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The bank is said to have been robbed in broad daylight.The police are now investigating

A.looking up

B.looking into

C.looking over

D.looking through

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更多“The bank is said to have been …”相关的问题
The Bank of England will keep interest rates on hold this month, after August's cut, but p
roof of slowing economic growth will probably provoke another reduction late this year or early in 2006, a Reuters poll shows.

All 47 economists surveyed by Renters between August 30 and September 1 expected the bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to keep rates at 4.50 percent when its meeting ends on Thursday September 8.

The median forecast showed rates cut to 4.25 percent by the end of next Match and staying at that level until end-2006.

Last month, the bank cut rates for the first time in two years to boost comer spending and a Reuters poll carried out after the move had forecast a second cut by year-end.

But minutes from the August meeting, published since, showed that four of the MPC's nine members--including Bank of England Governor Mervyn King--had voted for keeping rates on hold. Some said this made another move this year less likely.

"After such a close vote in August, the MPC is likely to want to wait and gather more evidence before moving interest rates again in either direction," said John Hawksworth at PwC, who expects a rate cut sometime in 2006.

Seventeen of the economists said the next move would be a cut in the final quarter of this year, most likely in November. An equal number forecast a cut in 2006, eight of them in February. Eight said the next move would be a hike and five saw rates on hold until the end of 2006. Those economists who expect rates to be cut again this year said evidence of weak economic growth in the third quarter could spur the bank into action.

"By the time of the November meeting, it should be clear that growth is set to disappoint and hence they (will) cut," said Michael Saunders at Citigroup.

Eight of the economists said the next move in rates would be a reversal of the August cut some time next year. They argued that the economy was not doing as badly as some thought, and that things could improve further this year. Concerns about inflation could then prompt mewed tightening.

Consumer price inflation shot up to 2.3 percent in July, rising above the Bank of England's 2.0 percent target for the first time since CPI was adopted as Britain's main inflation measure in December 2003.

Some analysts said the bank would probably be unwilling to risk fuelling inflation further by cut ting rates. But others argued that the rise in inflation was mainly due to the high oil prices and could thus prove short-lived.

The Bank of England cut interest rates last month to______.

A.control consumer spending.

B.stimulate people to spend money.

C.regulate the financial market.

D.help people make ends meet.

听力原文:Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. He envied people who were rich and

听力原文: Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. He envied people who were rich and decided that when he grew up he could make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, Joe was not clever and he failed all his school exams. "I will either have to find a good job or I will have to become a thief." Joe said to himself. He knew he would never find a well-paid job.

For several months Joe watched a bank out of town. He noticed when it had the fewest customers. He watched, waited and planned.

One afternoon he found that only two tellers were on duty there. "I will either succeed and be very rich or fail and go to prison." said Joe. He was willing to take the risk.

Then he watched in and pushed a demand note over the counter. The teller read it, turned pale and quietly opened a small safe behind him. He took out $ 50,000 and placed the bank notes in Joe's open bag. Then Joe ran as fast as he could.

That night Joe had to bury money in case the police caught him. He chose a deserted piece of land near the house, he was glad when the money was safely hidden in the round.

The next day he was woken by bangs on his door. He answered and there came two policemen. "Joseph Smith, you are under arrest for robbing a bank!"

Joe protested in vain. The bank had hidden cameras and the whole raid had been photographed. Joe was caught and into prison.

Ten years later Joe was set free. He made sure no one was following him and quickly made his way to the spot where he had buried the money.

Neither happiness nor money waited for him, however. A big building had been built on the site.


A.He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief.

B.He said that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank.

C.He said that he could rob the rich of their money.

D.He might be rich if he worked harder.

听力原文:(29)Some people don't like anything to be out ofplace. They are never late for wo

听力原文: (29)Some people don't like anything to be out of place. They are never late for work; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people's birthdays and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. (29) Mr. Brown is such a person. Mr. Brown works in a bank, and lives on his own. His sister lives in the next town with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr. (30) Brown doesn't see his sister or her family from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he hasn't forgotten one of Mark's seventeen birthdays.

