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听力原文:W: John has put on a lot of weight recently, it seems.M: Yes. Though his diet is

听力原文:W: John has put on a lot of weight recently, it seems.

M: Yes. Though his diet is strict he often rewards himself with a lot of chocolates.

Q: What does the woman think about John?


A.He doesn't go on a diet recently.

B.He usually takes his weight to work.

C.He has put on much weight.

D.He eats chocolate time and again.

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更多“听力原文:W: John has put on a lot …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?M: He's supposed to. But actually

听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?

M: He's supposed to. But actually he cannot come out from the hospital until next week as the doctor has said.

Q: Where is John now?


A.At class.

B.Back at home.

C.At work.

D.In hospital.

听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.M: I'll say he has.Q: What does th

听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.

M: I'll say he has.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.John is always sad.

B.He thinks the woman is right.

C.He will talk to John.

D.John is actually happy.

听力原文:M:Shall we go to John's house warming party this weekend? Everyone is invited. W:

听力原文:M:Shall we go to John's house warming party this weekend? Everyone is invited.

W:Well,you know what John's parties are like.How boring and dull nights with bad food.Do you think I will go again?

Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.Everyone enjoyed himself at John's party.

B.The woman didn't enjoy John's parties at all.

C.The woman has never attended John's party.

D.The woman is dad to be invited to John's party.

听力原文:W: Hello. Nancy Ellis speaking.M: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name's David Steward. My r

听力原文:W: Hello. Nancy Ellis speaking.

M: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name's David Steward. My roommate, John Smith, wanted me to call you.

W: John Smith? Oh, that's right; he's in my Shakespearean English class. Has anything happened to him?

M: Nothing. It's just that he submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked him in for an interview today. He's afraid he won't be able to attend your Class this afternoon, though. I'm calling to see if it would be okay if I gave you his essay John said it's due today.

W: Certainly, that would be fine. Uh, you could either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.

M: Would it be alright to come by your office around 4:00? It's impossible to come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon.

W: Uh, I won't be here when you come; I'm supposed to be at a meeting from 3 to 6, but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00.

M: Fine, please tell her I'll be there at 4:00. And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is located? John told me where your class is, but he didn't give me directions to your office.

W: Well, I'm in Room 302 of the Gregory Building. I'll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I'll get it when I return.

M: I sure appreciate it; John was worried about not getting his paper in on time.

W: No problem. I'll look for John's paper later this evening. Good-bye, Mr. Steward.

M: Bye, Dr. Ellis. Thanks again.


A.Handing in a paper,

B.Putting off an assignment.

C.A job interview.

D.Writing an essay.

听力原文:W: Will John be able to come to the party?M: It's hard to say. When I phoned just

听力原文:W: Will John be able to come to the party?

M: It's hard to say. When I phoned just now, his mother said he had just taken his girl friend out to dinner. I'll call later and try to find out.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Jim has called off the dinner.

B.Jim is at a party now.

C.Jim's mother is out.

D.Jim is with his girl friend now.

听力原文:W: John, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.M: I'm sorry. You

听力原文:W: John, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.

M: I'm sorry. You can hardly expect me to do that.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He doesn't think he'll do that.

B.He finds it difficult to do that.

C.He has no time to do that.

D.He knows nothing about math.

听力原文:M: You call Mary a dreamer, but I think she has many good ideas.W: Good ideas are

听力原文:M: You call Mary a dreamer, but I think she has many good ideas.

W: Good ideas are only useful if you can make something out of them.

Q: Why does the woman think Mary is a dreamer?


A.She has too many dreams.

B.She doesn't put his ideas into practice.

C.She likes to sleep.

D.She doesn't have many good ideas.

听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prizem

听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prize money should really come in handy.

M: You bet! I've already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord just announced for next year.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He has decided how he's going to spend the prize money.

B.He doesn't know how much his rent is going to increase.

C.He's already planning to enter next year's essay contest.

D.He has already paid his landlord for next year's rent.

听力原文:M: I think I need a new tire. I had to put air in it twice this week.W: That happ

听力原文:M: I think I need a new tire. I had to put air in it twice this week.

W: That happened to me once. It has just a nail, and they were able to repair it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.He always says what he wants to say.

B.He never comes to the point.

C.He can hardly express himself clearly.

D.He speaks too fast.

听力原文:M: You call Henry a dreamer, but I think he's got a lot of good ideas.W: Good ide

听力原文:M: You call Henry a dreamer, but I think he's got a lot of good ideas.

W: Good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them.

Q: Why does the woman think that Henry is a dreamer?


A.He has too many dreams.

B.He likes to sleep.

C.He doesn't put his ideas into practice.

D.He doesn't have many ideas.

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