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-I've been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn't feel well.-____________________

A.You'd better stop the work and take a rest.

B.Never mind.

C.Keep away from the medicine.

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更多“-I've been using the computer …”相关的问题
听力原文:W:That new soap I've been using lately smells nice but it dries my skin out.M:It'

听力原文:W:That new soap I've been using lately smells nice but it dries my skin out.

M:It's probably all those harsh chemicals. You should try the kind I use. It's all natural.

Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.Use less soap.

B.Wash off the soap more thoroughly.

C.Use a moisturizing cream.

D.Switch brands of soap.

听力原文:M:I've been thinking of this astronomy problem for several days.It's really givin
g me a headache.

W:Try taking it one step at a time.

Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?


A.Ask for others to solve the problem.

B.Approach the problem in a logical fashion.

C.Take some pills and then rest a bit.

D.Try using addition first.

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor. My name is Alice Brown.M: Good evening, Alice. What i

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor. My name is Alice Brown.

M: Good evening, Alice. What is your question?

W: I've been studying Spanish for some years. I go to Spain on holiday sometimes. I've learnt quite a lot of grammar and vocabulary. But I find it very difficult to speak, and when I went to Spain this summer I couldn't understand the Spanish people at all. I got really disheartened.

M: Yes, it is a problem. How long have you been studying Spanish?

W: About four years.

M: Yes, how exactly? Go to an evening class, using tapes...?

W: I've been going to an evening class and I've watched quite a lot of the BBC television programs.

M: Oh, they're very good. Did you buy the BBC book?

W: No, we use a different book in the class.

M: Yes, I see, Alice. I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now, you couldn't learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.

W: That's all very well if you live in the country where they speak the language, but I don't.

M: Yes, I understand the problem. Though even if you live in the country where the language is spoken, you have to reach a certain standard before you are able to have conversations with the natives. I was thinking perhaps you might arrange with another student or students to have regular conversation practice.

W: I see what you mean. Thank you very much, Professor.

M: You are welcome, Alice.


A.She couldn't go to Spain for holiday this summer.

B.She couldn't communicate with Spanish people very well.

C.She didn't learn enough Spanish vocabulary.

D.She had few chances to speak Spanish in Spain.

听力原文:W: How careless I am! I lost the algebra textbook I've been using in the library.
I'd better buy a new one as the final exam is round the corner.

M: Well, if I were you, I'd call Lost-and-Found first since there must be important notes on the old one.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman to do?


A.To look for the lost textbook in the library.

B.To call Lost-and-Found first before buying a new one.

C.To buy a new textbook since the final exam is coming soon.

D.To borrow a textbook on which there're notes taken already.

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor My name is Alice Brown.M: Good evening, Alice. What is

听力原文:W: Good evening, professor My name is Alice Brown.

M: Good evening, Alice. What is your question?

W: I've been studying Spanish for some years. I go to Spain on holiday sometimes. I've learnt quite a lot of grammar and vocabulary. But I find it very difficult to speak, and when I went to Spain this summer I couldn't understand the Spanish people at all. I got really disheartened.

M: Yes, it is a problem. How long have you been studying Spanish?

W: About four years.

M: Yes, how exactly? Go to an evening class, using tapes ... ?

W: I've been going to an evening class and I've watched quite a lot of the BBC television programs.

M: Oh, they're very good. Did you buy the BBC book?

W: No, we use a different book in the class.

M: Yes, I see, Alice. I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now, you couldn't learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.

W: That's all very well if you live in the country where they speak the language, but I don't.

M: Yes, I understand the problem. Though even if you live in the country where the language is spoken, you have to reach a certain standard before you are able to have conversations with the natives. I was thinking perhaps you might arrange with another student or students to have regular conversation practice.

W: I see what you mean. Thank you very much, Professor.

M: You are welcome, Alice.


A.She couldn't go to Spain for holiday this summer.

B.She couldn't communicate with Spanish people very well.

C.She didn't learn enough Spanish vocabulary.

D.She had few chances to speak Spanish in Spain.