Last week Mr. Brown had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time; driving neither too slowly nor too fast, he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Just then there was a knock at tbe door. When he opened it, he found a policeman standing there. Mr. Brown asked himself. "' Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?"

(31)"Hello, uncle," said the policeman, "My name's Mark. "






听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?M: I'm sorry

听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?

M: I'm sorry I am so late, Sally. Have you been waiting long?

W: Oh, half an hour. But it doesn't matter. I've had a coffee and I have been reading this guidebook for tourists. Sit down. You look very hot and tired. What would you like to drink?

M: I'd love a really chilled mineral water or something. Will you have another coffee?

W: Yes, I will. The waitress will be back in a moment. Why were you so late? Did something happen?

M: You know I went to the bank to cash some traveler's checks. Well, the exchange rate was looking healthy, but when I went to the teller, they told me the computer system was temporarily down, so they couldn't do any transactions. They said the problem would be fixed in a few minutes, so I waited. And then I started talking to another guy in the bank, and I forgot the time.

W: Oh, really? Someone you met in the bank? Does he work there?

M: No, he's a tourist, from New York. His name's Henry, and he has been here for a week, but he's moving on to Germany tomorrow. He's an architect, and he's spending four weeks traveling around Europe.

W: Just like us!

M: Yeah. He told me the names of some places where we should eat. Great food, and not too expensive, he said. He also gave me this map of the bus system. He said he didn't need it any more.

W: That's useful. Pity he's moving on tomorrow. Ah, here's the waitress. Let's order. Do you want anything to eat, or shall we just have a drink?

M: Well, I'm hungry, and we've got a lot of sightseeing to do, so let's just have a snack and a drink.


A.To go to see and talk to a friend.

B.To go to cash his traveler's checks.

C.To go to the bank and repair the computer.

D.To go to the bank and save some money,

Chinese EconomyThe size of the Chinese economy is likely to climb, in world rankings, from

Chinese Economy

The size of the Chinese economy is likely to climb, in world rankings, from its current position as the sixth largest to the second largest by 2030, said economists with global investment bank Lehman Brothers.

With its gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an annual rate of 6 per cent, China will come in after the United States to secure the second place spot, the economists said.

Such an economy stands to offer exciting business and capital market opportunities to foreigners over the next 10 years or so, said Robert Subbaraman, a Lehman Brothers senior economist who is the co-author of a newly released comprehensive report on China's economic, political, social and foreign policy prospects over the next 10 years.

At a press conference last week in Beijing, Subbaraman and his colleagues offered detailed explanations of their forecasts regarding the impact of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), growth opportunities and how to do business in China.

WTO Impact

China's economy will be disrupted in the short term, but in the long run, it can benefit immensely from its WTO entry, said Subbaraman.

Rising numbers of bankruptcies and displaced workers are likely, as increased trade competition after the WTO forces a reallocation of resources away from protected and less competitive industries to sectors where China has more of a comparative advantage, he said.

According to the International Monetary Fund, WTO accession will subtract 0.3 per cent from China's real GDP growth in the first year.

Subbaraman said potential losers from the accession include the highly protected agricultural, telecommunications and banking sectors and some of the more capital-intensive ones such as the auto industry.

Besides short-term adjustment costs, WTO accession will have a profound effect on the composition of China's balance of payments, he said.

The reduction in trade barriers will lead to a substantial increase in merchandise imports but only a modest rise in exports.

Furthermore, WTO entry will help spur the development of the legal and regulatory framework and accelerate reform. in the bank and enterprise sectors, thus creating demand for foreign services — financial, accounting, management consultancy and legal — to support restructuring.

As a result, the current account surplus of US $ 20.5 billion in 2000 is likely to decrease and could sink into a small deficit by 2003, Subbaraman said in his report.

However, the decrease in Chinas s current account should be more than offset by an improvement in the capital account, noted Paul Sheard, chief economist for Lehman Brothers Asia.

The liberalization of China's services sector should attract stronger FDI (foreign direct investment) inflows, while measures to strengthen the rule of law and to broaden and deepen the bond and equity markets should help deter portfolio capital flight.

