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Most of the people in our country have _______ poverty. a. got off b.

A. got off

B. got of

C. got rid off

D. got rid of

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更多“Most of the people in our coun…”相关的问题
I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. ____ the people in the city voted for his opponent.

I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. ____ the people in the city voted for his opponent.

A) Most all of B) Most of all C) Almost all of D) Almost the whole of

The word “provincial” (Line 2, Para. 3) most probably means “________”.A) limited i

The word “provincial” (Line 2, Para. 3) most probably means “________”.

A) limited in outlook

B) like people from the provinces

C) rigid in thinking

D) interested in world financial affairs

听力原文:W: What is the most popular comic presently in Japan? Why do you think it is popu

M: Nana is the most popular comic series because Japanese people can sympathize with this love story. Why Japanese people love comics is probably because riley do not show much of what they think or feel. So, they project their thoughts and feelings in comics.

W: Which part of Japan is the most famous? And why?

M: The most famous part in Japan is Tokyo, the center of modern culture in Japan and all Japanese trends are born there.

W: What is the most important festival in Japan and why does it become so significant for the Japanese?

M: In Japan, the most important festival is the New Year's Holidays. Japanese people visit a shrine on New Year's day to pray for health and good future. Also, family gets together and many children receive money. Also, people clean the house before the New Year and eat toshikoshi soba for long life. And on New Year's day people eat osechi ryori, which is very special and delicious. I like New Year very much.

W: If I want to skiing, where should I go?

M: I think Nagano(长野) is the best place to ski in Japan. The reason is because the Winter Olympics were held in Nagano in 1998. The snow there is very soft and beautiful.

W: What kind of food do you like besides Japanese food? Like American food, Chinese food?

M: Recently, young Japanese people eat with their friends at fast food restaurants like McDonalds or Yoshinoya. There are not many university students eating meals at home. I think that I am the same as those students. Also, Japanese like Italian, Chinese, and Korean food. But I like Japanese food the best because foreign food is too strong for me.

W: What do you think about Junlehiro Koizumi? Is he handsome or look old?

M: I think Prime Minister Koizumi is a progressive person rather than a traditional one. He is active and has made good diplomacy, but his idea of tax increase is not good. I think capitalism is going to do big damage to poor people. Koizmni's capitalism is just like that of President George Bush. Is Koizumi handsome? Well, I think he looks not all that bad.


A.Nana is the most popular comic series in Japan because it's a love story.

B.Nana is the most popular comic series in Japan because its plot is attractive.

C.Japanese people do not like to express their thoughts and feelings before others.

D.Japanese people love comics because they are very funny and interesting.

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress,especially women.I wonder what most peopl

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most people can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, personal CD players and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, and watching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower.

W: Well, I've heard that it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, he takes some specific medicine.

M: I know his recipe. He likes dancing and often visits bars alone so that he can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. But when I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story.

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Listening to CD players.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:W: I am really glad our club decided toraise money for the children's hospital, a

听力原文:W: I am really glad our club decided to raise money for the children's hospital, and most of the people we have phoned seemed happy to contribute.

M: Yeah, I agree. Now we have gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a day.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Go home and have a good rest.

B.Call all the people on the list today.

C.Go through ail the numbers on their list.

D.Ask people on the list to contribute.

听力原文:W: Lots of people enjoy dancing in the ball. Why not go dancing with me? I think
it's the most interesting thing in the world.

M:Believe it or not, that is the last thing I'd ever want to do.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He believes dancing is enjoyable.

B.He definitely does not like dancing.

C.He admires those who dance.

D.He won't dance until he has done his work.

听力原文:W: I had such a bad start in the last race; it was hard to catch up. All I could
see was the backs of the others' heads.

M: We'll work on your start. The most important thing is concentration.

Q: What is the probable relationship between these two people?


A.Student and professor.

B.Athlete and coach.

C.Client and lawyer.

D.Patient and doctor.

听力原文:A lot of people don't like to give waiters extra money—a tip, but maybe those peo

听力原文: A lot of people don't like to give waiters extra money—a tip, but maybe those people don't understand about the waitresses and waiters. You, see, we get very, low wages, most of the time less than the minimum wage. We count on the tips as part of our salary. If waiters and waitresses didn't get tips, they wouldn't get enough money to live.