听力原文:M: Why? Mary, you are sweating heavily. Where have you been?W: I've just been to

听力原文:M: Why? Mary, you are sweating heavily. Where have you been?

W: I've just been to Fitness Center to learn Hip-Hop dance.

M: What is Hip-Hop dance?

W: It is a newly emerged way of keeping fit. It was introduced into China in 1999.

M: As I know, there are different kinds of aerobics, Latin dance, yoga and so on. Why do you choose Hip-hop?

W: Of all the kinds of body-shaping exercises I tried, I found that this class is the most interesting. I've enjoyed it a lot in gym room.

M: Would you please tell me more about it?

W: Sure, Hip-Hop dance is using its music, its basic movements, and also its freedom for self-expression.

M: It sounds like an aerobics class.

W: Not exactly. The participants and the instructor are dressed in their ordinary casual wear. Moreover, the music they use is not the dancing music that an aerobics class usually uses.

M: Is that the main difference from normal aerobics?

W: No, Hip-Hop dance is a lot more tiring. Even though I'm exhausted, I enjoy it.

M: Does it mean you feel like being tired out?

W: Ha, no. I think it is a good way to relax. And it is too challenging for me to follow the instructor through the motions, but I will continue to learn it.

M: Is there any age or skill level limit for entering?

W: No. In our class, the youngest student is 15 and the oldest is 50. And everyone can choose whatever difficulty level he or she wants to.

M: Sounds interesting. I'll go there with you next time.

W: OK. But one thing you should remember is to dress comfortably. For the physical parts, drink as much water as you can.

M: I'll do.


A.Hip-Hop dance appeared in China in 1999.

B.Hip-Hop dance is the most popular exercise in China since 1999.

C.Hip-Hop dance is completely different from aerobics.

D.The music Hip-Hop uses is what an aerobics class uses.

听力原文:W: Sir, you’ve been using the online catalogue for quite a while. Is there anythi
ng I can do to help you?

M: Well, I’ve got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I’m really struggling. There are hundreds of book, and I just don’t know how to begin.

W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don’t you narrow it down to something like… uh, the history of the studios at that time.

M: You know, I was thinking about that, but more than 30 books come up when I typed in “Movie Studio”.

W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age”.

M: “Golden Age” is a good idea. Let me type it in… Hey, look, just 6 books this time. That’s a lot better.

W: Oh… another thing you might consider… have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper article?

M: No, I’ve only been searching for books.

W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles Times available over there. You might go through their index to see if there’s anything you want.

M: Okay, I think I’ll get started with these books and then I’ll go over the magazines.

W: If you need any help, I’ll be over at the Reference Desk.

M: Great. Thanks a lot.


A.Searching for reference material.

B.Watching a film of the 1930's.

C.Writing a course book.

D.Looking for a job in a movie studio.

听力原文:W: Hello, Professor Kristiva. My name is Albert Humphries, and I live in London.M

听力原文:W: Hello, Professor Kristiva. My name is Albert Humphries, and I live in London.

M: Miss Humphries. What is your question?

W: I've been studying Italian for some years. But I find it very difficult to speak, and when I went to Milan this summer, I couldn't understand the Italian people at all. I got really disheartened.

M: How long have you been studying Italian?

W: About four years. I've been going to an evening class and I've watched BBC.

M: Did you buy the BBC hook?

W: No, we use a different book in the class.

M: Yes, I see, Miss Humphries, I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now, you couldn't learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.

W: That's all very well if you live in Italy.

M: Yes, I understand the problem. You might arrange with another student or students to have regular conversation practice.

W: But the other students make the same mistakes as I do.

M: I think you're confusing learning with practicing. Learning to speak means being able to put together the right groups of words and to say them in a reasonably accurate way.

W: And what about learning to understand real Italian?

M: Well, again, you need practice in hearing the Italian language spoken by Italian speakers. Get one of them to read Italian newspaper onto a cassette. Then you listen to the recording until you almost know them by heart. You don't need a huge vocabulary. You need a small vocabulary that you can use really efficiently, and to be able to de that you need lots and lots of practice.


