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听力原文:American women are used to being independent. They are used to going places by th

听力原文: American women are used to being independent. They are used to going places by themselves, earning their own money, and often living alone. Sometimes they will ask men for help, but they usually don't want to be protected. Since the women's movement started, it's not always clear whether women expect men to open doors or help them into their coats. American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.

There are a lot of Americans who don't smoke or drink, and many who don't want people to do those things in their houses. It's always best to ask before you bring alcohol to a dinner or be fore you light up a cigarette, if you're with people you don't know very well. Nonsmokers have become more militant about smoking in public places. Many restaurants, for instance, have established special sections for smokers.

House guests may bring gifts when they come to visit, and they often offer to help in some way. As a guest, you may want to ask your host or hostess if there's anything you can do to help in the kitchen. In many cases, the gesture is more important than actual helping. You may also want to take your friends out to dinner at the end of your stay, but it's not expected for you to do so


A.They are used to earning their own money.

B.They often live alone.

C.They don't start conversation with men.

D.They may ask men for dance.

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听力原文:Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, New York,

听力原文: Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, New York, in 1906. In the 1850's she saw many problems in her country and wanted to do something about them. One of these problems was that women did not have the right to vote in the United States. Susan Anthony and many others felt that women and men should have equal rights. In 1869 she helped start the National Women' s Association. This group worked hard to get women the right to vote in the United States. In 1869, the State of Wyoming gave women the fight to vote. Some other states also allowed women to vote. But Susan Anthony and National American Women' s Association wanted all women to have the right to vote. They worked to add this to the constitution of the United States. Finally, in 1920, 14 years after Susan Anthony' s death, an article was added to the Constitution. It gave all American women the right to vote.


A.It had many problems.

B.It was the most democratic country in the world.

C.It was fair to women.

D.It had some minor problems to solve.

听力原文:Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, N, Y. , in

听力原文: Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, N, Y. , in 1906. In the1850s, she saw many problems in her country and wanted to do something about them.

One of these problems was that women did not have the right to vote in the United States. Susan Anthony and many others thought women and men should have equal rights. In 1869 she helped start the National Women's Association. This group worked hard to get women the right to vote in the United States.

In 1869, the State of Wyoming gave women the right to vote. Some other states also allowed women to vote. But Susan Anthony and the National American Women's Association wanted all women to have the right to vote. They worked to add this to the Constitution of the United States. Finally, in 1920, four teen years after Susan Anthony's death, an article was added to the Constitution. It gave all American women the right to vote.


A.It had many problems.

B.It was the most democratic country in the world.

C.It was fair to women.

D.It had some minor problems to solve.

听力原文:Two new American studies are adding to our understanding of women and their sense

听力原文: Two new American studies are adding to our understanding of women and their sense of smell. The first study showed that women appear to like the smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's fathers. Scientists at the University of Chicago hi Illinois described their experiment in Nature Genetics magazine.

The scientists asked a group of forty-nine women to smell several boxes. Each box had a different smell. The women were asked which box they would choose if they had to smell it all the time. They were not told what each box contained. The ten boxes contained pieces of clothing called T-shirts. Some of the T-shirts contained a common smell of a substance found around the house. Each of the other six T-shirts had been worn by a man for two days. The scientists found that the women did not choose smells of men with genes totally similar to their own. However, women generally liked the smell of men whose M-H-C genes were similar to the genes that were passed to the women from their fathers. There was no such relationship between a woman and genes from her mother.

A second study found that women can improve their ability to recognize smells by smelling them repeatedly. Scientists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, organized this study. The scientists found that men and women were equally good at identifying a number of smells at the start of testing. However, the women became better at recognizing smells the more they were tested. This was not true for men, boys, girls or older women. Scientists suggest that this ability may be linked to substances called hormones produced by women.


A.The smell of men with genes totally similar to their own

B.The smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's fathers

C.The smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's mothers

D.a common smell

听力原文:The woman's liberation movement has become an important social movement throughou

听力原文: The woman's liberation movement has become an important social movement throughout much of the world today. In the past few decades, it has become one of the most important social movements in the US. Women have been fighting for equal tights hi the U.S. since early 1900s, but it was really in the 1960s and 70s that women began to gain equal fights and treatment in the fields of politics, education, employment, and the home.

As for tile field of politics, today's politicians are well aware that women have become a powerful political force in the country. One of the reasons for this is that there are about 70 million women of voting age. There are, in fact, 7 million mom women of voting age than there are men of voting age in the U.S. today.

As far as the field of employment is concerned, about 42 percent of the entire American work force today is made up of women; there are 38.8 million women workers. In contrast, back in 1900, only 20 percent of the country's work force was made of women. This seems to indicate that greater numbers of today's women are managing to combine careers outside file home with file traditional roles of wife, mother, and homemaker. Years ago, you see, it wins customary for women to work outside the home only until they got married or until they had children. Nowadays, many women are continuing to work after they marry, and even after they have had children.


A.Late 1950s.

B.Late 1900s.

C.1960s to 1970s.


听力原文:Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons

听力原文: Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world's greatest thinkers and scientists named Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Dr Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous people who suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo Da Vinci, a celebrated Roman artist, Thomas Edison, a well-Known American inventor and a former American Vice president, Nelson Rockfeller.

Dyslexia was first recognized in Europe and then in the United States over 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that people with this disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of dyslexia persons are rather different. In brains of most people, the left side, the part that controls language, is larger than the fight side. In the people with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is much bigger. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in men than in women, and it is also found more often in people who are left-handed.


A.The left-handed women.

