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Party Random Thoughts Last night, pressured by wdl4ntentioned friends, for the first time

Party Random Thoughts

Last night, pressured by wdl4ntentioned friends, for the first time in months, I came out of writer's seclusion and attended a cocktail party which is another word for a social gathering. So there I was, trapped in a crowded mom, people milling (乱转) all around me, each with a drink in hand, chitchatting while the waiters skillfully negotiated their way through the bustle with trays of colorful beverages and fancy hors d'oeuvres (小菜). It was definitely party time! Yet, instead of losing myself to the convivial (欢乐的) surroundings of food, drink and conversations, I found myself retreating back into my head all the way to China where the subject of American sociality is of great interest. In China, many of my students are curious about how Americans party and have a good time, "What do you do? Sing and dance? To what kind of music? What's American party talk? How do you dress and act at a party? How about food? What do you eat?"

Every year without fail, students ask their foreign teachers to dedicate a full class to this fascinating topic. Of course, one would think that a subject as interesting and entertaining as such would make for an excellent lesson plan, a rich source of discussions. But to my surprise, many teachers run into roadblocks (障碍) when generating this particular lesson plan. "Michelle, Michelle! I have to teach a class on American parties. And I only have, hmm, five things to say about it. And that I'll talk about five minutes. What am I supposed to do after that?" They cry. "Wall, tell me what those five things are," I ask. "Arrive late, talk, eat, drink and have a blast." They blurt out. It is true that the five steps listed above encompass much of the goings-on at American social gatherings. Of course, during parties for special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries, graduations, etc. , there are additional ceremonies such as cake cutting, gift opening, dancing', toasting, game-playing, etc. But regardless, the fundamentals of a typical American soiree (社交晚会) are good company, good food and drinks, and good times. Sounds simply, doesn't it? But if you were to look deeper and think further, you'll realize that there's far more to these steps than meets the eyes.

Fashionably Late

It is a major faux pas (social embarrassment) to arrive at a party early or even on time. Therefore, with the exception of the hosts, you never want to be the first person present at a social function. Why? Because people fear that others may think that they have no life or nothing better to do than waiting for a party to start. Many Americans try to project an image of business which, whether true or not, has a positive correlation with success. So by arriving late, you are saying, "I lead a full life and it's exciting and productive." Therefore, an 8 o'clock party customarily doesn't really start until maybe 9 o'clock as everyone wants to be thought of as a busy and important person with lots to do. In other words, a party is one of those rare occasions where your punctuality can actually hurt you. Strange, isn't it? Anyhow, remember, be fashionably late.

Small Talk

One way of gauging the success of a party is by the noise meter. The louder the party is, the more happening it is, and the more fun people are having. Then you stop to wonder, if it's .so noisy, how can people really hear each other and have great, engaging conversations? The truth is, they don't. They engaged in small talk, which is another word for casual, trivial conversations. They chew the fat, shoot the breeze and swap anecdotes about random- subjects: work, family, news, weather, hobbies, etc. Because the surrounding noise and activities often sidetrack people, it's difficult to get personal or discuss any one topic at length or in depth. The point is to have fun, not to get serious.

However, keep in mind that since people

A.hoped to walk out of writer's seclusion

B.would like to know the customs of parties

C.wanted to join in a social gathering

D.was persuaded by kind friends

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Party Random ThoughtsLast night, pressured by well-intentioned friends, for the first time

Party Random Thoughts

Last night, pressured by well-intentioned friends, for the first time in months, I came out of writer's seclusion and attended a cocktail party which is another word for a social gathering. So there I was, trapped in a crowded room, people milling(乱转) all around me, each with a drink in hand, chitchatting while the waiters skillfully negotiated their way through the bustle with trays of colorful beverages and fancy hors d'oeuvres (小菜). It was definitely party time! Yet, instead of losing myself to the convivial (欢乐的) surroundings of food, drink and conversations, I found myself retreating back into my head all the way to China where the subject of American sociality is of great interest. In China, many of my students are curious about how Americans party and have a good time. "What do you do? Sing and dance? To what kind of music? What's American party talk? How do you dress and act at a party? How about food? What do you eat?"

