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The crucial function of photosynthesis in terms of plant needs is______.A.to form. sugarsB

The crucial function of photosynthesis in terms of plant needs is______.

A.to form. sugars

B.to preserve water

C.to combine carbon dioxide with water

D.to derive energy from light

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Zoos are under a lot of pressure these days to justify their existence. In the past, colle
ctions of animals were assembled largely to entertain the public or to satisfy a private desire. There was often little understanding of the animal's biological or behavioral needs, and even less perception of a responsibility to justify the collection in terms of science, conservation or popular education. For responsible zoos, this has changed dramatically.

By acting as a reservoir for species, zoos can act as a safety device in case the species become extinct in nature. Zoos can also provide the animals necessary to reintroduce species extinct in the wild once the threats to their survival have been controlled. A second important function of any good zoo must be the education of the visitor. Regardless of the scientific expertise (专长) of the individual, he or she can expect to learn something every time he walks through the zoo gate.

For many people, especially those living in towns, this is the closest they will come to see wild animals. Even with the high quality of the current wildlife films, there is no replacement for seeing the real thing. One must appreciate that for many people an animal simply isn't real if they only see it on a television screen. Zoos provide an opportunity to make the emotional and rational commitment essential to the future of conservation.

Finally, it should be appreciated that zoos provide a unique opportunity for research, the results of which may be crucial to the survival of species.

Apart from the debate over whether zoos perform. a valuable role in society, they are often attacked on animal welfare grounds -- that they are little more than prisons, exploiting their inhabitants for commercial purposes. Unfortunately there is a tendency to tar (玷污) all zoos with the same brush, regardless of fundamental differences in their philosophy, the quality of care given to their animals, and their contribution to science and conservation.

Nobody is arguing that zoos are perfect or that they are a substitute for the wild. But it is important to place them -- the responsible, good zoos -- in the overall context of conservation, and to recognize that they and the staff they support have a valuable role to play in the future.

What is the author's argument in the passage?

A.An important new role has evolved for good zoos: they are not prisons for animals but reservoirs of species.

B.Zoos should learn to justify their existence no matter how great the pressure is.

C.Criticism on zoos ought to be more specific because zoos are not graded on the same level.

D.The function of education of zoos becomes more important and practical.

Political institutions develop when the complexity of the society reaches the point at whi
ch kinship organization can no longer serve as an adequate mechanism for carrying out the political functions of the society. The following may be identified as political functions: (1) to protect the society from external threats; (2) to insure order in the society; (3) to resolve conflicts within the society, and (4) to allocate resources of the society.

In simple, homogeneous societies there seems to be widespread agreement on the values that underlie solutions to these social requirements. But complexity implies a measure of diversity of interests and values. Consensus cannot be taken for granted, for solutions that benefit one set of interests may have detrimental effects on another. Questions arise to challenge the assumption that there is a common interest and that universally satisfying solutions to problems can be devised: Whose interests need protection from external threats? Whose norms provide the basis for order? Whose interests are served in conflict resolution? Who gets what in resource allocation? Order at which price? Because people at different positions in the social order tend to offer different answers to such questions, choices among alternatives are necessary.

It is obvious, then, that control of the apparatus through which these decisions are made and implemented is of crucial import. The essence of political process is the struggle between individuals and groups with different interests to gain the decision-making power. Power refers to the ability of an individual or group to have its will carried our even in the face of opposition to it. In terms of political functions it means being in a position to determine the answers to questions issuing from social complexity that concern whose interests and values are to be addressed.

Conflict and functional theorists differ in their conceptions of political power. Functionalists assert that only through some concentration of power can collective goals be achieved. They view the state apparatus as a mechanism for accomplishing these positive goals. Conflict theorists, on the other hand, view the state as serving the ruling economic class and see its function as maintaining the dominance of this class.

What is the main topic of this passage?

A.The conception of the political institutions.

B.The difference between conflict and functional theorists.

C.The different positions the people stand in the racial order.

D.The development of political institutions.

Controlling air pollution is another crucial objective, the wrong-door is the______.

Which of the following is crucial to trigger a new state of thoughts?A.Repeating positive

Which of the following is crucial to trigger a new state of thoughts?

A.Repeating positive affirmations over and over again

B.Repeating positive affirmations subconsciously

C.Reading positive statements with emotion

D.Reading positive statements with skepticism

Although ______ is very crucial, the efforts that the government promotes a healthy diet h
ave failed.

Why do you think teamwork is crucial to Bancolombia's efforts to forge a single identity?
Why do you think teamwork is crucial to Bancolombia's efforts to forge a single identity?

According to Ford Motor Co. , the crucial point for developing the latest electric cars is

A.using solar power.

B.finding better batteries.

C.attracting consumers' attention.

D.sharing automotive market.

A. necessaryB. enormousC. essentialD. crucial

A. necessary

B. enormous

C. essential

D. crucial

This process of elaborating a concept and moving toward empirical indicators is the crucia
l step in ______ analysis.





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