B.The left-handed men.

C.Excellent female scientists or artists.

D.Some celebrated female presidents.

听力原文:Americans now spend more money on fast food than they do on higher education, per

听力原文: Americans now spend more money on fast food than they do on higher education, personal computers, software or new cars. The rapid growth of the fast-food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in the U.S. economy. The hourly wage of the average American worker peaked in 1973 and then steadily declined until last year. Women entered the work force in record numbers, often motivated less by feminism than by a need to help pay the bills. In 1975, about a third of American mothers with young children worked outside the home; today about two-thirds of such mothers are employed. As the sociologists Cameron Lynne Macdonald and Carmen Sirianni have noted, the entry of women into the nation's work force has greatly increased demand for the types of services that housewives traditionally performed: cooking, cleaning and child-care. The fast-food industry has benefited from these demographic changes, supplying at low cost the meals no longer prepared in the home and hiring at low wages millions of young women in need of extra income.

The McDonald's Corp. has become a powerful symbol of America's service economy, the rector now responsible for ninety percent of the country's new jobs. In 1968, McDonald's operated about 1,000 restaurants. Today it has about 23,000 restaurants worldwide and opens roughly 2,000 new ones each year. An estimated one of every eight Americans has worked at McDonald's. The company annually trains more new workers than the U.S. Army. McDonald's is the nation's largest purchaser of beef and potatoes. It is the second-largest purchaser of poultry.


A.Because they are motivated by feminism.

B.Because they have to own money to support their family.

C.Because they don't have to take care their babies.

D.Because their husband want them to work.

听力原文:The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife-mother

听力原文: The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife-mother, and two or three children. But in the last 25 years, this picture has changed. Now we have many different kinds of families and living situations besides this traditional one. For example, there are many single mothers and single fathers who are raising children by themselves. There are married couples who decide that they don't want any children. Sometimes adult children who have been living alone for a long time come back and live with their parents again. You can also find groups of older people sharing a house in order to save money. And there are many other examples of new types of families in this country.

Why has the traditional family changed so much? Well, the reasons are both social and economic. First, as you know, the divorce rate is high in our culture; as a result, we have many single-parent families. Second, there is unemployment among young adults. If they cannot find a job, many times they return home and live with their parents again. But of course the most important reason for the changes in the American family is all American women are now working or looking for work. This means that more than half of all American homes do not have a full-time homemaker any more.


A.Traditional American family.

B.Modern American family.

C.Women's role in American family.

D.Changes in the American families and reasons.

听力原文:During the early American colonial years, corn was more plentiful than wheat, so

听力原文: During the early American colonial years, corn was more plentiful than wheat, so corn bread was more common than wheat bread. Friendly Indians showed colonists how to grow corn and how to prepare it for food and pioneer women then improved the Indian cooking techniques. When people traveled, they went on foot or horseback, sleeping and eating in the forests. They carried corn bread for sustenance. The corn bread came to be called journeyeake. Later when roads and taverns were built and stagecoaches carried passengers, journeycake became johnnycake, a name many easterners still use for corn bread. The kinds of bread made with cornmeal were and still are almost without limit. Every region has its specialties.

From the start, southerners showed a preference for white eorm:neal, northerners for yellow. And pioneers on the frontier, when they ran out of yeast, made salt-rising bread. They stirred together water, a little water ground cornmeal, potatoes, and salt. They set the mixture, uncovered, in a warm place until it absorbed bacteria from the air and began to ferment. Then they removed the potatoes and used the liquid as leavening for their bread, made with white flour.


A.The colonists preferred corn bread.

B.Corn was more abundant.

C.The colonists did not know how to make wheat bread.

D.Corn bread did not spoil as rapidly as wheat bread did.

听力原文:Have you eaten too much over the holidays? You should try fidgeting, or moving yo

听力原文: Have you eaten too much over the holidays? You should try fidgeting, or moving your hands or feet for a while. Those around you might not like it, but scratching and twitching is an important way of burning up calories.

American researchers have found that some people's squirming and wiggling equals several miles of jogging each day.

The scientists, based at the National Institute of Health's laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, are studying why some people get fat and others stay slim.

In one study, 177 people each spent 24 hours in the institute's respiratory chamber—a room where the amount of energy people expend is measured by their oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. By the end of the day, some people had burned up 800 calories in toe-tapping, finger-drumming and other nervous habits. However, others had expended only 100 calories.

The researchers found that slim women fidget more than fat women, but there was net significant difference in men. Heavy people expend more energy when they fidget than do thin people.


A.Keeping moving hands and feet.

B.Jogging several miles.

C.Walking a long distance.

D.Taking deep breathes.

听力原文:Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the colleges and univers

听力原文: Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the colleges and universities in the United States. Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard. They were all started before the American Revolution made the thirteen colonies into states.

In the early years, these schools were much alike. Only young men attended college. All the students studied the same subjects and everyone learned Latin and Greek. Little was known about science then, and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them became ministers or teachers.

In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors. Later, lawyers could receive their training in Harvard Law School. In 1825, Harvard began teaching modem languages, such as French and German, as well as Latin and Greek. Soon it began teaching American history.

As knowledge increased, Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects. Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them.

Special colleges for women were started. New state universities began to teach such subjects as farming, engineering and business. Today, there are many different kinds of colleges and universities. Most of them are divided into smaller schools that deal with special fields of learning. There is so much to learn that one kind of school cannot offer it all.


A.How to start a university.

B.How colleges have changed in America.

C.The American Revolution.

D.The world famous colleges in America.

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