona driver's license.

M: Do I have to take a driver's test to do that?

W: Yes.you do.You need to come in and take a written exam and an eye exam,and then you need to take a road test with a parallel parking test.Did you say that you are a student?

M: Yes,I'm a student at the university.I don't have ID with me,but I can get it.

W: Okay.Then you can apply for a limited license.Just come back and show your student ID.and you can make application for a five-year license.

M: Great.That's what I want.So I don't have to take the driver's test then.

W: Oh,yes,you do.The license only costs you ten dollars.A regular license would cost you a lot more than that,but it is valid for more than five years.

M: Why can't I just use my international driver's license?

W: You could if you were just visiting less than a year. But as a student,you will be temporarily residing in our state.

M: Okay.So that's why my friend can use his international license.he is a tourist.

W: Right.

What kind of license does the man have?

A.An international driver's license.

B.An Arizona driver's license.

C.A regular license.

D.A limited license.

听力原文:M: Hello. I need to talk with someone about my driver's license.W: Yes. How may I

听力原文:M: Hello. I need to talk with someone about my driver's license.

W: Yes. How may I help yon? Do you have a driver's license, or do you need to get one?

M: Well, I'm not sure. You see, I have an international driver's license.

W: Uhuh. And how long will you be staying in the United States?

M: Probably four years, until I finish my degree.

W: Oh. Then you will need to get in Arizona driver's licease.

M: Do I have to take a driver's test to do that?

W: Yes, you do. You need to come in and take a written exam and an eye exam, and than you need to take a road test with a parallel parking test. Did you say that you are a student?

M: Yes, I'm a student at the university. I don't have ID with me, but I can go get it.

W: Okay. Then you can apply for a limited license. Just come back and show your student ID, and you can make application for a five-year license.

M: Great. That's what I want. So I don't have to take the driver's test then.

W: Oh, yes you do. The license only costs you ten dollars. A regular license would cost you a lot more than that, but it is valid for more than five years.

M: Why can't I just use my international driver's license?

W: You could if you were just visiting for less than a year, But as a students, you will be temporarily residing in our state.

M: Okay. So that's why my friend cad use his international license, he is a tourist.

W: Right.


A.The man wants to obtain an international driver's license that he can use both in the U.S. and in his country.

B.The man wants to take a driver's test to get an Arizona driver's license.

C.The man wants to know whether he can use his international driver's license in Arizona.

D.The man wants to fill out an application for an Arizona driver's license.

听力原文:London taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. No matter how

听力原文: London taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. No matter how small and indistinct the street is, the driver will be able to get you there without any trouble. The reason that London taxi drivers are so efficient that they have all gone through a very tough training period to get a special taxi driving license. During this period which can take from two to four years, the would-be taxi driver has to learn the most direct road to every single road and to every important building in London. To achieve this, most learners go around the city on small motorbikes, practising how to move to and from different points of the city. learner taxi drivers are tested several times during their training period by government officers. Their exams are terrible experiences. The officers ask you, "How do you get from Buckingham Palace to the Tower of London?" And you have to take them there in a direct line. When you get to the tower, they won't say "Well done." They will quickly move on to the next question. After five or six questions they would just say: "See you in two months' time." And then you know the exam is over.

Learner drivers axe not allowed to work and earn money as drivers. Therefore many of them keep their previous jobs until they obtain their license. The training can cost quite a lot because learners have to pay for their own expenses on the tests and medical exam.


A.Because they have a driving license.

B.Because they have received special training.

C.Because the traffic conditions in London are good.

D.Because the traffic system of the city is not very complex.

听力原文:W: Well, Kevin, as a college graduate, how did you become a taxi driver?M: Well,

听力原文:W: Well, Kevin, as a college graduate, how did you become a taxi driver?

M: Well, you do it for money, obviously, like most jobs, but I enjoyed it. I suppose I enjoy being a taxi driver, (19) because 1 can be my own boss, you know, doing what I want to do. You decide what area you're going to, when to have a break, stuff like that. (20)One thing you have to be always thinking about is where you may pick up a passenger. You're always sort of scheming to make an exact bit of money. And the relationship between reward and effort is very immediate. You make the right decision, they pay you and you get a fare.

W: How do the passenger feel when you talk to them?