Every year without fail, students ask their foreign teachers to dedicate a full class to this fascinating topic. Of course, one would think that a subject as interesting and entertaining as such would make for an excellent lesson plan, a rich source of discussions. But to my surprise, many teachers run into roadblocks (障碍) when generating this particular lesson plan. "Michelle, Michelle! I have to teach a class on American parties. And I only have, hmm, five things to say about it. And that I'll talk about five minutes. What am I supposed to do after that?" They cry. "Well, tell me what those five things are," I ask. "Arrive late, talk, eat, drink and have a blast." They blurt out. It is true that the five steps listed above encompass much of the goings-on at American social gatherings. Of course, during parties for special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries, graduations, etc., there are additional ceremonies such as cake cutting, gift opening, dancing, toasting, game-playing, etc. But regardless, the fundamentals of a typical American soiree (社交晚会)are good company, good food and drinks, and good times. Sounds simply, doesn't it? But if you were to look deeper and think further, you'll realize that there's far more to these steps than meets the eyes. Fashionably Late

It is a major faux pas (social embarrassment) to arrive at a party early or even on time. Therefore, with the exception of the hosts, you never want to be the first person present at a social function. Why? Because people fear that others may think that they have no life or nothing better to do than waiting for a party to start. Many Americans try to project an image of business which, whether true or not, has a positive correlation with success. So by arriving late, you are saying, "I lead a full life and it's exciting and productive." Therefore, an 8 o'clock party customarily doesn't really start until maybe 9 o'clock as everyone wants to be thought of as a busy and important person with lots to do. In other words, a party is one of those rare occasions where your punctuality can actually hurt you. Strange, isn't it? Anyhow, remember, be fashionably late.

Small Talk

One way of gauging the success of a party is by the noise meter. The louder the party is, the mom happening it is, and the more fun people are having. Then you stop to wonder, if it's so noisy, how can people really hear each other and have great, engaging conversations? The truth is, they don't. They engaged in small talk, which is another word for casual, trivial conversations. They chew the fat, shoot the breeze and swap anecdotes about random subjects: work, family, news, weather, hobbies, etc. Because the surrounding noise and activities often sidetrack people, it's difficult to get personal or discuss any one topic at length or in depth. The point is to have fun, not to get serious.

However, keep in mind that since people tend to b




听力原文:W: Bob, you weren't at home last Saturday, were you? I tried to call you.M: Oh, t

听力原文:W: Bob, you weren't at home last Saturday, were you? I tried to call you.

M: Oh, that's right, I went shopping, I suppose you phoned me in the morning, didn't you?

W: Yes, it was late in the morning when I phoned.

M: Yes, Carolyn, I was out shopping. Why did you phone me,?

W: I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to dinner on Sunday.

M: Oh, what a pity! I wish I had come bur—actually, I were on a river trip practically the whole day Sunday.

W: How was the trip?

M: Very worthwhile. By the way, how did rite dinner party go?

W: Well, we had a wonderful time. I thought you might have enjoyed it too ff you had come. Tom Welsh and his wife were with us. You've met them before, haven' t you?

M: Tom Welsh, yes, I rather liked him.

W: And we had a lovely dinner with green cabbage, cucumber soup and fresh salad.

M: Very nice.

W: And they asked about you.

M: And how're they getting on?

W: Oh, very well. They enjoyed the party very much.

M: Ah, good.


A.On Saturday.

B.On Sunday.

C.On Monday.

D.On Friday.

听力原文:In 1963 the leader of the Labor Party made a speech explaining plans for a "unive

听力原文: In 1963 the leader of the Labor Party made a speech explaining plans for a "university of the air"-- an educational system which would make use of television, radio and correspondence courses. Many people laughed at the idea, but it became part of the Labor Party's program to give educational opportunity to people who had not had a chance to receive further education.

