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What can be expected of "this tough-love teaching style" (Line 8, Para.5) ?A.Students wi

What can be expected of "this tough-love teaching style" (Line 8, Para.5) ?

A.Students will be grateful in the long run.

B.Teachers will meet with a lot of resistance.

C.Parents will think it too harsh on their kids.

D.It may not be able to yield the desired results.

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更多“What can be expected of "this …”相关的问题
What can we learn about the research on tree genes?A.The research methods are the same as

What can we learn about the research on tree genes?

A.The research methods are the same as the analysis of human genes.

B.The findings are expected to be as fruitful as the analysis of human genes.

C.It will take as much time and effort as the analysis of human genes.

D.The research has been mainly concentrated on the genes of young trees.

听力原文:W: You don't look smart this morning. I can see you're not happy. Come on. what h

M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night and I missed most of the football match.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man is a football fan.

B.The man needs the woman's help.

C.The man didn't watch TV last night.

D.The man often has power failure at home.

听力原文:W: You don't look smart this morning. I can see you're not happy. Come on, what h

M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night and I missed most of football match.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man is a football fan.

B.The man needs the woman's help.

C.The man didn't watch TV last night.

D.The man often has power failure at home.

听力原文:M: Why not ask Tim to go skating with us in the mountain?W: He'd be the last pers

听力原文:M: Why not ask Tim to go skating with us in the mountain?

W: He'd be the last person to do such a thing.

Q: What can we know about Tim?


A.He was very slow in doing things.

B.He was the right person to do such a thing.

C.He is expected to do such a thing.

D.He would never do such a thing.

听力原文:M: Let's try to find seats near the stage.W: We'll be lucky if we can find a plac

听力原文:M: Let's try to find seats near the stage.

W: We'll be lucky if we can find a place to stand,

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't find the ticket.

B.He prefers to stand.

C.The ball is expected to be crowded.

D.He wants to sit close to the stage.

听力原文:W: Did your pictures of the night view come out like what you expected? M: Actual

听力原文:W: Did your pictures of the night view come out like what you expected?

M: Actually.I ran out of film before I could even begin.I didn't realize I'd finished the whole roll.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man was using a digital camera.

B.The woman ran out of film when she took pictures.

C.The man didn't take any pictures.

D.The woman didn't take any pictures.

听力原文:W: You don't look smart this morning. I can see you're not happy.M: I had never e

听力原文:W: You don't look smart this morning. I can see you're not happy.

M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night.

W: How come? Did anyone in the family, do anything wrong?

M: You've guessed it. It was all my father's fault.

W: What did he do?

M: I was just watching a wonderful football feature program on TV when the lights suddenly went out.

W: Why was that?

M: You see, we'd just had our dinner. My mother was washing my jeans in the washing machine. And the air-conditioners were on in both rooms. I was in my room watching TV.

W: What was your father doing then?

M: He wanted to warm his tea in the microwave oven. He plugged it in and the fuse broke. And everything stopped all of a sudden.

W: Your next-door neighbor is an electrician, isn't he?

M: Yes. Luckily, he happened to be at home. He came and fixed it up. But it was half an hour later. I had already missed a lot.

W: It was an annoying experience for a sports fan like you. But don't miss the basketball finals this evening. Make sure there is no power failure tonight.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. Why does the man look depressed this morning?

24. What was the immediate cause of the power failure?

25. What will the man probably do tonight?


A.He failed in a power test yesterday.

B.He never expected himself to be happy.

C.It was because of his father's fault.

D.He missed about 30 minutes of a program.

听力原文:Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpo

听力原文: Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.

The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.

In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.

Young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.

Though jobs at home for young children are a normal part of family life, paying children to do extra work around the house can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.

Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form. of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save it.

Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: You have to cut costs and plan for the future.


A.By doing homework.

B.By knowledge from books and parents.

C.By having pocket money from their parents.

D.By saving what they have.

听力原文:Online education is booming. But it's new, and no one is really tracking online e

听力原文: Online education is booming. But it's new, and no one is really tracking online education yet, so there aren't numbers on how many seniors are logging on. What we do know is that over one million students enrolled in college-level distance learning classes this year. And the number is expected to grow to over two million by 2002 and that increase will come from the Internet. Among the 4,000 American colleges and universities, 1,500 of them offer online learning, and that number is expected to go up to 87 percent by 2004. We also know that 45 to 65-year-olds go online more frequently—and stay there longer—than 18 to 24 year-olds generation.

The majority of distance-teaching courses are business classes. The second largest is computer technology classes. Most classes are at the undergraduate level; graduate business programs account for 34 percent of distance learning courses.


If you already have a degree and want to expand your knowledge—or need some credits to graduate, two sites can help you find classes for degree credits or certificates that can apply coward a diploma from another school or organization.


Last year, it was estimated 50,000 adults sought accredited degrees online. Only 13 schools offer degree programs online. And, as we said before, by 2004, 87 percent of American colleges and universities are expected to offer on-line programs for credit.

An online-only university that offers mostly masters and doctorate degrees in fields of business, education, human service, psychology, and technology. Also offers certificate programs for business professionals.


A.about one million students.

B.nearly one million students.

C.more than one million students.

D.over one billion students.

听力原文:M: Professor White is really into class discussion. Almost in every of his class
he would organize class discussion. To be honest, I'm fed up with it.

W: Really? Don't you feel it enjoyable and quite beneficial?

M: No, I just feel it's a waste of time.

W: I can't see eye to eye with you. No matter what you think, I still believe class discussion is a good way of teaching and learning. As you know, class discussion can get us students more involved in what is being studied rather than sit there and listen all the time. We have a chance to speak our minds and share what we know about the subjects. Don't you feel the same way?

M: Well, in a way what you said is true, but I'd rather listen to what the professor knows about the subjects, for he is expected to be better informed. I don't think there is any point in wasting our time listening to other students who are as ignorant as us.

W: We may be ignorant in many aspects compared to the professor. But our opinions and experiences are also worth listening to and learning from. As the proverb goes, four eyes see more than two.

M: Sure, I understand many hands make light work. But some students are often dominant and aggressive in the discussion and do not respect others' right to speak. I hate those self-important and irritating fellows.

W: I admit there are such moments in class discussion. But we should do justice to class discussion though some students fail to behave themselves and focus on the topic.


A.It wastes time.

B.It is enjoyable.

C.It benefits the class.

D.It is good but needs improving.

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