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How do some people react to women's appropriation of men's language forms as reported in t

he Japanese media?

A.They call for a campaign to stop the defeminization.

B.They see it as an expression of women's sentiment.

C.They accept it as a modern trend.

D.They express strong disapproval.

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更多“How do some people react to wo…”相关的问题
A.Because people can do it anytime and anywhere.B.Because laughter is better than a re

A.Because people can do it anytime and anywhere.

B.Because laughter is better than a regular fitness program.

C.Because laughter is more effective than some medicines.

D.Because people don't have to learn how to laugh.

Why do many people love tipping according to the author?A.They help improve the quality of

Why do many people love tipping according to the author?

A.They help improve the quality of the restaurants they dine in.

B.They believe waiters deserve such rewards for good service.

C.They want to preserve a wonderful tradition of the industry.

D.They can have some say in how much their servers earn.

听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on o

听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on our program World master —(20) surviving a job interview! Ms. Smith, what's your advice for an interviewee?

W: Well, (21) firstly avoid a flat monotone voice that people sometimes get when they are nervous. Besides, showing your passion and your eagerness to work for that company will add much.

M: (20) What should the interviewee do for interview questions?

W: Good interviewers will ask you very detailed questions and they'll want to know specifically your role in a particular project. So the key to giving a good answer to an interview question is to do what I call a STAR, S-T-A-R. The S and the T stand for explaining a situation or a task that you were given, the A is the action you took and the R is the results.

M: So what you're saying is that you need to be prepared before you walk in the door.

W: Right. Go through some mock interviews. Practice in the mirror, answering questions. Go in with three or four things you really want to stress about yourself. Then you can bring those out no matter what question is asked.

M: (20) How do you follow up after an interview?

W: Please send a thank-you letter or e-mail. Express sincere appreciation for the time that they spent interviewing you. (22) You have an opportunity tore-emphasize some of your strongest qualities and how your skills match their needs.


A.In a company.

B.In a studio.

C.In a classroom.

D.At the woman's home.

How do some people react to women’s appropriation of men’s language forms as reported
in the Japanese media?

A) They call for a campaign to stop the defeminization.

B) The see it as an expression of women’s sentiment.

C) They accept it as a modern trend.

D) They express strong disapproval.

How do some people react to womens appropriation of mens language forms as reported in the
Japanese media?

A.They call for a campaign to stop the defeminization.

B.They see it as an expression of womens sentiment.

C.They accept it as a modem trend.

D.They express strong disapproval.

听力原文:W: Are you going to the fair next Saturday?M: What fair?W: The annual fair that R

听力原文:W: Are you going to the fair next Saturday?

M: What fair?

W: The annual fair that Riverbell puts on the first Saturday in June to raise money for the Riverdale hospital.The fair is being held on the university athletic field just like in previous years. Haven't you noticed the tents that had already been set up?

M: Yes, I have, what are they for?

W: They are for the many special events and displays. And this year there'll be quite a few new events.

M: How about you? Will you go?

W: Yes, actually I am going to help serve food at the refreshment tent for a few hours Saturday afternoon.

M: Do many people volunteer to help out?

W: Oh, yes. I like helping, because I really enjoy seeing a lot of my friends at the food tent. Everybody loves to eat.

M: So that's it. I heard some other people talking about going to hear local bands. Everyone says that this year's show is supposed to be more exciting than all the others put together. That's the entertainment tent, right?

W: Right, but that event will be the evening before the fair on Friday. An auction will take place on Saturday afternoon, and there will be some real treasures for sale then. People donate all kinds of things. There will also be an art show on Saturday and a special games tent just for children.

M: And all the profits from the fair always go to support the hospital. What a good idea! Well, I need a couple of bookcases; maybe I can find some at the auction. I'm glad you mentioned it.


A.To organize activities for children.

B.To sell local farm products.

C.To bring tourists to the town.

D.To raise fund for the hospital.

听力原文:How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualifies, skills, and back

听力原文: How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualifies, skills, and background are needed? Such questions are frequently asked by students preparing to enter the work force and by men and women already in the business world.

Some companies ware executives who combine administrative ability with a specialty in some branch of knowledge, such as mathematics or engineering. Other companies look for people skilled in human relations. For them, good management is the art of solving "people problems".

These are interesting insights, but what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?

First, drive. Business takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition—is a striver. According to one industrial psychologist, 86.5% of top managers have a higher activity level than the average middle managers. Top men get tense when they are not staving.

Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual, but in most cases it's learned through hard work.

Third, communication ability. An executive gets things done through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, "grace under pressure". No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.






听力原文:Some people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can re

听力原文: Some people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world. Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past. They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new materials or to express himself or the age in original ideas. It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures. If the work of art is a painting, the artist's failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place. This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing.

We can't judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past. He is too proud to do that.


A.Because they are aged.

B.Because they find it hard to accept modern things.

C.Because they take their standards of perfection from the Greek.

D.Because they look at things by the standards of the past.

Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.There is no denying that
students should learn something about how computers work, just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal-combustion engine (内燃机) has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞) being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further, students might be helped by a course that considers the computer’s impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form. of literacy (读写能力); it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.

Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers. But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have chosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots of fun, and while our society needs some people who are experts at it, the same is true of auto repaid and violin-making.

Learning how to use a computer is not that difficult, and it gets easier all the time as programs become more “user-friendly”. Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know how to use a computer to be a competent citizen. What does the phrase “learning to use a computer” mean? It sounds like “learning to drive a car”, that is, it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that, once acquired, enable one to use a computer.

In fact, “learning to use a computer” is much more like “learning to play a game”, but learning the rules of one game may not help you play a second game, whose rules may not be the same. There is no such a thing as teaching someone how to use a computer. One can only teach people to use this or that program and generally that is easily accomplished.

第26题:To be the competent citizens of tomorrow, people should ________.

A) try to lay a solid foundation in computer science

B) be aware of how the things that they use do what they do

C) learn to use a computer by acquiring a certain set of skills

D) understand that programming a computer is more essential than repairing a car

听力原文:Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to

听力原文: Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. Unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one.

Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in, or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. How different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all!

Differences between peoples do of course exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike. Some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.


A.They will find out what its people like.

B.They will know how to live in another way.

C.They will know the country and its people better.

D.They will like its inhabitants and their language.

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