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听力原文:W: Why did you sell the car?M: It was giving me too much trouble. I was spending

听力原文:W: Why did you sell the car?

M: It was giving me too much trouble. I was spending so much money on it that I was spending more money than it was worth. Unfortunately, of course, when you actually sell the car, you've already spent the money on it, so you lose both ways.

W: What was wrong with your old car?

M: The one I'd got was on its last legs really, the engine needed a lot of repairs and the gearbox was continually giving trouble, so I decided to change it.

W: Is this one good?

M: Yes, it hasn't given me any trouble at all. It's more comfortable, it's newer and more reliable. The other one, the old one, when I set off on a journey, gave me sore of fearing that I may not get to the other end, because it had broken down so many times. But this one, I can set off with quite a lot of confidence that I'm going to be able to get the other end.

W: Was this a new car or a second-hand one?

M: It was second-hand when I bought it. It's two and a half years old now.

W: Why did you choose this particular car?

M: Er, a number of reasons. One, it's a very comfortable car inside. It is, a very, well, it's quite a fast car. And, but the main reason is because I think it looks nice. I think I want a car to look nice. It's also a family car. It's got four full seats.

W: I'm surprised that you should say you buy a car because you like the look of it, because that would be the reason why I would buy a car.


A.Because he needed money.

B.Because the car would not go at all.

C.Because the car broke down too often.

D.Because the car could not bring in any profit.

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更多“听力原文:W: Why did you sell the c…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Then why did you apply for this job?W: That's because of the journey. It takes

听力原文:M: Then why did you apply for this job?

W: That's because of the journey. It takes me about two hours to get to work. Your firm is within walking distance.

Q: Why does the woman want to change her job?


A.She thinks it's too far from her home.

B.She likes new working environment.

C.She doesn't like the company she is working with.

D.She wants to save money for a journey.

听力原文:M: Well, what did you think of the movie?W: I don't know why I let you talk me in

听力原文:M: Well, what did you think of the movie?

W: I don't know why I let you talk me into going. I just don't like violence. Next time you'd better choose a comedy.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.The man's boss.


听力原文:W: How did you pull off an extension on your project? Nobody else ever got one.M:

听力原文:W: How did you pull off an extension on your project? Nobody else ever got one.

M: Now you know why I' m so nice to Professor Brown.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He works hard.

B.He likes the professor.

C.He uses his good relationship to get favors.

D.He is pleased with the professor' s teaching.

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile toward me.M: Did you ever

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile toward me.

M: Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?

Q: What does the man think the woman should do?


A.Be hostile to Nancy.

B.Ask Nancy to come out.

C.Talk to Nancy herself.

D.Write Nancy a letter.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city library?W: Sorry, I'm a stra

听力原文:M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city library?

W: Sorry, I'm a stranger here myself. Why don't you ask the policeman over there, near the bookstore?

Q: What did the woman suggest to the man?


A.Buying a map.

B.Asking the store manager.

C.Making a phone call.

D.Asking the policeman.

听力原文:W:Did your pictures of the night view come out as you expected?M:Actually,I ran o

听力原文:W:Did your pictures of the night view come out as you expected?

M:Actually,I ran out of film before I could even begin.I didn't realize I'd finished the roll.

Q:Why didn't the man have any pictures to show?


A.The camera didn't work.

B.He have no money to buy the film.

C.The film hasn't been processed yet.

D.He didn't have enough film.

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile towards me.M: Did you eve

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile towards me.

M: Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?

Q: What does the man think the woman should do?


A.Be hostile to Nancy.

B.Ask Nancy to come out.

C.Talk to Nancy herself.

D.Write a letter to Nancy.

听力原文:M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brother's birthday?W: Rem

听力原文:M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brother's birthday?

W: Remember, you took a picture of him at his last birthday party? why not buy him a frame. so that he can fix the picture in it?

Q: What did the man do last year for his brother's birthday?


A.Took a photo of him.

B.Bought him a picture.

C.Held a birthday party.

D.Bought him a frame. for his picture.

听力原文:W: I don't understand how you got a ticket.I always thought you were a careful dr

听力原文:W: I don't understand how you got a ticket. I always thought you were a careful driver.

M: I usually am, but I thought I could get through the inter

efore the light turned.

Q: Why did the man get a ticket?


A.He turned a corner so fast.

B.He ran a red light.

C.He went through a stop sign.

D.He was speeding.

听力原文:W: I can't understand why Kathy didn't at least telephone me.M: She did! Didn't I

听力原文:W: I can't understand why Kathy didn't at least telephone me.

M: She did! Didn't I tell you? She said she was very sorry she couldn't come for dinner, but hoped to be able to next time she came to town.

Q: What did the man say about Kathy?


A.She didn't call to explain at all.

B.She didn't like to come for dinner.

C.She didn't have time to make the call.

D.She hoped to come for dinner next time.

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