By 1969 plans were well advanced and by August 1970 the Open University, as it is now called, had received 400 000 applications. Only 25 000 could be accepted for the four "foundation" courses offered: social sciences, arts, science and mathematics. Unsuccessful candidates were told to apply again the following year, when a foundation course in technology would also be offered.

The first teaching programs appeared on the air and screen in January 1971, with clerks, farm workers, housewives, teachers, policemen and many others as students. Correspondence units had been carefully prepared and science students were given devices for a small home laboratory. Study centers have been set up all over the country so that students can attend once a week, and once a year they will spend a week at one of the university's summer schools.

It has been nearly 40 years since the Open University started to offer courses. Now it is a very important part of the British educational system. Not only does it offer foundation courses like those mentioned above, it also carries out very advanced scientific researches, some of which will lead to Master's or PH. D Degrees.

32. How did people in the 1960's like the idea of establishing a "university of the air"?

33.Which course was one of the four "foundation" courses offered in the Open University?

34.When did the first teaching programs appear on the air and screen?

35.What's the current situation with the Open University?


A.Many thought it was ridiculous.

B.Some expected it to replace traditional ones.

C.Most regarded it as a convenient educational channel.

D.No one took it very seriously.

听力原文:The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the waddin

听力原文: The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wadding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring? That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond represented beauty. He plecod it on the third finger d her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today, we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues.

Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and party. During the time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing.

Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party. During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would - be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger. The husband wears hi ring on the third finger of his left hand.

Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other. Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this hap pens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man; they also return any wedding gifts they have received.






We are all conditioned by the way we are brought up. Our values are determined by our pare
nts, and in a larger sense, by the culture in which we live. The Chinese, for example, are not accustomed to the drinking of milk, and may actually become sick if they are compelled to drink a glassful of the beverage. Americans, on the other hand, thrive on milk, although they have many taboos of their own.

Some years ago I gave a dinner party during which I served a delicious hors d' oeuvre filled with a meat that tasted somewhat like chicken. My guests wondered what the meat was, but 1 refused to tell them until they had eaten their fill. I then explained that they had just dined on the flesh of freshly killed rattlesnake. The reaction was nausea--and in some cases violent vomiting. If I had served rattlesnake to a Chinese, he would doubtless had requested a second helping, for in China the dish is considered a delicacy.

Another interesting case is the young man I met recently in New York City. An American by birth, he had been removed from his native state of Oregon at the age of six months when his parents went to Japan as missionaries. Orphaned before his first birthday, he was reared by a Japanese family in a remote village. The young man was unmistakably American in appearance, with blond hair and blue eyes. But he had a Japanese style. of walking, Japanese facial expressions, and he thought like a Japanese. Though he had learned to speak English fluently, he felt uncomfortable and nut of place in an American city. He soon returned to Japan.

The best title of this passage is ______.

A.Cultural Conditioning

B.Our Parents' Values

C.American Customs

D.Taboos among the Chinese

To be "historically minded" is to see things in relation and in perspective, and to judge
tolerantly. We must remember how differently men have thought and acted in different times. We must always keep an open mind, ready to receive and weigh new evidence. If we grasp this idea, we will never think that a historian is someone who can remember dates. That childish idea is like calling a man a statesman because he can remember the names of voters in his district. A waiter could remember more names and a telephone operator more numbers than the greatest historian.

The true historian is not content to take all his facts from other historians. Today he makes sure that his statements are based on sound "documents" or "sources" which go back to the time of the facts themselves.

But the historian needs always to be in his guard net to be misled by his sources. A document may net be a real one. Its author may be lying on purpose for some reasons. He may be so greatly influenced by national, religious, party or personal backgrounds as to be totally unfair to the other side. If honest, he may be misinformed as to the facts and mistaken in his inferences.

