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Most plants can make their own food from sunlight,【C1】______ some have discovered that ste

aling is an easier way to live. Thousands of plant species get by【C2】______ photosynthesizing (光合作用), and over 4:00 of these species seem to live by pilfering sugars from an underground【C3】______ of fungi(真菌). But【C4】______ in a handful of these plants has this modus operandi been traced to a relatively obscure fungus. To find out how【C5】______ are【C6】 ______ , mycologist Martin Bidartondo of the University of California at Berkeley and his team looked in their roots. What they found were【C7】______ of a common fungus, so【C8】______ that it is found in nearly 70 percent of all plants. The presence of 'this common fungus in these plants not only【C9】______ at how they survive, says Bidartondo, but also suggests that many ordinary plants might prosper from a little looting, too.

Plants have【C10】______ relations to get what they need to survive. Normal【C11】______ plants can make their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis, but they still need minerals. Most plants have【C12】______ a symbiotic relationship with a【C13】______ network of what are called mycorrhizal fungi, which lies beneath the forest【C14】______ . The fungi help green plants absorb minerals through their roots, and【C15】______ , the plants normally【C16】______ the fungi with sugars, or carbon. With a number of plants sharing the same fungal web, it was perhaps【C17】______ that a few cheaters —dubbed epiparasites-- would evolve to beat the system.【C18】______ , these plants reversed the flow of carbons【C19】______ it into their roots from the fungi【C20】______ releasing it as "payment".






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更多“Most plants can make their own…”相关的问题
What can we infer from Paragraph 4?A.Americans were much concerned about and well prepared

What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A.Americans were much concerned about and well prepared for the possible threat.

B.Nuclear plants were the most important places that need protection.

C.Washington, DC would be perfectly safe under the protection of surface-to air missiles.

D.These protective methods will make Americans less worried about the possible treat.

What can we infer from Para. 4?A.Americans were much concerned about and well prepared for

What can we infer from Para. 4?

A.Americans were much concerned about and well prepared for the possible threat.

B.Nuclear plants were the most important places that need protection.

C.Washington, DC would be perfectly safe under the protection of surface-to-air missiles.

D.These protective methods will make Americans less worried about the possible treat.

Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it.My cat enjoys a
meal of good,thick paper,old letters, for example.She doesn't like newspapers very much.

Of course,the best paper comes from wood.Wood comes from trees,and trees are plants.Vegetables and fruit and plants too,and we eat a lot of them.So can we also eat wood and paper?

Scientists say,"All food comes in some way from plants." Well,is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat.Then we eat their meat.Little fish eat little sea-plants; then bigger fish swim along and eat the...Chickens eat bits of grass and give us...Think for a minute.What food does not come from plants in some way?

Scientists can do wonderful things with plants.They can make food just like meat and cheese.And they can make it without the help of animals.It is very good food too.Now they have begun to say,"We make our paper from wood.We can also make food from wood.The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is-food from paper.Scientists say,"We can turn paper into food.It will be good,cheap food too; cheaper than meat or fish or eggs."

So please keep your old books and letters.Don't feed them to your cat.) One day,soon,they will be on your plate.There is nothing like a good story for breakfast.

1、The best paper come from Wood.()

2、From the passage,we can infer 推断) thatfew kinds of food do not come from plants in some way.()

3、The main idea of the passage is all food comes from plants in some way.()

4、The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because we can make food from them soon.()

5、The best title for the passage is " Food from Plants ".()

When people care enough about something to do it well, those who do it best tend to be far
better than everyone else. There's a huge gap between Leonardo and second-rate contemporaries. A top-ranked professional chess player could play ten thousand games against an ordinary club player without losing once.

Like chess or painting or writing novels, making money is a very specialized skill. But for some reason we treat this skill differently. No one complains when a few people surpass all the rest at playing chess or writing novels, but when a few people make more money than the rest, we get editorials saying this is wrong. Why? The pattern of variation seems no different than for any other skill. What causes people to react so strongly when the skill is making money?

I think there arc three reasons we treat making money as different: the misleading model of wealth we learn as children; the disreputable way in which, till recently, most fortunes were accumulated; and the worry that great variations in income are somehow bad for society. As far as I can tell, the first is mistaken, the second outdated, and the third empirically false. Could it be that, in a modem democracy, variation in income is actually a sign of health?

When I was five I thought electricity was created by electric sockets. I didn't realize there were power plants out there generating it. Likewise, it doesn't occur to most kids that wealth is something that has to be generated. It seems to be something that flows from parents.

Because of the circumstances in which they encounter it, children tend to misunderstand wealth. They confuse it with money. They think that there is a fixed amount of it. And they think of it as something that's distributed by authorities (and so should be distributed equally), rather than something that has to be created (and might be created unequally). In fact, wealth is not money. Money is just a convenient way of trading one form. of wealth for another. Wealth is the underlying stuff--the goods and services we buy. When you travel to a rich or poor country, you don't have to look at people' s bank accounts to tell which kind you're in. You can see wealth-- in buildings and streets, in the clothes and the health of the people.

Where does wealth come from? People make it. This was easier to grasp when most people lived on farms, and made many of the things they wanted with their own hands. Then you could see in the house, the herds, and the granary the wealth that each family created. It was obvious then too that the wealth of the world was not a fixed quantity that had to be shared out, like slices of a pie. If you wanted more wealth, you could make it.