"On our estimates, actual FDI will soar from US $ 46. 8 billion today to a round US $ 65 billion by the end of 2003,” he said, adding that China's overall balance of payments surplus is expected to increase steadily in the coming years.

"This means that the tendency for the RMB will be to appreciate once China begins to move toward a more flexible exchange rate regime," he said.

In the long run, WTO entry is expected to add around 1.3 per cent per annum to China's GDP growth, he added.

"We are optimistic that China will achieve an average 6 per cent growth over the next two decades," he said at the press conference.

Business Bible

In the report, Subbaraman said the answer to the question: "Should we be there? is a cautious "yes” for multinational inv




A fresh surge in oil prices and a rise in the cost of food pose the biggest threats to t
he recovery of poor countries from the global recession of 2008 and 2009, according to the World Bank.

In its latest economic health check, the Washington-based Bank said tougher economic policies and the jump in commodity prices would slow the pace of world growth this year before a pick-up in activity in 2012.

The Bank predicted that global growth was on course to edge down from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 3.2 percent this year, then accelerate to 3.6 percent in 2012. It forecast that the pace of activity in high-income countries would slow from 2.7 percent in 2011 to 2.2 percent in 2012. Developing countries, which were responsible for almost half global growth in 2010, would expand by 6.3 percent this year, down from 7.3 percent in 2010.

The Bank warned that its forecasts could be over-optimistic should oil prices continue to rise. Brent crude (布伦特原油) was t

1If oil prices keep rising, the forecasted global economic growth rate could be __________.

A、increased to 3.6 percent

B、increased to 6.3 percent

C、reduced to 2.2 percent

D、slowed by 0.5 percent

2What has been causing oil prices to continue to increase?

A、Market uncertainty or unstable oil supply.

B、The global recession of 2008 and 2009.

C、Over-optimistic forecast for economic growth.

D、Agreement reached by the OPEC oil cartel.

3What problem(s) do developing countries need to strive to address?

A、The slow economic growth rate.

B、Poverty brought by high food prices.

C、Structural imbalances and inflation pressures.

D、Tensions coming from high-income countries.

4According to the World Bank, high food prices had been a result of ____________.

A、high oil prices and decreased oil production

B、high oil prices and poor crop harvest

C、tougher economic policies

D、rise in other commodity prices

5How does the World Bank sound in making the predictions about economic growth?





选词填空:Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes

Section A 2016年6月英语六级卷一真题

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes an adult when he_26_a real job.”To cognitive researchers like Piaget,adulthood meant the beginning of an_27_.

Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work,their newly acquired ability to form. hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.The_28_of such ideals,without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession,rapidly leads adolescents to become _29_ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform. in a characteristically adolescent way.Piaget said:“True adaptation to society comes_30_when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”

Of course,youthful idealism is often courageous,and no one likes to give up dreams.Perhaps,taken_31_out of context,Piaget’s statement seems harsh.What he was_32_,however,is the way reality can modify idealistic views.Some people refer to such modification as maturity.Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.

As careers and vocations become less available during times of _33_,adolescents may be especially hard hit.Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents_34_about their roles in society.For this reason,community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically_35_but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense of worth.

A)automatically I)incidentally

B)beneficial J)intolerant

C)capturing K)occupation

D)confused L)promises

E)emphasizing M)recession

F)entrance N)slightly

G)excited O)undertakes


A new World Bank report warns that children who do not get enough good food in the first t
wo years of life suffer lasting damage. They may be underdeveloped or underweight. They may suffer from poor health or limited intelligence. In addition, poorly nourished children are more likely to drop out of school and earn less money as adults.

The report notes that too little food is not the only cause of poor nutrition. Many children who live in homes with plenty of food suffer for other reasons. For example, the study says that mothers often fail to give their newly born babies their first breast milk. This milk-like substance is called colostrums(初乳). It is full of nutrients that improve a baby's ability to fight infections and disease.

The study also links malnutrition(营养不良) to economic growth in poor countries. A lack of nutrition in early childhood can cost developing nations up to three percent of their yearly earnings. Many of these same countries have economies that are growing at a rate of two to three percent yearly. The study suggests that poor countries could possibly double their economic growth if they improved nutrition.