Anyone who reads the accounts published in the different countries concerning the causes and results of wars will realize that the historian needs caution and training in handling these sources. The trained historian asks first: "Did this writer mean to tell the truth?" and second; "Was he in a position or frame. of mind to tell the truth even if he wants to?" Every statement must be patiently weighed and tested and combined with all other available information in order to get at the truth.

A "historically minded" researcher ______.

A.always keeps an open mind to history

B.looks at one historical event without relating it to another

C.sees things from a single point of view

D.refuses to accept new evidence

Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science. However, their form. an
d function, their dimensions and appearance, were determined by technologists, designers, inventors, and engineers using nonscientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal process, pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermos-dynamics (热动力学), because they were first the picture in the minds of those.

The creative shaping process of a technologist's mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might express individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness. What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should the valves be placed? Would it have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirement, by limitations of available space, and not in the least by a sense of form. Some decisions, such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component design remains primary.

Design courses, then should be an essential element of engineering curricula. Nonverbal thinking, a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, which is the special technique of the artists, not the scientist. Because perceptive processes are not assumed to need "hard thinking", nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive processes and inferior to verbal mathematical thought.

If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem-solving, are not provided, we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems. For example, early modes of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because the fan sucked snow into the electrical system. Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics.

In the passage, what is the writer primarily concerned with?

A.Identifying the kinds of thinking that are used by technologists.

B.Stressing the importance of scientific thinking in engineering design.

C.Proposing a new role for nonscientific thinking in engineering.

D.Contrasting the goals of engineers with those of technologists.

听力原文:Silence is unnatural to man. He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.

听力原文: Silence is unnatural to man. He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness. In between be does all he can to make a noise in the world, and he fears silence mere than anything else. Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence. If he is introduced to another person, and is number of pauses occur in the conversation, he regards himself as a failure. He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly, but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure.

The aim of conversation is, for the most part, to communicate ideas; it is to keep up the buzzing sound. There are, it must be admitted, different qualities of buzz; there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito. But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person. Most buzzing, fortunately, is pleasant to the ear, and some of it is pleasant even to the mind. He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.

Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to know the reason why human beings wish to talk. Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new. Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears, though they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel. At the end of an evening, during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time, they just prove themselves to be successful conservationalists.


A.To exchange ideas.

B.To prove their value.

C.To achieve success in life.

D.To overcome their fear of silence.

Passage 2A tattoo may give parents of children with food allergies some peace of mind when

Passage 2

A tattoo may give parents of children with food allergies some peace of mind when they send their kids off to school. Yes, a tattoo-but it’s a _1_ one. SafetyTat sells colorful stick-on labels and wash-off tattoos that _2_ of a nut allergy or provide other important medical information. Michele Welsh, a mother-of-three, _3_ the company about five years ago. The idea came to her after she wrote her cell phone number on her kids,arms with a pen in case they got _4_ while at an amusement park. She then thought of her nephew, who has a _5_ fatal peanut allergy and how much time her sister-in-law had spent in the emergency room with him. What if she could just have a _6_! Welsh pointed out that caregivers may remember not to give the child a peanut butter cookie, but _7_ they don’t think to look on the packaging of other products. “Sometimes you need something visual to remind others to check the ingredients," she said “And for older kids it’s not as big of a _8_ because they know to check the ingredients themselves, but the little kids are still learning.” However, some have expressed _9_ that the labels would draw unwanted attention from schoolyard bullies. “A lot of kids do get bullied at school about their food allergies, so some parents fear that this might give more ammunition to kids,” Kevin McGrath, a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy. However, he did say that the tattoos “may just be another thing to make parents feel more _10_ when sending their children off to a party or picnic or class trip.

A) separated

B) warn

C) generally

D) negotiated

E) apparently

F) established

G) challenge

H) reminder

I) confident

J) concerns

K) potentially

L) remind

M) temporary

N) incentive

O) radiant


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