People ask me, "What is a good tip?" I like to get 15% of the bill. So if a customer has to pay $20.00 for her dinner, I like to get about $3.00 for a tip. Sometimes I expect 20% if I did a lot of work for the customer. For example, if I got her a special kind of food or recipe from the chef. But do you know something? Very often it's the person you work the most for who gives you the smallest tips.

But to tell the truth, I do pretty well with the tips. I am a friendly person, so people like me. They talk to me during their meal and leave me a good tip. Of course some people prefer a quiet waitress and every once in a while I get some pretty small tips or no tip at all.

Once I looked up "tipping" in a dictionary. It said that the letters in word "tip" stand for "to insure promptness". In other words, to make sure we do things right away. The dictionary said that no one knows if that is the real meaning of "tip", but it make sense to me. If we know a regular customer is a good tipper, then we make sure he gets good service.


A.Tips are part of their salary.

B.Tips means good service.

C.Tips means lots of money.

D.Tips means the praise of the boss.

听力原文:W: Lots of people enjoy dancing in the ball.Why not go dancing with me.I think it

听力原文:W: Lots of people enjoy dancing in the ball. Why not go dancing with me.I think it's the most interesting thing in the world.

M: Believe it or not, that is the last thing I'd ever want to do.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He believes dancing is enjoyable.

B.He definitely does not like dancing.

C.He admires those who dance.

D.He won't dance until he has done his work.

听力原文:W: Welcome to our program, Tom.M: Thank you.W: Tom, how long have you been a poli

听力原文:W: Welcome to our program, Tom.

M: Thank you.

W: Tom, how long have you been a police officer?

M: I've been a police officer for forty years.

W: Forty years. And you've had. different types of assignments on the police force, I guess.

M: Yeah, I've done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and now I'm supervising investigations.

W: Tom I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree?

M: Yes, it's definitely a stressful assignment you can have.

W: So, what's probably the most stressful assignment you can have?

M: I'd say patrol is the most stressful assignment.

W: That's interesting! In what way?

M: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor—the fear of the unknown.

W: What do you mean, Tom?

M: Well, in patrol work, you don't know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Let's say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems as though that would be a very low-stress situation.

W: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation.

M: But the truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop.

W: Really?

M: Really! That's why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to be aware of their surroundings. People back over policemen, people shoot policemen, and people jump out at policeman—different kinds of things. So that's probably the most stressful time.

W: I see. Let's take a break and then we'll move on to our next topic.

M: All right.



B.A police officer and an investigator.

C.Two police officers.

D.A police officer and a program hostess.

听力长对话2:W: Charles, among other things, you regarded as one of the America’sgreat masters of the blues.

W: Charles, among other things, you regarded as one of the America’sgreat masters of the blues. A musical idiom does essentially about loss,particularly the loss of romantic love. Why does love die?

M: People often get into love affairs because they have unrealisticexpectations about somebody. Then when the person doesn’t turn out to be whothey thought he or she was, they start thinking maybe I can change him or her.That kind of thinking is a mistake. Because when the dust settles, people aregoing to be pretty much what they are. It’s a rare thing for anybody to be ableto change who they really are. And this creates a lot of problems.

W: At 62, you continue to spend a large percentage of your lifetouring. What appeals to you about life on the road?

M: Music, I don’t especially love life on the road, but I figure if youare lucky enough to be able to do what you truly love doing, you’ve got theultimate of life.

W: What’s the most widely-held misconception about the life of a famousmusician?

M: People think it’s all glamour. Actually we have the same troublesthey do. Playing music doesn’t mean life treats you any better.

W: How do you feel about being recognized everywhere you go?

M: You think I be used to it by now. But I still find it fascinating.You go to a little town in Japan, where nobody speaks English, yet they knowyou on side and know all your music. I’m still amazed by the love peopleexpress for me and by music.

Q12: What does the man sayabout most people when they get into love affairs?

Q13: What does the man sayabout himself as a singer on the road most of his life?

Q14: What do most peoplethink of the life of a famous musician?

Q15: How does the man feelwhenever he was recognized by his fans?

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