Africa and South Asia are affected the most by poor nutrition. The study says about half of all children in India do not get enough good food. The World Bank study also notes that rates of malnutrition in South Asia are almost double those in central and southern Africa. Other parts of the world are also severely affected, including Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Guatemala and Peru.

The study recommends that developing countries change their policies to deal with malnutrition. Instead of directly providing food, the study suggests educational programs in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies. It also recommends cleaner living conditions mad improvements in health care.

World Bank nutrition specialist Meera Shekar said the period of life between pregnancy and two years is extremely important. Governments with limited resources should take direct action to improve nutrition for children during this period.

What's the main topic of the passage?

A.Poor nutrition in developing countries.

B.World Bank research.

C.Economic growth rate.

D.Ways to fight malnutrition in developed countries.

听力原文:Some people do not like anything to be out of place: they are never late for work

听力原文: Some people do not like anything to be out of place: they are never late for work; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people's birthday; and they put everything in its place at their homes. Mr. Harper is such a person.

Mr. Harper works in a bank and lives on his own. His sister's family lives in the next town. But tie does not see his sister or her family from one year to the next. He sends them Christmas cards and he has never forgotten his nephew -- Mark's seventeen birthdays.

Last week, Mr. Harper had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time neither too slowly nor too fast. He parked his car where he always parked it, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Straightaway, there was a knock at the door.

Mr. Harper opened the door, found a policeman standing on the doorstep. "What have I done wrong?" Mr. Harper asked himself. "Have I driven on the wrong side of file mad? Has there been .some trouble at the bank7 Have I forgotten to pay an important bill? .... Hello, Uncle," said the policeman, "My name's Mark."


A.He likes to send Christmas cards.

B.He likes to do everything right.

C.He has a good memory.

D.He likes to have everything out of place.

听力原文: Have you always wanted to invest, but didn't know where to get started? Here are
three basic guidelines to smart investing, for your future.

Number one is to have clear goals. Decide how many years you will invest for, and what your needs will be in the future.

Number two is to understand the range of possibilities. You'll want a diversified portfolio: one with a mix of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. It's a jungle out them. Each of these products has different risks associated with them and also different potential rewards. Understand them before you buy, so there won't be any big surprises later.

Finally, number three is to have realistic expectations. As our Mend Leonardo da Vinci said in the year 1500: "He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year."

Over the past several years, New York stocks have averaged 30% annual returns, but don't count on this continuing. While it's true that since the year 1900, stocks have averaged an 11% annual return. It's a roller-coaster ride with many minus years as well, so you have to stay in for the long term--you have to weather the storm--and not be too greedy.


A.To develop a savings plan.

B.To set up a bank account.

C.To set clear investing goals.

D.To work out the budget.

听力原文:The time is 9 o'clock and this is Marian Snow with the news.The German authoritie

听力原文: The time is 9 o'clock and this is Marian Snow with the news.

The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the island of Tenerife. The plane, a Boeing 737, taking German holiday makers to the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land. The plane was carrying 180 passengers. It's thought there are no survivors. Rescue workers were at the scene.

The British industrialist James Louis, held by kidnapper in central Africa for the past 8 months, was released unharmed yesterday. The kidnappers had been demanding 1 million pounds for the release of Mr. Louis. The London Bank and their agents who had been negotiating with the kidnappers have not said whether any amount of money has been paid.

The 500 UK motor workers who had been on strike in High Town for the past 3 three weeks went back to work this morning, This follows successful talks between management and union representatives, which resulted in a new agreement on working hours and conditions. A spokesman for the management said they'd hope they could now get back to producing cars, and that they lost lots of money and orders over this dispute. And finally the weather. After a code start, most of the country should be warm and sunny. But towards late afternoon, rain will spread from Scotland to cover most parts by midnight.

What does the news say about the Boeing 737 plane?

A.It carried passengers leaving an island.

B.A terrorist forced it to land on Tenerife.

C.It crashed when it was circling to land.

D.18 of its passengers survived the crash.

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