M: You meet some people who aren't all that nice, (21)but the vast majority of people are very nice. If you're pleased to talk to them, they're mostly pleased to talk to you. You get a feel for people who don't want to talk to you. Ob-viously the first couple of one-word answers will tell you.

W: So you always start talking?

M: I always wish people "good morning" or "good afternoon" or whatever that gets things off to a good start, because quite a few people have a general dislike of taxi drivers.

W: Do they?

M: Well, they do. I mean, the mere fact they can't get a cab the minute they want one makes them annoyed.


A.Because he can do something that helps people.

B.Because he is able to decide exactly what he does.

C.Because he can travel to different parts of the city.

D.Because he can cam a lot of money.

听力原文: (29) To get a driver's license in the U. S., all states require that you be abov

听力原文: (29) To get a driver's license in the U. S., all states require that you be above a certain age, that you know how to drive, and that you know about traffic laws and safety rules.

In most states, you have to be at least sixteen years old to start learning to drive. Anyone younger than that who sits behind the wheel of a moving car is violating the law, even ff he or she is closely supervised. (30) Age sixteen is also the minimum age in most states for taking driver's education courses in schools.

Driver's education courses begin with classroom instruction on the rules of the road and traffic laws. You learn, for example, how fast it is safe to go in certain areas, what to do ff a fire engine is near, and what the different road signs mean, When you finish the classroom course, you can apply for a Learner's Permit. In some states you have to take a test before you receive the permit.

When you have your Learner's Permit, you are allowed to drive a car under supervision. This means that you can drive only when you are accompanied by a licensed driver. It is during this period that you actually learn to drive. You learn to steer the car, to start it, to pass other cars, to park and all the other practical things you will need to know.

(31) Your Learner's Permit is good for only a limited amount of time, since it is expected that you will be ready to take the test for your license after a relatively short period of instruction.


A.How to drive a car.

B.How to get a driving license in America.

C.Traffic laws and safety rules in America.

D.The age requirement for driving a car.

听力原文:W: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art.M: Sure. Hop in.W: Uh, how long

听力原文:W: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art.

M: Sure. Hop in.

W: Uh, how long does it take to get there?

M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes for the average taxi driver.

And I'm not average. I have been driving down to an art, so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get there in less than twelve minutes.

W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how much the fare will be?

M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars.., not including a... uh-hum... a tip of course.

W: Oh, and by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?

M: Well, I would guess around 6:00 o'clock. And it's 4:30 now. Uh, this is your first time to the city, right?

W: Yeah. How did you know?

M: Well, (19)you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city because they walk down the street looking straight up at the skyscrapers.

W: Was it that obvious?

M: Well...

W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?

M: Well, (20) the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. It's not as inexpensive as other places I know, but the environment is quite pleasing, and the portions are larger than most places I've been to.

W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?

M: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis too, but they don't run by the museum that often. (21) So I strongly recommend you to take the subway.

W: (21)Thanks for your advice.


A.The passenger catches a taxi for a short trip.

B.The driver notices the passenger gazing upward at the tall buildings.

C.The passenger does not understand the rules for tipping drivers.

D.The driver finds the passenger lost on the street before picking her up.

听力原文: To get a driver's license in the U. S., all states require that you be above a c
ertain age, that you know how to drive, and that you know about traffic laws and safety rules.

In most states, you have to be at least sixteen years old to start learning to drive. Anyone younger than that who sits behind the wheel of a moving car is violating the law, even ff he or she is closely supervised. Age sixteen is also the minimum age in most states for taking driver's education courses in schools.

Driver's education courses begin with classroom instruction on the rules of the road and traffic laws. You learn, for example, how fast it is safe to go in certain areas, what to do ff a fire engine is near, and what the different road signs mean, When you finish the classroom course, you can apply for a Learner's Permit. In some states you have to take a test before you receive the permit.

When you have your Learner's Permit, you are allowed to drive a car under supervision. This means that you can drive only when you are accompanied by a licensed driver. It is during this period that you actually learn to drive. You learn to steer the car, to start it, to pass other cars, to park and all the other practical things you will need to know.

Your Learner's Permit is good for only a limited amount of time, since it is expected that you will be ready to take the test for your license after a relatively short period of instruction.


A.How to drive a car.

B.How to get a driving license in America.

C.Traffic laws and safety rules in America.

D.The age requirement for driving a car.

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