This is just as true today, though few of us create wealth directly for ourselves. Mostly we create wealth for other people in exchange for money, which we then trade for the forms of wealth we want. Because kids are unable to create wealth, whatever they have has to be given to them. And when wealth is something you're given, then of course it seems that it should be distributed equally. As in most families it is. The kids see to that. "Unfair," they cry, when one sibling (兄弟姐妹) gets more than another.

In the real world, you can't keep living off your parents. If you want something, you either have to make it, or do something of equivalent value for someone else, in order to get them to give you enough money to buy it. In the real world, wealth is (except for a few specialists like thieves and speculators) something you have to create, not something that's distributed by Daddy. And since the ability and desire to create it vary from person to person, it's not made equally.

You get paid by doing or making something people want, and those who make more money are often simply better at doing what people want. Top actors make a lot more money than B-list actors.




The most significant breakthrough predicted by Bill joy will be an inexhaustible green
energy source that can’t be used to make pollutions___________

In recent years a new farming revolution has begun, one that involves the ()of life at a
fundamental level – the gene.The study of genetics has () a new industry called biotechnology.As the name suggests, it () biology and modem technology through such techniques as genetic engineering.Some of the new biotech companies specialize in agriculture and are working feverishly to ()seeds that give a high yield, that () diseases, drought and frost, and that reduce the need for () chemicals.If such goals could be achieved, it would be most ().But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.

In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain ().A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato.Genetic engineering, () usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another ()to transfer a desired characteristic.This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with anti-freeze () from an artic fish, and inserting it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant(),then, biotechnology allows humans to()the genetic walls that separate species.

Like the green revolution,()some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformity---some say even more so () geneticists can employ techniques such as cloning and () culture(培养), processes that produce perfectly () copies.Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity, therefore, remain.Genetically altered plants, however, raise new(), such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment.“We are flying blindly into a new ()of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constraints, and little idea of the potential(),” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin.


2.A.got along withB.given rise toC.come up withD.lived up to







9.A.after allB.on the other handC.in any caD.as a rest

10.A.to the pointB.in no caseC.in an attemptD.with regard


12.A.In essenceB.In partC.In advanceD.In return









Even if most people do not recognise anything when glancing at a picture, they can still m
ake a right guess because the brain has done______.

A.Many students can’t get updated online informtion.B.Many students do not make t

A.Many students can’t get updated online informtion.

B.Many students do not make the most use of printed books.

C.Many students can’t judge the quality of online information.

D.Many students do not trust the informtion found online.

听力原文:We all scream for water when thirsty. But do you know that in very hot dry weathe

听力原文: We all scream for water when thirsty. But do you know that in very hot dry weather, plants also make faint sounds as if they am crying out for help? You see, in a plant' s stem, there are hundreds of water pipes that bring water and minerals from the soil all the way up to the leaves. As the ground turns dry, it becomes harder and harder for the plants to do this. In severe droughts, plants have to fight to pull out any water available. Scientist Robert Winter has found out that when it is really bad, their water pipes snap from the tension like rubber bands. When that happens, the whole plant vibrates a little. The snapping pipes make noises ten thousand times more quiet than a whisper.

Robert knows that healthy well-watered plants are quiet. He also knows that many insects prefer a attacking dry plants rather than healthy plants. How do the insects know which are healthy plants and which are not? Robert thinks that the insects may listen for the plants that cry, and then they may buzz in m kill. To test his theory, Robert is using a device that can imitate plant cries. He attaches it to a quiet healthy plant so that the plant sounds thirsty. Then he watches the insects to see ff they attack more often than usual. If he is fight, scientists could use the insects' ability against them. They could build traps that imitate crying plants, so that when the insects buzz in to eat, they won' t buzz out.


A.They give out faint cries.

B.They make noises to drive away insects.

C.They extend their water pipes.

D.They become elastic like rubber bands.

Directions : There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four c
hoices marked A, B, C and D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

In recent years a new farming revolution has begun, one that involves the 1 of life at a fundamental level -- the gene. The study of genetics has 2 rise to a new industry calledBiotechnology. As the name suggests, it 3 biology and modern technology through such techniques as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies specialize in agriculture and are working feverishly to 4 seeds that give a high yield, that 5 diseases, drought and frost, and that reduce the need for 6 chemicals. If such goals could be achieved, it would be most 7 . But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.

In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain 8 .A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose,but a rose will never cross with a potato.Genetic engineering,on the other hand,usually 9 taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in a(n) 10 to transfer a desired characteristic.This could mean,for example,selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze 11 from an arctic fish,and inserting it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost—resistant.In 12 ,then,biotechnology allows humans to 13 the genetic walls that separate species.

Like the green revolution, 14 some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformity—some say even more so 15 geneticists Can employ techniques such as cloning and 16 culture,processes that produce perfectly 17 copies.Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity,therefore,remain:Genetically altered plants,however,raise new 18 , such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment.“We are flying blindly into a new 19 of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes,few constraints,and little idea of the potential 20 。”said science writer Jeremy Rifkin.

第 32 题





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