A.How to study Italian Grammar.

B.How to enlarge her Italian vocabulary.

C.How to improve her speaking and listening in Italian.

D.How to improve her reading skills in Italian.

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...M: What?W: The truth is... Y

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...

M: What?

W: The truth is... Your job is not so well done.

M: Are you certain I didn't perform. well in the office?

W: Tom, you've received reprimands several for lateness and for using work time for private business. Besides, you use the company car to do things for yourself.

M: I know I've been late for times, for my home is a little far away from the company, and I have to travel over two hours to work everyday and sometimes there are traffic jams. I'm really sorry. For others, you may have my words: they won't happen again.

W: I'm afraid it's too late. Right now, your tardiness is the least of my problems.

M: What do you mean?

W: You have gone against file regulations so often, and the board of directors has decided.

M: Decided what? Giving me my pink slip?

W: Exactly. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way. You're fired right away.


A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and employee.

C.Receptionist and customer.

D.Waiter and guest.

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom. How is your chemistry paper going?M: It's coming along. But I've been

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom. How is your chemistry paper going?

M: It's coming along. But I've been staring at this computer screen for hours and my eyes hurt.

W: Yeah. Doing that can make your eyes really dry and tired. You should take a break.

M: I can't. I have to get this paper written. It's due tomorrow.

W: You know I read about computers and eye problems recently. The article says that they are usually caused by not blinking your eyes enough.

M: Blinking? I thought I just needed new glasses.

W: No. When you blink, the movement of closing and opening your eyes, even though it happens really fast, helps moisten your eyes. It's the lack of moisture that causes the problem.

M: That makes sense. But what does it have to do with the computer?

W: People who use computers tend to stare at the monitor and blink less often than they normally would. That leads to dry irritated eyes.

M: Well, that's certainly how mine feel now. They really hurt.

W: The article I read about the office workers found that the workers averaged twenty-two blinks a minute when relaxed, but just seven a minute while looking at the text on a computer screen.

M: Wow. That's quite a difference.

W: They also kept their eyes open wider which means the moisture evaporate more quickly.

M: I wonder if using some kind of eye-drops will make them feel better.

W: That might help. But the best prescription is to just take a break and rest your eyes.

M: OK. I think I really need a rest. I can finish this later tonight.

W: Let's go get some coffee for a break.

M: Good idea! Since you give me such useful information, it's my treat.

W: You are so nice.

M: Oh, it's my pleasure to have a drink with such a lovely girl!


A.The disadvantages of working in an office.

B.How using a computer can affect one's eyes.

C.Why Tom needs to get glasses.

D.Research Tom has done for his chemistry paper.

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surg

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surgeon General. Thank you very much for joining us ,joining us from Hanover, New Hampshire, correct?

W: That's correct. Thank you for calling. And I am very happy to be here to attend this meeting.

M: Thanks for taking the time. I understand you'll be coming to Washington tomorrow and will join us in the White House. So the time is very urgent.

W: That's my intention, sir.

M: We've been told it's going to be 1:30 in the afternoon in the Rose Garden. Is that what the White House told you? Or how did you get the time?

W: That's the same timetable I was given. To me it was assigned very well.

M: Oh, very good. Mrs. Koop, tell us what you will understand the President will do tomorrow? And what this means practically to the American problem?

W: Well, it's been a few years since he first announced that this was his intention and during that time the FDA had gone through its usual protocol. And they have published the proposed regulations at the Federal Register and there have been comments from the people and that is all over now. (20)And what the President will be presenting to the public tomorrow are the revised regulations: Now I have not seen them, but it's my impressions from what I've heard that they're pretty much the same as the things as he talked about the last year. And (21)President Clinton seldom repeatedly suggested an end to using trade marks of cigarette on baseball caps.


A.A surgeon general who will be present in a rose garden

B.A woman who used to be one of Reagan's Surgeon General.

C.A spokesman for President Clinton on drug regulations.

D.Ronauld Reagan.

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